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What do Poles think about Turks?

Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11850
29 May 2008   #271
I don't see the prejudices vanishing...they belong to the human EVERY humans psyche if you like it or not!

Some negative prejudices are destroyed by positive experiences some are strengthened by negative experiences.

The people just aren't going to be all-loving-tree-huggers...just accept it!
29 May 2008   #272
Nobody can expect from a Turk to be friendly to a European after reading your simple, nonsense and prejudiced opinions. You know nothing about us.

Even this forum shows Turkey shouldn't enter EU. I think Europeans don't deserve our good feelings.

Stop insulting to my country and my people otherwise I am going to act in the same way.
isisores  - | 46
29 May 2008   #273
Germans belong to the people which are traveling around the world most of all.
They go there to see and experience new people and cultures, learn languages, enjoy the food...
Would a xenophobic people do that?

25% of tourists who come to turkey are germans. so germans like turkey and turks. maybe not german nazis like us but normal kind germans do ;) at least 5.5 millions who visit here every year.

Why all this turkophilia?I bet if Poland gets overflowed with Turks,you will search for ways to throw them out one way or another.
Ask any neighbour what he thinks about the Turks.Ask the Greeks,the Serbs,the Bulgarians,the Romanians,the Kurds,the Iraqis,the Saudis,the Syrians,the Armenians,the Georgians.Everyone will tell you the same.

not everyone will tell the same. only the peasant ones who can still hate a nation because of the events happened hundreds years ago. and no, kurds don't hate turks obviously, i don't think any of my kurdish friends hate me or they generally hate turks. about middle east people, you know nothing but talk again. they respect turkey. turkey is being peacemaker between syria and israel right now. georgians hate turks? come on, my mother's father is even georgian, we are close people. they have really no problem with us. their biggest export partners are turkey and azerbaijan.

(people please don't take serious what this greek with turkish complex and german nazi say about turks, they are living in another world or time than where we live :p)
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11850
29 May 2008   #274
25% of tourists who come to turkey are germans. so germans like turkey and turks. maybe not german nazis like us but normal kind germans do ;) at least 5.5 millions who visit here every year.

If you had read my posts you would know that even I do like turks - IN TURKEY!

Even this forum shows Turkey shouldn't enter EU.

You will find most Europeans think the same! :)
Seanus  15 | 19666
29 May 2008   #275
I have nothing against Turks. I often see the local kebab shop owner wandering around and I always say hi and he reciprocates.

I was just stating facts that Turkey played a hand in 9/11. Listen to Sibel Edmonds.
29 May 2008   #276
If you had read my posts you would know that even I do like turks - IN TURKEY!

But unfortunately Turks in Turkey don't like you.

You will find most Europeans think the same! :)

It is a big mistake for Europeans. They will understand in the future.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11850
29 May 2008   #277
But unfortunately Turks in Turkey don't like you.

So...who is the xenophobe here??? :)

PS: Turks not liking a tourist wanting to spend some money would be a first...
Seanus  15 | 19666
29 May 2008   #278
Turkey is becoming more and more popular as a tourist destination. I might visit Batman and do a round robin tour, LOL.

Batman is a city or town in Turkey, in the south.
29 May 2008   #279
PS: Turks not liking a tourist wanting to spend some money would be a first...

I was talking about you. Not all the Germans.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11850
29 May 2008   #280
I'm not interested in visiting Turkey anyway...but what do you want to say?

That I don't have the right to be angry about the turkish dregs in our ghettoes and their behaviour?
How would a turk in Istanbul react if a group of german boys instead of sitting in school learning something tramples a turkish old man nearly to death in the train just because he asks them to stop smoking in the cabin?

Don't tell me you would have much compassion and understanding for these youth...'s the old man's fault, isn't it? He probably didn't smile at them enough...
Seanus  15 | 19666
29 May 2008   #281
I have heard that the Germans wind the Turks up tho BB. A bit of provocation can start such things. Any substance to that?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11850
29 May 2008   #282 was the old man's fault that he got beaten up by the righteous youth! Sure...

And it's the Germans fault when the men kill their wifes and daughters because of "honour"!

It's the Germans fault when the boys have no respect for their teacher and prefer to roam the streets with open knifes in their pockets instead going to school.

It's the Germans fault that they don't know german good enough to even fill out an application form!

The bad, evil Germans....the same which give them handouts and pay them regular welfare checks even as they are unemployed and absolute worthless to the society and are likely to stay that way.

