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Terrible past for the Jews in Poland?

Novichok  5 | 8633
26 Mar 2021   #601
If my son was bullied at school, the first thing I would like to do is talk to the bullies to find why they are doing it. That would not mean I would justify bullying but it would be helpful in my conversation with him. After that, if possible, we would try to remove the objects of their attention. Wearing a shirt with White Lives Matter in a predominantly black school is beyond stupid. It's also easily correctible. Just change that stupid shirt to the plain kind. Or move if you can't exist without it.

It's that simple. Except here where playing stupid is a popular debating technique.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
26 Mar 2021   #602
this reminds me or Belarus what it does to Poland against Jews saying they're communist ho Belarus said the enemies of soviets or Polish people fighting them after the war were hitlerites:

but they sort of are i mean dirk openly said and told me personally he hangs out with nazis for instance and i wouldn't be surprised iron does as well wnd most of these people in Poland who linked Jews with communists.
Novichok  5 | 8633
26 Mar 2021   #603
Can you please say the same in English?
Strzelec35  19 | 830
26 Mar 2021   #604
if you watch the video from belarus above youll get it.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
26 Mar 2021   #606
basically how soviets and nazis are blamed for everything just point your finger their way and everything will be fine mentality. You never even heard the Americans say "those damn commies or nazis" "always screwing everything in Europe up?"
Novichok  5 | 8633
26 Mar 2021   #607
basically how soviets and nazis are blamed for everything

Thanks for making it clear.
I totally agree. What I will fight tooth and nail is any attempt to add Poles to that list.
In nature, few things happen without a reason. I have yet to see a victim that didn't somehow contribute to his or her bad ending.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
26 Mar 2021   #608
the first thing I would like to do is talk to the bullies to find why they are doing it

Good luck trying to do that esp in the great USA.
Novichok  5 | 8633
26 Mar 2021   #609
My buddy did just that. Went to see the bully's parents and said: Either we talk or I will see you in court. They and their bully talked.

Before he left, he said: Do it one more time and I will hurt you.
The next day, he signed his son for martial arts. Today, his son has a martial arts school to show his students how to make themselves very unattractive to bullies.

The conclusion from this story: Jewish pacifism sure did not help them. The brave people of Israel learned that lesson quickly.
BTW, I like Mossad.
Lyzko  43 | 9685
26 Mar 2021   #610
Israel was still virgin territory by the fime the European-Jewish settlers, the Jabotinskys and so forth, arrived in the Holy Land! Try teaching Holocaust studies to Israeli youth. "So why didn't those in the schtettl simply blow 'em all away with their semi-automatics?", was the usual response from high schoolers.
Novichok  5 | 8633
26 Mar 2021   #611
I see you are back. So, what would motivate the pogrom criminals to commit those crimes - IN THEIR OWN WORDS?
Lyzko  43 | 9685
26 Mar 2021   #612
Jews were initially perceived as too shrewd, too ready to see the wrong doings of others:-)
Novichok  5 | 8633
26 Mar 2021   #613
Still too hard to answer a simple question?
Lyzko  43 | 9685
26 Mar 2021   #614
Question is hardly simple, novi.
Lyzko  43 | 9685
26 Mar 2021   #615
Your thinking is typically American, ignorant and simplistic!

Why do you like or dislike somebody? Usually, there is no reason, good, bad or indifferent.
Novichok  5 | 8633
26 Mar 2021   #616
Why do you like or dislike somebody?

Are you asking me?
If so, we are not discussing liking or disliking. We are discussing violent crimes, including murders so your question is puzzling.
Lyzko  43 | 9685
26 Mar 2021   #617
Whom else?
Novichok  5 | 8633
26 Mar 2021   #618
If I knew that somebody close hates Poles and is ready to kill them, I would take notice of this fact and react to it in so many ways.

You, instead of addressing this issue as it applied to the Jews, turned the tables and made me the object of your Post 615 - a transparently evasive move as my way of thinking has nothing to do with the events that took place decades ago and the historical records documenting said events.
Lyzko  43 | 9685
26 Mar 2021   #619
I did no such thing! The Poles, as with other gentile Europeans, hated the Jews because the latter were demonized as Christ-killers, plain and simple.
Novichok  5 | 8633
26 Mar 2021   #620
Polish communists hated Jews in 1960's, too, and send them packing. Nothing to do with Jesus.
Lyzko  43 | 9685
26 Mar 2021   #621
Look at who was in the influential public eye such as the prelates Jozef Kardinal Glemp, Wyszpanski, not to mention the arch nationalist politico Moczar!
Miloslaw  20 | 5110
26 Mar 2021   #622
Polish communists hated Jews in 1960's

This is one thing that I fail to get my head around.
After the war, some Poles, rightly, demonised Jews for being many were.
Then the Communists kicked a load of them out in 1968!
What was that all about?
Novichok  5 | 8633
26 Mar 2021   #623
What was that all about?

