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Time for Slavic Commonwealth around Poland as center

Warwicktiger  2 | 18
3 Sep 2015   #31
An excellent point of view Crow, If only I spoke Polish, had a distinctive hairstyle and moustache and could launch a new political movement dedicated to increasing military spending, setting up labour projects to soak up unemployment, remove all the foreigners, gypsies and any others I deem undesirable. When I have rebuilt and purified Poland I will then start to demand more living room for the Polish people and any foreign powers that do not cede their territory will feel the full force of my perfect state. WHere do you suggest I draw the boundaries?....................................
OP Crow  154 | 9525
3 Sep 2015   #32

So you can imagine Canada, Australia, USA and even UK as the great Anglo commonwealths, while you can`t imagine new Commonwealth around Poland? Also, you for sure see that is EU nothing but a kind of Germanic commonwealth. Still, you deny right to Poles to try to form Commonwealth around Poland, not only for Poles, not only for the good of Poles.

Why do you vulgarize necessity and possibility of creation of new Commonwealth around Poland? i am not Polish. you can`t accuse me for speaking for the `Greater Poland`. i am Serbian and i feel necessity for a more active role of Poland on the Baltic-Balkan line. That vast region was the realm of old Polish Kings and i accept it and salute it. So, i telling it once more - new Commonwealth is necessity.

what are your political beliefs Warwicktiger? are you fascist, racist? do you hate Slavs?
Warwicktiger  2 | 18
3 Sep 2015   #33
I'm a Lennonist!

I try not to hate anybody, and certainly do not hate based on a racial label!

Time has moved on, borders should fall, not be created or changed by force.

I do not seek to "vulgarise" the idea of a Polish commonwealth, just give you an idea of what might happen if people follow what appears to be your line of thought.
OP Crow  154 | 9525
3 Sep 2015   #34
interesting. But listen, don`t worry. If world can survive one USA, Canada, Australia, UK, EU or Eurasian Union, world then for sure can survive one new Commonwealth around Poland.
TheOther  6 | 3596
3 Sep 2015   #35
world then for sure can survive one new Commonwealth around Poland.

Most commonwealths (or similar political constructs) had the nasty habit of being imperialist war mongers. Had enough of that crap already, don't you think?
OP Crow  154 | 9525
3 Sep 2015   #36

does this mean that you suggest dissolution of EU or USA? for start
TheOther  6 | 3596
3 Sep 2015   #37
does this mean that you suggest dissolution of EU or USA?

All superpowers tend to break apart over time. Roman Empire, British Empire, USSR - just to name a few.
OP Crow  154 | 9525
3 Sep 2015   #38
All great conglomerates of the past and our time were formed by some leading people or nation and on the first place on the behalf of that leading people/nation.

with new Commonwealth would be different. It would be around Poland, initiated by the Serbians and on the behalf of all people there.

What crossed my mind these days.... what should be stance of new Commonwealth on problem of the refugees? Its not an easy question considering that would number of refugees in the world most probably continue to increase in next 100 years.

In a chain reaction on multiple catastrophic events, massive movements of population could even shaken the very fundaments of civilization.
LoneStranger  3 | 382
6 Sep 2015   #39
I'd bring every refugee in if I am responsible for their wars, or their chaos, or somehow my tax paying money was involved and people elected by me were involved. A Slavic Commonwealth will have millions of Slavs like me too Crow - will it not? Of course it will Crow, a nation without diversity in thoughts is not a free-nation but rather a dictatorship. A Slavic Commonwealth that you preach about will hopefully not be a dictatorship, right?
OP Crow  154 | 9525
6 Sep 2015   #40
i don`t know for you people but, looking at the development of situation in Europe and world, being aware that is EU proven failure, that is NATO something wrong, realizing that every single global power ultimately seek to secure its survivor and dominance, .... i found that talks about future new Commonwealth around Poland becoming more and more realistic and desirable

I'd bring every refugee in if I am responsible for their wars, or their chaos, or somehow my tax paying money was involved and people elected by me were involved.

i share my position with you on this. You said well but, its not that simple. Look on the example of EU. Poland isn`t directly responsible for the wave of refugees but only over shared responsibility via NATO/EU membership. Then, even without shared responsibility (even essentially perfectly innocent), Poland is in situation to calculate its position. There are moral questions. What to do with a refugees on your borders if they insist to come in. Let them in or keep them out at all costs? If let them in: how to organize that, how to reduce freedom of those refugees on your territory if they want to stay or maybe they are just in transit, put them in camps, try to assimilate them in society, expel them after some time, how to expel them if they don`t wish to go, etc, etc?

