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What do Poles owe to Germans?

Novichok  4 | 8748
3 Feb 2022   #301
They wouldn't take me. I am too far right.
Alien  25 | 6353
4 Feb 2022   #302
Merkel shold be blessed. My deputy is a Syrian and my new assistant too. Thank you Merkel.
Novichok  4 | 8748
4 Feb 2022   #303
My deputy is a Syrian and my new assistant too.

How many foreigners like your Syrian would be too many? Let's start with 20 million. That would be too many? OK. How about 19 million?
You get the drift so you can continue without me. Let me know when you are done.
Alien  25 | 6353
4 Feb 2022   #304
I wold say for Germany we need about 1 million a year, at least.
Novichok  4 | 8748
4 Feb 2022   #305
So in 20 years, you would have 20 million additional foreigners. Would you like to re-think your answer?
Foreigners are not toilet paper you use and throw out. They accumulate, get married, have kids, and never move out.
My question is how many foreigners like that Syrian would be too many at any given time? 5 million? 10? 20?
Alien  25 | 6353
4 Feb 2022   #306
Yes Novi, I am and you are also not toilet papier for our new Homeland. Are we good or bad citizens now?
Novichok  4 | 8748
4 Feb 2022   #307
My only interest now is foreign Muslim scum Tanya hates.
Alien  25 | 6353
4 Feb 2022   #308
Tanya also hates Easteuropean like you....
mafketis  38 | 11136
4 Feb 2022   #309
My deputy is a Syrian and my new assistant too.

Syrians are far from the worst in terms of migration, traditionally among the more (secularly) educated in the Arab world and more used to being around other religions.

Had real checks been made to seaprate out the Syrians from the Iraqis (a step or two below Syrians), random Balkan dwellers, Pakistanis and (above all) Afghans and Somalis* then 2015 wouldn't have been such a clusterfvkc .....

But for every Syrian who was let in 4 or 5 others were and the results (despite all the 'we'll do better this time!' rhetoric) have been... what they've been...

*tied as the worst migrants in a recent official Dutch study
Novichok  4 | 8748
4 Feb 2022   #310
Tanya also hates Easteuropean like you....

And she is right. They smell like sh*it, too. That is why I melted 100%, language included. Polish is not spoken in my house. Ever. My kids know only "pierogi". That's the extent of their Polish.
OP pawian  224 | 27232
29 Oct 2022   #311
This night we are changing clocks from summer to winter time. Few people know who did it first and I have just learnt we owe it to Germans who invented the change during WW1 to save fuel. Poland introduced the change shortly after Germans so it isn`t a new idea here.

OP pawian  224 | 27232
15 Aug 2023   #312
I think nobody mentioned that Germans offered us about 250 Leopard 2 tanks of different versions. Very cheaply or even for free. Amasing!
Alien  25 | 6353
15 Aug 2023   #313
Germans offered us about 250 Leopard 2 tanks

When was it? because as far as I know, years ago Poland received Leopards for free.
OP pawian  224 | 27232
15 Aug 2023   #314
years ago

Exactly. But they still work nicely and are modernised by Polish industry. .
Miloslaw  20 | 5108
15 Sep 2023   #315
People like Pawian who praise the EU need to remember their history
Alien  25 | 6353
16 Sep 2023   #316
remember their history

The history of the European Union is the history of the peaceful unification of all of Europe, which is something that other continents can only dream of, except perhaps Australia, which, as far as I know, has only 20 million inhabitants, not counting kangaroos and Koala bear.
Paulina  17 | 4465
16 Sep 2023   #317
People like Pawian who praise the EU need to remember their history

It's ironic you mention this, because one of the foundations for the creation of the EU was the desire for this history to not repeat itself again:

"In this light European integration was seen, already during the war, as an antidote to the extreme nationalism which had devastated parts of the continent."
Alien  25 | 6353
16 Sep 2023   #318
antidote to the extreme nationalism

Unfortunately, we have a "repeat of entertainment" again, even in Poland.
OP pawian  224 | 27232
16 Sep 2023   #319
"In this light European integration was seen, already during the war, as an antidote to the extreme nationalism which had devastated parts of the continent.

