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What should Russia and Poland do to become if not friends, then at least not enemies?

kaprys  3 | 2076
3 Apr 2018   #211
I don't know a single Pole who looks up to Russia to such an extent.
Not all Poles are extremely religious. But both religious and unreligious ones mistrust Russia.
Crow  154 | 9535
3 Apr 2018   #212
Aside emotional moments, but I see a lot of space for business in Polish-Russian relationship. A lot of space for Serbian mediation. Don`t think that it won`t cost you, brothers. It will. Both of you.

It would be great journey.
peterweg  37 | 2305
3 Apr 2018   #213
Poland is nothing like western Europe.

Poland is in The Western World
Velund  1 | 490
3 Apr 2018   #214
Aside emotional moments, but I see a lot of space for business in Polish-Russian relationship.

When I readed "The Mosque of Notre Dame" by Elena Chudinova for a first time, years ago, some ideas looked really crazy to me, including polish Pope in Kraków and described relations between Poles and Russian military, stationed on polish land to guard constantly attacked western border of Christian world, together with WP.

Now, it doesn't look so crazy....
Crow  154 | 9535
3 Apr 2018   #215
Poland is in The Western World

On Danube, in realm of Polish and Serbian Sarmatian (ie Slavic) ancestors, West was born.

Now, it doesn't look so crazy....

Velund  1 | 490
3 Apr 2018   #216

Maybe. But I think it is not too late to prevent another thing from this book - Belgrad on Amur and serbian autonomy for all 300000 survivors near border of China.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
3 Apr 2018   #217
Western in the sense its a modern wealthy eu nation and western in the sense that poland had a capitalist economy, democratic voting, etc. Poland wants to stand up and preserve these values - other western nations like germaby sweden france etc have lost the will to fight for their western societies and allowed for parallel Islamist dominated swathes to pop up and even institutions in the form of sharia courts.

Poland may be western in terms of its institutions, economy, democratic system, etc., but it's not some socialist multi kulti hell like its western neighboes where foreigners are literally raping and pillaging the countru and its citizens. Neither is it a country where taboos and depraved sexual acts are celebrated while traditional socially conservative families and ideals are being attacked as in many western nations. Poles dont tolerate that crap and are willing to fight to keep our society Polish and that means rejecting the leftist political agendas of the eu, merkel, etc. I know you socialists dont like that but too bad. Poland will remain first and foremost for the Poles and the type of society Polish citizens want.
Crow  154 | 9535
4 Apr 2018   #218

That is why we all have to work together.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126
4 Apr 2018   #219
I have an idea, but it would sound narcissistic so I will hold it to myself until I have earned it.
Can't you just become Catholic? -.-
I mean you don't need to be a priest for goodness sake
Crow  154 | 9535
4 Apr 2018   #220
Can Catholicism accept (incorporate it in itself) Svetovid and SLAVA family custom? That is real question.

Sarmats don`t accept subjugation. We, Balkan Sarmats, Serbians, never were fully subjugated neither by unifies Rome, neither by Eastern or Western Romans.
Velund  1 | 490
4 Apr 2018   #221
Can't you just become Catholic? -.-

Looks like some Poles still canot understand that at present times there is much more important differences, rather than Catholic Christian vs non-Catholic Christian. First of them - Christian and moderate Muslim vs radical Muslim with their suicidal and homicidal ideology.
SigSauer  4 | 377
4 Apr 2018   #222
At least they don't behave like barbaric Russian parasites, talking about nuclear weapons openly on TV and showing video graphics of nukes hitting Florida. That isn't how responsible nations behave.
Velund  1 | 490
4 Apr 2018   #223
Ok, I hope russians will behave like one far more responsible nation done before, and will not show videos about Florida attack anymore. Just like people in Belgrad, habitants of big Miami will be awaken by bomb explosions next time. ;) Will this look more responsible for you?
Crow  154 | 9535
4 Apr 2018   #224
What I can`t understand, neither in Poles, neither in Russians, is that non of them was able to protect Svetovid and SLAVA family custom within their form of Christianity. Aren`t they aware that Romans and Greeks were barbarians, while Sarmatians (ie Slavs) were givers of West. Are my brethren that deluded and brainwashed?

