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Fermentation rulez! Poles love fermented foods

pawian 220 | 24664
28 Oct 2023 #1
Yes. A lot of stuff can be fermented.

See cucumbers and types of squash jarred for fermentation:

Alien 22 | 5397
28 Oct 2023 #2
I hope you make pickled cucumbers and not gherkins.
OP pawian 220 | 24664
28 Oct 2023 #3
Sorry, fermentation is not pickling.

Can you see that brown substance at the bottom of those jars??? It is dill. White spot in the first jar is garlic.

This means I was planning fermentation, not pickling.
Alien 22 | 5397
28 Oct 2023 #4
Dill and garlic go well. Pickled cucumbers are made after fermentation.
OP pawian 220 | 24664
29 Oct 2023 #5
Pickled cucumbers are made after fermentation.

You must be talking about a recipe I don`t know. :):):)

I also jar baby corn for fermetation.

Alien 22 | 5397
29 Oct 2023 #6
I also jar baby corn for fermetation

Well, that's fine, but I prefer grilled corn.
Miloslaw 20 | 4773
29 Oct 2023 #7
but I prefer grilled corn.

Corn just tastes like warmed up $h1t......
Alien 22 | 5397
30 Oct 2023 #8
Not if it's browned.
OP pawian 220 | 24664
30 Oct 2023 #9
grilled corn.

This baby corn I mentioned isn`t suitable for grilling - too small.
However, it is perfect for making sour soup with fermented veg. Normally, it is based on cucumbers, however I added everything what was in the jar.

The span between jarring and making the soup is exactly 2 weeks.

Alien 22 | 5397
31 Oct 2023 #10
making the soup is exactly 2 weeks.

I like the soup made of pickled cucumbers and potatoes the best. Pickling is fermentation.
OP pawian 220 | 24664
2 Nov 2023 #11
Pickling isn`t really fermentation when vinegar is involved.
Alien 22 | 5397
2 Nov 2023 #12
when vinegar is involved.

If pickled cucumbers are "kiszone ogórki", they do not need vinegar.
jon357 73 | 22477
2 Nov 2023 #13
Pickling isn`t really fermentation when vinegar is involved.

More preservation which I tend to prefer to fermentation.

If pickled cucumbers are "kiszone ogórki", they do not need vinegar.

Indeed, and more popular in PL than konserwowe or the rather mysterious kwaszone.

Home / Food / Fermentation rulez! Poles love fermented foods

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