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Did Poles living in Germany support Hitler's rise to power before World War II?

Ironside  50 | 12312
10 Jun 2024   #91
However people just don't wear them.

Expect for a one ginger c.nt!lol!
jon357  72 | 22778
10 Jun 2024   #92
one ginger c.n

There are always exceptions.
OP Alien  22 | 5460
12 Jul 2024   #93
Looking at the AfD-Konfederacja Coalition, I wonder how many Poles there are in Germany who will (within their political and mental limitations) vote for the AfD.
Ironside  50 | 12312
12 Jul 2024   #94
I wonder how many Poles there are in Germany who will

There are at least three Polish members of the AfD and more of Polish origin. As to who would vote for them I don't know you should know considering you are living in ~Germany. But I expect you to be clueless.
OP Alien  22 | 5460
12 Jul 2024   #95
you to be clueless.

If Konfederacja wants to defend Polish borders and the AfD wants to change them, I don't see any common platform for these parties. How do they want to cooperate in the European Parliament?
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11629
12 Jul 2024   #96
and the AfD wants to change them,

A link for that?

Because the last I read was that the AfD (Brandenburg) demands a more strengthened border to keep the Illegals out....
OP Alien  22 | 5460
12 Jul 2024   #97
more strengthened border to Poland

Well, for starters, barbed wire and the possibility of using firearms. Moving the borders further east will come later.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11629
12 Jul 2024   #98
Moving the borders further east will come later. link or other proof at all?

Seriously....I think "changing borders" is just not an urgent topic for the european far right...with leftists, illegals and Islam there are alot more pressing tasks waiting!
OP Alien  22 | 5460
12 Jul 2024   #99 link or other proof at all?

The Polish-language press is buzzing about it, unfortunately I don't know how to send links, find it yourself.
wslipach  8 | 97
12 Jul 2024   #100
Did Poles in pre-war Germany support Hitler's coming to power, and if so, for how long?
@ Alien

No, but Jews all over Europe did. Jews the motherfaking foreskinless weirdos, hoped that Hitler will subdue Polish folk and that they, the Jews, will share power with Germans in Poland once Hitler takes charge there. I think Jews secretly hoped that they will rule over Germans as well. In Germany the banking sector was dominated by Jews, same in Poland, that is not to say they had 100% monopoly of the banking sphere, but close to it. In Poland Jews smelled their chance, but even their loooong noses got it wrong, and the initial cheers and enthusiasm with which Jews welcomed German invading army in Poland soon after turned to bitchh cry when Hitler turned on them as well. Hahhahahaha nasty suckers!
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11629
12 Jul 2024   #101
The Polish-language press is buzzing about it,

....they have proof that the AfD wants to change borders???? Now you have me interested....

Copy/paste the text, can translate it for me!
OP Alien  22 | 5460
12 Jul 2024   #102
@Bratwurst Boy
I have something in German. Youtube, Droht eine Revision der Oder-Neisse Grenze.
OP Alien  22 | 5460
12 Jul 2024   #103
Not the best example, maybe there will be something else.
Ironside  50 | 12312
12 Jul 2024   #104
If AfD wants to change that is a big IF.
Let's assume they do.
Then there is the question about priorities. Is that a number one priority for them or not, if not I think it is safe to assume that Kofedracja can cooperate with them on other issues on which they see aye to aye.
Novichok  4 | 7630
12 Jul 2024   #105
Europe can be saved only by mass deportations.

If the flood was a one-time event, all Europe would have to do is wait until the scum dies. Unfortunately, the scum, like cancer, multiplies. To makes things even worse, it does so at a rate higher than the white morons who invited the scum.

That was really a very stupid idea.

So my question is why do the European voters want all these exotic weirdos?
Ironside  50 | 12312
12 Jul 2024   #106
So my question is why do the European voters want all these exotic weirdos?