Only hope to all Slavs is to return to Svetovid and incorporate SLAVA custom within Christianity, same as we Serbians did. We Serbs survived in history only thanks to believing in both- in Christ and in Svetovid. When Christ failed us, what was often, we turned to Svetovid, that never failed us.

I think that all Polish and Russian problems coming from fact that they both wants to be bigger Romans then Romans themselves. Its sad and, it even leads in mental problems. Ultimately it leads in their Arabization. How they aren`t able to see that is behind me.

Looks like some Poles still canot understand that at present times there is much more important differences, rather than Catholic Christian vs non-Catholic Christian.

Awakening would be painful when Muslim Arabs and Africans converted to Catholicism start to flood Poland over Catholic solidarity, asking shelter in land that is ruled by Christ. Then, Poles would ask for Svetovid. And we Serbians would come (our go out from prisons in Poland, that are full of us Serbs).

See, Ratko knew.

At least they don't behave like barbaric Russian parasites

Yes, Russians barbarized themselves when declared their Orthodoxy to be on the path of Third Rome. We Serbians works a lot of with Russians to correct their imperfections.
SigSauer  4 | 377
4 Apr 2018   #225

The only thing regrettable about bombing Belgrade was that it was down far too late to really make a difference with the genocide occurring.
Miloslaw  20 | 5121
4 Apr 2018   #226
I really can't understand why people keep posting this rubbish.
1.Poles will never trust Russians.With very good reasons.Therefore a Russo-Polski unity can be forgotten.
2.Poles and everyone with the possible exception of Russia will not help Serbs retake Kosovo.
3.Poles have always regarded themselves as "Central European" and not "Eastern European" like our fellow Slavs.
We have always leant more to the West in cultural,artistic and other ways.

Forget this Slav union.It is never going to happen!
mafketis  38 | 11142
4 Apr 2018   #227
2.Poles and everyone with the possible exception of Russia will not help Serbs retake Kosovo

More specifically Poland will not help Serbia and Russia commit genocide in Kosovo which is what crow really wants (when you strip away the slavic pagan nonsense and get down to his real message).
Crow  154 | 9535
4 Apr 2018   #228

Don`t panic like an old woman. We Serbians calling all our brethren to support us. We don`t suggest unity. We suggest coordination against lunacy of western Europe and Islamists. We Serbians are directly threatened by this common foe today. Tomorrow, Poland. You know that.

The only thing regrettable about bombing Belgrade was that it was down far too late to really make a difference with the genocide occurring.

Its a lie. Genocide happened on Serbs. And we defended ourselves against overwhelming forces of darkness.
kaprys  3 | 2076
4 Apr 2018   #229
It's mainly because those who post it don't know much about Poland or Poles. Although they claim otherwise.
We are Slavic. We enjoy it but politically it's a different story. Poles don't mind Russian people generally but Russia as a state is a different story.

We have always found more in common with other West Slavic people like Czechs or Slovaks. Why are they hardly ever mentioned here?
And there are certain differences among West, East and South Slavs. Although there are some similarities, too.
Miloslaw  20 | 5121
4 Apr 2018   #230
I can tell you are one of the few sensible posters on this forum.
I have agreed with all your posts that I have read.
Keep up the fight against the ignorant and those with an agenda!
It is as you say,most posters on here do not seem to be Polish,which is a shame.
mafketis  38 | 11142
4 Apr 2018   #231
Czechs or Slovaks. Why are they hardly ever mentioned here?

there used to be a regular poster who was (IIRC) half-Polish half-Czech (lived in the countries not the US or UK) but I think she disappeared a long time ago...

She seemed offended when I (humorously, I thought) referred to the Czech republic as Pepikstan.... (some people... nooooooo sense of humor.....)
Miloslaw  20 | 5121
4 Apr 2018   #232
You are right.
Serbs just want to commit genocide in Kosovo.
And if the Russians are stupid enough to help them,which I doubt,WW3 will be close.....
If The Serbs go it alone,they are finished as a nation.
kaprys  3 | 2076
4 Apr 2018   #233

Thank you. I'm starting to give up as there are far too few other sensible people here. Not to mention, there are very few who actually know Poland.

I'm not sure about Pepiki - I think it may be slightly tricky to call them that. But Polish are generally really fond of Czechs and Slovaks and Pepiki has never seemed deliberately offensive.

