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Why Poles love Russia

Polonius3  980 | 12275
8 Jun 2010   #1
Over the generations Poles have had countless reasons to love Russia. There were three successive partitions which wiped the country off the map, Siberian exile for freedom-fighters, forced Russification and the imposition of Eastern Orthodoxy and the 1920 attempt to Bolshevise Poland and the rest of Europe. There was the Comintern and its attempt to incite subversive activity in and destabilise between-the-wars Poland, the Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact, breaching the non-aggression pact with Poland and stabbing her in the back. There was Katyń, standing idly by during the Warsaw Uprising, and the post-war repalcement of Nazi occupation with Soviet occupation. There was the refusal to return the one-half of pre-war Poland annexed by Stalin and the murder of Poland’s top leaders in Moscow. At least the Germans were punished by being downsized, but Soviet Russia bloated by keeping all its territorial gains arranged with Hitler from Finland to Romania. Poles also love Russia for the Katyń Lie and reprisals against those who dared speak the truth about it, for Soviet 'aid' to the brother-Hungarians in 1956, for exploiting Poland economically under Comecon (RWPG = Rosji wsio, Polsze gawno – everything for Russia, sh*t for Poland)). Also for forcing Poland to invade Czechoslovakia in 1968 under the Brezhnev doctrine, for Gorbachev's anti-Katyń (fabricated accusations of mistreating soviet POWs after the 1920 war), for blackmailing and intimidating finally free Poland over NATO membership, for banning Polish food exports under sanitation pretexts (as if Russia is so hygienic?!), landlocking the Port of Elbląg by closing the Vistula Lagoon to navigation, by snubbing the Polish delegation to the 2005 Victory Day celebrations....

These are but a few of the reasons that readily come to mind. There are many, many more examples of the crimes and misdeeds of a genetically flawed semi-Slavic/semi-Mongol nation which knows only intrigues and brute force against its own people and their neighbours.
TheOther  6 | 3596
8 Jun 2010   #2
crimes and misdeeds of a genetically flawed semi-Slavic/semi-Mongol nation

I suggest that you read "Mein Kampf". The chap that wrote it had similar ideas.
skysoulmate  13 | 1250
8 Jun 2010   #3
Good post although please do not forget the numerous Polish traitors who helped the Russians throughout the years. Jaruzelski is one of the more recent ones who comes to mind.
f stop  24 | 2493
8 Jun 2010   #4
I think that many Polish people feel that the lot of an average russian citizen was probably worse than that of a Pole. They had a common enemy.

I wish all the russophobes stopped keeping the hate alive.
Sasha  2 | 1083
8 Jun 2010   #5
Good post

Good for what, sky? :) To keep the fire burning?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11960
8 Jun 2010   #6
There are many, many more examples of the crimes and misdeeds of a genetically flawed semi-Slavic/semi-Mongol nation which knows only intrigues and brute force against its own people and their neighbour

Well, weren't it Poles who invaded Moscow on their own too, keeping it occupied for awhile and marched again with Nappy to have a go at the Russians?

Europe was "give and take" whenever it was possible...nobody excepted!
Maybe not the reason to "love" somebody but surely not a reason to promote "hereditary hate".
ConstantineK  26 | 1298
8 Jun 2010   #7
What a long and boring trash, I feel no strength enough to read it to the end
rychlik  41 | 372
8 Jun 2010   #8
landlocking the Port of Elbląg by closing the Vistula Lagoon to navigation

Do you know if this issue has been resolved???
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
8 Jun 2010   #9
So have the partitons and the Katyń lie. This was just a brief review of historical wrongs visited on ther poor Poles by the imperialist Rooskies -- imeprialist under any banner. As they say: Raz Lenin, Raz Stalin, Raz Brezhnev, Razputin!
ConstantineK  26 | 1298
8 Jun 2010   #10
That was brief review of your dumbness
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2134
8 Jun 2010   #11
Over the generations Poles have had countless reasons to love Russia.

Tsk tsk

Poles over generations had countless reasons to love holy mother great imperium = Russia
Since Mighty Russia annexed Poland's eastern borders in 18ths century the Polish people had all the time to develope love affections for their strong will to important anything tropical. For their further benefit they transferred these tropical fruits to places such as Siberia.

Also the Russians tried to share their Orthodox (great) religion (Christian mind YOU!) with the Polish people, somehow that pedo-phile molesting Church had a too strong grasp upon those Poles. How didn't they notice the greatness of Orthodoxy?

Also the Great Revolution of which we tried to spread to Poland (and rest of the world mind YOU!) but you halted it even if it would been to the best benefit for everyone! Our glorious (great) ideology was halted for a bit (of course by bad luck, pff Poles right?) But then in 1939 we could continue the increase of lands to the motherland (great mind you!) also tricking Hitler to feel safe (haha we are brilliant!)!

