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Poland in a Slavic Union/Alliance/Federation?

OP Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522
25 Dec 2010   #121
but you are found out and seen through

Seen by your racist eyes. Oh how unfortunate Europe is to have demons in it.
25 Dec 2010   #122

That's what all racists say.

Anyway - you never mentioned any non-Slavic nations in your version of the Union (as I did
with Hungary and Romania for example) and you are so strongly against accepting Germany
in the Union - a country which, genetically, is probably 30-35% Slavic (as Germanic Goths
were included into Slavic ancestry and they mixed with us extensively), so... looks like you ARE a racist after all.

I therefore (as a non-racist Slav) exclude you from the future Slavic Union, Lodz. Sorry.
OP Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522
25 Dec 2010   #123 looks like you're a racist after all.

Listen .. Germans are not in because of other reasons.

I have mentioned how to work with non-slavic union members ... in groups or in joint commissions ... teams ... I love everyone in this world equally.

I therefore (as a non-racist Slav) exclude you from the future Slavic Union, Lodz.

I would love it ... if I were a racist ... I would love to be excluded. But I AM NOT.

Cant you see that my whole topic have been tried to be sabotaged? ... Racism is nowhere in my existence ... not even in great distances NO WAY!
Natasa  1 | 572
25 Dec 2010   #124
Not racists? Do you have any idea how white Russia treats those with coloured skin now?? I know from MANY sources exactly how and they are racist scumbags. Poland has a lot of racists too and I've met some. There are quite a few purists amongst Slavs (and anyone else for that matter) and you can't ignore that. I'm from a family that doesn't tolerate racism.

Seanus, I can say for myself that I don't have anything to do with racism. But I had to read about it lately, and it seems that need for unity with your own and some level of distrust to outgroups is inherent to human nature, evolutionists say that we are more or less programed to do that, to favor members of ingroups and identify with them. This inquisition against something that looks like our biological trait seems quite futile, they managed to forbid overt classical racism, but subconscious one remains active even with those who are definitely sure they are for egalitarianism. Experiments from 2010.

So, even you or me,they say, we are not immune to that kind of differentiation/discrimination or bias.

I don't see the reason why would Slavic union (extremely hypothetical) face more racism problems than any other existing unity. (EU doesn't have problems with racism?! Roma, Arabs)

Racism exists everywhere. It seems it will too (legislation will help to reduce its classical manifestations).

Slavic nations remained quite ethnically homogeneous.
That is preventing, not facilitating the problem with racism.

I am for Slavic union. But we have to control the Croats. Poles can do that. We will as a counter favor control the Russians :))))
25 Dec 2010   #125
Germans are not in because of other reasons.

What other reasons? Name them.

I love everyone in this world equally.

Even racists?

if I were a racist [...] But I AM NOT.

The judgement is still out on you. For now you are excluded. Let's listen to your explanations
and then we'll decide what to do with you, grazhdanin Lodz.
Seanus  15 | 19666
25 Dec 2010   #126
Indeed, Torq :) :) Krupnik is prime stuff :)

£ódź, my wife is a self-confessed racist. She doesn't even like fellow Slavs for the most part. Co Ty na to?

Natasa is thinking pragmatically here, £ódź. Not slogans but concrete suggestions for bridging gaps. Snuffing out radical elements is key (paramilitary groups and radicals). Control those like the Yellow Scorpions and the Ustashe and you are doing well. They have no place in a union.
OP Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522
25 Dec 2010   #127
self-confessed racist

how the hell did she marry you then?

Anyways its then her life ... I got less to do in that.

Even racists?

I dont love criminals who dont want to change ... I've seen a skinhead head change into something very good. I like those who want to make a positive difference in their life.

Name them.

They are racists... read some history for a change. By the way I am not against all Germans ... I am sure there are good ones out there who regret their bad past seriously ... and are looking forward to good life being happy and sharing joy.

The judgement is still out on you. For now you are excluded. Let's listen to your explanations
and then we'll decide what to do with you, grazhdanin Lodz.