We like lentilki, Sąsiedzi, czekolada studencka, krecik and so on.
We just need to be careful if we ever need to look for a brush when we're in the Czech Republic :)
Miloslaw  20 | 5121
4 Apr 2018   #234
I very much agree with the Polish affinity to Czechs and Slowaks.
I have several Slowak friends and they understand Polish easily.
Our countries have so much in common too, on so many different levels.
Crow  154 | 9535
4 Apr 2018   #235
O, I see, you want Serbian to tell you the truth. Fine. Its fine with me. Really.

I f*** you all. I myself do respect Czehs and Slovaks but, there won`t be Polish history and Poland without Serbian contribution in cultural, spiritual, moral and military sense. Nobody in this Europe and world ever did for Poland what Serbians did. Nobody that much gave to Poland and contributed. While other Catholics hunted you Poles like animals, we Serbians and our contribution was there for you. While other Orthodox hunted you like animals, we Serbs were there for you Poles. While you Poles, hunted other Orthodox like animals, we Serbians were there with you, on your side. Against Islam we fought together, against Germanics, even against Russians. When you served Russians, we were with you Poles, to arise you.

We broke every f*****g rule of this world in order to support Poles. Now, at this very moment, when entire western Europe f*** you and while your own leadership helping them in it, we Serbs are again with you Poles.

Not that Poles didn help us in turn. I don`t deny that. I am thankful, as all Serbs. We would`nt be alive if not for Polish timely support. God knows that. But official Poland now urinate on all decent Poles of past. I f*** Duda. You Poles are morons if you vote for that idiot again. How did Poland founded itself in creating Islamic caliphate on Serbian lands, in Bosnia, Kosovo, in the heart of Europe? ISIS in Europe? How is this possible people? Are you all insane? President of Poland is utter imbecile.

And West was born in Serbia. Not in England, France, Germany or Italy. If you chooses to serve THEM, at least know this fact. They only have more money. Right now, but that will change. We shall reclaim what is ours!
Miloslaw  20 | 5121
4 Apr 2018   #236
When did Serbs help Poles?

You dare to call Poles morons on a Polish forum?
Go and hang your head in shame.....
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
4 Apr 2018   #237
You dare to call Poles morons on a Polish forum?

To be fair he only said that of those of us who might vote for one individual, not all of us, .Crow is generally a great supporter of Poland, takes time to get used to his ways.

Crow is Crow, very different and always has a twist on things, quite an interesting character as a Serbian on a Polish forum.
peterweg  37 | 2305
4 Apr 2018   #238
Polish affinity to Czechs and Slowaks.

According to a survey that has been posted on this site a couple of times, Czechs and Slowaks are quite definity Poles favourites.

You dare to call Poles morons on a Polish forum?

Block him, I have. Sick of his crap.
Crow  154 | 9535
4 Apr 2018   #239
* Winged cavalry, for one. Entire cavalry doctrine that saved Poland. Imagine Polish history without it.
* Consult Polish encyclopedias how Jagilonian and other Polish Kings imported Serbian culture and military.
* Grunwald, Orsha battle, Vienna, etc. Serbians.
* Read what Adam Mickiewicz said about Serbs.
* Which Slavs supported Poles during yoke of Soviet Union? Serbs.
* In WWII Serbs entered because of Poles.
* If not for Serbian rebellion against A-H there won`t be independence of Poland. Who wanted and supported independence of Poles after WWI? Western Europeans, Americans, Russians? Only Serbs.

Now, you may say, but others also were there at those times with Poles. Yes, sure. They were or they even didn`t. But even when they were, they later stubbed you in the back. But Serbs never. Hungarians also f*****d you Poles. Hey, who didn`t? Frankly? Who didn`t? Serbs never. Only for Serbs, Poland was on golden pedestal that deserve mortal loyalty.

That for now.

And I don`t say that Poles are morons but that Poland`s leadership together with western Europe ride Poland like a mad horse. If Poles continue to tolerate that, they would be morons. Even then, they would be, by my side, considered to be victims of another anti-Polish joke. And yes, those jokes. Who invented them? You don`t need me to tell you that. We know that Serbs didn`t.
Miloslaw  20 | 5121
4 Apr 2018   #240
At first I was shocked by Crow's posts.....then I warmed to him a bit.....but the sheer reperetniveness of his posts
makes me think of him as a troll....

Home / History / What should Russia and Poland do to become if not friends, then at least not enemies?

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