Also breaching any agreement with Poland was necessary for her own good and the good of the people! (How can you compare a few years of hell with long period of "Marvelous Greatness at the side of GREAT Russia! (Soviet Union)"

Also Poles love us for not trying to destabilize the relationship with Poland and the polish people! How disastrous would it been if we said we are not better then Hitler and his Crew? What a terrible idea!

Anyway what happened we love all polish people and we forgive them their crimes! We are Christians right?

This was a satiric show performed by Mr Grunwald on how Polonius3 should have done it
f stop  24 | 2493
8 Jun 2010   #12
Poland produced some a$$holes as well. Hopefully, the rest of the world does not judge the whole nation by them.
Plus, I figured Russians got theirs during Holodomor. So I call it even.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2134
8 Jun 2010   #13
Poland produced some a$$holes as well.

Thank you for your compliment
*bows for imaginary crowd*
noreenb  7 | 548
8 Jun 2010   #14
This was a satiric show performed by Mr Grunwald on how Polonius3 should have done it

just WOoooW
The show is incredibly and unbelievably great.
Sire Brenshar  1 | 61
8 Jun 2010   #16
These are but a few of the reasons that readily come to mind. There are many, many more examples of the crimes and misdeeds of a genetically flawed semi-Slavic/semi-Mongol nation which knows only intrigues and brute force against its own people and their neighbours.

You've forgotten robbing Poland (and Lithuania) of thousands of literature, state records, and all sorts of documents in 1795, and not having given the vast majority that we still don't have back. (We're still waiting)
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11960
8 Jun 2010   #17
and not having given the vast majority that we still don't have back. (We're still waiting)

We are waiting for the Berlinka still too...
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2134
8 Jun 2010   #18


Improve my knowledge :)
Sire Brenshar  1 | 61
8 Jun 2010   #19
We are waiting for the Berlinka still too...

We should give that back too: better to have no art than art by Germans (not saying German art is bad, but that we are basically stealing someone else's culture)
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11960
8 Jun 2010   #20
Improve my knowledge :)

The Berlinka is known to contain over 300,000 manuscripts by individuals such as Martin Luther, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, and Friedrich Schiller. It also contains linguistic studies by the Grimm Brothers[4] as well as many manuscripts and incunables from Polish monasteries in Gniezno, Lubiń, Mogilno, Pakość, Paradyż, Pelplin and Poznań, removed by Prussian authorities after the partitions of Poland[5] between 1820 and 1840.

At least both countries know where it is and that the collection is cared for by the Poles.
Sire Brenshar  1 | 61
8 Jun 2010   #21
Improve my knowledge :)

Art moved by Germans into occupied Poland during ww2, and which stayed there (the Polish gov. tried to keep it secret and that it was repayment for all the art Germans destroyed)
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11960
8 Jun 2010   #22
Art moved by Germans into occupied Poland during ww2,

Well, at that time it was still Germany, not occupied Poland...
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
8 Jun 2010   #23
Ar$ehole Poles there were aplenty, but that's not the point. Poles only briefly occupied Muscovy a signle time in 1614. Was that one offesnce ormisdeed worth 5 centuries of atrocites, partitions, subversion and murder? That balance-sheet is terribly skewed.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11960
8 Jun 2010   #24
So...what to do now? Invading another time (or two) back so to balance the sheet better?

*tongue in cheek*
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2134
8 Jun 2010   #25
Art moved by Germans into occupied Poland during ww2, and which stayed there (the Polish gov. tried to keep it secret and that it was repayment for all the art Germans destroyed)

Seems fair really, it's worse with the Sweeds ;)

So...what to do now? Invading another time (or two) back so to balance the sheet better?

Neeh, sabotaging their nuclear reactor one more time ;p
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11960
8 Jun 2010   #27
Seems fair really, it's worse with the Sweeds ;)


What's fair about keeping german culture hostage? It won't become polish heritage, no matter what they do or how long they are keeping it...Where is the sense in that?


The collection is gigantic, with tens of thousands of documents. They include original manuscripts - some autographed - from such world-famous writers and composers as Johann Wolfgang Goethe, Johannes Sebastian Bach, Ludwig van Beethoven and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.
Along with manuscripts of Goethe, Mozart, Beethoven and Bach, the collection contained manuscripts of Friedrich Schiller, the German poet, philosopher, historian and dramatist, and of the composer Robert Schumann archives.

PS: The handwritten original of our anthem by Fallersleben is also part of the Berlinka!
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2134
8 Jun 2010   #28

Shh you didn't hear it from me ;p

PS: The handwritten original of our anthem by Fallersleben is also part of the Berlinka!

Taken care of/hidden it
compare it with Destroying

Like what Americans did with the monastery at Monte Cassino...
southern  73 | 7059
8 Jun 2010   #29
Poles love Russia because Russian vodka is superior.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2134
8 Jun 2010   #30
Now you have been drinking Russian Vodka and your affected by that, that's why your having such thoughts. ;p

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