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Terrible past for the Jews in Poland?

Lyzko  43 | 9685
13 Aug 2022   #751
The only Jewish "myth", Kaszub, was the delusion that Jewish Poles as Jews could peacefully co-exist with gentile Poles! Clearly , this didn't entirely work out in the German-speaking world either, only in countries such as Germany and Austria, the Jews were usually innumerable times more culturally assimilated than in Poland:-)

Polish Jews, by in large observant and living in shtettl communities, never for a minute deluded themselves into thinking they were considered as "Polish as the Poles". However, the German Jews lulled themselves into a pipe dream of complete symbiosis with their gentile neighbors, believing the Enlightenment ideal of co-existing as fellow citizens. The latter was the real tragedy of the ensuing Holocaust.
Novichok  5 | 8633
13 Aug 2022   #752
So why were Jews disliked wherever they happen to live? And why, according to ADL, is anti-semitism global?
Lyzko  43 | 9685
13 Aug 2022   #753
Simple, yet not always transparent to most. The Church perpetuated the age-old lie that the Jews, rather than the Romans, murdered Christ by crucifying him.

Jews had always been individualists, Johnny, not content to merely follow the pack! This made them a threat to the existing power that be at the time and on into the future.

The Church further demonized the Jews by forcing them into thankless work vs. honored vocations or trades. As money lending was off limits to Christians, this then fell to the Jews to serve as pawnbrokers and/or tax collectors. The latter then turned them into the hated enemy of the poor farmers who often had little choice but to "go the Jew" whenever money was scarce.

Moreover, with the advent of the Plague, gentiles were usually off at some war or other and as Jews were forbidden from joining guilds or the military, they were able to stay home with their possessions while the Christians returned home to nothing, mostly having been ravaged by famine, death, and poverty, whilst though the Jews appeared to be living in relative comfort.

This further exacerbated hatred of Jews as shiftless pariah, determined to destroy the Christians.
Kashub1410  6 | 580
13 Aug 2022   #754
Jews hate the church so much, yet ask how it came to be that the holocaust happened. Ask yourself, ask any Jew what happened when Jews refused God through Moses.

Then ask again how much more terrible fate would happen by refusing the Messiah.

Jews can never destroy the Church, just as they cannot destroy Israel. Jews curse themselves by refusing the covenant.

Restrictions were for heretics and pagans alike with regard to such things.

Yet Poles with Jewish heritage live in Poland, survived and are so fully accepted as Polish that they aren't even considered Jewish by any means.

Yet one of the main goals and foundations of Poland is being part of the covenent and aid those who wish to join, to shine among others. To serve

Which is why no Pole can have any other lord then the lord and saviour Jesus Christ
Lenka  5 | 3514
13 Aug 2022   #755
Which is why no Pole can have any other lord then the lord and saviour Jesus Christ

Rally? Thank you but I will pass
johnny reb  49 | 7943
13 Aug 2022   #756

Yes, Rally.

Yet one of the main goals and foundations of Poland is being part of the covenent

Satan goal is to dumb down the lost souls of Poland who only serve themselves.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
13 Aug 2022   #757
I d

Ok F you trash. Scum like you should be elimited.
I knew from the start you weren't intersted in a debate or the truth. You only peddling the same lie and th3e same narrative like NYT, Isreal facists and Moscow as well as All enimeis of Poland. Germany and little German helpers with emeniting Jews like most western Europen counrtues with France and Holand in the lead.

It is suitable for them. I just wonder where from scum like you came from , Moscow little rabbit crminals and henchmen that were killing Poles by droves with the backing of the Red Army or from somewere else.

I think I'm right you are foregin Moscow implant in Poland. Delousing would be a good solution.

The Church

Not the Church but Jews and their ciminal acts. At least in Poland.
Miloslaw  20 | 5108
13 Aug 2022   #758
So do I, darling. I critisize Polish nationalists` attitude to Jews which escalated from rejection through persecution to murder.

You may well have some cause for concern in what you say.
But it is your fervour and hatred of these Poles that sticks in my craw.
Can you really not be open minded enough to see both sides?
I don't think there was anyone to blame for the Polish/Jewish enmity.
It just evolved from occurrences and some actions from both sides.
Playing the blame game is just childish.
Lenka  5 | 3514
13 Aug 2022   #759
But it is your fervour and hatred of these Poles that sticks in my craw.

People who harbour all that nastinesa shouldn't be hated? Forget their nationality- their nastiness is what matters
Miloslaw  20 | 5108
13 Aug 2022   #760
People who harbour all that nastinesa shouldn't be hated?

Did I say that?
No, I did not.
But you are a bit like Pawian, you are, to a lesser degree, narrow minded.
The Jews did things, some unintetionaly and others deliberately that alienated them to Poles.
The lack of assimilation was the big one.
Educated Jews did assimilate in their droves.
But the uneducated poorer masses caused the main problem.
And that bad feeling against Jews then fed back and hurt the assimilated Jews.
There is no right and wrong here.
This was a huge misunderstanding between two culrures.

Forget their nationality- their nastiness is what matters

Again,childish comment without a true appreciation of history.
Novichok  5 | 8633
14 Aug 2022   #761
The Church perpetuated the age-old lie that the Jews, rather than the Romans, murdered Christ by crucifying him.

The biggest evasive piece of crap. Poland invited Jews AFTER Christ was crucified.

BTW, the top 10 most anti-semitic countries according to ADL:


So, from now on, please do not insult me with that Christ story. The Church perpetuated nothing in 7 out of those 10.
Alien  25 | 6317
14 Aug 2022   #762
The 10 countries that are not antisemitic at all;
1. Israel
2. Israel
3. .........
10. Israel.
Lenka  5 | 3514
14 Aug 2022   #763
There is no right and wrong here

There is.

