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What should Russia and Poland do to become if not friends, then at least not enemies?

Bobko  27 | 2135
21 Mar 2024   #901
Very funny Lenka.

pawian  226 | 27599
21 Mar 2024   #902
They should be friends

What??? Another Russian ass licker??? Where are they grown and sent here from ?? In the beetroot field near Królewiec??? hahahaha

Darling, I can be friends with decent Russians who have already dropped their imperial obsessions. And not with Russian homo sovieticuses who support rogue dictator Putin like they did with Stalin decades ago.
pawian  226 | 27599
23 Mar 2024   #903
Yes, but those cars could have been owned by decent Muscovites who don`t support Putin and his war.

Talking about decent Russians again.

Here is a video in which Russians are asked if Poland should become the next target of Russian aggression after Ukraine/Baltics. Very educational stuff, with English subtitles. Most interviewed Russian passers-by believe it would be a good idea to invade Poland, but one or two had a different opinion. Those are decent Russians I mean. Pity there are so few of them.

pawian  226 | 27599
23 Mar 2024   #904
Most interviewed Russian passers-by believe it would be a good idea to invade Poland, but one or two had a different opinion.

Decent Russians also contribute in comments:

1 month ago
I am from Russia, and I feel so much shame watching this video. I can only hope that this doesn't represent the entire nation. At least it doesn't represent the views of my own "bubble" - 99% of people I know would never ever say something like this.

2 months ago
I wanna say that as I russian woman I'm afraid to live with people like these in one country

1 year ago
For f's sake, do they understand they're advocating for genocide?? What's wrong with my countrymen...

1 year ago
As a Russian, I am really ashamed of the citizens of my country. It's ******* awful to see answers like that

And a very intelligent comment which sums the Russian street interviews up:

2 week ago
Amazing the difference on the answers between the young and the old. Also even more amazing how you can sense that the young people are terrified of speaking their actual opinions, they find very intelligent ways to say they are against the war without compromising themselves in fear of being hunted. What a situation to be in, in 2024.

And another comment by a guy whom I could call my soul mate and with whom I fully agree:

1 year ago
As a Polish person, who strongly dislikes Russia as a state for historical and political reasons but has a soft spot for Russians as people (I truly enjoyed drinking with them many times and have met some wonderful friends from there), seeing the level of hate and imperialist entitlement some Russians have for Poland, I am convinced that we are doing God's work by supporting Ukraine and that our current staunchly anti-Russian political line is absolutely correct.

Miloslaw  20 | 5141
23 Mar 2024   #905

Thanks for posting that video, it was very enlightening and informative to hear different views from ordinary Russians.
Korvinus  3 | 613
26 Mar 2024   #906
Deep down, even Russians hate Russians.
Bobko  27 | 2135
26 Mar 2024   #907
Yes, like:

1) Misha/Masha Gessen (not sure how he/she identifies now)
2) Gary Kasparov
3) Vladimir Kara-Murza
4) Kamil Galeev
5) Akhmet Zakayev

... and a bunch of other losers.

It's fine if they, and their kind, never step foot in Russia again.

Somehow we will survive without them.
Novichok  4 | 8606
27 Mar 2024   #908

... there aren't male and female chess tournaments. There ARE women's tournaments, where only women compete, but there are no Men Only chess tournaments. Everyone can, and does, play at a regular chess tournament.

Why a separate tournament for women only? There is no risk of injury and physical strength is not a factor. So what's up with this bs?
pawian  226 | 27599
27 Mar 2024   #909
Gary Kasparov
... and a bunch of other losers.

You mentioned the decent Russians or Russian citizens who are admired all over their world for their decency. While imperial Russians like you are spat on with contempt coz you are the scum of the world.

DFY and your stalinist grandpas, too!
Alien  25 | 6442
28 Mar 2024   #910
and your stalinist

Well, for Bobko even Gorbachev is a traitor. I know people like that from Germany, but why does everyone want to live in prosperity in the West and not build a great russia locally?
mafketis  38 | 11179
28 Mar 2024   #911
why does everyone want to live in prosperity in the West and not build a great russia

That's what makes them so unhinged.... the cognitive dissonance of trying to reconcile their socialization (russia is the greatest ever! all other countries are crap! especially the Anglo-Saxons!") with the reality that life for average people is far higher in many, many, many other countries than it is in russia which is a big potemkin city and a second semi-potemkin.

I remember the video of a pretty nomal looking Polish village and russians couldn't believe it they thought it was an enclave for the very rich....

They know at some level that compared with many other countries russia is.... a failure and they externalize tha failure as unremitting hostility and ungratefulness toward their hosts....

The same is true in the Baltics.... russians know that the countries are far better off without them in charge and that modern comparative prosperity has nothing to do with them and so they cling to soviet imagery all the harder.... collecive narcissistic wound....
pawian  226 | 27599
12 Apr 2024   #912
hey, jon, can you post a link to a map with "r*SSia"?