Excellent question, Milo. Another equally good question is why they were asked to leave, to put it gently, from so many other places?
Jews must have a unique problem in this respect or there is a world-wide conspiracy against them. They are the only ethnic group that has formed a special organization to fight their haters, the ADL, with total operating expenses of 70 million bucks a year.

Yet, Lyzko is so far unable to explain where all that hate comes from. No, I am not buying the Jesus argument.
Lyzko  43 | 9685
26 Mar 2021   #624
The "Jesus argument" might well be the most tenable one yet...if you know a thing about history:-)
Novichok  5 | 8633
26 Mar 2021   #625
Any other reasons in addition to "the most tenable one"?
Lyzko  43 | 9685
27 Mar 2021   #626
None to my certain knowledge, novi.
pawian  223 | 26977
30 Jul 2022   #627
In pre war Poland, Dmowski`s National Democrats were the party whose main motif in ideology and politics was anti- semitism. Dmowski considered Jews a threat to the Polish society - both economic and cultural. He advocated national egoism which meant pushing Jews onto the outskirts of Polish life and then out of Poland altogether. His ideas were soon adopted by thousands, even million followers who gladly agreed that Jews had to be supressed coz that was in the Polish interest.

The anti-Jewish charges made by the ,Endecja" were given a warm welcome by urban and rural strata imbued with a deeply rooted anti-Jewish animosity, strata which the "Endecja" sought to turn into an active, central part of the process of all-Polish national crystallization.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
30 Jul 2022   #628
National Democrats were the party whose main motif in ideology and politics was anti- semitism.

That is a lie. You make it to look as if that was a main issue. It wasn't, there were a lot of issues about Dmowski talked about and one of those were so called Jewish issue.

It was about those who refuse to assimilate, they they should came and make a deal with Polish majority, if not they refuse that economical pressure should make them to emigrate, That pressure should be achived by solidarty of Poles, in short to boycott jewish bussiesnes in the same way Jewish buss. where doing to Polish buss for decades.

By the way anti-semitism was a norm everywhere at the time, Only ingnorant people or liars tell us that somewhat Poland was that bad. Poland wasn't even in tne USA Jews were facing more discrmination then in Poland, and Poland was a counrty that there most Jews lived.

I don't see a problem with majority having bigger say in ruling a counrty. Only fruitcake would claim otherwise.
Go to Isreal and tell them what a terrible counrty for Palestinians they are. I dare you!
pawian  223 | 26977
30 Jul 2022   #629
It was about those who refuse to assimilate

For Endecja , it wasn`t enough when Jews assimilated - they were still treated as Jews, not Poles. They also had to adopt the nationalist antisemitic policy of Endecja which only acknowledged Jews who ""identify themselves completely with the national aspirations of our people and share them even if this calls for a limitation of the social status of the Jewish element among us".

Such a prerequiste of Endecja didn`t only concern Jews - also Polish political rivals who disagreed with Endecja nationalist opinions, were not good Poles. The only good Poles were those who identified themselves completely with its nationalist views.

as if that was a main issue

If you try to say it wasn`t, you are lying. Because it was. Dmowski was the main ideologist of Polish antisemitism.

he was, above all, a political writer. Sometimes he even wrote several texts a day. Antisemitism was fundamentally present in them and significant, from the 1890s, that is, from the moment when modern Polish nationalism was born. Anti-Semitism in Dmowski's writings grew more and more important with each passing year. It can even be checked statistically.

By the way anti-semitism was a norm everywhere at the time

Yes, true. But this is a polish forum and we are talking about Poles and Polish Jews. Ha!
pawian  223 | 26977
30 Jul 2022   #630
And it was nationalist Poles, supporters of Endecja, who murdered Jews in pogroms of 1941 in Eastern Poland when Germans attacked the USSR. The most known example is Jedwabne massacre but there were a dozen others in the villages and towns in the area.
. Undoubtedly, the subsoil of anti-Semitic sentiments in these parts was very important. This is a traditional Endek area, one of the nurseries of the National Democracy. As the National Democracy evolved in a very anti-Semitic direction, such sentiments grew.

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