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What do Poles owe to Jews?

Alien  25 | 6434
30 Dec 2023   #571
dropped onto Poland from space???

If the russian abyss can be called space, then yes.
Poloniusz  5 | 969
30 Dec 2023   #572
how ethnic Poles expelled thousands of Jewish Poles in 1968???

There you go again with needing to make distinctions plus outright lying about what actually happened and why.

These communists lost their cushy jobs because they were Zionists and rather than stay in Poland and find another job they emigrated on their own to Israel thus proving they had divided loyalties and deserved to be fired.
OP pawian  226 | 27572
30 Dec 2023   #573
then yes.

Nope, they were Polish communists aka ethnic Poles. From Polish villages and towns.

rather than stay in Poland and find another job they emigrated on their own

No, liar, they didn`t. They were forced to emigrate coz they were threatened by ethnic Poles they wouldn`t find any job and their kids would be expelled from universities and grammar schools.

Ethnic Poles gave Jewish Poles and Polesses a one way passport without the right to come back.
Novichok  4 | 8568
30 Dec 2023   #574
emigrated on their own to Israel proving they had divided loyalties and deserved to be fired.

That's what dual loyalists do.
That Jewish assimilation is a funny thing...When it's beneficial to be Poles, they are Poles. When it's beneficial to be a separate minority, they are a separate minority.

Just as with blacks here...One day they Americans...Next day they are a Black nation with its own national anthem...
OP pawian  226 | 27572
30 Dec 2023   #575
Ethnic Poles gave Jewish Poles and Polesses a one way passport without the right to come back.

The so called travel document - it allowed to leave Poland but not come back.

  • traveldocumentgive.jpg
Alien  25 | 6434
30 Dec 2023   #576
one way passport without the right to come back.

Then I would also accept it with a kiss. Unfortunately, I was only 5 years old at the time. Well, since normal Poles did not receive passports at all, Jews were treated better than Poles.
Poloniusz  5 | 969
30 Dec 2023   #577
No, liar, they didn`t.

Yes, liar, they did.

They were too full of themselves to find and do real work so left on their own and Israel welcomed them with open arms simply because they were Jewish and had demonstrated loyalty to Zionism rather than to Poland.

That's what dual loyalists do.

Yes, their life is an endless contradiction depending on which way the wind blows and they genuinely think no one every notices.
OP pawian  226 | 27572
30 Dec 2023   #578
since normal Poles did not receive passports at all,

Novi got one. :):):)

Then I would also accept it with a kiss.

Were you like Novi then???
Poloniusz  5 | 969
30 Dec 2023   #579
Novi got one. :):):)

How did you get one then when you traveled to New York during the PRL? :)
Novichok  4 | 8568
30 Dec 2023   #580
Jews were treated better than Poles.

...because they were not Poles.
OP pawian  226 | 27572
30 Dec 2023   #581
you traveled to New York during the PRL? :)

I travelled in 1990. It wasn`t PRL anymore! Ha!!!
Novichok  4 | 8568
30 Dec 2023   #582
Yes, their life is an endless contradiction depending on which way the wind blows

Ethnicity vs religion...Depends on which one is more profitable.
Rosenbergs, Pollard,...those upstanding Americans...
Poloniusz  5 | 969
30 Dec 2023   #583
I travelled in 1990. It wasn`t PRL anymore! Ha!!!

On paper maybe but Poland was still undertaking political and economic transitions. Jaruzelski was still president until the very end of December 1990.

So how did you get to travel to New York during a time of such upheaval without taking advantage of pre-existing commie-connections? :)
OP pawian  226 | 27572
30 Dec 2023   #584
Jaruzelski was still president until the very end of December 1990.

Yes, darling, but Solidarity had taken over in 1989 and people could travel to the West freely at last. Ha!
Poloniusz  5 | 969
31 Dec 2023   #585
and people could travel to the West freely at last.


How did you feel when you realized your communist education and values made you totally unprepared and incompatible with life in an actual capitalist country like America?

You must have been seen as completely alien to the Polish community in New York who had genuine Polish roots from the Second Republic and Government-in-exile. :)
OP pawian  226 | 27572
31 Dec 2023   #586
you totally unprepared with life in an actual capitalist country like America?

I was unprepared but got a grip quickly coz I am intelligent and hard working. Ha!!! Besides, I spoke English which wasn`t so widespread among Poles at the time. HA!

completely alien to the Polish community in New York

I lived in Greenpoint, indeed, but didn`t contact local Polonia coz I was too busy studying, working and saving money for my own apartment in Poland. Ha!

Polish roots from the Second Republic

You mean those notorious antisemites from pre-war times, Dmowski epigones?? Then it is good I didn`t contact them. hahahaha
OP pawian  226 | 27572
22 Dec 2024   #587
Dr Zamenhof lived in 19th century and was the Polish Jew who invented Esperanto - the artificial language which was still used decades ago by a few million people all over the world.
Can you imagine that in the past Chinese readers got to know Polish literature through Esperanto???

Thank you doctor - you aimed at introducing a neutral language which nations might use to understand each other better thus avoiding wars and conflicts. How noble of you!
Novichok  4 | 8568
22 Dec 2024   #588
How did you feel when you realized your communist education

That depends on the meaning of "communist". I graduated from a "communist " Polibuda as MSEE and had a job as an engineer within 48 hours of landing in NY.

No, I didn't study Marxism 101, Gender Studies, or how to be a Social Justice Warrior.

For this crap, you have to come to America and after graduation be a receptionist at Planned Parenthood with $100k in debt.

Communist education was not perfect. I never learned how to become a woman in 3 seconds or less.
OP pawian  226 | 27572
22 Dec 2024   #589
had a job as an engineer within 48 hours of landing in NY.

Of course not, Mr fairy tale teller. :):):)
Alien  25 | 6434
22 Dec 2024   #590
had a job

What kind of job could a Polish communist engineer get 48 hours after landing in New York? Oh, I know, sorting garbage.
OP pawian  226 | 27572
22 Dec 2024   #591
sorting garbage.

In an engineering company, of course.
But later he made a career and even invented a few minor mechanism improvements.
Alien  25 | 6434
14 Feb 2025   #592
minor mechanism improvements.

Yes, for example a gun-shaped sweeping brush
OP pawian  226 | 27572
15 Feb 2025   #593

For cleaning toilets, of course. In this way he can feel safe when sitting on the throne.

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