The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Joker  

Joined: 17 Dec 2008 / Male ♂
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From: Guess
Speaks Polish?: Sometimes

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13 Jan 2020
Real Estate / Carpetying style? - question to Brits living in Poland [26]

Is disgusting....... only Brits do this.....but not me :-)

Are you serious? Brits have carpeting in their bathrooms! LOLOL Oh, that must stink!

It was popular in the USA too

Total BS! I have never seen this in my entire life.

I have carpeted stairs, so no chance of slipping.

This is common in the US as well, but in the bathroom is crazy.
13 Jan 2020
Real Estate / Carpetying style? - question to Brits living in Poland [26]

Well it was heavily marketed and advertised in the USA so

Yet, nobody wants it or has purchased it, but in The UK sales are booming or should we say stinkin!

Renew your bathroom with our extraordinary range of bathroom carpets.

The British have an obsession to carpet. Carpet can be seen in entering the British airport in pubs and administrative buildings, to bathrooms.

a lovely, lovely person, God rest his soul.

Why so lovely?

Wasn't he a drunk and drug attic that died from liver failure? Just because he happened to be Irish doesnt make him a Saint!

keep to the topic of the thread please
15 Jan 2020
Real Estate / Carpetying style? - question to Brits living in Poland [26]

Heres an interesting article...."Bacteria's Paradise" or British Carpets

I never see a carpeted bathroom in America. However, there is plenty of evidence about the popularity of carpeted bathrooms in the UK.

"As slippers are unusual in Great Britain, having a soft carpet while you are sitting in the "throne", make us feel like kings and queens."

"You become a royalty person when visiting a British carpeted bathroom"

Does it really make you feel closer to Royalty????

15 Jan 2020
Real Estate / Carpetying style? - question to Brits living in Poland [26]

. I like both Polish and British cultures,

Same here and I find very interesting to see the differences in the way we live.

I like how they build homes in Poland, nice and solid, all brick instead of wood.

Americans with their fake 'historic' homes and carpeted bathrooms.

More rubbish from the old decrepit UK where the sun seldom shines, lol

encourage the house dog and cat to start using it for their relief also.

Hahaha, but would they really notice or would it blend in with the rest of the stank.....
16 Jan 2020
Off-Topic / Random movies (not Polish) proposed by forum users [91]

Did anybody watch The Irishman? I

Its hard for me to watch anything with DiNiro anymore coz he turned into such a Libtard douche bag.

His best movies are Taxi Driver, Godfather or Raging Bull.

Hes a good one to watch Stanley Kubrick`s "A Clockwork Orange"

Viddy well, Droogies!
16 Jan 2020
Off-Topic / Random movies (not Polish) proposed by forum users [91]

... has he done anything remotely good since Goodfellas?

I have to agree with you. He did those silly comedy movies afterwards like " Meet the Fockers" and Bad Grampa" a bad rip off of "Bad Santa"

Was he in Casino? If yes, was he any good?

Casio was good, it was prominently Joe Pesci though.
19 Jan 2020
News / Coal-Powered Poland Refuses to "Go Green". EU Ain't Happy. [304]

Many Poles literally burn garbage, that's the problem

When I see posters claiming they are going to expat themselves and move to Poland. It's clear, they haven't been there during the winter and theyre in for a big stinky surprise.

Many Poles burn their garbage; plastic bottles etc. in their home furnaces, you can smell this in the evenings, even in the villages. Poles must be some of the dumbest people on earth, don't they know that burning plastic is bad for your health? I asked my friend why they do this, she said it's because they don't want to pay the 10-15zl for garbage pick-up, but they can buy vodka every few days.

The money isn't the problem...Europe is the most richest continent

Then why don't they pony up to NATO for their share if they are so damn rich

When I see the Eurps bragging how much money they have and NATO hasn't been fully funded, its time for the US taxpayers to demand we get out!
19 Jan 2020
Life / Are Poles flashy? [11]

Have you heard about "Slav Squatting" in Tracksuits yet?

