The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by plk123  

Joined: 29 Aug 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 26 Feb 2012
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From: if you want to talk, email me as my visits here will be spotty until things improve here.
Speaks Polish?: let's dance
Interests: please use google says the admin

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19 Jan 2008
Life / Polish folklore/legends [61]

you may have to google around but there is an imprint of "his" foot in the middle of the Dunajec River somewhere too.
19 Jan 2008
Life / Polish folklore/legends [61]

check my first post again as i editted it.

in the mountains there was Janosik
english version


what's the one with candles in wreaths sent down river?

what's the ritual of sending off winter?
19 Jan 2008
Life / Polish folklore/legends [61]

do you know the one about lech, czech, and rus?

do you speak Polish?

if you do then here is more
16 Jan 2008
Life / Polish mentality towards Pakistan [108]

'paki' is offensive,

you know, i only hear this from non pakistanis. hmmm

I posed a question about Bhutto's assasination and it received a scant response, so I think the 'Polish mentality towards Pakistan' is a strange title. I wonder how much even the most educated and wealthy Pakistani's in Pakistan think about Poland.

that has nothing to do with posters origin.. it was a political situations and those who don't follow such things, won't comment as they have no clue... not that has stopped anyone before but you know what i mean..
16 Jan 2008
Life / Polish mentality towards Pakistan [108]

the country has many other nice things to offer, beside its mountain for expeditors :)

i am sure but that is probably the main thing of interest or at least most known about.

how many times have we read the same about polish...?

lol.. my thought's exactly.

cause they dont speak any english so its hard to comunicate, but im polite to them.

what? i have never met a paki that didn't.. are you sure about this? english is an official language over there.
16 Jan 2008
Life / Polish mentality towards Pakistan [108]

I am a Paki livin in waw from 3 years and in these 3 years Im not able to figure out what do Poles think of Pakistan.

i'm guessing that there is very little thought about paki.. it's out there in central asia.. no real effect on PL except for mountain expeditions.
11 Jan 2008
News / Original cars manufactured in Poland [64]

are there any 40's or 50's US makes in Poland ?

there are more italian, german and english cars then american ones. i can't recall seeing any but i am sure there are at least a couple studies or whatever.

Other than the Fiat 126p

also fiat 125p
9 Jan 2008
Love / Polish Women Versus Your Local Women ? [289]

He is married to a Polish girl, who according to him and also to some other friends of his, married him for his money.

yeah, only poles marry for $$$.. *shakes head*
9 Jan 2008
Love / Polish Women Versus Your Local Women ? [289]

No.There is difference.American women are not used to european approach and respond much better.European women are more tricky.

maybe it's you that changes your approach.. i really haven't noticed much of a diffeerence. my experience with non-us women is definitely not what it is with ameicans though.

Americanized Polish women are gold diggers.

i don't think this has anything to do with americanization.
9 Jan 2008
Love / Polish Women Versus Your Local Women ? [289]

Polish women have desire to please but some of them lack skills.It is true.I do not know why.

ok, i'll go with that as i realy disagree with your other statements.

Polish women are very goal-minded.

i think this applies to all polish people regardless of gender.

having said that, i think euro women tend to hold better households, are way harder working and aren't as b!tchy (in charge) as their western counterparts.
7 Jan 2008
Food / Smalec - how to make it? [53]

Yep, very economical, one saves a lot of money on groceries.

by driving one 6' under.. hehehe
4 Jan 2008
Food / What is your favorite Polish Vodka? [653]

I would recommend Belvedere

I would have to agree. I gave a bottle to some very close friends at Christmas, and hope to receive an invitation to help them crack it open!

28 Dec 2007
Food / Healthy polish food? [143]

Unfortunately, not very polish.

actually it is very polish.


actually, i think a lot of the food is pretty healthy.

food has really not that much to do with obestity though.. it is the couch potatoe thing that does one in. calorie intake is much more importnat then fat amounts anyway.

and alright patricja.. i agree with you on something for a change.. lack of carbs leads to malnutrition. we need them more then most peeps think.

and to the vegeterian amongs us: try cauliflour soup or pickle soup.. yum and no dead creatures. :)
26 Dec 2007
Food / What exactly is Polish Bread? [91]

So I think that maybe there isn't a "Polish" bread exactly, but a "Central-East European" bread which is firmly based on rye+yeast manufacture.

rye isn't exclusively polish, true.. but i have never had anything even similar to the "chleb zwykly (ordinary bread)" or wiejski chleb outside of polish circles.
17 Dec 2007
Food / Polish Potatoes [48]

to make mash potato extra tasty add some real butter not marg.

yeah, that's what i normally do but restaurants and grandmas must do something besides all that as they mashed taters taste different. still not sure what it is.. maybe buttermilk or something..
11 Dec 2007
Travel / Collection of dress codes in Poland - what to wear? [96]

your sunday's best... for sure.. pick a church, any church.. they are all old and cool. :) then the following sunday pick a different one.. you probably ought to start on Wawel and work from there.

2 churches on Rynek are very cool too.. even if you don't go to mass, go and check them out.. the artwork is awe inspiring.
3 Dec 2007
Genealogy / Polish looks? [1410]

how about searching through the forums.. there is a big long thread on this subject. dig it up.
30 Nov 2007
Food / Bigos Recipe [183]

I feel that bigos is good after a day or two of resting.

a must. :)
22 Nov 2007
Food / Polish Sour Milk / Maślanka [44]

that method can be also used to make your own cottage cheese.

you actually heat it after it has separated. in the US the milk and all associated products are pasteurized so letting it stand only makes it spoil not move on to another phase. there are natural products available at the "health food" stores that an addition of helps with natural cheese making process.

btw. it takes a lot of milk to make cheese. 1gal makes maybe one serving of farmer's cheese.
4 Nov 2007
USA, Canada / Orbits Restauraunt in Chicago? Has it closed? [32]

around old polish neighborhood Milwaukee/Division...if i remember well.
I was there long, long time ago. I don't know if it still exists.

i doubt it.. have you been that way lately? holy cow the revitalization.. it's yuppy town now. lol
4 Nov 2007
USA, Canada / Orbits Restauraunt in Chicago? Has it closed? [32]

The Jolly Inn has a much better buffet than Czerwone Jalbusko bro :)
6501 W. Irving Park Rd.

no kidding? gonna have to try it.

staropolska wasn't all too bad last time i ate there.