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Posts by Crow  

Joined: 14 Feb 2007 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 1 day ago
Threads: Total: 154 / Live: 56 / Archived: 98
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From: Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Srbija.
Interests: New Commonwealth (Sarmatia), Slavic Union, Poland, books, sport, traveling

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31 Jan 2017
News / Tusk turning his back to idea about Intermarium (New Commonwealth), seeing only EU as future for Poland [119]

I am disappointment with Tusk. For me, its betrayal of Poland. And not only Poland but all people from Baltic to Balkan and Ukraine. EU isn`t our future but as Polish president Duda suggested- its Intermarium.

Sad news

(non-ssl image removed)

"The disintegration of the European Union will not lead to the restoration of some mythical, full sovereignty of its member states, but to their real and factual dependence on the great superpowers: the United States, Russia and China. Only together can we be fully independent," he wrote, and added:

source > b92/eng/news/world.php?yyyy=2017&mm=01&dd=31&nav_id=100380

``Only together can we be fully independent`` - is what Tusk said. Bit no, we can`t be independent with western Europeans on our back. Intermarium or New Commonwealth is only hope.
24 Jan 2017
News / How serious is existence of Lithuania as independent state between Poland and Russia ? [65]

Nowadays Lithuania is part of Europe

you mean of European Union? Europe is geographical term. European Union is political term. Don`t let mainstream media to confuse you.

Anyway, my country is also part of Europe but, fortunately isn`t part of European Union. New Commonwealth/Intermarium would be better place for us but, nobody ask us.
12 Jan 2017
History / What is Poles opinion on Intermarium (Międzymorze)? [188]

Why are you that pessimistic. We can do it. Really. And Kosovo, and Intremarium. We can correct every injustice. We would be free. We are free. Go, consult Polish legends. They know about Racowie
12 Jan 2017
History / What is Poles opinion on Intermarium (Międzymorze)? [188]

Hence bulling it as an anti-NATO anti-USA pro-Russian entity doesn't make sense in the slightest.

You are the one who don`t understand. Not pro-Russian but not against Russia. Its the difference. Not against. Actaully, not against anybody but pro-Polish, pro-... any people in between, as we agree. See, all what isn`t against Russia, is alright for Russia. But, all what isn`t against Russia, isn`t acceptable for NATO and EU.

Somebody in EU and NATO wants to use Poland as condom. If they can use idea of Intermarium for their own aims, they would support formation of Intermarium. If it isn`t possible, they would obstruct formation of Intermarium. They don`t give a sh** for Polish or any other interests. Only golden them and their greed.

Kosovo back

It depend on Serbia. On what we want and for what we are ready and capable.

It means USA as that is the only powerful entity that would find that concept appealing and in their own interest.

and if not?

So Crow you are being silly. Let's hope that Serbians statement are wiser than that and there enough people with brains in Serbia to back them up.

don`t know what to tell you. My people is crazy.
12 Jan 2017
History / What is Poles opinion on Intermarium (Międzymorze)? [188]

Duda came to power and mentioned Intermarium. Now we have Poland filled with NATO troops.

This reminds me on time when Warsaw Pact troops intervened to prevent insurgence in Warsaw Pact countries.
11 Jan 2017
History / What is Poles opinion on Intermarium (Międzymorze)? [188]

You must avoid to hold to mainstream western European and Anglo media rapports. Those were leading EU and NATO powers which side by side with Islamic league invested in dissolution of Yugoslavia. If they want, if they don`t have strong opposition to their projects, something like bloody Civil War could happen anywhere. It is so because during economic crisis one can always stimulate internal antagonism, from outside or from inside. In case of Yugoslavia, all major players were corrupt by the leading EU and NATO powers. Corrupt or manipulated, with different roles- dependable on planed scenario. That`s what happened.
11 Jan 2017
History / What is Poles opinion on Intermarium (Międzymorze)? [188]

You people here know that I support joining of Serbia in eventual Intermarium. It would be great. But, western Europe don`t like idea of Intermarium. It is alternative to their dictate and absolute control is only what they seek.
5 Jan 2017
Genealogy / Are Silesians people German/Germanic? [178]

Does 'Zermatt', the name of a Swiss town, originate from the name 'Sarmat'? Just asking ...

You also have region Zerbst in eastern Germany. Russian Empress Kathrine the Great was Princess of Anhalt Zerbs and she herself pretty much clarified things by insisting on her Lusatian Serbian (not Sorbian, because Lusatians themselves call Serbs; Sorb itself is foreign given/pronounceable form) origin. So, if we then accept linguistic explanation that Serbian ethnic name actually represent form of original Sarmatian ethnic name, there comes answer on your question.

Just, same as in case with name of Serbs/Sorbe where `Sorbs` represent foreign form because foreigners were unable to pronounce native `Srbi` or `Serbya`, ethnic name of Sarmatians is foreign given form of native Serbian name. Meaning, Serbians are last Slavs who still using once universal name of all Slavs- Sarmatian/Serbian name.