Piece of cake.
Anything else???

  • MapofRussiaKopio.jpg
Miloslaw  20 | 5141
12 Apr 2024   #913
While imperial Russians like you are spat on with contempt coz you are the scum of the world.

Very true!

Well, for Bobko even Gorbachev is a traitor.


They know at some level that compared with many other countries russia is.... a failure

And it is.......a complete failure.... before it was the Communists sucking the lifeblood out of the country and now it is the gangsters......nothing ever really changes.....only the people suffer.....


Great and proper map!
Novichok  4 | 8606
13 Apr 2024   #914
Great and proper map!

If Russia is Nazis, why does Germany and Israel have embassies there?
Alien  25 | 6442
13 Apr 2024   #915
why does Germany and Israel have embassies there?

Germany is russia's strategic partner and a small war won't change that. Israel has its own interests in russia, specifically oligarchs.
mafketis  38 | 11179
13 Apr 2024   #916
Germany is russia's strategic partner

The German government might think that.... but I can assure you that russia doesnt think of it that way....

Why are German politicians so terrible?
Novichok  4 | 8606
13 Apr 2024   #917
Germany is Russia's strategic partner

That's disgusting. I wouldn't buy a used condom from those Nazis. Forget oil and gas...You should be ashamed...

BTW, not "is". It's was. I am assuming that Germany, Poland, and other freedom and democracy-loving NATO countries are not buying anything from the evil Russia.

You know what Russia does with the money you pay? I was so shocked...Russia buys drones that kill freedom and democracy-loving Ukrainians. I am really upset with you guys...
Alien  25 | 6442
13 Apr 2024   #918
I wouldn't buy a used condom from those Nazis

You would...and you wouldn't know it was refurbished. 🧷
pawian  226 | 27599
13 Apr 2024   #919
If Russia is Nazis, why does Israel have embassies there?

Current Nazi Israeli gov closely follows Putin`s regime - both deal with genocide.
mafketis  38 | 11179
13 Apr 2024   #920
One thing russia could do is take responsibility for russian and soviet crimes.... but russia, so.... no....

russia just 'discovered' secret documents that indicate nazi and not soviet guilt after all!

how long before russia apologists go all in supporting this new 'evidence'?
pawian  226 | 27599
13 Apr 2024   #921
russia just 'discovered' secret documents that indicate nazi and not soviet guilt after all!

Yes, I read this report about imperial Russians who are going to take back their admission to Katyn Massacre and put the false blame on Germans again. Pathetic.

Maf, remember, there are also decent Russians who reject rabid imperialism. They are the minority in Russia but still exist.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
15 Apr 2024   #922
Russia identifies two 'stinky' countries that should be their next target and Poland is one of them.
Torq  8 | 1066
15 Apr 2024   #923
Russia identifies two 'stinky' countries

Not Russia but a slightly retarded individual called Sergey Mikheyev who is...

... a Russian political scientist and fascist. So, three things have to be said about this piece of news...

1. *yaaaaaaawn*
2. *yaaaaaaaaaaawn*
3. Did I mention "yaaaaaaaaawn"?
Alien  25 | 6442
15 Apr 2024   #924
their next targer

First, they would have to be ready with the first goal, i.e. Ukraine. Before they attack any NATO country, they should take into account that out of 300 drones and missiles they launch, they will reach target 3. I wish them luck.
Bobko  27 | 2135
15 Apr 2024   #925
retarded individual called Sergey Mikheyev

Thank you, Kania - for differentiating between different flavors of Russians.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
15 Apr 2024   #926
I wish them luck.

Careful what you wish for.
Don't go getting to boasty my friend.
Russia has developed a new missile that NATO can not defend against.
Bobko  27 | 2135
15 Apr 2024   #927
out of 300 drones and missiles they launch, they will reach target 3. I wish them luck.

When one Shahed drone costs $70K, and one Patriot missile costs $1M... it is a question who needs luck.

Israel is not the only one who needs surface to air missiles, there's also Zelensky who is complaining loudly. The problem... America can only make 550 Patriot missiles a year.

Iran, meanwhile, has shown it is able to saturate Israeli air defenses.

It has learned valuable lessons on how Jordan and Iraq may behave in the scenario of a Perso-Israeli war.

It had a chance to study British and American capabilities and protocols.

I think this was a very profitable exercise, for very little investment.
Torq  8 | 1066
15 Apr 2024   #928
Thank you, Kania

Not at all. A voice of reason is dearly needed on this board now that Crow is gone.
Alien  25 | 6442
15 Apr 2024   #929
I think this was a very profitable exercise, for very little investment

Possibly, but if so, it will be for both parties.
Bobko  27 | 2135
15 Apr 2024   #930
At this moment - Israel should focus on how to survive. Profit, should be left for another day.

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