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Can anyone from Poland tell me about Auschwitz and The Ghetto?

pawian  226 | 27587
16 Apr 2021   #511
Nothing but grief.

You are a historical ignoramus. Jews contributed a lot.

Somehow, they never leave

You are a legal ignoramus, too. They don`t leave coz the conditions back in their country don`t allow it.
amiga500  5 | 1508
16 Apr 2021   #512
2. Refugeees are a threat coz they will build concentration camps for natives.

" Attacks and threats against French Jews surged 74 percent from 2017 to 2018... The report stresses that the "single greatest threat of violence" against French Jews emanates from radicalization among portions of a growing French Muslim population. "
johnny reb  49 | 8003
16 Apr 2021   #513
Never again. Smart lady.

That's what I thought too but apparently some of the Polish people agree with most of them anyways.

They don`t leave coz the conditions back in their country don`t allow it.

I thought Israel allowed all jews to enter their mother country.
Novichok  4 | 8596
16 Apr 2021   #514
They don`t leave coz the conditions back in their country don`t allow it.

That's why Poland doesn't want the scum knowing that they would be in Poland forever because "the conditions back in their country" will last forever.

Asylums and refugees work when wars are between states - they start and end. Tribal wars between primates with IQs of 65 or lower never end.
Lyzko  44 | 9720
16 Apr 2021   #515
Czy równiez Jan Karski jest w Polsce honorowany?

This is an English only forum, please read the rules
pawian  226 | 27587
16 Apr 2021   #516
Three people resigned from Auschwitz museum board over appointment of right-wing politician.

Yes, they refuse to have a controvercial politician on board. Very decent people.

Czy równiez Jan Karski jest w Polsce honorowany?

Yes, he is. It is still remembered that his mission to the USA to notify Am politicians about the Holocaust was in vain coz nobody took him seriously, including American Jews who didn`t care about their brothers gassed in death camps.
Lyzko  44 | 9720
16 Apr 2021   #517
He, Pileckí, Socha, and Lolek Wójtyla are among the true heroes of Poland!
pawian  226 | 27587
16 Apr 2021   #518
Don`t forget Irena Sendler who rescued 2500 kids. Or Ulma family of 8 who paid with their lives for helping.
Novichok  4 | 8596
16 Apr 2021   #519
Jews who didn`t care about their brothers gassed in death camp

With Madoff as a point of reference, they would if they could make a buck.
pawian  226 | 27587
16 Apr 2021   #520
No, they wouldn`t. American Jewish elites believed that Eastern European Jewry was worse and not worth bothering about. That is why they did nothng. I even heard opinions about American Jews` conscious agreement to a sort of cleansing - Eastern Jews were to be annihilated to remove bad genes from the Jewish race.

A very good article

Several doctoral candidates in history have issued a stream of indictments against American Jews in the form of scholarly articles published in various Jewish journals. A documentary film - ''Who Shall Live and Who Shall Die?'' - has been produced by a 25-year-old American Jew and it blames the American Jews and their organizations for inaction and indifference during the war.

That is one of the reasons why today so many American Jews claim that Poles participated in the Holocaust - they simply want to shift the blame on sb else at any cost.
Novichok  4 | 8596
16 Apr 2021   #521
No, they wouldn`t.

Yes, they would. Jews like Madoff swindled the American Jews - the good Jews according to you. That is why Poles didn't like them - everything was for sale and Poland was just where they were selling things and collected rents. Nothing more.
pawian  226 | 27587
19 Apr 2021   #522
After 6 years of waiting I can admit that our mock president has done sth worthy of praise at last. It is the anniversary of 1943 Ghetto Rising today and he said that Jews fought like lions for their dignity to the very end, scaring German soldiers, convinced about a quick and easy suppression of the Rising.

And he added: Some people say they were our Jews. No, I prefer to say: they were Ours. In Polish - Nasi, meaning the same folk as us.

Beautiful words. I almost cried.

Daffodils are the symbol of rememberance of the past events and the tragedy of Polish Jews.

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Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
19 Apr 2021   #523
Jews never have and will never be the same as Poles. We are two entirely different people. Our traditions, our history, our ideologies, our religions and even our biology and genetics are totally different.
pawian  226 | 27587
19 Apr 2021   #524
Jews never have and will never be the same as Poles

Yet, we lived in the same country for centuries. And many Jews became the same Poles as ethnic Poles.

are totally different.