Good news for all Slavs is that states begins to end era of silent ignorance of Slavic antiquity. Officially given statement of Israeli PM Netanyahu about Jewish-Serbian contacts from time of Roman Republic could point solely on Sarmatian-Jewish contacts. So, Polish Sarmatism wasn`t influenced by some Iranians as Anglo-Germanic historical schools want`s to convince us. No, Sarmatism was cultural movement initiated from within because Poles preserved memory on their Sarmatian origin. In other words, if Jews in time of Roman Republic (in time BC) had contact with Serbians (Sarmatians) whom they considered to be natives of their lands, Poles as Sarmatians themselves are also natives to their lands.
5 Jan 2017
Genealogy / Are Silesians people German/Germanic? [178]

as ridiculous as making the whole world Celtic:-)

I agree with you on this. Who make the whole world Celtic?

Crow would make the whole of Europe Slavic

No, I talking about past of Europe. It was in past. See, present belong to western Europeans while that same western Europe doing its best future of Europe to belong to Arabs.
4 Jan 2017
Genealogy / Are Silesians people German/Germanic? [178]


yes. Same as we Serbians are Celtic Scordisci- as Romans themselves admitted- most glorious and most numerous Celtic tribe (what to tell you- all the best from old core; that`s how it was/is :)). See, Celts, Gauls, Thracians, Dacians, Scythians, Iliryans, etc, etc, all were Sarmatians (ie Slavs).
4 Jan 2017
Genealogy / Are Silesians people German/Germanic? [178]

Benjamin Netanyahu the PM of Israel said in this press conference that Serbian-Jewish relations go back thousands of years from the time of the Roman Republic.

We are closer and closer to the truth. Its simple because general human progress begins to suffer due to distortions of historical science and political influence on it.

Fact is that 17 Roman emperors and 1 caesar of classical Roman antiquity were born in what is now Serbia (Roman Moesia). It also isn`t unknown that Sarmatians were subjugated to Rome but actually they achieved symbiotic relationship with Romans due to several reasons and primary due to fact that only way for Romans to rule over Europe (ie Sarmatia, ie Slavialand) was to have influential Sarmats incorporated in structure of Roman society.

Same as 2000 years ago, Serbia is today, core of Slavic world or to say of that what remained from Sarmatian realm. Within core, no wonder that people still using their old original Sarmatian name (local version of it- Serbians).

See, many will yet to understand why Bismarck, ``father` of German nation, on his deathbed, said `Serbia` as his last word.
4 Jan 2017
Genealogy / Are Silesians people German/Germanic? [178]

The whole ....

You insist on secrecy? Very well. Mainstream media anyway support your stance, so who care for truth. Truth is out. Joke is in.
4 Jan 2017
Genealogy / Are Silesians people German/Germanic? [178]

Whole of Europe now isn`t Slavic. Its past. Due to constant exposure to genocide, ethnocide and cultural violence, Slavs (Sarmatians) are quite reduced. And you know it. We all know it. Its public secret.
4 Jan 2017
Genealogy / Are Silesians people German/Germanic? [178]

People, this thread upsets me. What else Silesians can be if not Slavs? They are Slavs. Of course, they are. Whole Europe and not only Europe was Slavic in the past.

They are Celts

is Proto Slavs or simple- Slavs or even more simple- Sarmatians (ie Serbians or Sorbians or any form of local Sarmarian name). i mean, let us in this 2017 year stick to the facts. Let it be year of facts and sanity. Please
7 Dec 2016
Polonia / POLES vs BULGARIANS [160]

during the Balkan wars and the World wars Serbians preferred to join non-Slavs like Greeks and Romanians against Bulgaria.

during Balkan wars, Bulgaria, Serbia and Greece were in alliance against Turks. Then, after Turks were defeated, Bulgaria wanted whole of Macedonia for itself. But, it was Serbian and Greek army who liberated Macedonia. Not to mention that at Kumanovo battle (Turks vs. Serbs), where 6.000 Serbian soldiers died in few hours in a devastating charge against Ottomans, entire Turkish European army was crashed what forced Turks to retreat to the Bosporus river. Let me say that neither the Greek, neither the Bulgarian reinforcements came in aid to Serbians during that decisive battle (decisive not only for the region but for whole of Europe). So, in an aftermath of battle, after liberated region and in accordance with her historical rights from time of Serbian medieval statehood (when Macedonia belonged to Serbia), Serbia annexed Macedonia. Then, Bulgaria invaded her allies Serbians and Greeks.

So, don`t blame Serbians. You Bulgarians were the one who attacked us.

Plus, in WWI, Bulgaria again betrayed Serbia and joined to Austro-Hungaria and Germany in attack against us.

What to tell you man, I stubbornly tries to convince myself that are Bulgarians people with dignity and honor.
3 Dec 2016
Feedback / Member warning system to prevent abuse / spam / off-topic posts [145]

Let`s not have warnings at all. Only warning should be, when Admin evaluate complete situation, to send message to the poster in question and warn him. If poster continue to represent problem, Admin should ban him. All other is `old granny system`.
1 Dec 2016
News / Germany After the EU and the Russian Scenario - future of the European Union and Poland [310]

One more very good article of Noam Chomsky. Title of article tells it all

"Right-wing, anti-establishment sentiments - end of EU" > b92/eng/news/world.php?yyyy=2016&mm=12&dd=01&nav_id=99842


The surge in right-wing and anti-establishment sentiments due to of failed neo-liberal policies in Europe is likely to lead to EU's collapse, says Noam Chomsky.