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What should Russia and Poland do to become if not friends, then at least not enemies?

Bobko  27 | 2215
3 Jan 2024   #751
You were using professional athletes

No such thing existed in the Soviet Union. Not in East Germany. Or in Cuba.
AntV  3 | 670
3 Jan 2024   #752
Those are relatively recent guys. I'm talking about the 70's and 80's: guys like Carl Lewis, Ronaldo Nehemiah, Edwin Moses.

Besides, let's not forget the recent Russian doping scandal; which is not to say Americans and everyone else aren't doping.

No such thing existed in the Soviet Union. Not in East Germany. Or in Cuba

Technically, correct; because there wasn't a developed professional system in those countries. Your guys were typically mid-20's. Our guys were mostly college athletes back then.
Bobko  27 | 2215
3 Jan 2024   #753
Your guys were typically mid-20's. Our guys were mostly college athletes back then

It's not every sport, where being in your 20s will give you an advantage

Not for diving, skiing, aerobics, figure skating, and dozens of others.

Maybe it gives an advantage in boxing, wrestling, weightlifting, basketball, soccer, and running.

I'm not sure when human males reach peak performance, to be honest. Based on myself, I would say probably 27-30. After that it's downhill.

But the distance between a 20 year old and a 30 year old I think is only truly apparent in combat sports. For avoidance of doubt, I mean that 30 year olds are generally stronger than 20 year olds in combat sports.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
3 Jan 2024   #754
No such thing existed in the Soviet Union.

The Russian government was paying them a wage to play.
That is what is called a professional.
The American college kids were students who did not get paid a wage.
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
4 Jan 2024   #755
The Russian government was paying them a wage to play.
That is what is called a professional.

Spot on!

Bobko will deny this of course..........
AntV  3 | 670
4 Jan 2024   #756
JR makes good points, Bobko.
Crow  155 | 9699
4 Jan 2024   #757
I'm sorry - I don't understand this plan. Russia should be very forgiving of Poland, while Poland meanwhile f*cks off to make friends with Serbs and Hungarians?


I said Russia needs to be tolerant right now, not forgiving. Both, Poles and Russians have their sins. But now, time is of the essence. Now we need to avoid the destruction of Poland considering Poland`s NATO membership, in a situation when major NATO non-Slavic powers moved in Drang Nach Osten against Russia. Why would Polish children suffer as collateral? Or Belarus or Russian children?

So why Russia to be tolerant? Because Poland has a complex situation due to its specific history. Poland finds itself in NATO/EU because western Europe looted Poland for centuries, developed genocidal ideologies against Poles, killed, and assimilated many Poles, and made Poland (not only Poland) poor, while they themselves became very rich. Also, if Poland didn`t opt for Catholicism, Poland would be destroyed by the Vatican-sponsored Teutons and other maniacs. In turn Catholicism helped in convincing Poles that Russians are enemies, etc, etc,..... So, Russia needs to understand this and ignore Catholicism in Poland. Not to say that Orthodoxy in itself isn`t perfect so who are we to judge? Especially if we are aware that animosity between Orthodoxy and Catholicism isn`t our Slavic war but a war started by greedy Greeks and Italians.

So Russia must maneuver, and find a way to buy time for Poland`s politics to be able to move Poland from the line of fire. That is why Russia needs to be tolerant.

See, Poland don`t need to f*uck off. Poland needs to be wise, not to work against itself. The era of slavery is over. Things changed. Turks fell, AH fell, German reich fell, Constantinople fell, Rome fell, and Jews fell. Slave hunters are gone. Serbians are back and with every new day stronger. Poles are free to choose to align themselves with those who love them, Serbs and Hungarians. Poles don`t need to do fellacio neither to Russia, nor to western Europe. Poland only needs to work for Poland.

The northern dragon can arise free. Brate, we have many things to do. We must stop to serve strangers. That is what historical moment ask from us for our children. Its thanks to Russia. Why not admit it? But you don`t need even to admit it. Just accept the situation and live. We all have our moments of glory. The rest of us should be satisfied to not just survive but to have a chance to be free. No humiliation of Poland in it.

Pleeeaaase. Not this same bs again. hahahaha

You are old but there are new members. Children even, that needs guidance.
Korvinus  3 | 629
4 Jan 2024   #758
I said Russia needs to be tolerant right now, n

Russian tolerance only functions when they're trying to concern troll you into a surrender.
Bobko  27 | 2215
4 Jan 2024   #759
they're trying to concern troll you into a surrender.

What the hell is that, and how does it work?

New term for me - "concern troll". A form of gaslighting?

In any case, no one is as good at trolling as the Brits and Americans. Russians are junior league trolls, compared to the grandaddies of all trolls.

Is what America did to Ukraine "concern trolling"? They feigned genuine concern and solidarity with the Ukrainians - got them to kill half a million of their best men, wreck half their country - just to get dumped shortly after. That's peak trolling.

I think Poland should be familiar with this type of trolling, due to some recent experience.
mafketis  38 | 11260
4 Jan 2024   #760
Is what America did to Ukraine

you invaded, it's all on you.

russia is responsible for every death in the war and every bit of property destruction... be a man and own it rather than hide behind America... we've got enough weak governments blaming us/wanting us to save them already....
Bobko  27 | 2215
4 Jan 2024   #761
you invaded, it's all on you.

