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What do Poles think about Turks?

McCoy  27 | 1268
4 Jul 2008   #451
I do like turks. During Euro 2008 I kept my fingers crossed for your NT.

In our history we were enemies and we were firends. But turks unlike germans or russians respected Poles as a strong and brave nation. After our victory in Vienna defeated turks admire Sobieski as a great leader and soldier. after decades of partition of Poland, Turkey was the first country that recognized my country as a independent state.

Today the problem is that as a islamic country Turkey is often consider as a potential threat to the western and christian civilisation. These days for many people in western world muslim = terrorist. I cant say that Im free from this prejudice. Besides all, turks have my sympathy.

(sorry for my english. i havent been speeking/writing eng for years)
4 Jul 2008   #452
What do you think is better,a turkish toilet or a european toilet?

you can find the both in turkish houses in turkey, but i prefer the latter.
rock  - | 428
4 Jul 2008   #453
But turks unlike germans or russians respected Poles as a strong and brave nation.

It is true. I also mentioned this before in the PF.

Today the problem is that as a islamic country Turkey is often consider as a potential threat to the western and christian civilisation. These days for many people in western world muslim = terrorist. I cant say that Im free from this prejudice. Besides all, turks have my sympathy

I believe there are fanatics for every religion. Turkey is a secular country. People is muslim but there is not any law islamic reference. Nobody can be forced to obey the rules of islam. Go to mosque, to fast, wear head scarf etc. Everybody is free.

Global powers are working to make Turkey more islamic nowadays. Because it will be easy for them to reach their aims. Soros will be very happy if they win. It is not different than Ukraine, Georgia, Yugoslavia. Liberals are supporting islamics. They support current government which has islamic tendency. Majority of the nation is aware of this trick and try to prevent it. Turks can't be like Iranians and Saudi Arabians.

As a result the threat is coming from the west.
southern  73 | 7059
4 Jul 2008   #454
you can find the both in turkish houses in turkey

I think turkish toilet fits better the purpose.Europeans have a lot of constipation due to their invention.
Marek  4 | 867
5 Jul 2008   #455

bist du zufaellig Wiener?? Den Tuerken koennt ihr den Kaffegenuss verdanken.
You owe the Turks a lot, not merely the enjoyment of said beverage :)

Sorry, McCoy! Are you Polish or Austrian? I suppose my last message didn't really apply to you at all.
Apologies:) LOL
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898
5 Jul 2008   #456

bist du zufaellig Wiener?? Den Tuerken koennt ihr den Kaffegenuss verdanken.
You owe the Turks a lot, not merely the enjoyment of said beverage :)

If we look deep enough we might find something useful coming out of Auschwitz for the Poles too, now won't we!

Why are you so keen on Turks gaining entry into the EU if most Europeans are against it? What is it to you? A jew living in New York!
Marek  4 | 867
5 Jul 2008   #457
'What's it to you?"

Was mich das alles angeht? Is this your question? It's because I'm a world citizen as well as an American and what concerns my neighbors concerns me as well.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898
5 Jul 2008   #458
"World citizen"...crap! People without roots are the worst!

PS: It's not you paying the bill should that happen (Turkey member of the EU).
And I know some Americans would be quite happy watching the EU spiral downwards in the wake of this decision...
espana  17 | 951
5 Jul 2008   #459
muslims in europe is not good :(
Marek  4 | 867
5 Jul 2008   #460
Rootless?? My roots in the States go as deep as yours do!! -:) LOL
5 Jul 2008   #461
I'm a world citizen as well as an American

this is endless preaching and moralizing is exactly the stuff that gets America in hot water with Europe, no wonder they'd like to kick is in the nuts so bad..

who cares let them sort this out.
Marek  4 | 867
5 Jul 2008   #462
Some might argue that if the US doesn't do the moralizing, then who will. See? It cuts both ways.....both ways it cuts.

Furthermore, it's awful tough being the world's policeman. I'd frankly like a rest, my dogs are tired.
rock  - | 428
5 Jul 2008   #463
muslims in europe is not good :(

Why ? Do you believe to another God ? There's one as far as I know !
tomek  - | 134
6 Jul 2008   #464
Mosques in Europe, islamic chauvinism and bossiness undesired.
Pork and alcohol, women rights desired.

@rock: I often mentioned how far ahead the Turks in Turkey are compared to the migtrants who came 30 years ago into european countrys, regarding secular government and general public opinion towards other cultures.

Yet Turkey in EU - that won't fit. We are just too different and it should be of mutual interest not to contaminate our cultures with each other. And regarding turkish approach towards christian missionaries we in Europe are very mild towards muslims you must addmit.

We allow mosques while Turks kill missionaries! And the public voice supports theese killings even. The murderers will get into prison but they will be respected there and have a fine living with ****** and drugs.

