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Joined: 14 Feb 2007 / Male ♂
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Threads: Total: 154 / Live: 56 / Archived: 98
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From: Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Srbija.
Interests: New Commonwealth (Sarmatia), Slavic Union, Poland, books, sport, traveling

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30 Aug 2015
News / Nazi gold train 'found in Poland' [90]

This about `gold Nazi train` was on Serbian evening news today. Comment was that gold could be Polish, Jewish or Russian. At the end was said that Israel ask for return of gold to Jews

In any case, somebody paid with its life for that gold. Nazism was and is real evil
26 Aug 2015
News / Poland's PiS party members and crime [346]

i would pray that Duda isn`t failure. i don`t want even to think about it, now when is obvious that time works against Poland, when we all see how so called Polish `friends` in fact consuming Poland.
26 Aug 2015
News / Poland's PiS party members and crime [346]

Duda would expose all anti-Polish and anti-Slavic activities of PiS officials. Transparency is now best cure against corrupt Poland`s politicians.
18 Aug 2015
History / Time for Slavic Commonwealth around Poland as center [223]

we all know that. But, if Poland fails to form one, there will be no Poland. Look, Pilsudski was aware of it.

i sincerely suffer when think of Poland`s destine. I hardly can`t found words to underline how is important for Poles to try, even if it could mean their last charge,... at least to try once more to walk with dignity, in some new Commonwealth around Poland. It is so sad to be witness of the downfall of such a great civilization, that distinguishing itself in foreign wars and for the profit of actually its mortal foes.

i hope, God would save Poland.
18 Aug 2015
History / Time for Slavic Commonwealth around Poland as center [223]

i found that video clip quite interesting.

But, pane smurfe, why is this topic stupid to you? you maybe don`t like idea of EU conflicting with idea of Commonwealth? you don`t think that even discussion about it can`t bring anything good? so you sense the reality of dilemma?

well, i contemplated on that, too. But, i think that we can`t avoid topic. As you know, time works against Poland. At one moment Poland won`t have capacities to abandon EU, won`t have capacities to initiate formation of new Commonwealth. Then, after a while, with more time within EU, Poland won`t have capacities even to join in new Commonwealth initiated by some others. It would be just too late. Or won`t be pane smurfe? on that you count? pane smurfe?
18 Aug 2015
History / Time for Slavic Commonwealth around Poland as center [223]

Merged: European Union vs. Commonwealth - What is better for Poland, to stay within EU or to form new Commonwealth?

There are the `pro at contra` arguments for EU and for the formation of new Commonwealth around Poland. In my opinion, EU already demonstrate few weaknesses. Still i found EU interesting for Poland on the short run. On the long run, i think that EU can`t compete with the new Commonwealth. For many reasons.

Anyway, i think that it is time that we talk openly about topic and directly in discussions face different arguments.

Then, if eventual new Commonwealth became reality, how should be organized? As federation or confederation of states? Should Commonwealth have its army? What should be main principles of its economic and social policy? What about moral values of the Commonwealth? Position of religion in Commonwealth? Politics on other powers? There are many questions.
16 Aug 2015
History / Lusatian-Sarmatic obsession of Poles [153]

Anyway, how do you know about German cocks?

well, it was news on net, so there was very informative thread back in past of this forum.

When we are at it, i often wondered how did Poles managed to survive all historical sh** that Germans imposed onto them. Then i realized. It is about penises or at least have impact on it. Germans are inferior. Then, knowing that Eastern Germany was Slavic in middle age i wondered how is that possinble that penises there differ from Polish or Serbian penises. So i concluded that germanization destroys man`s libido and penises.
16 Aug 2015
History / Lusatian-Sarmatic obsession of Poles [153]

ha, Germans have smallest penises in Europe. See, germanization affected even that. Not to mention that there are other things that are wrong on affected territories. People need relaxation, reason and beauty. After all, people have right on its own history.

Who normal could seek to stay germanized and shortened.
16 Aug 2015
History / Lusatian-Sarmatic obsession of Poles [153]

i am man of peace. Let people live in peace. Just, let exist alternative. If we know that medieval sources remembered how Teutons and germanization occupied Slavic land (even states like Kingdoms) in what is now great deal of Eastern Germany, it would be something normal if people there, at one moment, decide to secede from Germany and seek independence or seek to join Poland.

