The BEST Guide to POLAND
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From: Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Srbija.
Interests: New Commonwealth (Sarmatia), Slavic Union, Poland, books, sport, traveling

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18 Dec 2015
Life / Comparing Poland and Romania [108]

One is for sure, most people in both countries- Poland and Romania would choose Intermarium rather then EU. If asked
17 Dec 2015
Life / Comparing Poland and Romania [108]

Romans did the job in Romania entirely. Those Slavs (Sarmats) who survived onslaughts there got their blood line and spirituality changed. In Poland was different. Romans managed to affect spirituality. Blood line remained.
15 Dec 2015
History / How different would WW2 turned out if Poland accepted Hitler's offer [219]

If Poland didn`t oppose to Hitler (not with him, nor against him):

* Casualties in lives of ethnic Poles in WWII would be less but, Poland would have greater casualties inflicted by Soviets, at the end of WWII and even later

* Poland wouldn`t lose its Jewish population
* After WWII, Poland would face partition. Internal antagonisms in Poland, among Poles themselves, would create two strong factions. One would suggest solidarity with Russians (Soviets) over Slavic connection and, on the other side, other faction would force resistance to communism. Even if wasn`t directly involved in WWII, let`s say by some miracle, all the time would Polish society face this dilemma- Slavic solidarity with Russians or/and fight against them due to communism and historical animosity.

* ultimately, two Polish states would be formed, comparable to Western and Eastern Germany.
* Western Poland would be stricty monitored by western Europe and would be among founding states of EU
* Eastern Poland would unite with Western Poland and united Polish state formed, same way as it was case with Germany
* Considering old and newer history and having in mind truly strong Jewish element (for sure more then 4 millions) in that new Polish state anti Russian feelings would be much stronger then in today`s Polish state. In fact, Poland would absolutely belong to western Europe. If we say that today`s Poland have chance to resist to assimilation by western Europe (if nothings change dramatically) maximally about 100 years, that hypothetical Poland (of which we talk here) would have less then 50 years of capacity to resist to assimilation by western Europe and, with it to stop to be considered as Slavic.

* In our time, considering global today`s mega trends, most probably that would rift within Polish society arise to the maximum (as i mentioned- over division Western/Eastern Poland/strong Jewish element) and it is quite possible that would, as consequence, Poland face another partition but this time not on two but on at least three or four states. Two main territories would be Polish (Western and Eastern Poland) then, one territory would be declared to be Jewish European state and Silesia would secede (only eventually Silesia wouldn`t secede from Western Poland due to strong support of western Europe and USA to Western Polish state).

* i wouldn`t exclude possibility of Civil War within Western Poland, when would assimilated Poles tries to deal with still stubborn Slavic Poles that remained living in Western Poland. As result, Slavic Poles would be forced to go to Eastern Poland as refugees and eventually final border between Western/Eastern Poland would be formed.

* As a result, all what would (in this hypothetical scenario, 50 years in future) become part of Western Poland, Jewish European state and (?) Silesia, would entirely lose any connection with belonging to Slavic world. Only Eastern Poland would remain Slavic. Actually, with time would Eastern Poland remain only named as Poland (so, that hypothetical Polish state would be smaller then it is today in our reality). Rest would acquire some other name, to even with it cut all ties with its Slavic past.

* But, as i contemplate, what is interesting, that hypothetical Poland (what remain of Poles) would eventually (due to historical experience) have bigger capacity to initiate formation of Intermarium, then it is case with today`s Poland (from our reality).

* Intermarium would be created
14 Dec 2015
News / Should Poland exit the EU immediately? [377]

Poles are happy that they have Serbians. By definition, we Serbs are Poles who are aware. Kind of 300% Polish.

What i want to tell you, just wait that EU finally annex Serbia. It would be same as with Austro Hungaria.
14 Dec 2015
News / Should Poland exit the EU immediately? [377]

Then, what? Duda made real mistake or maybe he intentionally made mistake to ruin idea of Intermarium? It would mean that Duda sold Poland. If not him, who? Somebody blackmailed Duda? reminded him on destine of Lech Kaczinsky?
14 Dec 2015
News / Should Poland exit the EU immediately? [377]

So, jon357, you also thinks that organizers of demonstrations wants to secure Poland`s loyalty to EU and to scr** Duda in `time`?
14 Dec 2015
News / Should Poland exit the EU immediately? [377]

it will have no choice to leave the EU in order to stay a sovereign nation of it's own people.

but how? Poland can`t make it alone. Duda, player that suggest Intermarium is being attacked right now in demonstrations. And what it means when protesters against Duda says (citation): ``This isn`t Hungary!``

This sound me as somebody deliberately wants to destabilize Poland and to secure Poland`s close ties with western Europe (ie EU).