Grüss Gott
espana  17 | 951
6 Jul 2008   #465
rock are welcome in europe as a christian :)
convert yourself or leave europe!!!!
Seanus  15 | 19666
6 Jul 2008   #466
Freedom of Speech and Religion espana. U can't tell him to leave, that's just wrong
rock  - | 428
6 Jul 2008   #467
rock are welcome in europe as a christian :)
convert yourself or leave europe!!!!

Do you guarantee heaven if I become christain :) LOL!
It is belief ! We all will face the reality when we die !
If believe God is with good people whether they are muslim or christain etc.

Mosques in Europe, islamic chauvinism and bossiness undesired.
Pork and alcohol, women rights desired.

Mosques are God's houses like Churches. We surprise christain chauvinism. In Turkey, pork and alcohol is free. I don't eat pork but I like rakı and wine. In Turkey women voting and election rights are given before many of European countries. Woman and man are equal by means of law. What do you mean by women rights ?

Unfortunately you have no idea about Turkey and confuse her with other islamic countries. I will repeat again ''Turkey is secular''. Have you ever visited Turkey ?

We allow mosques while Turks kill missionaries! And the public voice supports theese killings even. The murderers will get into prison but they will be respected there and have a fine living with ****** and drugs.

There are a lot of church and priests in Turkey. Even more than the Christain public would need. We respect them all. Population of Turkey is 70.000.000 and number of christains are 100.000. I will learn the exact number of churches and post later.

Recently, there had been rare occasions like you have said by fanatics. We don't approve them. Most of the Turks wanted them to be punished.
tomek  - | 134
8 Jul 2008   #468
I will repeat again ''Turkey is secular''

And I will repeat:

@rock: I often mentioned how far ahead the Turks in Turkey are compared to the migtrants who came 30 years ago into european countrys, regarding secular government and general public opinion towards other cultures.

OK? you are a lost cause. and I thaught some turks were worth discussing with them. Go build an alliance with ahmadinejad.
rock  - | 428
8 Jul 2008   #469
The number of active churches in Turkey is 321 at the end of 2006. This number was 273 in 2005. So, 48 new churches were opened to public in one year. The population of christains are approxiametely 100.000. This means 312 person per church. How many active churches are there in any city has a population of 100.000 in Europe. The interesting part of it, although there are only 5.000 protestan in Turkey they have 50 churches and it is increasing day by day.

Go build an alliance with ahmadinejad.

It is sth impossible. But, I admire Ahmadinejad and Chavez. I believe the president of every independent country has to behave like them.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898
8 Jul 2008   #470
Just google Turkey and Christian!

I'm really all for treating Europes turkish muslims like they treat the christians in Turkey!

The Vanishing Act of the Church in Turkey. A church worn down by Christian rivalry and Islamic jihad hangs on in the land of Nicea and Ephesus.

That's more like the reality!

Oh and that:

But, I admire Ahmadinejad and Chavez. I believe the president of every independent country has to behave like them.

Is one of the most crappiest things I've ever read. If a PF member every thought about Turks becoming good members of Europe - here is the answer, thank you "Rock"!
rock  - | 428
8 Jul 2008   #471
BB, these are all prejudiced comments from christain media !
Tell what people wants to hear. It is not important whether it is true or not.
I am trying to give some information, but your opinions are fixed !
You believe what you want to believe. Because you hate all muslims.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898
8 Jul 2008   #472
BB, these are all prejudiced comments from christain media !


It's christian media as well as the "Economist", the british "Telegraph" and human rights organisations!

What now? After denying comes the denigrating of the sources???
Reminds me on the chinese commies who also try to paint their dictaturship in great colors all the time!

Bring me some objective sources which show us the contrary!
rock  - | 428
8 Jul 2008   #473
How many active churches are there in any city has a population of 100.000 in Europe.

Can anybody answer my question pls ?

It's christian media as well as the "Economist", the british "Telegraph" and human rights organisations!

hahaha. Muslims manage The British Telegragh and human rights organisations :)))
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898
8 Jul 2008   #474
hahaha. Muslims manage The British Telegragh and human rights organisations :)))

That is your answer???

Can anybody answer my question pls ?

Which question!
How about googling it?

Where do you live actually?
espana  17 | 951
8 Jul 2008   #475
Because you hate all muslims

europeans do not like muslims
rock  - | 428
8 Jul 2008   #476
I like good people, muslim or christain. I hate bad people muslim or christain.
This is the difference between us.
But I don't think you are representing the whole Europeans.

Which question!

How many churches can there be in a city in Europe which has 100.000 population ?

BB, I admire Ahmedinejad and Chavez, because they are against USA imperialism.
Do you support USA in Iraq ?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898
8 Jul 2008   #477
BB, I admire Ahmedinejad and Chavez, because they are against USA imperialism.
Do you support USA in Iraq ?

Andrew78  - | 97
8 Jul 2008   #478
Ya man
rock  - | 428
8 Jul 2008   #479

So you support USA in Iraq ?

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