Then, if one decide to accept refugees, no matter following just moral standards or just fulfilling its international obligations what are consequences- for economy, for way of life, etc?

A Slavic Commonwealth will have millions of Slavs like me too Crow - will it not?

sure, millions of Slavs from Baltic to Balkan and Ukraine but, not only Slavs. It would be conglomerate compared to what are today`s USA, EU or Eurasian Union. It could be confederation or federation, republic or parliamentary monarchy, depend how organizers of the new Commonwealth decide. Polish language would be main language there (same is English in USA, German in EU or Russian in Eurasian Union).

Of course it will Crow, a nation without diversity in thoughts is not a free-nation but rather a dictatorship. A Slavic Commonwealth that you preach about will hopefully not be a dictatorship, right?

for sure i don`t see it as dictatorship. Its neither the idea, neither would people, citizens, magnates and member states allow new Commonwealth to become dictatorship. It would be against their interests.

New Commonwealth have to have its mission. To be symbol of freedom, civilization and beacon of light. Have to endure from our time to the eternity. To reach stars together with humanity of the future. To last long enough to remain remembered and worth even after the eternity. Blessed creation of Slavic soul.

evening gift for my Polish sisters and brothers


7 Sep 2015   #41
Crow, is your post related to the 2009 book "The Next 100 Years" by George Friedman?

From Wikipedia: cropped - No more than 100 quoted words from one source - it's the limit at PF.

"Friedman speculates in the book that the United States will probably become a close ally of some Eastern European countries: Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, and Romania. Around 2015, a Polish-led military alliance of countries in Eastern Europe will begin to form, which is referred to in the book as the "Polish Bloc."

"In the 2020s and 2030s, three main powers will emerge in Eurasia: Turkey, Poland, and Japan. Initially supported by the United States, Turkey will expand its sphere of influence and become a regional power, much as it was during the time of the Ottoman Empire."

Obviously the book just presents scenarios that may or may not happen. It's kind of an interesting read.
OP Crow  154 | 9525
8 Sep 2015   #42

Pane moderatore, we all agree with rules but i warmly suggest you to rather take part in this discussion. This is thread for us who love Poland and don`t wish to see it sunk, while also don`t wish to see Poles assimilated.

Crow, is your post related to the 2009 book "The Next 100 Years" by George Friedman?

Pane Randome, post isn`t related only to the Friedman`s work.

Still, Friedman`s "The Next 100 Years" nicely, this way or another, speak of rising necessity for Poland`s increased role in European affairs, especially in Eastern, Central and South-Eastern Europe.

It is quite realistically to expect that would at one point of time (soon, let`s hope) Poland refuse dictate from the Brussels and pledge to restore its own zone of influence, in order to prevent final destruction of Polish biological, economic and cultural potentials. What is most important is that these intentions of Poland for sure can count on support from regional countries- on the first place from Serbia and from Visegrad Group countries. Many other countries would follow being willingly semi-dependent on stance of these countries, for cultural and economic reasons.

By all Geo-Strategic signals, it is interesting that we can expect that Poland can expect Russia`s understanding for her `expansionism`. It would be in Russian interest (in interest of emerging Eurasian Union) to have strong Poland (conglomerate of countries united around Poland) on her western borders, rather then to have strong EU with assimilated Poles in it on those same borders. So, as great Pilsudski suggested it is the last moment for creation or rather for re-creation of Commonwealth around Poland. It is perfect historical moment that Poland establish long sustainable balance between western Europe and Russia. Let west of Europe have EU, let Russia have Eurasian Union, let Poland have Commonwealth or to say Intermarium (i like decent Polish word, Międzymorze; in Serbian its Medjumurje).

Obviously the book just presents scenarios that may or may not happen. It's kind of an interesting read.

This work telling much about global processes that are real, no matter what would happen in a last of technical detail.

Idea of new Commonwealth becoming reality because we live in a time when is obvious that would, on one side- Poles would practically extinct in next 100 years if fails to form new Commonwealth and, on the other side- because Polish elite can see obvious personal interest in formation of Commonwealth around Poland. All this is followed with fact that Commonwealth as most serious option represent hope not only for Poland but for entire list of countries on Balkan-Baltic line, for all kind of reasons.

in most of what they told to Poles, Prince Adam Kazimierz Czartoryski and Marshal Józef Klemens Piłsudski, told truth to the Poles.

