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From: Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Srbija.
Interests: New Commonwealth (Sarmatia), Slavic Union, Poland, books, sport, traveling

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29 Jun 2017
History / What are Poland's pagan roots? [62]

Frankly, I am little upset with that trait of `universalism` in both- in Islam and in Christianity. Same as Muslims consider Islam to be only component of their being, denying every ethnicity, many Christians thinks the same and they are solely Christians or Christians first and everything else on distant second place. Let me tell you something, Islamic or Christian, `universalism` is touch of death to the soul.
29 Jun 2017
History / What are Poland's pagan roots? [62]

Fake? People say all kind of things but that don`t oblige us to believe. In any case, statue of Światowid of Zbrucz was examined by archeologists from several countries, for more then century already, and non of them offered proof on eventual false dating/authenticity. Plus, concept of Zbrucz statue is similar to other Svetovid statues already found or described in old records. So, statues like that were previously already found and exist and no need to invent one.

I personally likes the statue and found it very interesting that Cracow authorities made copy of it and placed it near Wawel. Very nice.
29 Jun 2017
History / What are Poland's pagan roots? [62]

Now this is interesting from Polish diaspora in USA



Sculpture of Svetovid in Trenton New Jersey, 36 feet tall and weighs 7 tons

NOTE: Sculptor is Andrzej Pityński. Artistic message is mostly about survival, that was coming with conquering the space, historically speaking. Many pagan Slavic religion perished during medieval times and its worshippers were either slaughtered during the first european crusades (read for example about the Wendish Crusade), or were forced to change their faith or even culture (for example many were Germanised over time). The knight in front that carries the shield with white eagle - coat of arms of Poland.
28 Jun 2017
History / What are Poland's pagan roots? [62]


Światowid among Poles in our time


Światowid ze Zbrucza - original, Muzeum Archeologiczne, Kraków

It is said that ancient cult of Svetovid flourished from Baltic to Balkan, in lands of northern and southern Serbs. From there, in time immemorial, when old Slavs (Proto Slavs) lived as native American Indians of pre-antique Europe, cult spread all over the realm of the ancients. All Slavs respected Svetovid.

Anyway, today is Vidovdan in Serbia - day (28, June), Christianized, dedicated to Svetovid. So I wanted to ask what in Polish stance on this old Slavic deity. Did Poles remember?

Sretan Vidovdan! (Happy Vidovdan!)


Pod Wawelem w Krakowie - copy
27 Jun 2017
Life / How are electric cars doing in Poland? [413]

Good, nice, magnificent. So Tesla company have bright future in dear Poland.

Poland is developing charging station infrastructure

Wise investment.


New Tesla Model S hypermiling record: over 900 km (560 miles) on a single charge
24 Jun 2017
News / Mister President Andrzej Duda - Best Poland could get. [70]

I would not.

Why not? If nothing didn`t change in USA, with and within EU, with Serbia and Hungary, after all, without Duda in Poland, in about 50 years, majority of Poles would be assimilated and wouldn`t feel like Poles but like Anglos, Germanics or Francs. Practically, Poland escaping death in silence.

So, praise changes and sleep better.
24 Jun 2017
Life / Polish-Canadian wanting to move to Poland - trying to start a new life, make friends, combat depression etc. [10]

God bless all children of Slavia who have found the scent. Good choice to come back to Poland instead to be assimilated by the Anglos or Arabs, what is all the same in perspective. Once when in Poland you can invest in some small business which can grow in big one eventually. Sure you can make friends and form family. Combat depression by dedicating yourself to Slavic cause, by moral support and donations to salvation of Serbian Kosovo. Travel allover the Slavic world, glorify and stimulate business in Poland and in Slavic world. Force yourself on tireless activity.
8 Jun 2017
News / Future of Polish-Ukrainian relations [623]

I think that somebody who pretend to be Polish friendly tries to confuse Poles. Giving advises. They did it same to Slobodan Milosevic. Beware. This with EU-Poland`s conflict more and more reminds me of EU-Yugoslavian and later EU-Serbian conflict. As you know, Yugoslavia is no more. Serbia? Just out of coma.
8 Jun 2017
Life / Comparing Poland and Romania [108]

Can you tell us something about the language of the Dacians? To which language group did it belong?