You told them to keep fighting, it's all on you.
Lenka  5 | 3548
4 Jan 2024   #762
We know it would me more convenient if they just gave up and you could claim how they wanted it all along but though sh*t
Bobko  27 | 2215
4 Jan 2024   #763
though sh*t

Tough **** indeed, here I agree with you Lenka.

Btw, when can we expect you to take your position in the trenches of the Donbass? Did you already prepare your helmet?

There are many other women there, so you won't be alone.
mafketis  38 | 11260
4 Jan 2024   #764
You told them to keep fighting

you started it. and in typical russian style are trying to claim your sh=t don't stink.... it does

take your position in the trenches of the Donbass?

after you, you totally support the russian invasion
Bobko  27 | 2215
4 Jan 2024   #765
you started it

Well, you know we believe they started it. So let's agree to disagree.

after you, you totally support the russian invasion

I'm doing important work exactly where I am now.
mafketis  38 | 11260
4 Jan 2024   #766
we believe they started it

abusers almost always blame their victims for starting it.....

I'm doing important work

yeah... the important work of avoiding being in russia....
Crow  155 | 9699
4 Jan 2024   #767
Russian tolerance only functions when they're trying to concern troll you into a surrender.

Who hates Poland and Poles more, western Europeans or Russians?

russia is responsible for every death in the war and every bit of property destruction

Being part of an alliance that is hostile to Russia invites Russia to commit violence to defend itself. Same way, the intention to become part of such an alliance also invites Russia to be violent in defense.

That's why Serbia is neutral. Even that invites NATO to commit violence against us. If are not with them, we are against them, they say.
Crnogorac3  3 | 665
4 Jan 2024   #768
abusers almost always blame their victims for starting it.....

Maidan - Road to War (RT Documentary)

Anyone who watched this excellent film will be in no doubt whatsoever that it was the 'American elites' who incited this brother killing war back in 2014.
mafketis  38 | 11260
4 Jan 2024   #769
Being part of an alliance that is hostile to Russia invites Russia to commit violence

That is how psychotics behave.... Ukraine wasn't hostile to russia before 2014 it just didn't want to be closely associated with russia anymore (what sane person can blame them? russia is a nightmare of corruption, violence and theft, a truly degenerate culture run by and for psychotics)
Crow  155 | 9699
4 Jan 2024   #770
Maiden and march of banderists in combination with more and more talks about NATO, while worsening relations with Russia and molesting local Russians, was a direct path to what now happening in Ukraine.

You will see, the same would happen with Baltic states. They behave the same way as Ukraine before the special operation.
Paulina  19 | 4556
4 Jan 2024   #771
Btw, when can we expect you to take your position in the trenches of the Donbass? Did you already prepare your helmet?

Wow, the pot calling the kettle black! :D

I'm doing important work exactly where I am now.

Namely? What is that "important work" that you're doing? :D
Crnogorac3  3 | 665
4 Jan 2024   #772
Btw, when can we expect you to take your position in the trenches of the Donbass?

After reading some of Lenka's posts you would think she is already lacing up her boots and heading straight to the Polish - Ukrainian border.
Lenka  5 | 3548
4 Jan 2024   #773
when can we expect you to take your position in the trenches of the Donbass?

Did I hurt your feelings? Sorry but not sorry.
Ukrainians have every right to defend their country against Russia's aggression.
Alien  26 | 6527
4 Jan 2024   #774
Did I hurt your feelings?

After so many years as a russian on PF, he no longer has any feelings.
pawian  226 | 27817
4 Jan 2024   #775
You told them to keep fighting

Stop spreading putinist propaganda. Ukrainians decided to defend their independence. The West didn`t influence them in any way. The only thing we did was sending weapons and other stuff - sth that Ukrainians demanded.
Bobko  27 | 2215
4 Jan 2024   #776
Stop spreading putinist propaganda

My man, it's a fact. Google "Russia Ukraine Peace Boris Johnson". Google "Russia Ukraine Merkel Minsk". Google "Russia Ukraine Arakhamia Podolyak Peace".

Ukrainians were willing to do a deal. Dumbass Johnson swooped in, and told them "we're gonna fight, not negotiate."

Like good puppets, they did not question the lord's rationale.
Korvinus  3 | 629
4 Jan 2024   #777
got them to kill half a million of their best men, wreck half their country

The only ones who don't have to fight there are the Russians. They could go home tomorrow and suffer no consequence other than looking foolish for trying to annex a whole country without a good strategy to do so.

But of course Putin pride trumps the life of millions of Russians. Putin would sacrifice the entirety of world population for his ego.
Novichok  4 | 8677
4 Jan 2024   #778
Ukrainians were willing to do a deal. Dumbass Johnson swooped in, and told them "we're gonna fight, not negotiate."

I posted this fact a dozen times.

Not once did Polish morons object to it as false but still wouldn't touch it, either...I guess being Polish is incurable.

See #777 above...
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
4 Jan 2024   #779
The only ones who don't have to fight there are the Russians.

So true.They created this problem and it is hurting them.But an egotistical fool like Putin will probably never give in.
Alien  26 | 6527
4 Jan 2024   #780
...I guess being Polish is incurable

And what's more, it's contagious.

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