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What do Poles owe to Jews?

28 Jan 2013   #241
Locally, because they are only known in Poland.

But the thread iswhat do Poles owe to Jewsnot what do world owe to Polish Jews.
Paulina  19 | 4558
28 Jan 2013   #242
Locally, because they are only known in Poland.

Yes! Very good. She is known globally.

Why do they have to be known globally?
Come on, are Tuwim, Leśmian and Brzechwa known globally? ;)) And yet you've included them in the thread.

But the thread is what do Poles owe to Jews not what do world owe to Polish Jews.

Indeed :)
OP pawian  226 | 27817
28 Jan 2013   #243
Come on, are Tuwim, Leśmian and Brzechwa known globally? ;))

Yes, their poems have been translated in to several languages. They have already been put in the Hall of Fame and will be known as major contributors to culture till the end of this fekking world.

Who translated Morozowski and other guys and after how many years will they be still remembered? :):)

Come on, girls, don`t tell me you don`t realise such basic things. :):):) I am really short of time as winter holidays have finished. :):):):)

zetigrek: But the thread is what do Poles owe to Jews not what do world owe to Polish Jews.
Indeed :)

OK, so what do all/most Poles owe to Kazimiera Szczuka, can you tell me? ?????? :):):):) And some other guys whose names I cannot recall without checking your posts but I don`t have time for it. I only remember Wildstein but can we say that most Poles owe sth to him? Come on.......

Simply speaking, I strive to present people who are generally acknowledged as valuable contributors for Poland and Poles. When Morozowski wins Pulitzer Prize, I will write about him. Currently, he is just one of many and his disappearance won`t make a big loss to Polish culture.

I just think it is deeply unfair to put Julian Tuwim and a Morozowski in one thread.
Paulina  19 | 4558
28 Jan 2013   #244
Oh, one film by Agnieszka Holland I suppose I could also recommend - but this time for foreigners interested in Polish history (I haven't seen in "In Darkness" yet) - is "To Kill a Priest" with globally known (lol) actors: Christopher Lambert, Ed Harris, Tim Roth, Timothy Spall, Pete Postlethwaite, Joss Ackland and David Suchet. The story is based on the murder of priest Jerzy Popiełuszko by agents of the Polish communist internal intelligence agency:

Yes, their poems have been translated in to several languages.

Which languages?

Come on, girls, don`t tell me you don`t realise such basic things. :):):)

OK, OK :)

All right then, what about Bronisław Geremek?
OP pawian  226 | 27817
29 Jan 2013   #245
Which languages?

English, primarily. Also Yiddish. Sometimes Chinese. And many other.
> El negrito Bambo vive en Africa
> Tiene piel negra nuestro coleguita
> Estudia atentamente todas las mañanas
> De su primer libro-metodo africano.
> Le petit Noir Bambo habite en Afrique
> Il a le peau noir, notre petit ami
> Il passe toutes ses matinées en etudiant
> De son premier livre-métode africain.

All right then, what about Bronisław Geremek?

I am not going to answer this highly provocative question. Sorry, I must go to bed. Goodnight! :):):)
Paulina  19 | 4558
29 Jan 2013   #246
> El negrito Bambo vive en Africa

"Murzynek Bambo"! ;D

I am not going to answer this highly provocative question.

Why "provocative"?? :)

Goodnight! :):):)

Goodnight, sleep tight :)))
OP pawian  226 | 27817
29 Jan 2013   #247
Why "provocative"?? :)

Because when I admit that Poles owe much to him, I will be instantly attacked by maniacal right wing antisemites like gumishu. Do I need it? Do I need to unleash hell?? Tell me.

Goodnight, sleep tight :)))

Cockroaches under pillows!!! :):):)
Paulina  19 | 4558
29 Jan 2013   #248
Because when I admit that Poles owe much to him, I will be instantly attacked by maniacal right wing antisemites like gumishu.

Oh, OK ;)

All right, then someone who can't be controversial for anyone :) when he was a kid in poland

The author of these words:

"So when I was the same as in this photograph , I wanted to do everything written here . And then I forgot and now I am old .

And now I have neither the time nor the energy to lead the war and the cannibals ride .
A photograph of such a given , because it is important , when you really wanted to be king, and not - when I write about the king Maciusiu . And I think it's better to give photographs of kings , travelers and writers , when they were not yet adults and old, because that's how it seems that they once were wise and have never been small. And kids think that they can not be ministers , travelers and writers , and it's not true .

