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Posts by Crow  

Joined: 14 Feb 2007 / Male ♂
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Threads: Total: 154 / Live: 56 / Archived: 98
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From: Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Srbija.
Interests: New Commonwealth (Sarmatia), Slavic Union, Poland, books, sport, traveling

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11 Jul 2015
History / Lech Walesa - Happy Birthday! [21]

i agree. Most important thing is that is he alive and free to celebrate his birthday. Sure, humiliated but, alive.
11 Jul 2015
History / Lech Walesa - Happy Birthday! [21]

yes happy birthday.

poor Pan Walesa can truly rejoice in his birthday. He survived London airport
5 Jul 2015
News / Russian criticism of Poland - Soviet war memorial removal [325]

Soviet war memorial removal

Poles always complicate in attempt of desperation to satisfy all their neighbors and world powers. But primarily, Anglo dependable Polish politicians force anti-Russian stance of Poland when that suits to their sponsors.

Poland should have consultations with Serbia before doing this. i mean, later, when things become ugly, Poles would anyway come to us Serbs to play role of mediator. Polish apples are good example of it. Poland inaugurated sanctions to Russia to satisfy Anglos and then when Russians reacted with sanctions on Poland, Polish apples reappeared in Russia thanks to Serbs.

So, it would be much better that Poles and Serbs coordinate in advance and not to act as moronic tango partners. Its humiliation.
24 May 2015
Language / Slavic languages words similarities with Polish [238]

Linguistics confirms what genetical science founded- that Russian population originates from Poles (and region of what is today`s Poland), while Poles originates from Serbians (region of what is today`s Serbia).
24 May 2015
Off-Topic / Eurovision - Today I will be ashamed to be Polish [481]

When we are at it, in case with Eurovision, i think that is Poland`s problem that sometimes have good singers but generally failed approach, while is Serbian approach generally good with failed singers from time to time.

The voting is fixed.

yes, mostly.

There is no way people in all these countries think the same and vote Sweden or Russia.

especially interesting voting was British. They voted exactly as i expected. i was absolutely sure they would give some minor points to Russia, then they gave major points to Sweden. Just enough points to Sweden to come to be first. What crossed my mind at that moment - ``By the God, how is this Britain sinister and calculated even on Eurovision.``

Of course, they gave points to Australia, too.

On the other side, when voted Serbia and Montenegro, i was more then ashamed. They gave to each others 12 points.
13 May 2015
History / Royal Family still in Poland? [79]

Frederich Augustus had indeed no son and Maria Augusta never married, so the House of Wettin has no legal claim to a Polish throne, if any such is re-created, on the basis of the 3rd May Constitution.

same happened with Polish Jadwiga, result of interbreed of two most powerful Slavic (ie Sarmatian) noble dynasties, Polish Piast and Serbian Nemanjic houses, what reflected interests of wealth and power flow on the Baltic-Balkan line. Jadwiga`s descendants, in any case, were doomed to extinct
13 May 2015
History / Sarmatism in Poland [119]

There is absolutely nothing controversial in acknowledging oriental influences on the martial, ............ fashions of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth because they are obvious.

if one say that Sarmatism represent result of foreign (in this case Turkish) influence on Poles, one stealing something from Poles, harming them, harming entire heritage of Slavic (ie Sarmatian) civilization. If it isn`t enough that for the sake of friendship with western Europe (and who knows whom), Poles needs to forget their own history.

Anyway, speaking of martial arts development during Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, one who knows history and isn`t ready to give up from historical truths, must say that it was Serbian Empire that influenced Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. In fact, martial arts doctrine of Serbian medieval Empire influenced both, Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and Ottoman Turkish Empire. Just, in case of Poles, experience and martial arts of the Serbian Empire willingly (and intentionally!) spread in Polish society (by Serbs, by Poles themselves), while at the same time, Serbian martial arts that come in Turkish position were stolen on the ruins of broken Serbian Empire overrun by Ottoman invaders.

It pains me to see when somebody stealing Sarmatisms from Poles and call it `result of Turkish influence`. Accepting Serbian martial art influence, Poles contributed to its own society but also, in space and time, preserved memory on the heights of Serbian Empire (which valuable doctrines would be lost without Poles). Poles received influence and then digested it and then they themselves enriched it and made it even more glorious.

So, it is very important to defend historical facts like this. Sarmatism appeared on historical scene as influence of one Slavic society on another Slavic society. Also, its not even accidentally that `Sarmatism` acquired its name after Sarmatians considering that both, Polish and Serbian societies, Polish and Serbian people, preserved living memory on their Sarmatian origin. Memory on time when Sarmatian name represented universal name of all Slavs.

