Serbian soldiers in peacekeeping mission in Lebanon, celebrate day dedicated to the memory of old Slavic Svetovid
BDW, i forgot to mention. Song that is sang by Serbian soldiers `I Kissing your White breasts` is old Serbian traditional lyric poem.
For Eastern European countries caught between the EU and Russia, the Intermarium is a geopolitical necessity.
Yes. Its obvious
The land between Baltic and Black Seas is the last rampart of western civilization in the east.
This is the ultimate truth
Being as it is most stable part of the post-soviet space that area should would welcome influence of the United States, political and economical success of the Intermarium states under American sponsorship would undermine totalitarian tendencies all over the world.
let us hope that would USA support re-creation of Commonwealth (ie Intermarium) in time. Still, Intermarium`s politics on global military alliance should be neutral.
Spot mark of belonging to the modern day army of Serbia- army that in past gave military elite of Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Its an old Sarmatian insignia named `ocilo` (in Serbian) which means `from father`. Its a symbol of sun and solstice. In old books it often stays protected by dragon or even as a shield to dragon.
Serbian army ociloNow, spot same symbol
Monete of the Polish King Mieszko I, over 1000 year old currencyThis is the very origin of the symbol. Tool for making the fire of the ancients - a Fire Steel known in Serbian as `sign from fathers` - OCILO. In Ocilo, fire steels stays around cross, with turned back to each others in ultimately defensive and protecting position.

Awake Sarmats! Unite in Intermarium! Commonwealth - last tower of defense!
Very good article on necessities for Intermarium in modern European and world politics. i warmly suggest this for reading
Plight of Central European Nations in the Wake of Western Oder DemiseAugust 6, 2008; by Ignacy
In such instance, there is going to be a necessity to stabilize and secure the region. This may be accomplished by some form of cooperation between Central European nations.
In order to survive, these nations must overcome mutual animosities, which currently enable their enemies from the west, east, and south to successfully employ ancient divide et impera strategy.
The answer is in the creation of some sort of "Centroslavia". Failure to achieve this will not only put at risk their "magnificent" future.........., but the very basic survival.
Intermarium Alliance - Will the idea become reality?12.08.2015 | 17:45 /

"I am considering the idea of creating a partnership bloc stretching from the Baltic to the Black and the Adriatic seas. The state is strong when it is surrounded by allies - is also an element of increasing strength," said newly elected President of Poland Andrzej Duda last week in an interview with Polska Agencja Prasowa.
Actually, Miedzymorze, which means "Intersea" or "Between-seas," later rendered into Latin as "Intermarium", was an idea, pursued after World War I by Polish leader Jozef Pilsudski, for a (con)federation, under Poland's aegis of Central and Eastern European States.
More then interesting
By Going to Tallinn on August 23, Poland's Duda Begins Forming IntermariumSunday, August 23, 2015 / Paul
Staunton, August 23 - By going to Tallinn rather than Berlin on his first foreign trip and by doing so on August 23rd, the anniversary of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact that led to the occupation of Poland and the Baltic countries, Polish President Andrzej Duda has taken a major step toward the formation of an alliance of the countries in between Germany and Russia.
More reaction from Moscow and Europe is certain over the next few days, but it is already clear that however much some in both places oppose the Intermarium idea, President Duda by going to Estonia has created a new reality, what diplomats like to call "facts on the ground."
And that means that an idea that has its roots in the time of Jozef Pilsudski may now be about to come to flower
These days Net seams to be full of comments on Miedzymorze. We who live on Baltic-Balkan-Black sea line should start learning Polish.