Makes one wonder why they prefer the horrible Germany instead of going back...
Seanus  15 | 19666
29 May 2008   #283
And the provocation? :)
29 May 2008   #285
That I don't have the right to be angry about the turkish dregs in our ghettoes and their behaviour?
How would a turk in Istanbul react if a group of german boys instead of sitting in school tramples a turkish old man nearly to death in the train?
Don't tell me you would have much compassion and understanding for these youth...

First of all, you have to call them german dregs in İstanbul gettoes not a group of sweet german boys if you want to give the same example.

What do you think of death Turkish people in fires in Germany. Not a one case. İt is happening very often. What's your government doing about that ? Where are the criminals.

Of course, I would not have understanding for the youth do these events. But I won't burn them.
Lukasz  49 | 1746
29 May 2008   #286
Germans Continue To Burn Down Turks' Homes

For those who are wondering whether the incident a couple of weeks ago - when someone burnt down a building inhabited by Turkish immigrants, killing nine - was indeed that, an incident there's this. In short: it was no incident. 21 February Sabah reported that four fires were started within 17 days. Last week Thursday another building inhabited by Turks was burned to the ground.

Seanus  15 | 19666
29 May 2008   #287
And the reason?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11850
29 May 2008   #288
Sorry Lukasz...but your germanophoby took you in this time!

There was no arson...
Even the turkish police could find no hint.
It was rather some sparks of abused power cables in the cellar when they get handled wrongly by in stealing power from neighbours illegally and such...

What do you think of death Turkish people in fires in Germany. Not a one case. İt is happening very often

Very often??? How often....
Not nearly as much as turks get criminell in Germany!
Seanus  15 | 19666
29 May 2008   #289
Look at the comment under the article tho Luke, does ur scroll down button work?
29 May 2008   #290
Very often??? How often....
Not nearly as much as turks get criminell in Germany!

Do you mean it is something one from Turks, one form German ?
İf so I have nothing to say.
Marek  4 | 867
30 May 2008   #291
Bratwurst Boy,

There you go again, lapsing into misused colloquialisms! D'you know the 'real' meaning of "tree hugger"?? It means an environmentalist, "ein Grufti", as you'd say it. Rather than trying to convert you into a "tree hugger", I'm simply trying to open your consciousness a little. If I were "ein Grufti", I'd be walking around in expensive sandals or Birkenstocks, wearing a beard and bathing irregularly. Is that your image of a tree hugger??? Oh, I pity you, sir (Not that you need either my pity or my approbation = Geltung.

'Course a recalcitrant (bockig, stur, unerziehbar) chap like yourself may, like the hardened criminal, be beyond all earthly help, at least all I could offer. You may never see the light.....unless you're looking for the switch, that is.

Good luck!
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11850
30 May 2008   #292
I'd be walking around in expensive sandals or Birkenstocks, wearing a beard and bathing irregularly.

Admit it! :)
30 May 2008   #293
Serbian football player Mateja Kežman swears at Turkish fans. LOL :)

Why ?
southern  73 | 7059
30 May 2008   #294

swears at Turkish fans

Why ?

A very ignorant question.
30 May 2008   #295
why ?
southern  73 | 7059
30 May 2008   #296
Look the statement of Ratko Mladic in Srebrenica.
30 May 2008   #297
I don't know his statement. But I know he is a disgusting murderer.
Mateja Kezman is playing in Fenerbahçe for two years. I am a Fenerbahçe supporter. All the Fenerbahçe fans support him until the end of this year. But he is playing really very bad so we don't want him anymore.

Do you mean Kezman approve all the things Mladic did ? İf he hates Turkey, why he came to play Turkey.

so the question is again ''why'' which is ''why hat trick''
southern  73 | 7059
30 May 2008   #298
Because there is a very long story between the two folks.You should ask Crow how a Serb feels about Turks.
30 May 2008   #299
I don't think most of the Germans like Hitler and Serbs like Mladic.

I like Tito's Yugoslavia. All the folks were living together in peace. Maybe % 80 of them were Slavic. The only difference was the religion and the beautiful country divided into pieces because of that. Serbs helped the global powers. Yugoslavia can't be united again in the future. Because Serbs killed lots of innocent Muslim Bosnians which will not be forgotten.
Marek  4 | 867
30 May 2008   #300
No chance, Bratwurst Boy! -:) LOL

"I don't think that most Germans like Hitler...."

O-ho, would you be frightfully surprised. Hitler's legacy is a very mixed one in Germany and Austria. Sadly, many still haven't learned the tragic lessons of history as evidenced by the unrepenetant bigotry and outlandish illiteracy, indeed stupidity, right here in PF!!

Some of us will simply die blissfully ignorant. Perhaps a blessing for the rest of us!

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