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Is Poland a Slavic country?! (politics included)

armageddon  1 | 4
17 Mar 2021   #1
Firstly I should say I'm not Polish, not even partly Polish.

So I was wondering if Poland is/was a Slavic country at all? As far as I know history Poland was inhabitated only by Slavic tribes. The country wasn't occupied by other cultures throughout time, but what really stands out in Poland is the different phenotype of people as like they are mixed.

Most prime-ministers of Poland don't look too Polish to me.

But I know Politics and this doesn't look like a coincidence. There is definitely some leftist part of history which obviously I don't know about. For these guys to be there it indicates that people in Poland generally have (leftist) understanding of history.

*Leftist cultures are Asian(or non-European) cultures. Is there some Asiatic part of Polish history we don't know much about? Was there some tribe that came from Asia and settled in modern-day Poland or not?! As far as I know there were no Hunnic or later Mongol invasions inside Poland?
Miloslaw  20 | 5108
17 Mar 2021   #2
if Poland is/was a Slavic country at all?

It was/is. But most Poles regard themselves as Poles first and Slavs second.
Too much bad blood with our supposed Slav brothers......

what really stands out in Poland is the different phenotype of people as like they are mixed

Poland was probably one of the first multi ethnic nations in Europe.
So yes, Poles are very "Mixed Race".
Do not confuse ethnicity with nationality, or you will never understand Poland.

people in Poland generally have (leftist) understanding of history.

Absolute rubbish.
If anything, the reverse is true.

Was there some tribe that came from Asia and settled in modern-day Poland

There was, but their influence on Polish culture was minimal, due to their small numbers.
Ironside  50 | 12916
17 Mar 2021   #3
So I was wondering if Poland is/was a Slavic country at all?

Would you care to elaborate? What a Slavic country means to you?

but what really stands out in Poland is the different phenotype of people as like they are mixed.

So? Show me a country in Europe that has the same standard phenotype across the board. Can you?

Leftist cultures are Asian(or non-European) cultures.

Are you 12? lol! Care to prove it?

Was there some tribe that came from Asia

All of them? As Indo-Europeans came to Europe from Asia via the eastern Pontic - Caspian steppe . Heard about the Yamnaya culture?
Miloslaw  20 | 5108
17 Mar 2021   #4

You sound rather ignorant of Polish culture and history to me.


You posed some great questions, I bet he doesn't come back....
Lyzko  44 | 9745
17 Mar 2021   #5
Might have well been a German provocateur:-)
Strzelec35  19 | 830
17 Mar 2021   #6
I think slavs originated in the caucaus mountains. Than later they spread.
Lyzko  44 | 9745
17 Mar 2021   #7
You make them sound like a species of fungus, Sag! I prefer "migrated".
Strzelec35  19 | 830
17 Mar 2021   #8
I hate radist polish people or nationalists who go to history forums online and clsim russians were mongols or some **** when they themselves were also messed up by them and intermized at krajow and other places. such hypocrytes.
jon357  72 | 23361
18 Mar 2021   #9
Leftist cultures are Asian(or non-European) cultures.

Where did you pull that little gem from?

But most Poles regard themselves as Poles first and Slavs second.

This is true. Poland is too complicated to be reduced to generalisations.

Archaeology shows that the earliest residents of the area around Warsaw were Burgundians and in the last few centuries, Poland has culturally looked West.
Crow  154 | 9463
18 Mar 2021   #10
Of course Poland is a Slavic ie Sarmatian country. And proud one in it. What else can be. For sure some moronic politician, priest or whatever don`t have capacity to say otherwise and move Poland out of Slavic world. Country would rather dissolve than become non-Slavic. You are what you are.
gumishu  15 | 6227
18 Mar 2021   #11
earliest residents

I'm not sure but from what I can gather Germanic tribes invaded Poland from the north (it is presumed that the Urheimat of Burgundians was Bornholm) like the Urheimat of Goths was Gotland) - before Germanic tribes people call Venedi lived here (they were not Slavic but neither were they Germanic) - as far as I know it is reflected in archaelogy too
jon357  72 | 23361
18 Mar 2021   #12

Yes, however it's more accurate to talk about the central area of what's currently Polish territory. The borders have shifted so much over recent centuries (and it would be naive to assume they will never change again), and of course population movements and cultural packages have been constantly shifting.

