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Can anyone from Poland tell me about Auschwitz and The Ghetto?

Lyzko  44 | 9720
29 Jul 2017   #271
Define please for us "Zionist". When you're done, then "Jewish Supremacist", because honestly, you don;t understand what the f***k you're takling either language:-)

gregy741  5 | 1226
29 Jul 2017   #272

listen,stop sneaking here your s.hitty lies....i tell you once more....far more jews were involved in Holocaust than poles..
we resisted occupant and were not running ghettos for nazis.and we fought hitler from day one of this war.....while polish jews would rather join Stalin(and yes indeed,run Gulags for him) than fight Hitler within polish army ranks.
kaprys  3 | 2076
29 Jul 2017   #273
Can you elaborate on what you wrote? In what way was Poland responsible for the Holocaust?
I do realise there were Polish anti-semites during the war. Just like today. But antisemitism is not unique for Poland only. It exists everywhere.
Just like anti-Polish sentiments.
I suggest watching an interview with Władysław Szpilman - the man whose life was the basis for 'The Pianist'. It's entitled 'Własnymi słowami' and you can find it on YouTube. A real story of a Polish Jew who survived the war.
gregy741  5 | 1226
29 Jul 2017   #274
I do realise there were Polish anti-semites during the war.

indeed,there were some criminals,thing is if you ask him if one can judge muslim people by the action of few terrorists-he will call you fascist,,but here he does this to Poland
Lyzko  44 | 9720
29 Jul 2017   #275
I "did" nothing to Poland!

There were upstanding Poles who tried to alert the West to what was happening. One was Jan Karski. On the resistance side, there was of course Leopold Socha, the Lwov sewer official, who hid Jews at great risk to his own life as well as that of his family:-)
gregy741  5 | 1226
29 Jul 2017   #276
I "did" nothing to Poland!

you slander polish nation as nazi collaborators
6 million poles dead,country in ruin from war we fought against Hitler,only to hear this c.rap. because some village criminals were misbehaving or collaborating.

got to disappoint you,,jews were also collaborating...its out of desperation or greed or cus some people are bad
but as a nation we stood against Hitler and paid highest price,so go fok off with this bs
even aushvitz was open for poles. only later they start bringing jews in.
Lyzko  44 | 9720
29 Jul 2017   #277
You feel maligned, admitted. We too in the States maligned ourselves, such as slavery and the Native American issue.
kaprys  3 | 2076
29 Jul 2017   #278
Over a quarter of all Righteous among the Nations are Poles. Even though Poland was the only country where helping Jews was punished by death. One of the most notorious cases was what happened to the Ulma family.

etnhnic Poles were also victims of the war -imprisoned in labour camps, Nazi and Soviet concentration camps, shot dead in the battle or in the street. Not to mention what happened after the war.
gregy741  5 | 1226
29 Jul 2017   #279
You feel maligned, admitted. We too in the States maligned ourselves, such as slavery and the Native American issue

i think ,you malign yourselve for your criminal Bolshevik past not slavery

Over a quarter of all Righteous among the Nations are Poles.

he knows that,,but there is no compensation opportunities from acknowledging this openly
kaprys  3 | 2076
29 Jul 2017   #280
That's a pity then. It's like spitting these people in the face.
Bieganski  17 | 888
29 Jul 2017   #281
Define please for us "Zionist". When you're done, then "Jewish Supremacist"

You easily provided the example:

There were..Poles who tried to alert the West to what was happening. One was Jan Karski...there was...Leopold Socha...who hid Jews at great risk to his own life as well as that of his family:-)

Everything you post about one way or another is Jews, Jews, Jews. Day after day after day.

What about the Jews?! Who protected the Jews?! Who did or didn't go out of their way risk their own life and limb and that of their family to save a Jew?!

If that isn't Jewish-centric, if that isn't Zionist, if that isn't Jewish supremacist then nothing is.

Poles owe Jews absolutely nothing. In fact no one in this world owes Jews anything.

Far more Poles have been victimized throughout history than Jews ever have been or ever will be.

But in your Zionist head only Jewish lives matter.
gregy741  5 | 1226
29 Jul 2017   #282
That's a pity then. It's like spitting these people in the face.

yea,but there are billions to be made some jews dont care about honour or the truth.
here is hes post from other topic:

ll I'm saying is that many countres such as Poland and Austria avoided blame after the war. Now, it's payback time.

see? american jewry openly collaborated with Hitler,and cared little for polish jews...and now they seek chance to extort billions..sad
kaprys  3 | 2076
29 Jul 2017   #283
I just don't get these anti-Polish sentiments. Why all the prejudice?
Lyzko  44 | 9720
29 Jul 2017   #284
Why all the historical anti-Jewish prejudice? We can thank Catholic teaching for much of it, I'm afraid.
kaprys  3 | 2076
29 Jul 2017   #285
You see, I come from a town that was half Jewish before the war. The synagogue was about 200 metres from the Catholic church. When Germans put the synagogue on fire and started shooting at Jews, they were offered shelter and first aid by the priest and nuns from the church. A nun-nurse from the local hospital was sent to Ravensbruck when it was found out she had helped two doctors in providing false identities and treatment to Jewish patients against the Nazi order.