The national anthem of Serbia welcomed by Polish fans in Warsaw 2014

Velika je Poljska!

Serbian soldiers in peacekeeping mission in Lebanon, celebrate day dedicated to the memory of old Slavic Svetovid

Serbian peacekeepers celebrate Vidovdan in Lebanon
Vox  - | 172
10 Sep 2015   #43

By all Geo-Strategic signals,

For Eastern European countries caught between the EU and Russia, the Intermarium is a geopolitical necessity. The land between Baltic and Black Seas is the last rampart of western civilization in the east.

Being as it is most stable part of the post-soviet space that area should would welcome influence of the United States, political and economical success of the Intermarium states under American sponsorship would undermine totalitarian tendencies all over the world.
OP Crow  154 | 9525
10 Sep 2015   #44
Serbian soldiers in peacekeeping mission in Lebanon, celebrate day dedicated to the memory of old Slavic Svetovid

BDW, i forgot to mention. Song that is sang by Serbian soldiers `I Kissing your White breasts` is old Serbian traditional lyric poem.

For Eastern European countries caught between the EU and Russia, the Intermarium is a geopolitical necessity.

Yes. Its obvious

The land between Baltic and Black Seas is the last rampart of western civilization in the east.

This is the ultimate truth

Being as it is most stable part of the post-soviet space that area should would welcome influence of the United States, political and economical success of the Intermarium states under American sponsorship would undermine totalitarian tendencies all over the world.

let us hope that would USA support re-creation of Commonwealth (ie Intermarium) in time. Still, Intermarium`s politics on global military alliance should be neutral.

Spot mark of belonging to the modern day army of Serbia- army that in past gave military elite of Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Its an old Sarmatian insignia named `ocilo` (in Serbian) which means `from father`. Its a symbol of sun and solstice. In old books it often stays protected by dragon or even as a shield to dragon.

Serbian army ocilo

Now, spot same symbol


Monete of the Polish King Mieszko I, over 1000 year old currency

This is the very origin of the symbol. Tool for making the fire of the ancients - a Fire Steel known in Serbian as `sign from fathers` - OCILO. In Ocilo, fire steels stays around cross, with turned back to each others in ultimately defensive and protecting position.


Awake Sarmats! Unite in Intermarium! Commonwealth - last tower of defense!

Very good article on necessities for Intermarium in modern European and world politics. i warmly suggest this for reading

Plight of Central European Nations in the Wake of Western Oder Demise

August 6, 2008; by Ignacy Nowopolski

In such instance, there is going to be a necessity to stabilize and secure the region. This may be accomplished by some form of cooperation between Central European nations.

In order to survive, these nations must overcome mutual animosities, which currently enable their enemies from the west, east, and south to successfully employ ancient divide et impera strategy.

The answer is in the creation of some sort of "Centroslavia". Failure to achieve this will not only put at risk their "magnificent" future.........., but the very basic survival.



Intermarium Alliance - Will the idea become reality?

12.08.2015 | 17:45 /


"I am considering the idea of ​​creating a partnership bloc stretching from the Baltic to the Black and the Adriatic seas. The state is strong when it is surrounded by allies - is also an element of increasing strength," said newly elected President of Poland Andrzej Duda last week in an interview with Polska Agencja Prasowa.

Actually, ​​Miedzymorze, which means "Intersea" or "Between-seas," later rendered into Latin as "Intermarium", was an idea, pursued after World War I by Polish leader Jozef Pilsudski, for a (con)federation, under Poland's aegis of Central and Eastern European States.


More then interesting

By Going to Tallinn on August 23, Poland's Duda Begins Forming Intermarium

Sunday, August 23, 2015 / Paul Goble

Staunton, August 23 - By going to Tallinn rather than Berlin on his first foreign trip and by doing so on August 23rd, the anniversary of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact that led to the occupation of Poland and the Baltic countries, Polish President Andrzej Duda has taken a major step toward the formation of an alliance of the countries in between Germany and Russia.

More reaction from Moscow and Europe is certain over the next few days, but it is already clear that however much some in both places oppose the Intermarium idea, President Duda by going to Estonia has created a new reality, what diplomats like to call "facts on the ground."