Sarmatian country

No such thing.
OP armageddon  1 | 4
18 Mar 2021   #13
Sarmatian is clearly non-Slavic element. It's one of the hordes of the East.
So you are either Slavic... or Sarmatian. Or do you want to say that Poland is a mixture of both cultures?
Seems reasonable when I look at the variety of people in Poland.
But the more shocking thing is that it looks like the Sarmatian element seems to be the more dominant component in Polish politics.
Why don't you openly say that you are not full-Slavic then?
From what I read from history it doesn't indicate the presence of another tribe alongside while in reality there is.
Or they are just not well-documented?
jon357  72 | 23361
18 Mar 2021   #14

It's an irrelevance.


another tribe

Why would such trivia be even interesting to anyone?
Crow  154 | 9463
18 Mar 2021   #15
Sarmatian is clearly non-Slavic element. It's one of the hordes of the East.

Ha, ha, if its not funny would be sad to say such a nonsense. Rome did destroyed your brain?

Spot this ...


This picture fails clearly to show Sarmats within Roman empire but giving good picture of the fact that Roman Empire bordered solely with Sarmatians in Europe. Now, if map is bigger you would see British islands included in Roman/Sarmatian realm same way Scandinavia was Sarmatian. Of course ALL was only Sarmatian realm before God even had idea of allowing Roman pest to be. So, you say Sarmats were non-European easterns? Semitic Iranians? First Scots, Picts were Semites? Natives of Poland, Serbia, Slavic world are Semites, Eastern peoples, Iranians? Czech Boika was Semitic?

Think again. You aren't that pro-Rome to spit on your own ancestors and heritage.

Man, what is White is White only because Sarmatian in origin. Sarmats were original native Europeans. No question about it for serious science. Only open question is were Sarmats those Neanderthals that were true original Whites of Europe or Sarmats came to be as first mix of those Neanderthals and incoming African Blacks that moved deeper in Europe after Ice age was over (there was multiple Ice ages and several times Balkan was Ice age refugium while civilization elsewhere in Europe collapsed).

What I sow on internet and considering primordial nature of Slavic languages that are base for all other European languages, I would tend to agree with Czech Jandacek, that Slavic/ie Sarmatian language was already formed 40.000 years in past. So, it is possible first orginal Whites of Europe- Neanderthals were first Sarmats or what is also working description Proto Slavs.
OP armageddon  1 | 4
18 Mar 2021   #16
This is plain stupid. I'm not gonna comment on all the nonsense you just wrote.
As you see I'm not even doubting the Sarmatian presence in modern day Poland (and probably to a wider area outside of Poland), but according to your anti-Science theory everything outside of the old Roman border should be considered "Sarmatic" which is... I don't know what to say. stupid is a kind word of this.

But that really shows that lots of Poles actually think they are these... Sarmatian invaders (because they ARE). Sarmatian tribes are Iranic tribes who are coming from the East. And no, they are not autochtonous for Europe. It's well written in the chronicles when they arrive, and they arrive after AD so stop claiming pra-historic traits.

Real Poles should look at you as what you are.. invaders and barbarians. Not real Europeans.
Crow  154 | 9463
18 Mar 2021   #17
Oh, why didn`t you say that earlier. So Poles are newcomers to Poland and they don`t deserve Poland? All guests needs to leave?

Exactly how Hitler spoke.
jon357  72 | 23361
18 Mar 2021   #18
Poles actually think they are these

Sarmatism has had significant influence on Polish culture over the years. And as we all know, it's nurture rather than nature that makes people who they are.

Sarmatian invaders

Invaders in what sense? All humans constantly migrate; it is part of the behaviour of our species.

real Europeans.