In last 10 years on the Net I sow that many sources consider Dacians to be Thracians. Other sources telling of Dacians as of Sarmatians. Others telling that Sarmatians and Thracians were one and same ethos and shared language, while also we have sources that explain how both- Sarmatians and Thracians were Proto Slavs or old Slavs.

Having all that in mind, language of old Dacians was somewhat between languages of old Slavic linguistic variation of what is now Ukraine, Serbia and Bulgaria.

Also, I wouldn`t ignore possibility of influence of old Polani on Dacian linguistic heritage, considering that Serbians believe how entire Panonian basin got name under the Polish linguistic influence in time immemorial, when Polani warlords dominated in the region (Pan > Panonia > `Land of Masters`). See, in their epic poetry Serbians have songs dedicated to Polish warlords who travel from /citation/ ``travel from frozen land (Northern lands) to ... what is now Georgia``. Song is very old, from pre-Christian era. Unfortunately, later authors changed ancient name for Georgia and Turkey, while ancient naming of Poles remained, while newer was attached to make things clear.

There is a fragment from old Serbian epic poem where Poles are mentioned under their Polish name but also under their first original ancient designation- Lechs, on Serbian- `Leđani` (Ledjani) with literal meaning people from the ice (led = ice), people from the ice land, from frozen land, referring on people from the North (kin/brotherly tribes from North, from the Serbian Southern/climaticaly warmer perspective). Also Lithuania was considered to be land of Leđan`s (for old Serbs Lithuania = Lech!). Among Serbians, gusle players, were often bearers of verbal tradition.


Podigo se od Leđana kralje
preko Ljeèke i preko Poljaèke,
preko Turske i preno Kaurske,
i otišo kroz zemlju Harapsku,
izišao u zemlju Đurđiju,
zaprosio u kralja đevojku.

Translation from Serbian (my attempt):

From the Leđan`s arose king
across the Northern (frozzen) land, via land of Poles,
across Turkey, across Christian lands
and he went through Arabic land,
appeared in land of Georgia,
to take the hand of king`s daughter

As we can note on old maps, once, Georgia belonged to Sarmatia Asiatica. Historical chronicles remembered live and strong mutual connections between Sarmatia Europae and Sarmatia Asiatica, even tribal alliances. This poem possible represent insight in one event from that time.

Only good God knows in which conditions and circumstances this old Serbian poem was born. In any case, I believe, in time when Slavs were free and aware of their great land, before era of slavery occurred.

Back to the topic please.. Comparing Poland and Romania
8 Jun 2017
News / Future of Polish-Ukrainian relations [623]

Instead of making a speech on how Europe is falling apart due to migrants, how Poland won't be blackmailed, how Poland will rather be sanctioned than take migrants

If she was smart she would instead explain how Poland has taken in a million refugees/migrants despite having a far smaller population and economy than Germany.

She is smart. Its intentional mistake. I am sure. Guaranteed. Why? I can`t answer that with certainty. Its how things function. I sow that in my own country. When was necessary that politicians tall sane thing, when even simple peasant could tell it what is sane, politician made wrong statement and country was penalized.

In this case, must be that intentional gaf have purpose to leave maneuverable space for punishment of the country. Why? I suppose somebody pressuring Shidlo to speak so. Who? That I don`t know. In any case somebody orchestrate things.

I am worried (no, not because of Shidlo. If not her it would be somebody`s elses gaf; I just worry because I see this scenario that I already sow, now repeating in Poland; intentional mistakes of politicians).

On the other side, we see that Trump makes intentional mistakes. So, maybe its not wrong. Its maybe good. Anyway, I see, its trend.
6 Jun 2017

Weneda, a Roman name for a Western Slav

Today, particularly for Lusatian Serbs. `Wend` is how Germans call them even in our time.

But, what is WEND. Its the suffix from SRBEND/SRBIND (form of Sarmatian name) as it is recorder in Rg Vedic manusciripts older then 3000 years. So B changed into W what is regular process in European lingua. So SRWEND/SRWIND > WEND/WIND.

Its just one more proof that Sarmatian name was first original universal name of all Slavs.
5 Jun 2017
News / Future of Polish-Ukrainian relations [623]

Until new Commonwealth become reality, we all would change for the better. Poles would stop to adore western Europe, Ukrainians would expel banderists and we Serbians would end corruption.
4 Jun 2017
News / Future of Polish-Ukrainian relations [623]

Hallowed are the New Commonwealth.