Or who knows, Poland is maybe already sold by her politicians.
14 Dec 2015
History / Whom do the people in Poland hate more: Germans or Russians? [869]

It may sound as paradoxical but, judging by the mega trends and events that accelerate, Poles would need Russian support. Form of Russian respond to that situation may decide fate, not only of Poland but also of Russia and even entire Slavic world.
14 Dec 2015
News / Should Poland exit the EU immediately? [377]

Far away in Serbia, it may be difficult to imagine how is it like to live in crash zone.

add to Polish situation, Islamic and Turkish hostile intentions and you would understand how looks like Serbian situation. Its far worse then Polish situation. In any case, i am sure that are Poles and Serbs on the edge of extinction. i mean, as a Slavs. West of Europe, in coordination with USA and Islamic powers, killing us softly.
10 Dec 2015
News / Should Poland exit the EU immediately? [377]

Eighty-four percent of Poles support the country's membership in the European Union

Thus Poland will not exit the EU.

all normal people likes ku*vas but don`t marry with them. Why would be different with Poles, ha?

Because no one proposed anything else.

pardon. Now is different already. Duda suggests Intermarium.
9 Dec 2015
News / Should Poland exit the EU immediately? [377]

Mankind WILL become one.

Some say so. i`m not sure its the best for mankind.

But listen this, in fact we are already one. We are humanity. Diverse in several civilizations but still one human kind. To make one civilization of all mankind may deal a fatal blow to human creativity, ingenuity. It could reduce competition within our kind and therefore make humanity vulnerable if ever encounter hostile non-human species.

brat speaks

O k***a full pobieramy eu

8 Dec 2015
News / Should Poland exit the EU immediately? [377]

Ironside. Yes, i know. i count on that. But, imagine for a moment environment.... racism encouraged in France, Germany, Britain, Nordic states,.... hostilities broke out, migrants from western Europe begins to abandoning it and part for eastern Europe: Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, ... Those states are under pressure and tries to coordinate how to escape from the trap, to abandon EU... economic and social pressure increases, while right wingers straighten in Poland and other Slavic countries, people is desperate, chaos, ... But then, western Europe starts to consolidate. THAT IS THE MOMENT WHEN WOULD SPIN DOCTORS TRIES TO DEAL LAST BLOW TO SLAVS (POLES) AND ASSIMILATE THEM, presenting western European racist ideologies as salvation for Slavs (for all Whites). Poland would get option > join to best (ie Anglos, Francs and Germanics) or die with the rest (ie eastern Europe, Slavs). THEY would deal this blow before Intermarium is consolidated, before there are no institutions and real collective power of Intermarium members which would offer respond. Then, interest for Intermarium would fall, things would reverse and interest would increase for everything western European and Slavic Poland would fall and those who still feel Slavic in eastern Europe would see their last days as Slavs. Only hope for Slavs/Whites in Poland would be to feel as Germanic. False hope but, actually assimilation penetrated in best possible timing. i think this is the plan. Target is eastern Europe and Slavs, as always.

Hope is only one. If we know for the danger and talk about it. Maybe that can prevent it.

add to all this grim scenario more migrants who coming from Near East, Africa, Asia,... and all heading for eastern Europe (western Europe would be racist bastion and so closed for migrants). In situation when Intermarium still don`t exist and there is no organized respond to situation, Slavs would be overrun. Then desperate, they would be targeted by racist ideologies from western Europe. That and if western European economists endure (to pay for project), would for sure broke the will of Slavs to exist as Slavs. Just then when Slavs hug western type of racism (ie germanzation) they would get `viable` support and get chance to survive as Whites. But not as Slavs. Then they have us and doing with us what they want. They would then, when establish their sole rule, decide to anyway intermix populations in great multicultural soup. That is the game.