Adults do not need to read my novel , because the chapters are inappropriate , so I do not understand and will be mocked . But they want necessarily , let try . But adults can not be prevented , because I do not listen - and what they who will? "


Who wrote this?

Cockroaches under pillows!!! :):):)

Fleas for the night!!! ;D :)))
OP pawian  226 | 27817
29 Jan 2013   #249
I już nie mam ani czasu, ani sił, żeby wojny prowadzić i do ludożerców jeździć.

Bronisław Malinowski who wrote The Sex Life of Savages ???

Edit: oops, sorry, I read on about King Maciuś and realised it must be Janusz Korczak, the Teacher!
Paulina  19 | 4558
29 Jan 2013   #250
Bronisław Malinowski who wrote The Sex Life of Savages ???


Edit: oops, sorry, I read on about King Maciuś and realised it must be Janusz Korczak, the Teacher!

You got me worried there for a minute, pawian :)))
Yes, it's Janusz Korczak. It's a kind of preface to his novel "King Matt the First". It comes after the title page, the preface on the page on the left and this photo of Korczak as a kid on the page on the right. This book is still standing on my bookshelf ;) (I've just realised it's 23 years old now lol)
OP pawian  226 | 27817
29 Jan 2013   #251
Great man, indeed. Personification of humanity.

Janusz Korczak, the pen name of Henryk Goldszmit[1] (July 22, 1878 or 1879 - August 1942), was a Polish-Jewish educator, children's author, and pediatrician known as Pan Doktor ("Mr. Doctor") or Stary Doktor ("Old Doctor"). After spending many years working as director of an orphanage in Warsaw, he refused freedom and stayed with his orphans when the institution was sent from the Ghetto to Treblinka extermination camp, during the Grossaktion Warsaw of 1942.[2]

There are many schools and education institutions named after him all over Poland.
ismellnonsense  - | 118
30 Jan 2013   #252
Great man, indeed. Personification of humanity.

korczak is my personal hero
what a man
OP pawian  226 | 27817
30 Jan 2013   #253
korczak is my personal hero

Lenka  5 | 3548
30 Jan 2013   #254
korczak is my personal hero

He was quite a men.Many good ideas :)
OP pawian  226 | 27817
14 Feb 2013   #255
All right then, what about Bronisław Geremek?

Ok. Quite a number of Poles with Jewish roots, after a period of fascination with communism, stood up and resisted the system. Geremek was one of them.

In 1950 Geremek joined the Polish United Workers' Party (PZPR). He was the second secretary of the Basic Party Organisation (POP) of the PZPR at Warsaw University. In 1968, however, he withdrew from the party in protest against the Warsaw Pact's invasion of Czechoslovakia.

In the 1970s Geremek was considered one of the leading figures in the Polish democratic opposition. In 1978 he co-founded the Society for Educational Courses, for which he gave lectures.
Ironside  51 | 13098
14 Feb 2013   #256
Geremek was one of them.

Stop spreading nonsense.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
14 Feb 2013   #257
pawian: I am not going to answer this highly provocative question.

Why "provocative"?? :)

You see? I only wrote:

Ok. Quite a number of Poles with Jewish roots, after a period of fascination with communism, stood up and resisted the system. Geremek was one of them.

and right away rabid right wing nationalists took voice:

Ok. Quite a number of Poles with Jewish roots, after a period of fascination with communism, stood up and resisted the system.

Jacek Kuroń

In 1955 a Discussion Club Krzywe Koło (KK - Crooked Circle) was established. Jacek Kuroń and Karol Modzelewski were among the most prominent members of the club. In 1957 Kuroń graduated from the Faculty of History at the University of Warsaw. In 1964, together with Karol Modzelewski, he wrote The Open Letter to the Party. In this letter he criticized a new ruling and bureaucratic class. He suggested replacing the existing system with workers' democracy, including organizing a referendum according to which major decisions concerning a distribution of national income would be made.

In communist detention in 1982 in Poland - the middle:
ifor bach  11 | 152
15 Feb 2013   #258
I like your idea for this thread, Pawian. I can learn a lot from your posts which are very informative. Thank you.

I have my 'opinions', but I am not Harry.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
7 Jul 2013   #259
Polish Jewish physicians of 19/20 century by this interesting publication.

