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Can anyone from Poland tell me about Auschwitz and The Ghetto?

Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
5 Aug 2017   #361
Yes but no ruling party took it seriously till now. I don't recall any government figures being as serious about this as Kaczynski is now since the 90s.

I'm all for the right people receiving reparations but it seems like Kaczynski is just using this as a political tool now. I don't recall any mentions of this in pis campaigns for example.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
5 Aug 2017   #362
using this as a political tool now.

Thats bad very bad and could well backfire, I don't want the family that I lost during WWII to be used for political gain.

This needs to be sorted once an for all so that the younger generations in Poland and Germany can move on and build a better future.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
5 Aug 2017   #363
It was sorted. It's Kaczyński trying to bring up a diversion from the fact that Poland has just ignored an ECJ ruling, which is unprecedented.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
6 Aug 2017   #364

Exactly. But even if Germany did give reparations to poland something tells me that the right people wouldn't be compensated or theyd put up so much red tape and bureaucracy that people would simply give up. We have land around lwow that was taken from us a long time ago but itd be pretty much impossible to get that back now.

Yeah it's a game of political football. I do like some of the ideas pis stands for and things they do (same with p.o. - they both have their pros and cons like with just about anything) but I am not in favor of certain things pis has done like the abortion laws they tried to pass and now this whole reparations thing. As far as the courts I don't really have an opinion as I simply don't know enough about the issue. However judging by the huge protests in wroclaw(I've never in my life seen the rynek that full) it seems to not be too popular of a move. I do think the courts need some adjustments as I've witnessed the corruption firsthand but i can't really say how to or how not to go about it.

In this case though as far as reparations it's clearly a distraction and basically an attempt to get some political leverage. They reallt shouldn't be using the solemn memory of ww2 atrocities against poles as a political tool. If Kaczynski or pis said this while campaigning or once they got into power itd be a little different. However doing this at this point in time and very rapidly makes one think he doesn't care about the people hurt by the Nazis and wermacht a whole lot.

Idk if he's doing this because of the constitution/court situation or eu demands for taking in migrants or another reason. Only Kaczynski and his inner pis circle know the true purpose and we can only speculate. Maybe it'll end in some sort of comrpomise where Kaczynski and Merkel maybe agree on something like where Germany won't pay reparations but then the fines for not taking in migrants or some other issue the eu has against poland will be dropped. Who knows what will occur of this. Only time will tell.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
6 Aug 2017   #365
. We have land around lwow that was taken from us

Same here same place , we were probably neighbours back then.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
6 Aug 2017   #366

Wouldn't surprise me. The problem is after ww2 and even after the fall of communism some people would just steal whatever they could. And I'm not talking about stealing a load of bread so you don't starve... I'm talking about stealing land machinery entire estates to enrich yourself. People would come out of concentration camps or a gulag or from the front to find a new family in your home. I swear some people are no better than maggots feeding off a dead host.
gregy741  5 | 1226
7 Aug 2017   #367
Holocaust wouldn't happen if not massive number of 130 000 jews serving in wermacht,Zydzi-w-armii-Hitlera

thats hundrets times more than number of jews fighting nazis in resistance armies
jon357  72 | 23529
7 Aug 2017   #368
Holocaust wouldn't happen if not

Don't be daft. Unless you think the Wermacht caused the Holocaust...

in resistance armies

Very few 'resistance armies' in Germany. Something to do with the murderous regime...
gregy741  5 | 1226
7 Aug 2017   #369
Very few 'resistance armies' in Germany. Something to do with the murderous regime... polish resistant army there were just few jews,,,not many , compare to more than 130 000 jews in wermacht..we know wermach also commited lots of war crimes and death..those jews in wermach surely had their part in this,not to mention that they actively supported nazis in implementing holocaust on polish nation.
jon357  72 | 23529
7 Aug 2017   #370
we know wermach also commited lots of war crimes

We also don't know how safe those Jewish people you claim were in the Wermacht were, or what they could or couldn't do.

Even the article you cite, doesn't back up your theories - it refers to Germans who were suspected of having some partial Jewish heritage, a group who were to say the least vulnerable in those times.

Your article also says "większość z nich nie wiedziała o Holokauście ani o rzeczywistości obozów koncentracyjnych czy obozów śmierc, or "The majority of them didn't know about the Holocaust or about either concentration camps or death camps".

In short, you're writing relativistic nonsense.
gregy741  5 | 1226
7 Aug 2017   #371
We also don't know how safe those Jewish people you claim were in the Wermacht

they were safer than their defenceless victims,had good weapons,food and money provided by the wermacht.

The majority of them didn't know about the Holocaust or about either concentration camps or death camps".

majority of wermacht soldiers and even SS didnt know about death
jon357  72 | 23529
7 Aug 2017   #372
they were safer than their defenceless victims,

You might read and understand the article and its context, before commenting stupidly on the German Army's victims.
gregy741  5 | 1226
7 Aug 2017   #373
interesting story about Hans Eppigner,jew who was doctor in Dachau and took part in experiments on people.didnt know about jews scale of collaboration with nazi holocaust program

how now polish collaboration looks like? well,it doest look good for those jews here,who try put some blame for this on poles..
Bieganski  17 | 888
7 Aug 2017   #374
Don't be daft. Unless you think the Wermacht caused the Holocaust...

The Wehrmacht was the unified armed forces of Nazi Germany.