I forgot I'm in PF and nothing can ever be serious here ... how the hell after all these years! ... heck =D ..

SLAVIC UNION doesnt take Germans are a member ... but as a friend if they behave in a friendly non-destructive manner.
Seanus  15 | 19666
25 Dec 2010   #128
Her words are like leaves in the breeze and she isn't malicious with it. Anyway, enough talk about others.

Do you really imagine Russia would drop their visa requirements? Even now, they haven't waivered the requirement. America and Russia just toy with Poland and how do you propose to change that?
southern  73 | 7059
25 Dec 2010   #129
By the way I am not against all Germans ... I am sure there are good ones out there

Are you sure?
25 Dec 2010   #130
I dont love criminals who dont want to change ... I've seen a skinhead head change into
something very good. I like those who want to make a positive difference in their life.

They are racists... [...] SLAVIC UNION doesnt take Germans are a member

You're contradicting yourself.

Germans have given us a lot of proofs that they want to change and that they indeed
HAVE changed. For some reason, you refuse to acknowledge that and insist on keeping
them out of the union... interesting, grazhdanin Lodz, interesting... maybe it's because
they are, according to you, a different race? Unable to change for the good? Eh? some history for a change.

You're not really helping your cause by suggesting that I don't know history, Lodz.
Oy, bolshaya Siberia, bolshaya - you will go far, far away, grazhdanin. We have special
re-educational camps for racists like you.
southern  73 | 7059
25 Dec 2010   #131
The Germans have not changed.They just follow a different model.It is choice.
OP Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522
25 Dec 2010   #132
America and Russia just toy with Poland and how do you propose to change that?

Love, trust, progressiveness ... economic stability ... cooperative spirit... eventually REVOLUTION is necessary.

Russians are mixed Sean ... I dunno how you got the idea of them being a racist. Even if some derailed youths are then they are foolish. They cant be themselves ... they are far too mixed (which is respectable and good ... dont misinterpret this).

World needs to change for good ... I feel that the Slavic People might be able to give a boost to it.

I am always with anything that gives the world a better look.

Why not include China and India and Australia and Turkey to EU? ... maybe for everything there are rules...

Sean ... if there is something better than Slavic Union which does better for the world ... I am with it.... but why not try see if the Slavic Union can give something good too? Whats the harm?

We have special
re-education camps for racists like you.

Oh you dont know me ... I am far from Racist.

I have written I am not against Germans but German domination or racist education to our derailed youth.
southern  73 | 7059
25 Dec 2010   #133
and Turkey to EU

Prison your mouth.
25 Dec 2010   #134
Oh you dont know me ... I am far from Racist.

Is that a fact? Why do you spell "Racist" with a capital letter then? Sign of respect, eh?

Interesting. Keep talking - I am gathering a lot of material against you here. You're currently
facing about 10-12 years in an anti-racist re-educational camp, by the look of things.
OP Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522
25 Dec 2010   #135
Sign of respect, eh?

=D ...

10-12 years in an anti-racist re-educational camp

=P ...

Oh ok ... its turned into a comic thread ... fine ... go ahead.

=) ... i dunno why i used capital letter ... didn't think of it that way. Why are you so obsessed with racism?

I am definitely not one ... I cannot be for many reasons. Its impossible for me =) ... 100% impossible =D ... ha ha
Seanus  15 | 19666
25 Dec 2010   #136
£ódź, some Russians are racist and some aren't. Now, can we get off of the racist element as I will keep repeating the truth of some...some...

They are NOT European countries, £ódź. Simples!

Whiy not strike while the iron is hot, £ódź? Tusk, Tadić and the new leader of Ukraine would likely be willing to talk with Putin but we can already see that a pro-Russian figure in Tusk isn't happy with their efforts (Smoleńsk findings). By all means, go ahead but brace yourself for disappointment.

Persistence pays off for sure! Keep working at it, £ódź
25 Dec 2010   #137
i dunno why i used capital letter


Maybe you are a racist and don't even realize that? Living in denial all those years?
Well, we have a cure for that too.

its turned into a comic thread

Nothing comical about working in a Uranium mine in minus 30 degrees temperature, grazhdanin.