What western Europe doing, i mean their magnates, is to fight for multiculturalism (that is for them- money friendly ideology) using racism as their main tool. They play games with people.
8 Dec 2015
News / Should Poland exit the EU immediately? [377]

Its maybe already too late for Poland to abandon EU. In fact, Poland never had a chance. If wanted to abandon it, western Europe would found reason and way to punish Poland.

Now, only dramatic situation may lead to salvation of Poland. Poland`s abandoning of EU now must go hand in hand with formation of Intermarium. i am sure, exactly that Duda tries to do. Poland alone can`t save itself.

Why my pessimism? Just look at the processes on the west of Europe. Upload of migrants in environment of well orchestrated chaos. In next phase (that already occurring) right winged government would come to power in western Europe. More chaos. Then finally, we would see how hostility on migrants on the West of Europe pump migrants into the Eastern Europe and with it in Poland as one of the most desirable reserve option. All in all, this situation would make Poland more dependable from the western Europe if there is no Intermarium.

Things accelerate. i don`t know if Slavic Poland have any time left.
5 Dec 2015
Genealogy / Are Silesians people German/Germanic? [178]

After living in silesia for 3 years I have notice more and more dutch, french and english people moving here to either retire

what, Silesia is now Poland`s Florida for western Europeans?

or set up an agro tourism buisiness

Well, Anglo or Arab, what does it matter. Its all the same. Business is business.

which is starting to boom take a look at I have nothing to do with it but lots of these businesses have been setup by foreigners, good stuff i thing

sure, sure

I guess that silesia is getting more diverse than just polish/german, might be the warmer weather.

All in all Silesia is Slavic and it would stay Slavic.
5 Dec 2015
History / Time for Slavic Commonwealth around Poland as center [223]

The idea of Intermarium is interesting

It is. Very. Its something deeply pro Polish and pro all who share common interests with Poles.


there is no `but`

I just read an article stating that the project was... US-backed.

idea of the Intermarium emerged from idea of Commonwealth around Poland. See, idea of commonwealth around Poland existed in human mind before God even got idea to create USA. Idea of Intermarium itself was well elaborated by Pilsudski. He nicely explained (let me paraphrase) how Intermarium needs to represent strategic aim of Poland in order to provide balance between Russia and western Europe.

Then, some people on the west of Europe said: ``Good, Intermarium would be good against Russia.`` We now live in time in which Russia giving all signals that have interest that Poland strengthen and form Intermarium. China maybe even more. So, maybe USA, too. Maybe Bantu and Zulu people also found their interest in creation of Intermarium. Maybe. They all are welcome to found.

Some powers and some people in the world would always be pro or against Intermarium. Most important thing is that is Intermarium good for Poles, for Hungarians, for Serbs, for Slovaks, Czechs. That is good and that is important. We who feel it as necessity for our way of life are important. Only that counts and rest interests are interests which don`t need to underestimated but rather balanced. Again, purpose of balancing those interests would be to preserve Intermarium, as it is necesity of those who need it most- people who live (would live) there. Purpose in balancing different interests isn `t to serve to foreign interests.

I wonder if Americans support the project to, again, contain Russia on Europe eastern borders, or to divide and weaken Europeans even more.

Nothing divide Europeans more then fact that few Europeans wants to dominate many others. In the process Slavs needs to extinct and that isn`t acceptable and that is why we need Intermarium.

Maybe both.


Is there any Pole who still, after all signals of our time, feel that revival of Commonwealth isn`t priority for Poles and Poland?

Very very interesting comments

Piotr Sikora | Intermarium (English)

5 Dec 2015
History / Time for Slavic Commonwealth around Poland as center [223]

Even if i accept that discussion develop and have quite elastic stance on approach to topic, i can`t say that your comment was on topic, Harry. i just can`t. Anyway, i see that you exclude possibility that Poland form Intermarium within EU and thinks that Intermarium and EU exclude each other. Very well, at least on that i agree with you. i myself also thinks that when Poland form Intermarium, Poland goes out of EU. i also think that when newly Polish president Duda speak of Intermarium, he speaks of Poland`s abandoning of EU in the process. It for sure doesn`t mean antagonizing relations with western Europe but rather cooperation under new conditions.

That is all interesting but, it don`t answering to topic of this thread and that is - What should Polish diaspora do after formation of Intermarium, come back to Poland or stay in emigration ?