Ottoman Turkish and Islamic influences made impact on entire world, not only on Europe. Also, at the same time, Turks were also influenced by foreigners that they tried to destroy. Civilizations affecting each others but, this- `martial arts of Sarmatism` is something Polish under the natural influence within same Slavic civilization, influence of other Slavic ethos, not result of foreign Turkish influence.

Winged cavalry and Hussars are Serbian, Polish and Slavic, Sarmatian thing.

What about

Empire of Poland and all Sarmatia
5 May 2015
History / Sarmatism in Poland [119]

Merged: Turks says that Sarmatism wasn`t Polish but Turkish thing

Truly tragical news. That biggest resort of Polish national pride, Sarmatism, wasn`t result of deepest Polish cultural processes and Slavic (ie Sarmatian) inter-influences but, that belong to Ottoman Turkish and Islamic (with all due respect) cultural impact onto the Poles? What a shame that it was published on Visegrad Group website (as it is stated in article). How much Poles have to sacrifice for the peace in European house? As if falsification of entire Slavic history (by the western European scholars) isn`t enough but, as we learn on Visegrad website, Poles even were not capable to invent their own culture, martial arts and national pride but took it from their opponents- Ottoman Turks.

No, this isn`t tragical news. Its abominable. God even didn`t have plans for Ottomans when ancestors of Poles had their Sarmatian legends, heritage and history. It was Slavs that influences certain processes (including martial art) in Ottomans and not the opposite. Actually, history of antic Rome and Greece wouldn`t be possible to understand without being able to comprehend Sarmatian influence on their cultures. That deep are Polish roots. Roots that are now openly attacked.

Islam's Long-lasting Influence on Polish Culture

Miltiades Varvounis / March 3rd, 2015

This article was first published on Visegrad Insight's website on February 26, 2015, under the title "'Sarmatism' and Poland's National Consciousness: How Islam Influenced Polish Civilization" and has been republished with their permission.

The wings - wooden frames carrying eagle, ostrich, swan, or goose feathers - of the Polish hussars, undoubtedly their most prominent feature, seem to be closely linked to their origins in the vast Ottoman lands.

4 May 2015
Genealogy / Why are some Polish people dark complected, and others very light [511]

society that humanity has created

Yes, Jon. All this globalization, turbulence in world is about society, about civilization. Different human cultures clashes for the position of leading human civilization. When you lead, others submit to your cultural influence. Point is - there are a lot of false protagonists of false tolerance. Many say `tolerance` (racial, cultural, ethnic, any), while seek to rule and control.
3 May 2015
Genealogy / Why are some Polish people dark complected, and others very light [511]

As i said, Slavs lived on inter-continental level since time immemorial and sub-racial differences are normal in Slavs, so in Poles, too. So no matter traditional in general, Slavs also have potential to be tolerant. Tolerant, not in the sense of encouraged racial mixing as it is forced by the world`s ruling establishment (ie west of Europe and USA) but tolerant in the sense of sustainable coexistence with others.
3 May 2015
Genealogy / Why are some Polish people dark complected, and others very light [511]

Why do you telling that to me? i didn`t start this thread.

On the other side, if we follow your logic, we would conclude that Poland`s borders aren`t necessary thing. That even Poles aren`t necessary thing.

And for all that time, while Poland and Poles aren`t necessary, some kind of civilization is necessary. Some. That won`t be Polish civilization, isn`t it? Some other for sure.
3 May 2015
Genealogy / Why are some Polish people dark complected, and others very light [511]

White genome

i am not genetic expert. You can also name it: `genes that define white race` or `Europoid gene pool`, even `Slavic (ie Sarmatian) gene stock`.

But anyway, no matter that we aren`t experts on the field of genetics, we need to have elemental knowledge in history. At least if we were to speak in threads like this. Note how is knowledge of history important for understanding of what`s going on in our time, for understanding of topic of this thread.
3 May 2015
Genealogy / Why are some Polish people dark complected, and others very light [511]

Why are some Polish people dark complected,and others very light

one of the reasons is that during era of slavery, on the territories of what is today`s Poland (and not only there), Whites (Slavic/Sarmatian ancestors of Poles) were hunted (in masses exterminated or relocated in the western and south-western Europe and Arabic lands) by the already romanzied (and then germanized) racially mixed western Europe, while from time to time, non-European invaders made an influx of genes. So, purely White genome is being weakening for millennia, while darker complexion genome spread more or less freely. Also, have in mind that since time immemorial, in pre-Roman and later (to the our times) Slavic/Sarmatian civilization exist on inter-continental level, which is the natural reason for different sub-racial characteristics.
30 Apr 2015
Life / Thread dedicated to Polish and other Slavic children [53]

Polish talent girl singing

The Voice of Poland IV - Ania Deko - "Małe rzeczy" - Przesłuchania w Ciemno

Slovak talent girl singing

Lucia Molnárová - Nešlap, nelámej

True sounds of ancients

Yurya - Belarusian Folk Song - sang and performed by Belarus teenagers

We Slavs aren`t nation. No, we are people. Nations are something young. We Slavs are ancient people of ancient civilization, with deep culture. By God granted with great physical and spiritual beauty.