And that means that an idea that has its roots in the time of Jozef Pilsudski may now be about to come to flower

These days Net seams to be full of comments on ​​Miedzymorze. We who live on Baltic-Balkan-Black sea line should start learning Polish.
Polsyr  6 | 758
12 Sep 2015   #45
Begins Forming Intermarium

I doubt they will all overcome their difference. Although I am in favor of all unions that make Poland stronger, anything involving Russia is simply recreating the system where Moscow decides everything. Sounds familiar?
OP Crow  154 | 9525
12 Sep 2015   #46
I doubt they will all overcome their difference.

Not in the beginning. Give them time.

Although I am in favor of all unions that make Poland stronger, anything involving Russia is simply recreating the system where Moscow decides everything.

Sounds familiar?

This what you mentioned stays in memories of Poles as historical situation. That is how it was when Poland existed within Russian (and Soviet) realm. Today, Poland live in Anglo-Germanic realm (EU and NATO) and again founded that others deciding for everything. Tomorrow? That is why we talk about ​​Miedzymorze.

​​If we were to be realistic and honest we would have to say that from the Polish point of view, Miedzymorze needs to represent counterbalance equally to the western European and Russian power in the region. Right now, it is the west of Europe who would complaint more. In this moment, increased independence and strengthening of Poland`s power and influence may even suit Russia (Eurasian Union). If you look more globally, it can suit even China. After all, rise of ​​Miedzymorze speak in favor of the multi-polar world.
Polsyr  6 | 758
12 Sep 2015   #47
counterbalance equally to the western European and Russian power in the region

It wouldn't be strong enough to counterbalance either of these two. If anything, it might just dilute the position of EU against Russia.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
12 Sep 2015   #48
Indeed. The only sensible place for Poland to be (if Russia is truly that scary) is with an economy that's utterly tied up with France and Germany.

Having said that, given that Russian successes usually involve beating up small and very weak neighbours, I doubt there's much to worry about for Poland.
OP Crow  154 | 9525
12 Sep 2015   #49
We moving in direction of multi-polar world. Its a fact, no matter all arguments pro et contra or to whom it suits more right now. West of Europe and Russia, aren`t only centers of power. There are the USA, China, India, Japan, Basil, etc. Miedzymorze would be just one of many centers of global human civilizations. The first morning of its existence Miedzymorze would have to focus its attention equally on its internal antagonisms and on its `dance` in global arena. But its normal. Every global civilization would be in the same position.

But fear if Poland fails to form Miedzymorze. In let`s say 100 years Poland would be so integrated within Anglo-Germanic realm that would escape become impossible, with that many assimilated people. Similar would be with other Slavs and some would till them already practically extinct. You know what would happen then (in a world that is still multi-polar no matter we all failed to form Miedzymorze)? Can you guess? Let me tell you. In agony when they face total fall of their civilization and culture, surviving Slavs from Baltic to Balkan and Ukraine, still willing to exist as Slavs would rebel and tries to brake free from Germanic EU. But, they would soon found that are they now very weak and unable to form any sustainable alliance between them. So, in order to survive as Slavs they would have to join Russia, in that future Eurasian Union. i presume, even if some of those Slavs manage to escape from EU, their escape would be catastrophic. They wouldn`t be able to save (in a series of bloody Civil Wars and conflicts, within their own societies and fighting against armed Germanics) even 20% of what are today`s territories of Slavic world between Baltic-Balkan and Ukraine.

So Miedzymorze now, soon or never.

Greater the chance, greater the price of the failure.

Merged: How countries of ​​Miedzymorze stands at EuroBasket 2015

First about Serbia, strongest sport power of new Commonwealth

Novak Djokovic has said that he may travel to Lille to support the Serbian men's national basketball team in person in the final stages of EuroBasket 2015.

"I can totally identify with everything that the men's and the women's basketball teams, .......

Source: Djokovic may travel to Lille to support basketball team
14 Sep 2015   #50
How countries of Miedzymorze stands at EuroBasket 2015

What countries of Miedzymorze?
OP Crow  154 | 9525
14 Sep 2015   #51
go ask Duda
jeden  - | 226
14 Sep 2015   #52
George Friedman: You're trapped between two countries

- Poland will have to make decisions on their own, based on relations with other countries in the ISTHMUS (Miedzymorze) area, as understood it Pilsudski. And also with the United States - George Friedman believes. Political scientist at the analytical center Stratford, was a guest of the program "Horyzont". In an interview with Maciej Wierzynski Friedman pointed out that the European Union is in crisis, because Poland needs the support of another alliance. - What do you expect in a politically torn Europe? - He asked.,3/george-friedman-jestescie-zlapani-w-pulapke-pomiedzy-dwoma-panstwami,434532.html

Międzymorze is no far away :) Brace yourself :)
OP Crow  154 | 9525
15 Sep 2015   #53
Novak Djokovic

Novak to hit the shield of Captain America ;)

well, at least one Miedzymorze`s ​​citizens is happy. He awakening hope in this chaos that surrounds us.