What is that supposed to mean? A 100% pure Neanderthal? A woolly mammoth?
Crow  154 | 9463
18 Mar 2021   #19
After-Covid Europe would be Slavic Europe. There is enough BS. Things would be right again.
Lyzko  44 | 9745
18 Mar 2021   #20
Amageddon, I reiterate, where are you from?
Crow  154 | 9463
18 Mar 2021   #21
From where is he? Don`t you feel his energy frequency? He is obviously from the Vatican. Arrogant devil.
Lyzko  44 | 9745
18 Mar 2021   #22
His syntax looks German somehow.
Crow  154 | 9463
18 Mar 2021   #23
They are all the same.
jon357  72 | 23361
18 Mar 2021   #24
His syntax looks German

And we've seen him here before under a couple of names.

I wonder if he's still pretending to be a trainee policeman.
Lyzko  44 | 9745
18 Mar 2021   #25
Who writes "prime minister" with a hyphen anyway?
OP armageddon  1 | 4
18 Mar 2021   #26
Don't start a discussion which I've never started.
If you read carefully what I read it's basically what I wrote: Polish people are a mixture of at least two substrates (one of which is the original Slavic Poles, who are the old people of Europe and who created the Polish kingdom around 1000AD, and the other one is the substrate of neighbouring or assimilated (a big question is still who assimilated whom) tribes of the Asiatic invaders, who (according to the Polish school of history) are these Sarmatians of Iranian stock you talk about. They have probably stayed with the Poles (then named Poliane, Wisliane, Pomorzane and so on) ever since the collapse of Attilla's empire.

That's why Polish people look different. They come from different substrates.

And this are solely mine observations, and I definitely didn't read it somewhere. Althought I had to admit I've needed some refreshment on the Internet about this leftist (asiatic) culture of Sarmatians.

I've never said Poles shouldn't live in Poland. But it's you who are implying the origin of Poles as only Sarmatian. For you Polish people is equal to Sarmatian people, which is not true.

In my mind History textbooks should be written accordingly. I'd be curious to check what's written in the official Polish history textbooks for students.. cuz only the Slavic theory just doesn't stack. I'm not sure if they have written the Sarmatian part somewhere inside there.

And no.. I'm not German, not related to Germany. I don't think I'm obligated to say where I'm from, should I? You are getting too personal. I've never been on these boards. I've searched it through google yesterday for the first time. If you say something on topic will be interesting I guess.
Crow  154 | 9463
18 Mar 2021   #27
My dear, Scots (after all, as all Europeans) are also Sarmatians. Picts. Scientifically proven Sarmats. But non said they are Asians? So why would you imagine Poles are Asians? Relax, they are not. Sarmats/ie Slavs back in past at their maximum lived from British islands via entire Europe, Eurasia, Anatolia, Caucasus, via Siberia, all the way to the Ind river. And they were Whites back then as they are Whites now. Those Hyberboreans that invaded India were Sarmats, you know. Man, Buddha was White Sarmatian. See, Christ himself was most probable a Sarmatian. I doubt He was Afro. Some say a Jew but, I wouldn`t exclude possibility He was Sarmat, white as alabaster.
Lyzko  44 | 9745
18 Mar 2021   #28
@Armageddon, why so darned touchy, dude? I'm completely comfortable with stating my nationality as American, therefore your persistant reluctance to tell where you're from does indeed suggest evasiveness bordering on the anti-social! Concerning your remarks apropos Poland, these provocations seem to clearly border on trolling, I'd say.
Miloslaw  20 | 5108
18 Mar 2021   #29

Whilst I broadly agree with most of what you say, the Sarmatian influence is pure myth.
Please ignore Crow's insane babblings.
Poles are mainly Slavonic, though they are not great supporters of "Slavdom", because they see themselves, and always have done, as Central Europeans.
Ethnically, they have other Slav connections, Baltic and Germanic and Jewish too.
Too a lesser extent there were Scots, French and Italian influences as well.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
18 Mar 2021   #30
There is no such thing as central europeans. And it doesnt matter what "they see themselves" as nobody else cares. Its no different how the russians see themsleves as europeans or western ukrainians. it comes from inferiority conplexes because the west sold them out at yalta. Instead of worrying about what they see the selves ask the americans or british what they see them as or the french.

Home / History / Is Poland a Slavic country?! (politics included)

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