My opinion is that Polish diaspora needs to come back to Poland massively or evidently face complete assimilation in world that globalize and turning in world of clashing civilizations. Historical mission of Polish diaspora is to contribute to new Poland and Intermarium and, duty of Poland and Intermarium is to provide conditions, among else, for that.
1 Dec 2015
History / Whom do the people in Poland hate more: Germans or Russians? [869]

So question is- Whom do the people in Poland hate more: Germans or Russians?

eh. Speaking purely philosophically, this dilemma could be even increased if we are aware that newest genetic founding says that Russian Slavs originate from Polish Slavs, or to say that are Russians children of Poles. What also increases dilemma is that are Germans nothing but romanzied and then germanized Serbs. Now, Poles generally likes Serbians and one who is Pole hardly can be sure as if some trace of a Serbian still live in a German. He can`t be sure. Simple can`t.
27 Nov 2015
News / Polish final report on Smoleńsk aircrash [859]

It's a model of Balkanesque nationalism*

please, spare people here of such a usual phrases invented in order to mask necessity to patronize and control region.

why don`t you just say Croatia? why speaking in general about Balkan? Then also, neither Croatia, neither Serbia aren`t exclusively Balkan countries but also Central European and Eastern European and even South-East European.

Then, if you speak in particular about Croatia, form of nationalist there pull its strength from anti-Slavic Nazi pro-Germanic ideology. See, that ideology was not invented on Balkan or on the East of Europe. It was invented on the west of Europe.

Albania is Balkan country. But even there rule ideology (Neo-Ottomanism) invented in Turkey, in Anatolia. Plus, there are elements of Wahhabi Islam, same as in Bosnia. That ideology is again created outside of the region, as we all know.

When speak, let us be precise. That`s what i suggests.
25 Nov 2015
Genealogy / Any one know anything of Koss surname? [22]

ah, how can one be of Silesian-German descent? Those two can`t go hand in hand. It would be same as if man think that isn`t man but woman. Or if chicken thinks that isn`t chicken but worm. See, serious deviation
25 Nov 2015
Genealogy / Any one know anything of Koss surname? [22]


well, in Serbian language we have name for bird that is KOS. Kind of smallest variation of raven. KOSS can be if some Serbian speaks with some malformed tongue or if drank.
24 Nov 2015
Life / Thread dedicated to Polish and other Slavic children [53]

All Slavic children reminds us of simple truth, that Slavic civilization exist.

Dance group `Sevdah Vranje` - Igre iz srpskog Crnoreèja (Poljska, Wegorzewo) - Serbian children performed mix of their traditional dance in Poland


Donatan Cleo feat. Enej - Brać [Official Video]

Arkona sing about Serbia as of wounded mother- old core of Slavic (Sarmatian) civilization

Аркона (Arkona) - Сербия (Serbia)

and Poles are also aware where is old core

PIERSI - Bałkanica (Official Video) [HD]

India Oxenberg, youngest Princess of Serbian House of Karađorđević. Her grandmother is Princess Elizabeth of Yugoslavia.




well, people this is MUST SEE

Diana Recites Poetry on Ukraine's Got Talent (Part 1)

Admine brate pane, please don`t harm this youtube link. Leave it as i post it. Hvala

This is about Serbian Lepa Brena when she was little girl. Her concert in Bulgaria back in 1990. Spot Bulgarian hysteria on the sight of Serbian blondes. This Serbian infl;uence on the region is what frightening western Europe and Turkey.

Sarmatian finest.

Today i understand deeper necessity for destruction of Yugoslavia and why that had to be washed in blood. Yugoslavia was symbol. Symbol of great Slavic energy and deep spirituality. That symbol had to be crashed so that spin doctors of western Europe in deal with Saudi Arabia and Turkey prove their arguments and impose their schemes on us. So, they gave us destruction, manipulations and fabricated lies.

But, children shall live in freedom. Again. Like a phoenix bird we shall rise. Once more dragon would be summoned!

Slavic spirit! Spirit of winners!

The Voice of Poland - Dorota Osińska - "Calling You"

Maria.'Euphoria' (Eurovision song contest). The Voice Kids Russia.