Exactly. Those Western Europeans who initiated the integration process were wise people. It was in Europe where two world wars had been started, leaving large parts of it in ruin. The ECSC, then the EEC and finally the EU have done a great job for all Europeans.


Sorry, darling, I never open unembedded links. What is in your video exactly?

we have a "repeat of entertainment" again, even in Poland

In the past it was caused by internal European rivalry. Today the rise of nationalisms is an outcome of external factors, like migrant crisis or Russia`s dirty machinations. .
Miloslaw  20 | 5108
16 Sep 2023   #320
because one of the foundations for the creation of the EU was the desire for this history to not repeat itself again:

Very true and I don't think it will.But I think that most continental Europeans are very naive if they think that Germans still don't want to dominate and control Europe.
OP pawian  224 | 27232
16 Sep 2023   #321
Germans still don't want to dominate and control Europe.

And because of this fear of Germans, Brits left the EU. :):):) I didn`t realise Brits who supported Brexit are such pussies. :):):)
Miloslaw  20 | 5108
16 Sep 2023   #322
And because of this fear of Germans, Brits left the EU.

Mate, your logic is flawed.Brits have never been afraid of Germans as two world wars have proven.
What you fail to remember is that Brits are largely Anglo Saxons and understand Germans better than you do.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
16 Sep 2023   #323
Brits have never been afraid of Germans

But they are Americans arse lickers:)
Miloslaw  20 | 5108
16 Sep 2023   #324
You are a bigger idiot than I thought you were if you believe that my Paki friend.
OP pawian  224 | 27232
16 Sep 2023   #325
Brits are largely Anglo Saxons and understand Germans better than you do.

So why were you so hysterical about German domination in Europe??? :):):)
Ironside  50 | 12916
20 Sep 2023   #326
The EU bribe them well.. and as long as evrything was going well it wasn't an issue, now when time econamically will get tough and Germany would want to keep their standrds of living and econmay going they will use their power to exploit others, weakest are the first on their list....and strongest from the weakest in this part of Europe is Poland.
Atch  22 | 4299
20 Sep 2023   #327
Brits are largely Anglo Saxons

Actually they're not. Most Brits are not Anglo-Saxon at all because of course British also includes Scots and Welsh. However, if you mean English, then they're also a mixed bag. Well under half are of Anglo-Saxon origin.

Just consider that the Domesday Book, an example of German style administrative fabulousness at its best, is of Norman origin. Wasn't produced under a Saxon king, but under a French one (mind you, he was of Viking descent). But all in all, he was definitely a Frenchie.

And now having educated you regarding your genetic origins, I can concur that Brits are nearer to Gerry than Slavs are. However, I'm not at all sure that the average Brit understands Gerry any better than Slavs do. Whitehall definitely does though and that's all that counts really.
Lyzko  44 | 9745
20 Sep 2023   #328
The first of the "English" royal families, the Plantagenets, was of Norman or French origin.
Geoffrey Chaucer was English-born with French as his mother tongue.
Great Britain was of course entirely Celtic (with some Picts thrown in for good measureLOL)
prior to the arrival of the Angles and the Saxons, thereafter the Normans.
Novichok  4 | 8748
21 Sep 2023   #329
Most Brits are not Anglo-Saxon at all because of course British also includes Scots and Welsh.

Within a couple of hundred miles, sharing two small islands, Irish, Welsh, Scots, English...what a damn mess...some guys wearing skirts and bras...Do they shave their legs regularly or just before dates?
jon357  72 | 23361
22 Sep 2023   #330
Most Brits are not Anglo-Saxon at all because of course British also includes Scots and Welsh

And Danish in eastern England.

There were also Celtic enclaves in England like the Kingdom of Elmet which is reflected in DNA there today.

There was Germanic influence in Britain however culturally most British are as different from Germans as Poles are or even more so.

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