They don't. they vote for different people but losers are always in charge and they are mainly the same. Also, very few have their platform based on we want open borders, they obfuscate the issue until after the election.
A very stupid idea.

It is a deliberate policy.
OP Alien  22 | 5460
12 Jul 2024   #107
but Jews all over Europe did

If so, they had prepared their future fate themselves.
Lyzko  41 | 9545
12 Jul 2024   #108
@wsilpach, kindly cease and desist with your anti-semitic diatribes! As a proud Pole,
'they certainly don't aid your cause.
Novichok  4 | 7630
12 Jul 2024   #109
It is a deliberate policy.

A deliberate policy and "a very stupid idea" are not mutually exclusive so we both are right.

They don't.

A government that does what the majority doesn't want is dictatorial and no better than the USSR or commie Poland used to be.
Miloslaw  21 | 4928
12 Jul 2024   #110
So my question is why do the European voters want all these exotic weirdos?

Americans are no better than the Europeans, except for the fact that your migrants are not so "exotic".

Stop your shaming of Europeans,frankly, it insults your intelligence.

Europe can be saved only by mass deportations

True.How will America be saved?
Novichok  4 | 7630
13 Jul 2024   #111
Americans are no better than the Europeans,

Wrong!!! Americans are better. We know we are fvcked and we hate our ruling scum for it. PAK, Joker, JR, and I said it many times.

Euros never do. They are all bootlickers and very silent. How many fvcking times did I ask these spineless noodles to take a stand on the issue?

Name one Euro who at least once said this here:

I hate our government for allowing thousands of migrants in.

Or equivalent...Just one...BTW, "Me too" doesn't count. It has to be unprompted and expressed in simple, unambiguous terms.
OP Alien  22 | 5460
14 Jul 2024   #112
I hate our government for allowing thousands of migrants in.

We love our governments, after all, we choose them ourselves, and if we don't like them, we choose others. Do you also have any choices in America, that is, can you choose anyone else than the madhouse and the nursing home?
gumishu  16 | 6181
17 Jul 2024   #113
We love our governments

in other words, we love our governments until we don't love them anymore
OP Alien  22 | 5460
17 Jul 2024   #114
until we don't love them anymore

Exactly, and if we don't love the old government anymore, we choose a new one. This does not work in russia and in many other countries around the world.
call1n  2 | 193
4 Aug 2024   #115
I doubt it, given that the fascists considered them to be 'untermensch'. Especially though not exclusively those Poles of the Jewish faith.

First of all national socialism was a christian movement. There were many christians around the world that supported Hitler. It was really Stalin that had his dibs on Poland which I am sure this is why some Polish reluctantly supported Hitler.

This photo is from 1935. Way before it was clear that Hitler did not want Poland to have her own state. Just wanted to be purged. That is why Polish people did not fight in the Waffen SS like Ukraine.

Hitler went around the world stating which countries were 'aryan' ... Poland and bunch more were not. That did not stop people to support Hitler even though he did not consider them aryan. Take South America for instance...

  • Hitler in Poland 1935
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11629
4 Aug 2024   #116
This photo is from 1935. Way before it was clear that Hitler did not want Poland to have her own state. Just wanted to be purged.

....that's your interpretation of that pic?
OP Alien  22 | 5460
4 Aug 2024   #117
Hitler in Poland 1935

This photo is not from Poland.
pawian  219 | 24592
4 Aug 2024   #118
Sorry, it is and it shows Hitler at Piłsudski`s funeral in 1935. Hitler respected the Polish Marshall.
OP Alien  22 | 5460
4 Aug 2024   #119
Sorry, it is

Sorry it isn't. Hitler did not attend Piłsudski's funeral in Poland. He sent Göring. This photo is from Berlin, Hitler was at the mass for Piłsudski.
pawian  219 | 24592
4 Aug 2024   #120
Hitler was at the mass for Piłsudski.

You are right, the casket in the background was symbolic.

Home / History / Did Poles living in Germany support Hitler's rise to power before World War II?

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