Serbian girls and children Choir singing about Jesus
23 Nov 2015
Life / Thread dedicated to Polish and other Slavic children [53]

good. But i thought of workable youtube links. Not to copy paste links but just to press on clip. Of course, if its ok by the law

Let go song of the Slavic child, in these times when Slavs are problem, their stubborn decision to preserve their way of life, for they didn`t gave up from themselves and their civilization, because they think that hospitality isn`t same as self destruction.

comenius - houses of traditions - polish child song - dwóm tańczyć się zachciało
22 Nov 2015
News / Food producers from Poland should stop suffering from obliged sanctions against Russia [75]

I buy Polish apples for cooking (together with cinnamon or vanilla).

yes, i also cooking them same way as you do.

I cannot imagine that Polish apples are worse.

i sincerely hope so. Never tested the USA apples but i have confidence in Polish ones. From time to time i found worm in them and i greet him and just remove him in the bin. i suppose, worm is sign that apple didn`t received `enough` of chemistry. So i continuing to eat

Interesting that everyone is fixated on Russia banning Polish apples, yet no one has said why the beloved ally (US) has banning them for decades???

Poles knows Russian. Their bad and their good side. Also, Poles knows USA so its just the matter of money now and choice of lesser evil at the moment. Intermarium would change that and with greater independence would come greater self-confidence and then finally would Poles become more realistic.

O, brat Zeman is wise. He is in my country known as great fu*** of western Europeans. He recognize their attempt to rule and dominate over Slavs and he took his penis bravely and swing passionately with it.

Zeman on anti-Russia sanctions ...
Source: Beta Tuesday, April 19, 2016 | 15:03


Czech President Milos Zeman wants the EU to lift its anti-Russia sanctions, describing them as "inefficient, and harmful to everyone."

We all already know that Germany rule Poland. A German Chancellor.

Merkel says there's no reason to lift anti-Russia sanctions

Source: Reuters, Tanjug Friday, August 19, 2016 | 10:24

German Chancellor Angela Merkel has said there was no reason to lift EU's sanctions against Russia.

In comparison to situation with Poland, regarding anti-Russian sanctions, let me give one example from other industry in Italy

It is true that we Serbians saving much of the Polish apples thru re-export of apples into Russia, on which Russia turned blind-eye in respect to Serbian involvement in situation. What i want to tell you, to show you,... is that many other things could be saved, can go better for Poland if just Poland start to behave as independent country and start to take in account opinion of Her loyal Serbians.

And so, while Poland suffer economically due to EU`s sanctions to Russia, Italy celebrate thanks to another successful Serbian mediation. Fiat goes duty-free in Russia, via Serbia.

"All barriers removed" for export of Fiat cars to EEU

Source: Tanjug Tuesday, August 23, 2016 | 13:55

Minister of Economy Goran Knezevic said on Tuesday the last barrier to duty-free exports of Serbian-made Fiat cars to the Eurasian region had been overcome.

17 Nov 2015
History / Time for Slavic Commonwealth around Poland as center [223]

news Serbian, Belarus MoDs sign memorandum of understanding

Merged: What should Polish diaspora do after formation of Intermarium, come back to Poland or stay in emigration ?

Risk assimilation in diaspora or come back to Poland, the question is now.
14 Nov 2015
News / Duda invited to march in Poland's Independence Day parade [182]

No Harry, its not how that works. Serbian ambassador, at that time, at Pilsudski square would be radical move, too obvious and this is politics. But, if that happened, it would indicate that right now Poland and Serbia coordinate in case with all whats now going on from Baltic to Balkan. It would send message to all countries which are interested to become members of Intermarium to fasten their approach. It would send worldwide message that major players in Europe and world (or at least right now strongest players), understand what Poland and Serbia want and that they giving their support to it.

Considering everything, it would be rather some sudden event that would Poland and Serbia use to `publicly announce` their closer ties. What sudden event? Well, one can`t be sure. Maybe something in case with Silesia. Maybe something in case with Kosovo. Maybe something in Ukraine. Something what would demand move of both countries and that would explain their coordination, while would much greater reasons be behind it.

So EU flag is burned in Poland

Poland: EU flag burned during Wroclaw Independence Day march

13 Nov 2015
News / Duda invited to march in Poland's Independence Day parade [182]

Harry, Harry, Harry, you and your mental petting. i know what i predicted. Poles call it `Marszu Niepodległości`. Word `parade` is used as title of this thread. What i said (and wanted to say) is that would Duda come to mark the day of Polish independence and, Duda came. Now, did Duda took part in Marsz is another question. Actually, maybe he did, maybe he didn`t. Who knows. What is important, Duda came and he spoke at Pilsudski square.