On the other side, it won`t be normal that 'polonisation' retreat because there was no 'polonisation' but only liberation of local Slavs, unfortunately in rare cases.

Main reason why USA supported Germany after WWII actually wasn`t communist threat but Slavic `threat` from within Germany. For west of Europe and USA, Germany is seen as their fist against Slavs. So, they were afraid that would germanizad Slavs of what is Germany, after German economic and military collapse, seek to end germanziation and become proud Slavs again. That is why Dresden was `symbolically` bombarded by allies.
16 Aug 2015
History / Dacians in Poland [18]

Etruscans in Central Italy, a people originally from as far away as the Caucuses!!

Etruscans called themselves Rasna and Rasena (many data on it on internet). When you know that name of Thracians (Th-racians) coming from Raska what was medieval name for Serbia (in Latin Rasciani, for Hungarians Serbs were Raci, for Poles Serbs were Racowie, Germans used to say Ratzen), you see same pattern in foreign transformation of native `RAS-` ethnic name in ethnic names of Ethruscans (Eth-ruscans) and Thracians (Th-racians).

NOTE: since time immemorial Serbians were known as `Srbi` and `Rasani`. If we take as fact that ethnic name of Serbs represent preserved local version of Sarmatian name (once universal name of all Slavs) and, if we then follow that ancient parallelism in Serbian ethnic self-designation (`Srbi` and `Rasani`), we understand why in the texts of old scholars territories of Thracians and Sarmatians overlap. We then also understand that all what was said about Thracians was said about Proto or simple old Slavs, to say- Slavs of antiquity. Thracian name, same as name of Sarmatians was once universal name of all Slavs. So, Ehtruscans were old Slavs, no doubt about it (this is supported with other proofs, too).

But why that dualism in ethnic self-designation in Serbs (`Srbi` and `Rasani`)?

It is ancient atavism, remnants of truly deep past, proof how ethnic Slavs were formed in time immemorial. For only really long period of time needs to pass that one civilization comprehend itself in that way. By many internet sources, name of Serbs for ancients meant `a lot of people`, `numerous people` (in Ukrainian you have word `posarbitsya` - to collect in English). Scholars have suggested that the Indo-European root *ser- 'to watch over, protect', akin to Latin servare 'to keep, guard, protect, preserve, observe' (applied in particular to herds and flocks of domesticated animals). Most probably that word `Ser` in old England was influenced by the ethnic name of Sarmatians who were seen as overlords. In some Caucasian languages, "Sur" means "man" (singular) with the suffix "-bi" becomes "men, people" (plural). In Armenian, Surb means "holy, saint"

On the other side, name of `Rasani`, in Serbian language stays connected with red and pink color. RUJNA color is in fact ancient Serbian term for red/pink color.

So, when ancients said they are Serbs (ie Sarmatians) they meant they are `people` (comprehending itself as numerous and important people). Yes, they had that element of self-awareness. They were aware that is their language spoken on intercontinental level (on vast territory), that they are strong people. Just look how they designated those who didn`t speak their (Sarmatian/Thracian/Slavic) language - `nemci`, meaning `mute people`, `those who don `t speak`. Our Slavic ancestors were overlords in their realm, no doubt about it.

But, when ancients said they are `Rasani` they wanted to say how are they people that is red, pink in their physical appearance. Meaning, they were aware how are they Whites. No, when think of it don`t vulgarize term `whites`. For ancient people wasn`t politically colored as we are today. They were simple people, self-aware and that what they were they were and they named it. Also, have in mind that is White people in fact truly pink people (thru their white skin you have red pigmentation). So, `Rasani` must be how ancients racially comprehended itself, of course in comparison to the rest of the world.

As for how did terms (`Srbi` and `Rasani`) survived in parallel use till the middle age and even to the modern time, that must be in connection to the fact that Western Balkan was ancient so called `Ice age refugium` for ancients, for our civilization. To say, tradition survived in old core. After old core, first migrations were in direction of Baltic (Balkan-Baltic line) along the great rivers, so thru Lusatia as new core. That is why in Lusatia also survived memory on Sarmatian name in form of Sorb.

i actually hardly can found words to tell you how are Slavs old civilization. No wonder that some authors (as Czech Jandacek) places Proto Slavs and formation of their diverse dialects even 40.000 years in past, speaking of them as true natives of Europe that shared life and competed with Neanderthals. Must be that all Whites inherit from Slavs, due to different circumstances.

Just for the record.