Serbian talent girl singing

Marija Marceta - Ljubav mi srce mori (Love is torturing my heart)

Polish talent girl singing

The Voice of Poland III - Olga Jankowska - "Tego chciałam"

Thank you God for in your unimaginable wisdom and great mercy You made me to be Slavic born.

Young Russian girls singing Ave Maria

А.Титова, В.Котова, В.Оганисян - Ave Maria (Голос дети)

Ajsa Kapetanovic from Serbia - Zlatnik - (Golden coin)

Polish people demonstrate their Slavic solidarity

days of Polish diaspora in Serbia, sponsored by Polish embassy in Belgrade

Lena Stamenković - Lenina pesma - Serbia - 2015 Junior Eurovision Song Contest

on my knees i beg owner of the web site and admin to repair all links in this thread. This is especial thread. For Slavic children

Now, Cossack children >

Katyusha - Kuban Cossacks Choir (Children's Choir)

Кавказские частушки (Caucasian ditties) - Children's Choir School Kuban Cossack Choir

Ah, the little Cossacks - Children Kuban Cossack Choir
25 Apr 2015
History / Polish nobility - what is the status of princes and aristocrats in modern Poland? [33]

Hard to imagine many people wanting that back.

but who knows. If we look realistically, all known `receipts` for democracy may failed in some circumstances, no matter the form of government. We today in our time are witnesses how democracy in republics worldwide is failing. True, there are also failed monarchies in our time. But, what i want to tell- there is no general rule which government leads to democracy. i would say that good standard of living (accompanied by the positive moral values) provides environment desirable by modern humans and, `good standard of living` implies responsible and competent leadership no matter form of the government.
25 Apr 2015
History / Polish nobility - what is the status of princes and aristocrats in modern Poland? [33]

It would be so romantic and noble to have Kingdom of Poland in Europe. But, which nobleman could be able today to claim right on Polish throne is question for itself. What is interesting is that if we apply medieval Polish standards from the era of `Sarmatism`, person for the throne could be elected. Now, i`m not quite sure how was King elected during `Sarmatism`, by the voices of just nobility or by the voices of all people who had right to vote. And who had right to vote?
16 Apr 2015
Off-Topic / Random movies (not Polish) proposed by forum users [91]

Merged: Polish custom worker in Serbian movie `Balkan Express`

a comedy and parody on WWII

These are the best scenes from the movie Balkan Express. Story is about `Balkan Express` music orchestra band, which members do have contacts with black market but are also patriots. Anyway, on these scenes they saving Polish custom worker who is hunted by Nazis, in occupied Serbia. Some members at first complaint why would they save a Pole (and risk to lose heads by the Germans), when is much more profitable to save life of English or American pilots. In any case, they taking Polish custom worker under their protection, while the Pole constantly drive them crazy because wants to join to resistance movement and to fight against Germans. So, they hold a Pole locked in basement, while he constantly escapes. At the end, Polish custom worker joined to `orchestra` in their black market activities. Finally, they all escapes to Casablanca.

Balkan Ekspres 2 - Najbolje scene 2 - Poljski carinik ! - Polish custom worker saved by Serbs during WWII
13 Apr 2015
Genealogy / Are Silesians people German/Germanic? [178]

In any case Silesian speech is either dialect of Polish language, or just another Slavic language. So, nothing Germanic in Silesia except some traces of Germanization. But, even those traces would disappear with time and when Poland completely consolidate its economy and provide decent standard of living to all citizens.

When crisis in Silesia escalate and when Germany mistake and push things little bit more, Poles and Serbians would fight side by side, again.

Polish patriots sing

Sarmats awake!

Serbian army using old Prussian parade march. Officially, old Prussians are by Serbian army seen as old Slavs. So, its quite obvious that Silesia isn `t Germanic but Slavic, by God blessed to be part of Poland.

Anyway, enjoy looking at Serbian blue guard of Slavia, at a military parade in China in 2015, marching in old Prussian parade mach >>>

Admin, please leave this link as it is >>> This is simple must see >>>