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Terrible past for the Jews in Poland?

Lyzko  41 | 9545
15 Aug 2022   #781
Of course Poland, along with numerous other nations, among them England (courtesy of Cromwell, but don't tell Catholic Ireland!), France, Spain, and Italy for example, did for sure invite Jews in as political footballs. However, once their usefulness as tradespeople had been served, what's more, they refused to convert, they became Public Enemy No.1 across the board.

Sadly, they've turned over the past hundred and ten years or so, from those who DEFIED the pack, to the pack themselves.
I'm referring though to the Orthodox sects in areas such as Williamsburg, Bklyn, not fellow Jews of whom I am in the least proud.
Miloslaw  21 | 4928
15 Aug 2022   #782
, they refused to convert

And so many also refused to even assimilate.
That is at the root of the Jewish problem.
Jews did not have to convert in Europe, but some degree of assimilation was required.However, too few Jews did and they caused their own problems.

My view may not be popular these days, but it is the truth.
Jews caused their own problems.
pawian  219 | 24592
15 Aug 2022   #783
Jews caused their own problems.

I see. In your sick opinion, Jews deserved Holocaust. You can shake hands with Cojest. Both of you would gladly operate gas chambers if you had a chance. Tfu.
Miloslaw  21 | 4928
15 Aug 2022   #784
Jews deserved Holocaust

Did I say that?
No, of course I did not.
Jews caused the dislike of Jews.
Hatred of Jews is at another level.
And wanting to kill Jews is at a higher level still.


Don't you ever try to put such disgusting words into my mouth again, you absolute maggot!

I thought of you as a leftie but a reasonable guy.
That post of yours made me feel sick.
Kashub1410  6 | 580
16 Aug 2022   #785
Do forgive pawian, his words are powerless and weak for a reason. As not to frighten posters, it's fairly obvious.

So he uses his words for provocation and judges your reaction to them more then what you actually think and ignores what you will think of him by behaving like that.

He is merely testing you to see if you have any decency and react in a decent manner to his accusations.

While others can see it as a challenge and an insult, he cares little for such way of thinking. So do please forgive him for his behaviour
pawian  219 | 24592
16 Aug 2022   #786
That post of yours made me feel sick.

That`s good you feel sick. At least there are some remnants of decency in you and there is a chance you would stop and think before closing the gas chamber door.

He is merely testing you to see if you have any decency

Yes, we want to check if he is a true murderer like Polish nationalists from Jedwabne and other places. If he shares Cojest`s views who calls for eliminating Jews and people who have a favourable opinion about them.
Lenka  5 | 3471
16 Aug 2022   #787
Did I say that?
No, of course I did not.

You said they deserved their problems- Holocaust was part of those problems.
But OK, no Holocsust. What part did they do deserve? Being banned from certain jobs? Having different rules at Uni? Being forced to convert if they wanted to be treated like others?
Kashub1410  6 | 580
16 Aug 2022   #788

Yes, we want to check if he is a true murderer like Polish nationalists from Jedwabne and other places.

If that statement was true, I wouldn't considered myself a Narodowiec.

By your use of slogans it only shows it's true frame tho.

If a group has certain minimum requirements to be it's member and a person refuses to accept those requirements yet cry over being outside of the group... Who is at fault? You write as if you would want the group to pretend as if they were part of the group...
Lenka  5 | 3471
16 Aug 2022   #789
Sorry but I do not consider being Catholic as a prerequisite to being Polish.

And even then not being part of the group shouldn't mean being treated like sh*t.

Imagine if for example you wouldn't be treated equally because you weren't born in Poland and are not on native speakers level of Polish? What thongs should be different for you? Maybe joining your beloved army? After all you weren't born in Poland so that is fishy...

Just a point- I don't think that way it's just an ilustration
Kashub1410  6 | 580
16 Aug 2022   #790
If you understood and read Polish history you would understand it.