Oh, those Polish catholics ...
gregy741  5 | 1226
29 Jul 2017   #286
Oh, those Polish catholics ...

interesting that in Stalin occupied Poland,thousands of Poles perished and jews were prominent citizens,and yet ,we dont know of a single jew that saved pole from stalinist barbarity.not a single righteous jew
Lyzko  44 | 9720
29 Jul 2017   #287
Mixing apples and oranges there, gregy! Plenty of Jews went to bat for their Christian neighbors etc.

@Kaprys, many Catholics saved Jews. They did though risk the ire of the Church nonetheless.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
29 Jul 2017   #288
Define please for us "Zionist"

every Jew an Israeli, and every Israeli a Jew...:) Seems its just a word that people like tossing about though. Tossers.
Lyzko  44 | 9720
29 Jul 2017   #289
Thank you, roz!

At least somebody out there's paying attention and has a brain in his head:-)
Bieganski  17 | 888
29 Jul 2017   #290
thousands of Poles perished and jews were prominent citizens

Excellent point. Hundreds of thousands of Poles were the victims of crimes against humanity through forced population transfers, enslavement, torture and in many cases being murdered in the notorious Soviet GULAGs.

Today's Jews have made a cult-like industry about the fate of other Jews sent to Nazi concentration camps. Surely if Jews had suffered similar conditions in the Soviet GULAGs they would be taking issue today with that as well. But they don't.

Something is seriously amiss about this.

every Jew an Israeli, and every Israeli a Jew

A very racist and nationalistic attitude for them to have.
kaprys  3 | 2076
29 Jul 2017   #291
The Polish Catholic clergy were also prosecuted by the Nazis and imprisoned in concentration camps.
Jewish children were given shelter and false identities in Catholic orphanages.
Pope John Paul II had lots of friends of Jewish origin. How come if he grew in the society and religiion you claim to be so anti Jewish?
jon357  72 | 23549
29 Jul 2017   #292
every Jew an Israeli, and every Israeli a Jew...:) Seems its just a word that people like tossing about though. Tossers.

That is a very sensible point. Some people are just haters; it's actually a neurological thing.
30 Jul 2017   #293
I remember my great-grandmother telling me how she had to go to the other side of Warsaw to buy something (I think she may have been going to the tailors but I can't be sure) and she said that she'd never seen such horrors in her life and that she would never go through the ghetto ever again.
Lyzko  44 | 9720
30 Jul 2017   #294
I'm well aware of all that, kaprys, as I'm certain you must be aware by this time. However, for every "good" Catholic Pole, there were plenty out there willing to turn in their Jewish neighbor.

Again, not all gentiles were angels either! Do you understand what I've been posting, or only what you WANT to understand?
kaprys  3 | 2076
30 Jul 2017   #295
The thing is that I do understand what you're posting and I disagree with you - about your claims about Poland's responsibilty for the Holocaust - that's what made me start this obviously pointless discussion with you.

Or what you have just written: 'for every "good" Catholic Pole there were plenty out there willing to turn in their Jewish neighbour'.
You see, you're so biased that even when you write about Poles who risked or sacrificed their lives for their Jewish neighbours, you put the word 'good' in inverted commas. Not to mention, the way you compare the numbers: one "good" Pole vs plenty bad ones. Any sources or just your prejudice again?

I'm afraid you are as biased towards Poles as anti-semites are biased against Jews. It's hatred both ways.
Honestly speaking, I'm tired and disgusted by the amount of hatred in these two treads. If that's how you want to feel about people, it's your choice.

Have a good life.
Lyzko  44 | 9720
31 Jul 2017   #296
I wrote consistently about Polish Christians, true Christians who performed their Christian duties, selfless acts of courage and resistance, such as those who were behind the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. Whatever their backgrounds, they came together as Christians, Jews, above all, as fellow Poles to fight Hitler!!

Leopold Socha along with Jan Karski were also mentioned numerous times in a number of my posts, so what the hell are you babbling about?!!

Either you can't read, or you read selectively. Furthermore, no discussion is pointless in as far as it attempts to arrive at the truth.
kaprys  3 | 2076
31 Jul 2017   #297
I quoted what I found disturbing about your posts. You can read it above in both mine and your post. Read them again. Perhaps, after all, it's you who can't understand.

I remember your post about Socha and Karski. But I also remember those about Poland's responsibility in the Holocaust and about "good" Poles (these inverted commas ...)

Just to get it straight, so that you could understand: Poland is not responsible for the Holocaust.
Lyzko  44 | 9720
31 Jul 2017   #298
Nobody ever called Poland "responsible", for which reason I used the term "responsibility" instead, indicating SHARED responsibility only.
If you can't accept the unvarnished truth and wish to believe fairy tales about how perfect or wonderful poor Poland was during WWII, that remains YOUR delusion, not mine!
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
31 Jul 2017   #299
indicating SHARED responsibility

So let me get this straight, Is your point of view that Poland shares responsibility with Germany for WWII and the atrocities that were commited by the Nazis, do you also believe that the majority of Polish people supported the genocide of the Jewish people living in Poland?.
kaprys  3 | 2076
31 Jul 2017   #300
In what way does Poland share responsibility for the Holocaust? Could you elaborate on this?

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