What Serbia can offer to Poland in talks on Miedzymorze

1. Serbia can guaranty normal relations with Russia and Belarus.
2. Serbia can secure transfer of its beneficial and privileged status on market of former Soviet Union onto the Miedzymorze.
3. Serbia can provide security troops (within Miedzymorze`s military) that would patrol along Belarus and Russian border. Serbian patrol force would be most suitable for this section of Polish (Miedzymorze) borders.

4. Serbia would in a blink of an eye turn Miedzymorze in world`s sport power No.1
5. Serbia can mediate in Vatican-Russian Orthodox Church negotiations and normalization of relations.
6. Serbia can be best possible hub of Polish (Miedzymorze) interests and link with most of African, Latin American and Asian countries, considering that Yugoslavia (Serbia, Belgrade) was founder of non-aligned movement that turned Belgrade- Serbian Capital into the real natural world Capital (on the contrary to UN New York that is money dictate Capital). Thanks to these connections and influence Serbia already consolidated its relations with Islamic world (with 70% of it), no matter that during Civil War in former Yugoslavia fought violently against mujaheedines of Islamic league.

7. Serbia can secure transfer of its beneficial and privileged status on market of China onto the Miedzymorze.
8. Serbia can guaranty that would citizens of Macedonia, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Montenegro be content citizens of Miedzymorze, securing that way access of Miedzymorze members to Adriatic, warm seas.

9. Serbia can guaranty that Czech Republic and Slovakia won`t choose Eurasian Union but Miedzymorze.
10. Serbia would accept Polish Krakow as Capital of Miedzymorze.
11. Serbia would accept Polish language as sole official language of entire Miedzymorze.
12. Serbia can offer good business school to Miedzymorze.
13. Serbia can greatly contribute to military doctrine of Miedzymorze.

What would Serbia ask from Poland in talks on Miedzymorze

1. Poland to annul its Kosovo recognition, formally announcing that respect Serbian constitution and Serbian sovereignty over its entire territory.
2. Poland to guaranty independent policy of Miedzymorze and to promote Miedzymorze as world power on its own, in world`s institutions, UN, IMF, etc.
3. Poland to guaranty neutral status of Miedzymorze on global military alliances.
4. Poland to accept Belgrade to be financial Capital of Miedzymorze.
5. Poland to guaranty formation of combined Miedzymorze security forces - Army of Miedzymorze.

That is what i managed to remember till now.

One more interesting article on Duda`s intention (or rather mission) to form Miedzymorze

The Impossible Dream: President Duda, Poland's Don Quixote

Being located in the heart of Europe, it comes as pretty obvious that Poland has always sought balance between its Western European and Eastern European policies. It, therefore, comes as no surprise that Duda has called for greater regional cooperation in Central and Eastern Europe. This, after all, is nothing new. In one format or another, every Polish leader seems to call for more regional dialogue.

It is admirable that Poland and the new presidential administration seek to punch above their diplomatic weight; indeed, I strongly hope they continue to do so. In diplomacy, where chivalry seems in such short supply these days, testing one's limits in the pursuit of principles is important. However, in diplomacy one must also be aware of limits of one's strength.
Polsyr  6 | 758
16 Sep 2015   #54
I think Orban's recent course of action will sabotage your dreams Crow.
Can you believe he fired tear gas into Serbian territory, and injured people standing on Serbian land?
OP Crow  154 | 9525
16 Sep 2015   #55
No, i don`t think that would Poland and Serbia allow to Hungary to destroy chance for Miedzymorze. Especially if we know that its not Hungary that is idiotic but rather regime in Hungary. Just too much is at stake. i think that Polish intelligentsia, political elite and people pretty well understand what is alternative if Poland fails to form Intermarium. Fall of Poland, that is alternative and, as we all know, Poland won`t fall.

Many would be surprised with events that would occur.