I would be clear here. We Serbians would be satisfied to hold financial center. Thank you.
4 Jun 2017
News / Future of Polish-Ukrainian relations [623]

soon as they saw that Tito was the only actual effective fighter in the territory they kinda sat back and didn't lift a finger.

You lost yourself. I`ll try to help

Airmen share story of being saved by Serbian Chetniks

From Over 500 US MIAs Saved By The Serbian People During WW2

American pilot about the General Draza Mihailovic and Serbs
Serbian Chetniks Rescued 500 American Pilots in World War II
4 Jun 2017
News / Future of Polish-Ukrainian relations [623]

Are you eventually drank dobri brate? Some of Ukrainians chooses wrong heroes and deeds, Nazi banderists. That`s the problem. See, Serbian Chetniks in Ukraine have tradition of defending locals from Nazis, local ethnic Poles and others there but especially Poles during WWII with which resistance movement Chetniks had strong contacts.
4 Jun 2017
News / Future of Polish-Ukrainian relations [623]

Actually, till the end of war, USA and UK supported communist Tito. It was like in Poland. Geopolitics or world bank business, treachery and mockery of naive Slavs. We aren`t naive anymore.

And we lost Yugoslavia because Germany sponsored Nazism in Croatia to create Greater Croatia and Nazi-Islam in Bosnia, on Kosovo and Macedonia in order to create Greater Albania. Rest of western Europe and USA Clinton`s followed in deal with Islamic league.

But, its not over yet. Liberation would come.
4 Jun 2017
News / Future of Polish-Ukrainian relations [623]

Croatian Ustashe were Nazis. Chetniks were royalists, remain of regular Yugoslavian army. Ustashe were allies to Hitler. Chetniks were allies to USA.


pro-Serbian film poster from USA during WWII


Chethnik leader Mihajlovic wanted by Nazis during WWII, newspaper from USA museum
4 Jun 2017
News / Mister President Andrzej Duda - Best Poland could get. [70]

So new pierdolze on EU. Good, good. After all, maybe pan brat Duda prove to be worthy. And I didn`t need subs to understand venerable Polish language, considering I am Serbian.

Thanks for video. I would sleep better tonight.
4 Jun 2017
News / Future of Polish-Ukrainian relations [623]

Yes,........... Chetnik scum,...........

Harry, you nasty little penis. Again you spread anti-Serbian propaganda. Liar! Instead, you better speak about UK`s collaboration with mujaheedines in Bosnia and on Kosovo.

Idioto! Only Serbian sin is that we didn`t kill enough. If we did, London would now be safe.
4 Jun 2017
News / Future of Polish-Ukrainian relations [623]

Serbia have 805 tanks (Poland have 1065 tanks) of which most are T-84AS, Serbian production (some USA and Russian weapon systems could be added). Serbia have highest number off tanks in Europe, in percents, when you look at total army. Tank is upgraded T-84 and, as you know, have status of one of best in the world.

BEST Serbian Tenk M-84AS

most of which are not exactly fans of Serbia?

Serbian influence consolidate with every new day.
4 Jun 2017
News / Future of Polish-Ukrainian relations [623]

but something makes me think they would join their Slavic brothers at the bottom of the list.

don`t worry. There are veterans among Serbians. Experienced

During the most recent Strong Europe Tank Challenge, Poland and Ukraine came last and second-to-last respectively (1st place Austria, Germany 2nd, US 3rd, and France 4th).

But, what i know general Radislav Krstic live in Poland now. You could give him command. Man know his job. He would lead you to victory. Sure, there is only that inconvenience that Krstic live in jail, placed there by mistake of that political anti-Serbian court in Hague on the west of Europe.
3 Jun 2017
News / Future of Polish-Ukrainian relations [623]

Me, too. I truly enjoy. What more associate on Commonwealth then this video. Poles who initiated it, Serbians who were military elite to it and Ukrainians who rightfully, same as rest of us, belong in it.
1 Jun 2017
News / Future of Polish-Ukrainian relations [623]

One can only wonder why the Poles took the Russian view of things rather than the far more credible Ukrainian view.

I presume, its not that are Poles especially fond of Russian view but, Poles now understand methods of EU, too and, knowing that EU sponsor Nazis in Ukraine