The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Wroclaw  

Joined: 1 Apr 2006 / Male ♂
Last Post: 19 Aug 2013
Threads: Total: 44 / Live: 1 / Archived: 43
Posts: Total: 5359 / Live: 643 / Archived: 4716
From: Wroclaw and Berlin
Speaks Polish?: More than yesterday.
Interests: Family History. Photography.

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28 May 2011
Genealogy / What are common Polish character traits? [417]

More evidence of unwarranted criticism?

i enjoyed that video. it's very close to comedy and the guy obviously knows his way around town.
his criticisms and wtf's are all dealt with in the guide books. so noone is fooled.
27 May 2011
News / Poland reveals its new super car. [56]

To get 4 kwh by heat pump, 1 kwh is spent?

to get suspended, only 1 more off topic post is required.
16 May 2011

but if you come from a poor family you are brainwashed into thinking that you must promote your body in order for a better life.

is this true of the poor of all nations or just Poland ?

myself, i can't help but think it's a losers argument.
15 May 2011
Life / Price of cigarettes in Poland? [192]

i noticed at a Polish-German border shop that customers were restricted to 800 cigarettes.
14 May 2011
Life / Customs - First Holy Communion in Poland [42]

if that is directed at me. go soak your head

there are good sides to commercialisation. both studniowka and first communion provide an opening for various business ventures. who am i to complain, if someone is making a quick buck and at the same time making life and organization easier for the client.
14 May 2011
Life / Customs - First Holy Communion in Poland [42]

and studniĆ³wkas ONLY in schools.

very few in the last twenty years, if any.

stretch limos are hired to whisk kids to clubs and restaurants for the festivities.

it's usually hotels with conference type facilities: large room, catering etc.

iv'e never heard of a studniowka in a club or bar, although some students will leave the official party early and then go to a club.

as for first communion. it's a buisness. the church dictate what is to be worn and it varies each year. so don't think about saving money by passing things down. having three girls it's something i know about.
14 May 2011
Life / Customs - First Holy Communion in Poland [42]

My kids were furious with me for not making them catholics when they heard their Polish cousin had copped 800 zl for his first communion. 800 zl!!! Says it all for me about the catholic church really.

this is it. kids treat it like christmas.

if you're a god parent u can double the amount.
5 May 2011
History / The restoration of Polish cities from WW2 destruction [123]

this may be relevant.

i was in a government office this morning and while waiting for my number to appear i spent some time looking at a building site across the road.

a sapper was wandering around with a metal detector. one can only assume that he was looking for uxb's rather than buried treasure.
4 May 2011
Genealogy / Poland Genealogy Resources [130]

this may be of use to some folk. u can do a name search.

"Our database currently includes 500,000 names found in our historic documents and client lists, with more being added regularly."
4 May 2011
Life / Understanding Poland's Birthday Tradition [66]

When I marry her are they going to beat her round the face?

probably not, but she may be tied up/tied to a chair

some folks wrap (not tie) a rope around ones wrists at birthday time
3 May 2011
Life / Polish authors, books & literature. [95]

When providing a link in Polish it is requested that you also provide a summary in English.

Otherwise it may end up in the bin.

Thank you.
2 May 2011
Life / Are Polish roads really this bad? [237]

Money doesn't seem to be the problem

the city coffers in wroclaw are empty. roads for euro, yes. repair of inner city roads, no.
2 May 2011
Life / Are Polish roads really this bad? [237]

or is it just that the Poles are more likely to die in their accidents due to the high number of roadside trees

i understand that a lot of deaths are pedestrians
2 May 2011
Life / Are Polish roads really this bad? [237]

You and I may consider that going through a red light, is breaking the law and going against the rules of the road. In poland there is nothing wrong with it.

i wonder if you'd test that theory when the police are watching.
1 May 2011
Life / Are Polish roads really this bad? [237]

some works are carried out at night.

there are some long road sections which are finished. they just need joining together.
22 Apr 2011
Life / Do you think that Polish people are rude? [951]

in the dating game plenty people find themselves speaking to strangers.

isn't there some old custom of doffing your cap to a lady. a stranger at that.

i think we exchange smiles, words and actions more than we realize.
20 Apr 2011
Life / Polish folk-themed pop music? [30]

how widely are they listened to in today's Poland?

a look at the Polish top twenty will show u that Polish music ain't the most popular music in Poland.

everyone will listen to the above, but not everyone will buy it.
20 Apr 2011
Life / Why Do You Love Poland? [907]

they were more popular twenty years ago. however, they are a fine breed.
8 Apr 2011
Life / Are Polish roads really this bad? [237]

They have the same tempertures in Germany and their roads don't break after winter nor melt in the summer.

this isn't so. the germans are just quicker to repair the damage.

there was a programme on recently about it. i just can't remember if i saw it on Polish or German tv.
8 Apr 2011
Life / Are Polish roads really this bad? [237]

So, why is that? Is it due to lack of funds? lack of resolve? lack of insight? typical Polish inability to unify?

it's down to greedy landowners who won't sell their land at market value. thus holding up the building process.

also, it takes so long to realize things that the landscape has changed by the time it gets done.

twenty-five years to build the wroclaw bypass and it's still not finished. the plan is so old that the city has grown beyond the actual road. it doesn't go round the city in all parts. it goes through it.