If you haven't heard of this internet phenomenon, check it out, totally hilarious! Get your Adaias jogging pants on for this! lol

New counterculture or fashion statement? Im really glad, I haven't seen many Poles doing the "squat". Yet, once in awhile I'll see someone dressed up in an Adidas tracksuit at the mall. The 1970`s wants their clothes back!! LOLOL

Slav Squat
"squatting with heels on ground in a tracksuit while eating semechki and drinking vodka. Legend has it that if u do this long enough u will activate the third eye of the Slav"


23 Jan 2020
Real Estate / Carpetying style? - question to Brits living in Poland [26]

Aye, what a lovely Shamrock Green color, must have been Irish expats that designed it. A must for St. Paddys day! LOL

How did you get the mods to delete the line in ur pervious post about drunk Rory?
23 Jan 2020
Life / Are Poles flashy? [11]

And it is not just a Polish thing either,

So what's up with the knock off Adidas tracksuits.You aint cool without some racing stripes?

If heels in sky, is Western spy.

A friend with weed is a friend Indeed!
23 Jan 2020
Real Estate / Carpetying style? - question to Brits living in Poland [26]

Ever seen a shamrock? A real one? Evidently not.

Ive been to Ireland several times, its nothing special at all.

Nice pics, you seem like a bathroom carpet troll as well as a grammar troll! LOL
23 Jan 2020
Real Estate / Carpetying style? - question to Brits living in Poland [26]

Where and when?

Why? Are you writing a book about me?

, why did you keep going back?

Only to visit some relatives, that's all. It certainly isn't the horrible food, thats for sure, double potatoes with

You must have a really boring life to keep looking for pictures of carpeted bathrooms, get a job!!! lol
2 Feb 2020
Off-Topic / Random Sports News [737]

And now let's get prepped for the Biggest sporting event in the World.

Johnny, the older Ive become, the less I care about professional sports and over paid mentally deficient athletes.

taking a knee I personally lost interest for the game.

That just re affirmed my disliking of these commercialized events and stupid athletes.

That seem to be almost as important as the event itself

I supposed if youre a tween and like the music of J Ho and Shirka, its a way for them to trick you into watching.

How about if we take the top 10 football AND Basketball players and put them on Jeopardy or a spelling bee? College graduates my ass!
2 Feb 2020
Off-Topic / Random Sports News [737]

They will be the best two tight ends out there today.

They both are good looking and easy on the eyeballs. Much better than that anorexic looking Taylor Swift, but all their music is for little teens anyhow.

Jealous jealous jealous.

Na, remember the old saying " A fool and his money are soon parted". Many of these players go broke and wind up being bartenders at your local sports bar as well.

Im not watching another SB until the Bears are in it! LOL
6 Feb 2020
Genealogy / Second gen Polish-American with little exposure [45]


Make sure you have a pocket full of Groszy, if you happen to need the W.C. around the Wawel Castle area. Don't try sneaking in either, I did. The old Babcia caught me ( if that's not weird enough) she won't take $1either, even if its worth 7 extra flushes. lol

His best bet is to find a Mcdonalds. They have free toilet paper and much cleaner:)
6 Feb 2020
Genealogy / Second gen Polish-American with little exposure [45]

I grew up in Chicago with lots of Polish friends

Im from Chicago as well. Some of these posters that call other other ppl trolls are really expats from the UK with an axe to grind against Americans on this forum.

Rich Mazur: claims he was born in Warsaw and emigrated to the USA, claims

So, when you use the word "claims" it means you don't believe them?

Mazur has presented more than enough proof to you fools that he immigrated from Poland. You just don't like what he has to say...too bad!

Milo: claims to be a Londoner

Milo are you really claiming to be from London? LOL

And they have a real person to collect the groszys? Cosmic!

Im serious, she was standing right behind me when I was taking a leak, saying in a loud voice, przeprszam! Przeprszam! I just got off the plane an hour or so earlier and didn't hit the currency exchange yet and my back teeth were floating......
12 Feb 2020
Off-Topic / To ALL IMMIGRANTS ("expats") to Poland on this forum... [124]

1...anyone that voted for Trump
2... anyone that doesnt follow the PC worldview/mantra

We both know that we have a bunch of PolAm neo-Nazis/ white supremacists

How many Illegal Aliens are too many?
12 Feb 2020
Off-Topic / To ALL IMMIGRANTS ("expats") to Poland on this forum... [124]

Asking any expat about Illegals is a redundant question that we both know the answer too. Never enough Illegals for Dems, being they are so desperate for voters and cant win without cheating.

The guy lives in Americas homeless capitol where PCness and the countries worst politicians have taken over normal society. He don't care about our country, like a locust that needs new crops to feed and leaving behind destruction.