There is the small town in Romania, cultural center of local Serbian minority in Romania. Town is close to the Serbian border, too. Region was populated in antiquity and was one of centers (a Danube river port) of Roman province of Dacia.

Name of town is Orșova (Orshawa) what sound pretty much like Warshawa. Nearest village to the town of Orshava, have name Svinica. Considering that we speak of port, it reminded me of Świnoujście in Poland. So, logic in naming places is same.

Sarmats everywhere.
16 Aug 2015
History / Dacians in Poland [18]


Historical data says that both, Celts and Dacians (as well as Thracians) were Sarmatians and/or Scythians (so again Sarmatians considering that Scythians were branch of Sarmats themselves). We speak about two (many) groups of Sarmats that, same as Sarmats (ie Slavs) of our time differ from region to region. They differ in language, characteristics of local culture, etc.

You mentioned Boii. By some authors Boii comes as short form of Serboi. Serboi is again considered to be form of Sarmatian name. In that sense Boii is also some corrupted form of the Sarmatian name. Furthermore, historical data speak of tribal alliance between Boii and Scordicsi and, Scordisci in turn were greatest Celtic tribe stationed in epicenter of Samaritan European foothold- western Balkans to the Central Europe (Scordisci were founders of Serbian Capital Belgrade).

Let me show you something. This map is about one local Celtic/Sarmatian state in antiquity. So, Slavic statehood existed in antiquity.

15 Aug 2015
History / Do Polish people in general dislike Russia or Germany more? [369]

We don't hate the Poles.

my skin is quite ok. i know, you would make one obvious `mistake`, your mask would fall down and Poles would be reminded of the truth. If any of them needs reminders

i don`t wish friendship between Poles and Russians. We Serbs needs that they are at least neutral on each others.

Are you completely ignorant to the fact that Poles themselves have decided to join EU?

So? Poles are wise. They needed EU. They would later need Commonwealth.
15 Aug 2015
History / Lusatian-Sarmatic obsession of Poles [153]

Lusatia in 7th century, by data of old maps.


On location where existed Lusatia in 7th century, exist even today. Existed even before 7th century, as part of much greater Sarmatian realm. Name of people didn`t change. Lusatians are stubborn Sarmats.
14 Aug 2015
History / Do Polish people in general dislike Russia or Germany more? [369]

Is that the reason why the Russians just shot the Polish officers? Because they felt that this is the kindest thing to do?

madness, my friend. Madness, communist brainwashing and motivation for `red` world, fear from Stalin or even love for maniac. Still, even then one can`t say that those Russians who took part in Katyn massacre were since their birth indoctrinated with hate on Poles and genocidal ideas on them. But look at Germanic hate on Poles. Its total hate.

Poles do not like Russians

Then, what to tell you. Anglos and Germanics would finish this. They would scr** both, and Poles, and Russians.

Despite your fantasy of a united "Slavia",

BS! This is what you doing for years already. Whenever i talk about necessity of Polish-Russian cooperation and coordination you upload that about Slavic Unity. Just give me and to good people of this forum quote where i said that Poles and Russians needs to live in one single state. i assure you that i can`t remember that i said that ever. What i suggests are two great Slavic conglomerate, one around Poland (kind of new Commonwealth- what is my priority) and, other Slavic conglomerate around Russia (Eurasian Union).

So, Poles and Russians - NOT IN SAME STATE EVER! NEVER! Rather, they should at least have neutral stance on each others and not to live in a state of eternal confrontation.

Poles hate Russia.

i know that Anglos and Germanics love that. If that is the case, which i doubt from my experience. i often sow them nicely talk to each others. Or maybe we Serbians awakening sanity in them.

It doesn't mean that they love Germany but at least we have managed to grow together.

yes, that is why suggests formation of new Commonwealth around Poland. If Anglos (USA, Australia, Canada) can and if Germanics can (EU), Poles for sure can (Commonwealth), too.

Come to Poland and you will understand that Poles are not overly excited about what Germans did in 6 years of occupation.

politics is k***a.
14 Aug 2015
History / Do Polish people in general dislike Russia or Germany more? [369]

and what about Katyn? Ok, Stalin was technically not Russian, but still..

sure Katyn was a crime. Enormous crime and even Stalin wasn`t ethnic Russian, Russians have their share of responsibility in it. Still, its a great truth that Katyn wasn`t result of long term Russian indoctrination how Poles needs to be exterminated. What i want to tell, there is no ideological background of Russian crime in Katyn.