With regard to treatment I sure know which groups are more human then others.
I am part of my beloved army ;)

I was born on planet earth, and if you are Polish you should know perfectly well that we as Poles act as if whole planet is given to us in safekeeping, but gladly give the responsibility to other nations to have less work to do. Get annoyed by other countries mismanagement, in comparison to Russians who think they don't own the planet but wants to deserve it to feel better about themselves and their misery
Lenka  5 | 3471
16 Aug 2022   #791
What a drivel.

Poles act as if whole planet is given to us in safekeeping

Can you give me as example because I never in my life noticed that
GefreiterKania  30 | 1460
16 Aug 2022   #792
Sorry but I do not consider being Catholic as a prerequisite to being Polish.

If it was a prerequisite then we would have to say that neither Mikołaj Rej (a Calvinist), father of Polish literature, nor Marshall Piłsudski (a Lutheran) were Polish. It would be spitting in the face of the Orthodox, Jewish and Muslim (Tatar) soldiers who died in September Campaign, for example.

Luckily, the influence of the CC - the church who cursed Poles after the battle of Grunwald, condemned Polish national uprisings and quickly appointed German bishops for conquered Poland in 1939 - is decreasing every day.
Alien  22 | 5460
16 Aug 2022   #793
Can you explain me why Lutheran, Tatar, Orthodox or Calvinists have no problems with Poland and only Jews? Chosen Nation? Chosen for problems or what?
GefreiterKania  30 | 1460
16 Aug 2022   #794

I am not an expert on Jewish matters, so I don't think I can help you with your question. You are probably referring to American-Jewish hutzpah boys trying to extract billions of dollars from Poland. If you ask me, it's totally groundless and should be dealt with by psychiatrists rather than by politicians, but explaining what's happening in the depths of Jewish psyche is beyond the scope of my limited abilities. :)
Alien  22 | 5460
16 Aug 2022   #795
Your answer satisfies me because it is straight from your heart.
pawian  219 | 24592
16 Aug 2022   #796
I wouldn't considered myself a Narodowiec.

You are a good one. When I say nationalist, I mean those rabid ones, the murderers, like Cojest who dreams of sending me to a gas chamber. He admitted it openly.

I am not an expert on Jewish matters,

I thought you are, like your buddy who used to frequent the forum. :):):)

have no problems with Poland and only Jews?

Because once Poland invited Jews to settle here and later rejected them. Who gives and takes, goes straight to Hell - a Polish proverb.
GefreiterKania  30 | 1460
16 Aug 2022   #797
Cojest who dreams of sending me to a gas chamber. He admitted it openly.

What? Why is it that when I take a break from PF, I always miss all the best handbag fights? :)

I thought you are

Well, I have always been something of a philosemite (under my previous nickname I was even called a Jew on this forum on several occasions :)), but philosemite doesn't always mean an expert on all things Jewish.
pawian  219 | 24592
16 Aug 2022   #798

It happened recently. Cojest used perfect Nazi rhetoric on me:

Delousing would be a good solution.
you trash. Scum like you should be elimited.

He made a spelling mistake in eliminated.
GefreiterKania  30 | 1460
16 Aug 2022   #799
He made a spelling mistake

Iron has never been very good with spelling (or your biggest fan) but that's a bit harsh even for his standards. In any case, when your opponent in a discussion on an internet board resorts to this kind of rhetoric, you can assume that you won the argument, so that's a bit of a consolation for you.
Kashub1410  6 | 580
16 Aug 2022   #800
Complaining about how world powers do what they do etc, what they should do etc. Ask any foreigner if Poles as a group behave as such.

It's for this reason Germans and Russians think of Poles as arrogant and "Pany" etc.

Talking from above

I try to be, someone has to
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
16 Aug 2022   #801
you can assume that you won the argument,

What argument? That failed logic. There is other option you consider that person broken beyond repair and a total lowlife.One can arguee with people on a certain level within accped rules of an argument.

If someone fail to keep up to the most basic standard and all you get are lies, ingnorance and idological narrative. Talking about winning an argument is the last retort of the wannabe smart ass that want to sound cool.

Cojest used perfect Nazi rhetoric on me:

LOL! wil you cry or whinne? lol! use more of your hatful lies to spin in more to build up a hate against a group of people that you hate and fear?