I come from a third world country and it is not as bad as this': San Francisco's homelessness and opioid crises drive away business, as $40m convention cancels because members are too SCARED to walk alone

Even Brits are noticing now...Londonistan makes San Fran look like an oasis!
13 Feb 2020
Love / Do Polish men make good husbands? [106]

Sounds like a Polish wedding to me. Good times:)

closed minded, old fashioned, chauvinistic and yes they make bad husbands.

You'll have to do a lot better than that! We've had many good guest trolls here, much better than you. Go back and practice some more and try again later...LOL Cheers!!
13 Feb 2020
Off-Topic / To ALL IMMIGRANTS ("expats") to Poland on this forum... [124]

We can only hope after Trump gets re-elected and we gain control of the house again, but this time have the Rinos actually stick together!

I would like to see the end of sanctuary cities and the beginning of ICE deporting raids across the country.

No more anchor babies as well, this stupid law needs to be changed a.s.a.p.

Feds Raid 20 Chinese Immigrant 'Birth Hotels' In Los Angeles

Not one arrest in these raids. California should be ground zero for ICE action come 2021:)
13 Feb 2020
News / Why is Poland so hostile against Germany? Do they realize how their reparations rubbish damages relations? [510]

But we have a ton of neo Nazis.... some are American

Who is a Nazi? You've been hangin out with TO too long.....

Attitudes like that show me that Germany is becoming dangerous, yet again

Do you think they are planning on another world war? The started 2 of them already and really can't be trusted to build an Army, but then again, they weaseled out of paying NATO for decades and don't want my tax $$ going to those sneaky fuks anymore.
14 Feb 2020
News / Coal-Powered Poland Refuses to "Go Green". EU Ain't Happy. [304]

It is good as a emergency measure but economically it's crap

Not to mention how much the air in Poland stinks during the wintertime.

What about the coal ban, did this slip your mind as well?

Household stoves burning coal are responsible for an estimated 88% of the Poland's non-industrial air pollution - and almost half of particulate matter pollution in Krakow, pictured here ( 3rd most polluted city in Europe) This was back in 2015 and doesn't seem like much progress has been made since.

Happy VD if you can catch your breath:)

16 Feb 2020
Life / Would getting a Polish eagle tattoo be frowned upon?? [39]

It will be acceptable only if it is a really big tattoo

I don't understand how women could do that to their bodies, its not attractive at all. She looks like she should be working in a circus.

Im sure they will regret it when they get older.
17 Feb 2020
News / Modern F-35 bought by Poland. Good decision? [288]



You act like you think youre someone special posting this rubbish on a public forum, in fact, there is no "we" its just "you" trolling away like a jealous git.. lol

Go for it Adolph start building your planes. You will just get your asses whooped again and again like in the previous 2 World Wars you dickheads started. Good idea! Do us the favor, back out of NATO as well, were sick and tired of paying and protecting you.
22 Feb 2020
News / POKO and LGBT lobby is trying to sexualize children in Poland. Now they aim for adoption [120]

Homosexuality is common occurence in nature, with many different species engaging into

Name me one mammal that can reproduce within it own sex? You cant, because its actually against the Laws of Nature as well.

People are in fact brainwashed to hate on LBGTQ,

Its the Libs pushing this deviant behavior upon our society and now our children. Like simulated sex acts during public parades and guys kissing on TV, exposing innocent children to this sickness with out their parents consent. Gays are a small population in society, yet they want to force their beliefs upon everyone.
25 Feb 2020
Food / Poland Spirytus recipes [39]

Making my first attempt at Cytrynówka in Michigan,

Some of my friends in Chicago drink this wodka. I tried it at a party and its really tasty:)

I will probably refilter & rebottle, but would like to learn for next time..

Its sounds like it wasn't finished fermenting, but Im not an expert distiller. Its usually a bit cloudy from the store bought bottles Ive tried:)

Na Zdrowie:)
25 Feb 2020
Law / The right to own guns: would you support such legislation in Poland? [2237]

All perfectly acceptable reasons to possess a firearm. I only use mine for home defense and occasionally go to the shooting range, but not often. I was thinking about taking the CCP class ( carry conceal permit) sometimes my business takes me into a ratty neighborhood.

We have posted repeatedly here

You can post facts until you're blue in the face around here

"Why we do need eight-inch or 10-inch kitchen knives with points?

Lets give them all our plastic picnic fork and knives

Seriously, its not the knifes fault either. The quicker they admit the problem is Kebabs and not the knife. Deport the Kabob and watch the attacks cease.

Quite simple actually, but you have to recognize there is a problem first, instead of deflecting the real issue.