Long, long time ago i said on this forum that, when become really really hard, Poland can count only and only on Serbia and Serbians (its loyal Racowie). Then, others may follow. That`s how it is.
16 Sep 2015   #56
What Serbia can offer to Poland in talks on Miedzymorze


What position of authority do you hold in Serbian government to make these statements ?
OP Crow  154 | 9525
16 Sep 2015   #57
i am not politician but i think that i know how things functioning. i think. Global civilizations are necessary for global economy to function, capitalism to survive, new limits of profit to be established in new ways of mass production and massive markets. All that in combination with new technologies is to allow that humans become solar civilization. Then would be created conditions for new era of constant growth of profit rates, all in environment of constant competition between struggling human civilizations, Miedzymorze among them.

Now, how to create global civilization? In real centers of civilizations where test of time didn`t erase eons of collective memory. Old cores. See, one of those global human centers and civilization giving people are Serbians and Serbia. When their old civilization was started to spread (from Balkan as Ice age refugium) along the great rivers, in ancient immemorial times, it was spread to the North in what is today`s Poland, onto the land of Ledjani (people from the land of ice) as old Serbians used to call ancestors of Poles. That was old Sarmatian (ie Thracian) realm. Also, it happens that are Serbians still alive, they still kicking, they have imagination (oh, very deep), they are vital but they are also greatly scattered in biological sense. Poles are more numerous and they seams to be willing. That is why we Serbians, as unselfish old core (history would at least remember that old core was absolutely aware), understood that new era of our civilization requires Poland as the leader. So, we Serbs would play our role till the end. Our last strength for Poland! Our war-cry to all Sarmats to unite around Poland. What i want to tell you, you start forming great civilizations from within their centers, from within real staff, if you want that things keep running for long enough.

and at the end, that Serbian deed, all that on the behalf of humankind, as would great Nikola Tesla said.

Let me offer you citation of maybe greatest Serbian poet of all times, Laza Kostić. Quote is quite appropriate

Santa Maria Della Salute (English translation from Serbian original)

........... ``When the time of my doom comes round at last,
When I break my head 'gainst life's jagged stone,
My dream will be born with Death's rattling brass;
Then I'll hear ringing cry, "Come home!"
From nothingness into glorious grace,
From limbo to the Heaven's fult bloom,
To heaven and into her arms so warm.
Then that yearning will rise within my breast,
And my heart-strings will quiver without rest,
And the moving stars in the skies above,
Both the men there and gods will gaze aghast,
We'll alter the path on wich the stars move;........``

Long live Miedzymorze! We Sarmats coming back to home!
LoneStranger  3 | 382
17 Sep 2015   #58
The biggest hurdle to Poland making any rational or free political decision is not Germany, but rather the United States of America. Thus, to be according to their best interest, your intention for a Slavic Union might never be fulfilled. No matter how good or bad that idea may be.

There will always be liberal elements in Slavic lands, and you should know (being so engrossed in Slavic history and ways) that Slavs (specially in Poland and Ukrain) have been very liberal when it comes to other races, and this is actually something very distinct from other European races. We like to love and feel loved, and both our men and women can break rules and make rules - which may be contrary to your wishes or aspirations or even my wishes or aspirations (e.g. there can be rightwingers in the Slavic Union - trying to hijack it like every right winger tries in any country or union).

Due to the obvious sentimental differences between say, Serbian way of thinking and Ukranian way of thinking or the Polish way of thinking - we will obviously find it hard to give direction to such a union. We will have small differences become big, just like it happens in a family. However, in a family there is no military enforcement, therefore the safest way is to compromise. However, as the Slavic union will be sharing too much - the smallest of difference in perspective towards life in Poland might look very threatening to someone in e.g. Serbia.

So Crow ... it is a romantic idea ... but it seems that this idea may make things worse in the long run between people who still have some place of each others hearts still.
nothanks  - | 626
17 Sep 2015   #59
The West is collectively to blame for lack of Slavic & Southern/Eastern unity.

Look at how this entire Migrant mess created by Merkel/Brussels has resulted in bitterness and resentment between Hungary, Serbia and Romania. Former Yugoslavian members had just recovered from being decimated by NATO. This is the Western plan, to keep the East/Russia fractured.

The EU should "do its best to undermine" the "homogeneity" of its member states, the UN's special representative for migration has said.

- Spoken in front of 160 nations in 2012
LoneStranger  3 | 382
17 Sep 2015   #60
See Crow .. "nothanks" is exactly the element I'd punch a hole through without hesitation if he were present in the Slavic Union. So how do you suppose we can have peace in it?

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