People always have 'reasons' for their hate. And if it ended just by staying away I could agree with you. But there is certain level when it stops being OK.

Public callings for ostracism, lobbying for introducing laws that made them second class etc.
pawian  223 | 26977
14 Aug 2022   #764
Scum like you should be elimited.

Eliminated? Yes, you want to eliminate me like you would to a Jew in Jedwabne or other places where rabid nationalists killed innocent people. I already told you in another thread - you are a potential murderer.

you weren't intersted in a debate

Darling, there is no debate with you if you deny everything and only abuse your interlocutors.

enough to see both sides?

Of course I see two sides. But here I present one side because such is my choice - I don`t have time to talk about everything so I focus on one side . I already told you - anybody who wants to deal with the other side, can do it without constraint. My job is to show how Polish nationalists oppressed and eventually murdered Jews in Poland.
pawian  223 | 26977
14 Aug 2022   #765
Delousing would be a good solution.

You mean, Final Solution is the best solution, right??? hahahaha You want to see me in your little gas chamber, slowly choking to death in Zyklon gas fumes, desperately scratching against the door which is too thick to break it? You are a rabid nationalist murderer, indeed! Such guys like you worked in death camps as Holocaust operators.

The lack of assimilation was the big one.

Yes, coz even assimilated Jews were treated with utter suspicion and enmity by rabid nationalists and their suporters, which means millions of ethnic Poles. So why should Jews assimilate? It was better to stay within their own group - assimilated, they were rejected by everybody - both Jews and Poles.
Alien  25 | 6317
14 Aug 2022   #766
@pawian; my job is......
Your job is to teach pupils.
Truth, all truth and nothing but truth.
pawian  223 | 26977
14 Aug 2022   #767
Truth, all truth and nothing but truth

Yes, that`s what I am dealing with. Point to one false fact from the past that I related here.
Alien  25 | 6317
14 Aug 2022   #768
I don't want to look for. Cojest will definitely find it, but what is with all truth?
pawian  223 | 26977
14 Aug 2022   #769
all truth

There are three kinds of truth, according to Tischner. :):):)
Novichok  5 | 8633
14 Aug 2022   #770
but what is with all truth?

The truth is in "Jews and Poles". Those three words tell all - one of them that Jews are foreigners the day they arrive and centuries later. Fluency in the local language is irrelevant.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
14 Aug 2022   #771

you lie and peddle you lies and that is you only interest here. You can't debate you have no facts or argumens all you have is a preachy lies.

So don't predent otherwise and get lost!
pawian  223 | 26977
14 Aug 2022   #772
get lost!

Of course not. I will stay here and relate more facts on how Jews were persecuted by Polish rabid nationalists.

Three pics of an antisemitic magazine published in Poznań

Jews, keep away from the thresholds of Poznań! a picture from 1937.

The second: "The war" has just started! (meaning the war against Jews in Nazi Germany).

No 3 - the same magazine: Locust within the gates of Poznań! Everybody to the defence against Jewish deluge!

  • 13.jpg

  • 2.jpg

  • 3.jpg
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
14 Aug 2022   #773
I will stay here

I mean enough predending that you are anyhing else but a trash and a low life.

how Jews were persecuted

Go ahead.I'm not reading that but whovere read it should be careful it is posted by pawian a human trash so it all or some could be a lie, or maniuplation.

Good thing that Poles were defending themseves againt Jewish con artist, gangsters and unfair business prectises as Polish gov at the time have don't very little to sort it out or nothing at all.
pawian  223 | 26977
14 Aug 2022   #774
Polish gov at the time have don't very little to sort it out or nothing at all.

Yes, very little compared to happened later when Jews were sorted out as you say by Nazi Germans and Polish rabid nationalists during WW2.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
14 Aug 2022   #775
d Polish rabid nationalists during WW2.

Don't forget to add Polish dead camps.
Why do you balme Germans here? They were trying to stop Poles from getting rid of Jews and bulding dead camps. After all Hilter and Germany stared war with Poland in defence of the Jews. tsk tsk you are anti-semite for sure with your oppinions.
pawian  223 | 26977
14 Aug 2022   #776
Polish dead camps

No, there weren`t Polish death camps coz they were German. However, Polish rabid nationalists murdered Jews without camps, in pogroms like in Jedwabne.
Korvinus  2 | 590
14 Aug 2022   #777
No, there weren`t Polish death camps

Don't you dare deny it, CNN said so, must be true, only a Communist Russian would question that.

pogroms like in Jedwabne

Is this about Bibi asking Poland to open her purse for a new revenue stream of Schuld-shekels to Israel, or something else?
pawian  223 | 26977
14 Aug 2022   #778
what is wrong with you

Nothing, darling. :):) I am doing my job.
Vacation job, Alien.

In pre war times, Poles who traded with Jews or bought from them at their shops were stigmatised by rabid nationalist press who even published the images.

Pomorze region is becoming awfully Jewish!

  • Pod_Prgierz_1937_.jpg
Alien  25 | 6317
14 Aug 2022   #779
Who are the "szabesgoje"?
Interesting that only woman.
pawian  223 | 26977
14 Aug 2022   #780

Poles who had good contacts with Jews, in trade and other spheres of life. Or simply respected Jews. And liked Jews.
Also, a nationalist could use that term on those Poles who weren`t antisemitic enough and tried to remain neutral, keeping away from the bashing and smear campaigns run by nationalists.

Interesting that only woman.

Yes, it also shows the nationalists` discriminating approach to women. Males are mentioned in the text but their images aren`t published.

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