On the other side, compare Germanic and Russian crimes on Poles. You actually can`t compare it. Germanic crimes have genocidal idea in its background. Germanics grow up understanding that it is normal to exterminate a Pole because he is a Pole. But for Russians, this kind of thinking about Poles is absolutely unknown in history. On the contrary, Russians feel to be kin to Poles.
12 Aug 2015
News / Let's protest censorship in Poland's mainstream media! [90]

if my friends on this forum remember, as well as respectable moderators, long time ago i suggested that Poland need some real national media, kind of Voice of Poland. Hand on heart, it was in context of necessity for re-Slavicization of Slavs in Eastern and Southern Germany.

Now that PiS suggests same idea. So, i think to myself, maybe i deserve Polish national pension.
11 Aug 2015
USA, Canada / Poland has no real historical grievance against USA [27]

Poland has no real historical grievance against USA

well, how could Poland have historical grievance against USA when is USA far younger then Poland? God didn`t even have plans for USA when Poland was world power.

On the other side, even so young, USA managed to be part of German `Drang Nach Osten`. Yes, yes, we all knows that USA magnates collaborated with Hitler while the madman pledged to exterminate Poles.

In my country Anglos are now considered to be practically one with Germanics. Their deeds suggest that conclusion.
11 Aug 2015
Life / Why do Silesians hate Poland? [41]

InPolaska, what you want man? i`m not the one who started this thread. As we Polish and Serbian patriots say - Silesia is Poland, Kosovo is Serbia.

Anyway, there are elements in Silesia (sponsored by Germany) who oppose to Poland. We all know that. But, most of those elements could be seduced by Poland`s economic growth. For sure, if there is no love for Poland in Silesia, region would already been lost. There is love but, Germanic pressure is enormous.
10 Aug 2015
Life / Why do Silesians hate Poland? [41]

Poland must be able to offer more money then Germanics offering. It would turn Poland from caterpillar to beautiful butterfly, in the eyes of Silesians.

Plus, Poland needs better connections with other Slavs. It would additionally convince Silesians.
26 Jul 2015
History / Future of Kaliningrad Oblast - is it possible to annex by Poland or will it become an independent country? [137]

Kaliningrad Oblast as part of Poland was mentioned in our academic circles, as i can remember. It was in time when Ukrainian crisis started. Discussion was closely related to the possibilities of the Polish-Russian historical reconciliation at the same time when Ukrainian-Russian issue have to be settled. All that in the context of the long term border solution, strategically sustainable, between future Commonwealth around Poland (the one Pilsudski suggested) and Eurasian Union around Russia.

But, seams that things don`t move in good direction in a situation when Russia just cope to respond to challenges by the western Europe and USA, while Poland work against its own interests. Opposing forces have decisive control, at least for now..
23 Jul 2015

NATO has nukes. Poland is a full member of NATO. Therefore Poland has nukes.

yes, many nice things for Poland from NATO.
21 Jul 2015
News / If Russia liberate Scotland, what would happen with Polish workers in Britain? [59]

Is it possible that this thread was started back in 2011 year? Its so actual even now

Russia closer to decision to liberate Scotland ?

Russian UN Envoy Calls On UK Government to Stop Its Colonial Habits


Russia's Envoy to the UN Vitaly Churkin

UK should stop supporting terrorists around the world ......, stop supporting "motley horde"......, stop your colonial habits, leave the world in peace and then, may be, the situation will improve in many areas," Churkin said.

13 Jul 2015
News / There is no Poland without the Church! [178]

But Polish Catholicism is much more -- it permeates the totality of what Polishness is all about, its history, culture, traditions, even its eating habits.

brate Poloniuse3, essentially i know what you want to underline as a problem and i agree with you but let me tell you that you now sound as somebody who suggests that are religious feelings part of the genome. it rises new questions to me- what more affect human genome, Judaism or Catholicism. Islam also have that philosophy.

Harry prijatelju, am i crazy and see things in the double or you really said same thing twice in the same post? why that Harry? you that much wanted to be convincing? are you now that desperate?
13 Jul 2015
News / There is no Poland without the Church! [178]

How i see things, Poland is in paradoxal situation. Things that are good for Anglos, Germanics and French, within EU, aren`t necessarily good for Poles. Slovaks, Czechs also have that problem