I am definitely not one ... I cannot be for many reasons. Its impossible for me =) ... 100%

You keep repeating that all the time, and yet you spell "racist" with a capital R, you advocate
on creating a union based purely on race and insist on keeping 30-35% Slavic Germany out
of it at all cost. Interesting...
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
25 Dec 2010   #138
Yeah...I demand entry! *stomps foot*
And when you don't want us because we are Germans then that's proof of your racism!

Right Torq?

PS: What am I gonna say to Austria and the Benelux countries? France is also asking...
25 Dec 2010   #139
And when you don't want us because we are Germans then that's proof of your racism!

Right Torq?


I am not even considering if Lodz is a racist or not. We have already established beyond all
doubt that he is. At the moment I am only hesitating between 15 or 20 years' sentence
for him. Any suggestions?
PennBoy  76 | 2429
25 Dec 2010   #140
30-35% Slavic Germany

Is there that many Slavic peoples in Germany BB?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
25 Dec 2010   #141
Any suggestions?

I'm bringing especially big and sharp dogs...they want to have some fun too.. ;)

Is there that many Slavic peoples in Germany BB?

Since they don't wear signs of any kind it's only guessing...but if names are an's masses of them! :)
25 Dec 2010   #142
Is there that many Slavic peoples in Germany BB?

I meant genetically. Considering all the mixing of peoples (and people) throughout history,
they are at least 30-35% Slavic (and we are at least 30-35% Germanic). Common sense, really.

I'm bringing especially big and sharp dogs...they want to have some fun too.. ;)

Sounds fair enough to me.

Very well then. As a Self-Proclaimed Superior Judge of Slavic High Anti-racism Court, I therefore
sentence the racist villain - Lodz_the_Boat, for twenty years of re-educational camp in Siberia.

*BB will provide the dogs as agreed*
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
25 Dec 2010   #143
....poor Sibirians they have to suffer his babblings...
Seanus  15 | 19666
25 Dec 2010   #144
He will be subject to a gagging order and duct tape will be slapped on him :)

He will lodge a plea to be released through having Slavic papers. How does Judge Torq rule on this? ;)
OP Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522
25 Dec 2010   #145
You keep repeating that all the time

I cannot be, my relationship is with a girl of another race and I love her madly.

That capital letter is nothing but your joke ...

30-35% Slavic Germany out
of it at all cost

Its not keeping out of it ... its just that I am trying to make a rule ... well then 30-35% is a very high mark ... i dont think there are so many.

It doesnt matter we all can work together ... its not a segregation thing.

Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
25 Dec 2010   #146
Yeah...a union with Poles and Germans and....ooopsie!
25 Dec 2010   #147
I will notify the administration of the Uranium Mining Re-educational Camp for Racists
so they will find him enough work, that he won't have enough time and strength to continue
with his racist propaganda.

Our Siberian anti-racist camps are very efficient. He will know all the Goethe's poems
and will say them with enthusiasm and love for German culture by the time we're finished
with him, the racist scum.

He will lodge a plea to be released through having Slavic papers. How does Judge Torq rule on this? ;)

Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
25 Dec 2010   #148
Rilke is nice too...more about that german thingie where the Slavs have their soul....since we don't have something like that we had to substitute it. :(
25 Dec 2010   #149
Slavs have their soul....since we don't have something like that we had to substitute it. :(

There, there...

You have your ordnung, though. You can't have a soul and ordnung at the same time, I'm afraid.
Seanus  15 | 19666
25 Dec 2010   #150
£ódź, why not try for a Slavic alliance?

In the above link, it can be seen that NATO is going through definitional problems and some within are floundering.

The question is, £ódź, would a Slavic partnership across the board be more cohesive (in longevity terms) than the shaky EU big 3/US partnership? IMHO, NATO has been embarrassed in Afghanistan and we see how small and insignificant Germany is in military terms.

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