War crimes of the Wehrmacht

3Invasion of Poland
3.1Mass murder of Polish civilians
3.2Deliberate bombing of civilians
3.3Massacres of Polish POWs
3.4Rape of Poles
3.5Widespread plunder and theft


Decimating Poland obviously paved the way for the Holocaust to happen.

How shameful that PF now actually has an excuse maker for the Wehrmacht.

You would be daft one to think that anyone in their right mind will believe your tawdry and false revision of history as you defame Poland and Poles for war crimes committed by Nazi Germany.
jon357  72 | 23529
7 Aug 2017   #375
armed forces

Not the politicians or ideologues behind it.

How shameful that PF now actually has an excuse make

A silly statement.

defame Poland and Poles

An even sillier one, even for you.
gregy741  5 | 1226
7 Aug 2017   #376
Not the politicians or ideologues behind it.

but its okey to blame polish nation cus few angry polish villagers committed some crimes? you losing me with your logic
jon357  72 | 23529
7 Aug 2017   #377
its okey to blame polish nation cus few angry polish villagers committed some crimes?

Is anyone 'blaming' Poland for the Holocaust? No. Only in your mind.
gregy741  5 | 1226
7 Aug 2017   #378
there is some trend in this direction,to put some responsibility on Poland , among many american jews.dunno why? am friend of jewish ppl,but that bashing poland really pis.s me off sometimes..its everywhere
jon357  72 | 23529
7 Aug 2017   #379
there is some trend in this direction

Not here, unless you've read a completely different set of posts.
Bieganski  17 | 888
7 Aug 2017   #380
Not the politicians or ideologues behind it.

Oh, so that's your excuse for the Wehrmacht war criminals. Well, their Nuremberg defense didn't wash in the 1940s and so your use of it won't pass muster today.

And yet the stock-in-trade anti-Polish defamatory postings from you, delphia, Harry (a very popular name by the way amongst Nazi guards at Auschwitz as I pointed out in a separate posting), Lyzko and other Polonophobes is that Poland and Poles collaborated with the Nazis and therefore the Jews are owed reparations and generations worth of apologies ad infinitum.

Shame on you.
jon357  72 | 23529
7 Aug 2017   #381
your excuse

There you go again.,,

anti-Polish defamatory

And again

generations worth of apologies ad infinitum.

And yet again.

There's little dignity in your attempt at rhetoric, especially given the gravity of the topic.
Bieganski  17 | 888
7 Aug 2017   #382
There's little dignity in your attempt at rhetoric, especially given the gravity of the topic.

It's a very serious matter. Your Turkish heritage explains your affinity with Germany and excuse making for that country's war crimes against Poland and Poles.

Which country was allied with Germany during WW1? Turkey

Which country was opportunistically "neutral" during WW2 while all the time supplying Nazi Germany with strategic materials needed to carry out its war crimes against Poland and Poles? Turkey

Which country rushed to help rebuild Germany (but not Poland) after WW2? Turkey

Any relatives of yours in this photo?

jon357  72 | 23529
7 Aug 2017   #383

A weird thing to say.

And once again, you're trying to trivialise the gravity of the Holocaust, the greatest crime against humanity.
Bieganski  17 | 888
7 Aug 2017   #384
the gravity of the Holocaust, the greatest crime against humanity.

Yes it was. Millions of ethnic Poles were deliberately exterminated.

So then, you should have no problem stating unequivocally the name of the country which is solely responsible for the Holocaust as well as the demographic composition of that country's armed forces which committed its war crimes against Poland and Poles.

You can also unequivocally state which countries were allied or provided material support to that war criminal country.
gregy741  5 | 1226
7 Aug 2017   #385
e the gravity of the Holocaust, the greatest crime against humanity.

next to armenian genocide
jon357  72 | 23529
7 Aug 2017   #386
Don't try to relativise the Holocaust. It was a unique evil.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
7 Aug 2017   #387
There were some poles who were forced to serve in the wermacht just as there were some poles who were forced to serve in the red army. Some people joined out of opportunism other out of fear for their own and their family's lives. War makes people do crazy things.
TheOther  6 | 3596
7 Aug 2017   #388
Which country rushed to help rebuild Germany (but not Poland) after WW2? Turkey

BS! Turkish workers came to Germany in larger numbers only at the very end of the so-called "Wirtschaftswunder" in the early 1960's and the chancellor of that time was actually against inviting them to Germany because they were "not compatible with German culture". As usual, the US pressured the Germans (and other European countries) to let them into the country because Turkey was a relatively new NATO member and had massive problems with unemployment. That Turks helped to rebuild Germany is what you right-wingers call "fake news". Read up on it.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
7 Aug 2017   #389
Some comedy out of sweden on this topic to lighten the mood
Lyzko  44 | 9720
7 Aug 2017   #390
Absolutely, jon!

Raul Hilberg and others, along with a number of non-Jewish German historians/publicists, such as Dieter Zimmer, have confirmed that the nature of the Holocaust (also referred to by Jewish theologians as "The Tremendum") was indeed a unique evil.

Whereas the Poles along with other ethnic Slavs, Sinti-Roma, including various "anti-socials" were imprisoned with the rest of the inmates, tortured and thereafter usually executed, ONLY full Jews were slated for immediate extermination regardless of where within the dragnet of Hitler's Reich they were found. Neither forced conversion nor sterling war service in WWI could salvage even the most Germanophilic Jewish patriot from their fate in the gas chambers; for those Jews of Europe, no compromise was possible.

The fact that Jewish prisoners numbered among the kapos, should never rationalize aka relativize the unique enormity of the Shoah.

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