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Posts by Polson  

Joined: 9 May 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 11 Sep 2016
Threads: Total: 5 / Live: 2 / Archived: 3
Posts: Total: 1767 / Live: 346 / Archived: 1421
From: Europe
Speaks Polish?: Trying hard (sometimes) to learn...
Interests: Music, sport, history, geography, science, languages...and probably Poland too.

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30 Oct 2007
History / POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country? [1080]

The Russians are tougher

What do you mean by "tougher" ?...

That is why in 1945, Europe was saved by the Russians, almost single handedly.

Do you remember the US troops coming...for me, THEY saved Europe along with English, and some French, Poles, etc. more than the Russians.
30 Oct 2007
History / POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country? [1080]

Well, if Europe's center is indeed in Poland, and if Poland's area is greater than that central point (which seems to be true) then Poland is in CNESW (center, north, east, south and west).

The center of Europe is said to be in the area of Krakow ;)

But apart from the geography, the Poles have more a Western "mind"...actually it's a mix, for me...But i think that Western Poland is more westernized than the Eastern part.
30 Oct 2007
History / POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country? [1080]

East Europe not Central

Don't agree, for me Poland is Central Europe...

Russia is not Europe at all

Don't want to "defend" Russia, but the extrem West side belongs to Europe by definition...
30 Oct 2007
History / POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country? [1080]

North Eastern geographically

I saw articles mentionning North Central too...

And even Northern Europe in its extended meaning

  • The light blue part...

  • A Dutch map of Northern Europe in 1601...
30 Oct 2007
History / POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country? [1080]

Wikipedia articles (in French, English, German and Polish) show Poland as a Central Europe country.

But we often hear in the British press for example, Poles are Eastern Europeans, and sometimes, Central ones...

I think things will change with the time. Wait for a few more years, and everybody will say that Poland is in Central Europe...
30 Oct 2007
History / POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country? [1080]

Some people say it's a Central European country, while others say Eastern..
I think i heard that most of the Poles consider themselves as Central Europeans.

I do myself prefer the word Central, more than Eastern, cause "Eastern" makes me think of communism, you know, as the part of Europe that was beyond the Iron Curtain was called Eastern Europe...

What's your opinion ?
21 Oct 2007
Genealogy / Are all Poles blue eyed and blonde? [450]

and all of us are Polish..

Ok ;) But it doesn't mean every Poles are blond and blue-eyed. There are some but not "all".

For my part, i am blond, with green/grey/blue eyes, but i'm the only blond of my family (i'm half French and half Polish). My sister has light brown hair though... ;)
21 Oct 2007
Genealogy / Are all Poles blue eyed and blonde? [450]

So it would appear that not all Poles are blond and blue eyed then

Aha, blond people are not that common. It's a kind of stereotype. I am myself blond, but almost noone else in my family is.

a very small minority it would seem are maybe red headed

I guess...
21 Oct 2007
Genealogy / Are all Poles blue eyed and blonde? [450]

Red hair is a part of blond hair gene, but not so many of them in least not as many as in the UK ;)
21 Oct 2007
Genealogy / Are all Poles blue eyed and blonde? [450]

I thought the idea that ALL Poles have blonde hair and blue eyes seemed a bit much

A bit much yes ;)

If ALL Poles are like this, so it's the same for Germans, as there are approximately the same percentage of population with blond hair.

But the country with the most blonds is Finland : 3 persons out of 4 (75%) are blond ;)
Scandinavian countries are just below that i think.
Then comes Poland and Germany with some other countries.
6 Oct 2007
Genealogy / Popular Polish First Names? [152]

something new... like kszszzzszszszszsz

Aha ! Yea i know ;p szszszszcscss ;) poor them ;D
6 Oct 2007
Genealogy / Popular Polish First Names? [152]

LoL it's not that complicated "ksheshtof", "Blaszczykowski" is more difficult ;P

Or Wojciech Szczesny...Szczecin...etc ;)
6 Oct 2007
Genealogy / Popular Polish First Names? [152]

Krzysiek, Krzyśka, Krzyśkiem, Krzyśkowi, Krzyśku...
Krzysztof, Krzysztofa, Krzysztofem, Krzysztofowi, Krzysztofie
Krzyś, Krzysia, Krzysiem, Krzysiowi, Krzysiu
Krzycho, Krzycha, Krzychem, Krzychowi, Krzychu

Hum...a lot of "sh" sounds ;P
3 Oct 2007
Classifieds / Asian community in Poland [113]

Why are you accusing me of being aggressive? Aren't you aggressive in doing so?

Haha ! Okay we're both extremely aggressive ;)
Gotta go, dobranoc.
3 Oct 2007
Classifieds / Asian community in Poland [113]

Everyone should have the same rights, don't you think so ? We're all equal ! ;)
Weren't the Blacks in the UK before the Poles...don't know exactly...
It's getting late, i gotta go now ;)
Good night Puzzler ;)
3 Oct 2007
Classifieds / Asian community in Poland [113]

O_o what are we talking about... :p

I'm talking about Africans, Asians and South Americans that die everyday (no food, no water, diseases, conflicts, etc.) If you were them, wouldn't you dream of the cool and peace lands of Europe ?

You mean it's Poles and other 'inferior' Europeans who should die to make the dream real?

I'm still talking about Africans, Asians and South Americans, that die while trying to reach the European continents by themselves, their last chance to live is taking the risk to die (nice phrase, i'm proud of it ;)

And i don't think there are "inferior Europeans", don't be agressive ;) LoL

There was also White slavery.

We can't compare White slavery and Black slavery. An incredible amount of Black persons died of bad treatments. Cases of white slavery are very rare, i'm even not sure i heard one... ;)
3 Oct 2007
Classifieds / Asian community in Poland [113]

Europeans 'colonizing' lands outside Europe brought in lots of goodies to those lands

...lots of goodies...and what about slavery, torture, bad treatments, wars, deads, etc. Not only "goodies", dude, unfortunately...but Poland is not concerned ;)
3 Oct 2007
Classifieds / Asian community in Poland [113]

Ok, Puzzler, so let's those poor people die away, they are not European... O_O

Europe is a dream for some, some die while trying to make it real.
3 Oct 2007
Classifieds / Asian community in Poland [113]

What is so 'absolutely true'?

No, i just think that today Europe can't complain about the number of immigrants. It's Europe that spread its culture, languages, even religion throughout the world. And it's Europeans first who came to Africa, Asia, America, etc. (colonization), so why people of these continents could not do the same, and come to Europe ? Plus, Europe needs these immigrants workers.
3 Oct 2007
Classifieds / Asian community in Poland [113]

If Europe is the ancestral home of whites, how come it was OK for Whitey to sail to North and South America, Africa and Asia and colonize those people, and usually by excessive force?

Absolutely true ;)
2 Oct 2007
Life / Do you think that Polish people are rude? [951]

She also doesn't like giving tips to restaurant staff and taxi drivers! Is this typical??

I think tips are a typical thing of Englih and American culture... ;)
28 Sep 2007
Off-Topic / Are Polish Christians here? [134]

Thanks ;) It'd be weird if today Poland was Protestant...what would be the differences ? Maybe economic differences, ethical differences...
28 Sep 2007
Off-Topic / Are Polish Christians here? [134]

we have about 150 000 of protestants

Thanks Lukasz ;) And do you know if there are more Protestants now, than before...? :p Just curious to know about them ;)
28 Sep 2007
Off-Topic / Are Polish Christians here? [134]

Actually I dont think many are strict at all...

I hope so ;)

And what about Protestants in Poland ? I know there are just a few of them, but does someone know how many are they ?...