And that is so wonderful coz we attained amazing diversity. Remember our motto? Diversity rulez!
Lyzko  44 | 9720
19 Apr 2021   #525
@DirkDiggler, tell assimilated Polish Jews like Tuwim or Tadeusz Róziewicz that they aren't "Polish" or have no true polskosc.LOL
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
21 Apr 2021   #526
Well that's weird half the Yiddish language is made up of Polish words... and the cuisines are more or less the same minus pig. ....
Novichok  4 | 8596
21 Apr 2021   #527
Why would anyone speak Yiddish while feeling Polish, speaking Polish, living in Poland, observing Polish customs and tradition, liking Polish art and culture, enjoying Polish food, and benefitting from the protections of the Polish military and the legal system?

I thought that such people are commonly known and referred to as Poles. Am I missing something?

Do many Poles speak Mongolian? How about Latin?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11929
21 Apr 2021   #528
Jews never have and will never be the same as Poles.

....and why should they. Not much good did come to them from their diaspora. They only always wanted to go home..."next year in Jerusalem" and all that.

If I would pack my bags and leave I would also still stay a German, wherever I go....
Lyzko  44 | 9720
21 Apr 2021   #529
Please read #525, CAREFULLY this time!
pawian  226 | 27587
21 Apr 2021   #530
the cuisines are more or less the same minus pig. ...

When Jews have pierogis, they can`t contain pork. :)

Am I missing something?

Yes, every single time. :)
pawian  226 | 27587
19 Apr 2023   #531
Today it is the first time in history when presidents of Poland, Germany and Israel celebrated the anniversary of the Ghetto Rising together.
The 80th anniversary.

President Duda gave an emotional speech, as always. After the monument part, they went to the synagogue to light the candles.

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Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11929
19 Apr 2023   #532
We Germans LOVE our history! Seriously....we are being the BEST at remembrance, nobody does it better than us....

I just wish we would use the memory for a better future....I mean, look at the photos....that's of the biggest supporters of Nordstream....totally disregarding polish actual wishes and needs and warnings...but he does great speeches at those times, doesn't he....
pawian  226 | 27587
19 Apr 2023   #533
one of the biggest supporters of Nordstream

Such trivial stuff becomes unimportant when such tragedies are remembered.
Alien  25 | 6442
19 Apr 2023   #534
look at Steinmeier.....

He got older.
Paulina  19 | 4505
19 Apr 2023   #535
@pawian, I don't know if it's such a "trivial" stuff... We should learn from history and not repeat the same mistakes...

Anyway, that's good that all of them were there:

Today it is the first time in history when presidents of Poland, Germany and Israel celebrated the anniversary of the Ghetto Rising together.

pawian  226 | 27587
19 Apr 2023   #536
I don't know if it's such a "trivial" stuff...

Yes, it is, compared to Shoah. I will stick to my opinion. :):)

We should learn from history and not repeat the same mistakes...

Exactly but........ transporting gas through a pipe line like Nordstream will never be on a par with transporting people to gas chambers as during WW2. That is why I called the Nordstream issue trivial when compared to such a tragedy. That is why it doesn`t matter on such a day that Steinmeyer supported Nordstream. He came to Poland and apologised for German crimes. Again. That`s what counts.

When will Putin and other Russians apologise for their crimes in Ukraine???

After this rhetorical question, we have to agree that we like Mr President Steinmeyer despite all his controversies.
Paulina  19 | 4505
19 Apr 2023   #537
@pawian, of course I'm not comparing Nordstream to such stuff, have mercy on me... :) I meant that mistakes in policies can lead to such tragedies like the war in Ukraine when we're "feeding" the regimes of such people like Putin. I realise that it's not the right thread for such reflections though, sorry!

He came to Poland and apologised for German crimes. Again. That`s what counts.

Yes, of course, it's very important.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11929
19 Apr 2023   #538
That`s what counts.

...isn't it abit empty? Great words but no deeds...kinda? Shouldn't it be the other way around?
pawian  226 | 27587
19 Apr 2023   #539
I meant that mistakes in policies can lead to such tragedies like the war in Ukraine

Yes, but had Germans predicted it would end like that? No, they had been simply naive like kids but eventually were taught a lesson and put an end to their sancta naivety. . And that`s what counts! HA!

Great words but no deeds

No deeds? I thought Germans abundantly compensated Jews after WW2. So it wasn`t only words.
PS. In case you mean Nordstream again, please stop - it is a trivial issue on such a day.
Paulina  19 | 4505
19 Apr 2023   #540
Yes, but had Germans predicted it would end like that?

Poles warned Germans... They didn't listen...

No, they had been simply naive like kids

And greedy. So were Poles, to some extent. Everybody could see what Putin was like and what he was gradually doing to RuSSia. Many clearly chose to ignore it and do business as usual. That's one of the accusations made by the RuSSian opposition and I think they're right. We should realise our moral and strategic failures in order not to repeat such mistakes in the future...

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