Seweryn Blumsztajn was one of creators of anticommunist opposition since 1960s. Arrested many times.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
1 Jun 2017   #260

Priceless Torah scroll finally returned to Jewish hands after decades

While Poland often complains about Polish artefacts in foreign hands, Poles are often unwilling to return items originally belonging to the Jewish community to their rightful owners. This week saw a very small step in the right direction, as a Polish woman finally returned pieces of a Torah scroll from the Holocaust era to the Jewish people. Her grandmother had selfishly kept it for many years without returning it, and it took plenty of persuasion for the grandchild to actually return what didn't belong to her in the first place. It's a pity that it wasn't returned immediately after the war, and even more of a pity that it took over 70 years to be returned to the rightful owners. The same story is repeating itself all over Poland, whereby accidental owners of such artefacts often demand significant compensation in order to return them home.

One can only wonder how many more priceless artefacts are out there, being kept hidden away by greedy owners who couldn't care less about their significance to Poland's small yet thriving Jewish community. It is the obligation of every Polish person to hand these artefacts over immediately and without monetary compensation.
Ironside  51 | 13098
1 Jun 2017   #261
There is no Jewish property.You lie. She didn't return in to the rightful owner but rather donate it to them due to some dumb grandchild.
Lyzko  44 | 9725
1 Jun 2017   #262
More to the point of the thread is rather what do Poles owe THEMSELVES as consciencious, dutiful Christians to help them assuage any residual feelings of collective remorse.

Germans weren't the only ones. Let's spread the misery around a little:-) Nobody, even the Jews themselves, were blameless angels during the whole nasty mess!!!
mafketis  38 | 11265
2 Jun 2017   #263
While Poland often complains about Polish artefacts in foreign hands

I cannot say I've have often heard such complaints....

Her grandmother had selfishly kept it for many years without returning it

from the story: "she was extremely happy to hand it back to Jewish hands because it gave her closure", how selfish!

to be returned to the rightful owners

The use of "to Jewish hands" in the link sounds like something from anti-semitic hate literature... weird.
Ironside  51 | 13098
2 Jun 2017   #264
collective remorse.

collective remorse my ass. What are you about Lzyko, do you feel collective remorse? tell us about t!
Crow  155 | 9708
2 Jun 2017   #265
Owe? Nothing. Nothing.
Lyzko  44 | 9725
2 Jun 2017   #266
Collective remorse about the slaughter of over a million Native Americans by W.A.S.P. Westerners not related to me either by blood or even intermarriage, Ironside??

Anyone except for a bonehead would immediately draw upon their knowledge of (factual) history to see that the analogy is scarcely comparable:-)

As a third-generation American, I certainly feel as appalled and ashamed as anyone would about such as well about the African-American experience. On the other hand, nobody in my family, once removed or remotely distant, participated either in slavery or mass lynchings. Therefore, once again, an analogy by some Euro-smarty pants couldn't hold water either!

Collective guilt regarding crimes committed by fellow countrymen from the same gene pool is hardly the same as a sense of national shame that others unrelated to me committed such heinous acts.
Wulkan  - | 3136
2 Jun 2017   #267
rather donate it to them due to some dumb grandchild.

Indeed, she better be rich, otherwise she really is dumb grandchild.

without monetary compensation.

Nope, us Poles aren't dumb, we're not Scottish
mafketis  38 | 11265
2 Jun 2017   #268
nobody in my family, once removed or remotely distant, participated either in slavery or mass lynchings

They just knew about them and went to American anyway.... hokaaaay....
Ironside  51 | 13098
2 Jun 2017   #269
Collective remorse about the slaughter

You have started talking about that concept. So its only natural I have asked about you. For example - What about Jews that took part in a slave trade across the ages on different continents?)plenty of those) Do you feel 'collective remorse'?

As a third-generation American, I certainly feel as appalled and ashamed as anyone would about such as well about the African-American experience.

Because you 're a neo-Marxist, progressive with their BS. If some African in America is not happy with their lot should ask a government for a one way ticket to Africa. Bye bye!!!

Collective guilt regarding crimes committed by fellow countrymen from the same gene pool

That is a damn racist and tribal point of view. I told you that you progressives are either very smart or hence you're called a regressive left.
Lyzko  44 | 9725
2 Jun 2017   #270

There are too many inaccuracies and weaknesses in your presentation to enumerate, friend. We'd like to help you and we like you on a personal level.

Maybe dinner once a year.

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