I have given you are certain benefit of the doubt on this forum. That ended. You are that kind of people that shouldn't be tolerated.

And even then not being part of the group shouldn't mean being treated like sh*t.

Shouldn't, wouldn't couldn't that is all whisful thinking right?
Talking about generalities should only people who know what they are talking about. You don't know. You listen to slogans and talk slogans.
Why you even talk?
Kashub1410  6 | 580
16 Aug 2022   #802

Would you be so kind as to point me in the direction of any hint or knowledge about this curse and how long it would last?

It would make a lot of sense

With regards to religion, Poland as a nation belings to God. Any individuals betraying the cause on an individual level does not change that one bit.

We are free to choose God, but you can't deny that the Polish nation belongs to God and sees Jesus Christ as it's king of kings.

I am not writing this as if to proclaim that any person speaking or feeling connection to Polish culture isn't a part of Poland. Just stating that they are lost, outside and in the dark. No matter how many times they will mention that their lamp that is not lit was made in Poland
GefreiterKania  30 | 1460
16 Aug 2022   #803
Poland as a nation belings to God. Any individuals betraying the cause on an individual level does not change that one bit.

Agree 100%.

you can't deny that the Polish nation belongs to God and sees Jesus Christ as it's king of kings

I am not denying this at all. I am simply refusing to consider the membership in the apostate pseudo-ecclesiastical Roman organisation (aka Roman Catholic "Church") to be some sort of measuring rod of Polishness.

As for the papal curse, I read about it somewhere. Couldn't be arsed looking for details.
Kashub1410  6 | 580
16 Aug 2022   #804
Well I would be grateful to read about it if you happen to find it during your spare time. As I am highly interested in this with regard to battle of Grunwald and it's aftermath.

As I understand you do not see the church as an extension of the body of Christ on earth? I hope you do not think such thinks merely cause you are unable to control it or influence it. Or is it something else?

I remember my grandmother asking about Pope kissing the Koran,

I answered: what is the Catholic way? Love or hate? Kissing a book is an act of love,

Just as giving a liar a hug instead of chopping his hand off.

Which ways are that of Christ? Which ways are that not of Christ? Think about that
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
16 Aug 2022   #805
Hey? Why is this going the way to debate a religion?
Terrible past for the Jews in Poland wasn't that terrrible after all. It was quite the other way around.
Kashub1410  6 | 580
16 Aug 2022   #806
Due to the claim about Jewish past in Poland had to do with religion
GefreiterKania  30 | 1460
16 Aug 2022   #807
As I understand you do not see the church as an extension of the body of Christ on earth?

I do not see the so-called roman catholic church as having anything to do with Our Lord Jesus Christ or his Church at all. I do not want to go into details, because I would probably hurt somebody's uczucia religijne and in today's Poland one can be severely persecuted for that.

In any case, everything is in the hands of our sovereign God and the perfect justice of Jesus Christ will eventually reach all the wolves in sheep skins who are leading people astray.

Soli Deo Gloria!
pawian  219 | 24592
16 Aug 2022   #808
One can arguee with people on a certain level

The problem is that you never do it. :):):) Read your lips: you trash. Scum like you should be elimited.

that's a bit of a consolation for you.

Thanks but I don`t need it, actually. I am far above it - they can`t insult me. :):):)

wil you cry or whinne?

No, darling, neither. I will only use your words to spread the bad reputation of Polish nationalists and add my own share to it. I think you don`t realise you are playing straight into my basket. hahahaha buhahahahaha

Hey, people of the world! Do you know that Polish nationalists still dream of murdering Jews and their supporters????
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
16 Aug 2022   #809
The problem is that you never do it. :):)

And you lie again.
Lenka  5 | 3471
16 Aug 2022   #810
Complaining about how world powers do what they do etc, what they should do etc.

Most people act that way. Nothing specific.

And how your rumblings connect with the fact that they been treated differently because of religion?

Can you explain me why Lutheran, Tatar, Orthodox or Calvinists have no problems with Poland and only Jews?

Big part of it is numbers. It is proven that groups react differently depending on the minority percentage

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