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What should Russia and Poland do to become if not friends, then at least not enemies?

Bobko  27 | 2215
19 Sep 2023   #661
Thus some of those women meeting your criteria simply wouldn't want you.

Fair enough. Rare as it is, this does happen.

don't think that's the healthiest outlook on having kids...

This grotesque point of view is the only I have, while I cannot find someone I love.
Novichok  4 | 8677
19 Sep 2023   #662
I don't think that's the healthiest outlook on having kids...

How many kids do you have?

Bobko, never try to convince yourself that "she is one". It must be sudden and immediate, "from first sight", as they say.

I knew I would marry her in the first 10 seconds when I met my wife at a party in 1969 she went to with her husband.
Bobko  27 | 2215
19 Sep 2023   #663
in the first 10 seconds when I met my wife at a party in 1969 she went to with her husband.

See... this is what I need!

Lots of husbands and boyfriends keeping the good 30+ people occupied. I tell myself - a husband is not a concrete wall....

I don't want to be a home wrecker, but what can you do if you see that two people match? My only rule is no wives of friends or business partners. At that point, it's not behavior of someone you want next to you.
Novichok  4 | 8677
19 Sep 2023   #664
See... this is what I need!

The fact that she was drop-dead gorgeous and I was barely passable was a great motivator.
Later, she told me that they were already going through a divorce. I am mentioning it to protect her reputation.
Atch  22 | 4299
20 Sep 2023   #665
I love kids. I feel a big gaping hole in my life through their absence. I feel I am something less than my peers, because I don't have kids.

Loving kids is not a reason to get married. If you have a hole in your life, do something to help children who have already been born and who have nothing and nobody to care about them like the unwanted children in your own country. You can change their lives. This is a longish video, about half an hour but it should be very interesting to you, Debbie Deegan who founded To Russia With Love.

There are children who desperately need you in this world:

In this clip, note how the intellectually disabled young man from Chernobyl speaks fluent English, learned from the Irish volunteers. Hear his Irish accent, God love him.

As for getting married, don't worry about love, choose somebody you like, whose company you enjoy, somebody you have things in common with, most of all somebody with a kind heart. Never mind her Russian language skills, that's not important. Her soul is what counts. Hope you find her :)
pawian  226 | 27817
13 Oct 2023   #667
Right now there is the 2nd International Chopin Competition on Period Instruments taking place in Warsaw. I listen to it while coming back from work. And I was surprised that they let two Russian pianists take part. It is probably assumed in Poland that Chopin music should be above all divisions and conflicts. The radio commentary on those pianists is very positive. Good. They are probably decent Russians who don`t support Putin.

Mariia Kurtynina

Born in 1998, in Znamensk, in the Astrakhan region of Russia. At the age of seven, she enrolled at the local music school. After continuing her musical education at Volgograd Music School No. 14, with Viktor Lesenko and Anna Cherfas, she studied on the piano department of the Moscow Tchaikovsky Conservatory. During her last three years there, she also studied historical performance practice with Olga Filippova and her assistant Anastasia Antonova (harpsichord), and Elizaveta Miller and Alexei Lubimov (fortepiano). She has performed in cities throughout Russia (Volgograd, Volshsky, Saratov, Rybinsk, Ivanovka, Moscow) as a soloist, accompanist and chamber musician, and on prestigious Moscow venues, including the Bolshoi and Maly theatres, the Conservatory and the Zaryadye Concert Hall.

Miloslaw  22 | 5208
13 Oct 2023   #668

Chopin was half French and spent half of his adult life living in France.
Although his music was massively influenced by Polish culture at a time when Poland didn't even exist,I think it is difficult to call him truly Polish......he was as Pawian calls me...a mongrel......even more so, as he was only half Polish....... hey Pawian, you may need to change your definition of mongrel......
Alien  26 | 6527
14 Oct 2023   #669
Chopin was half French

He had a Polish heart
pawian  226 | 27817
14 Oct 2023   #670
Polish heart

Which was placed in the Polish church in the capital of Poland. I saw it with my own eyes.

he was as Pawian calls me...a mongrel.

No, Chopin wasn`t a mongrel as I called you. I did it to draw everybody`s attention to your culture. More exactly, your total lack of culture. Firstly, you can`t speak Polish and that is the fault of both your uncaring parents and you coz you refused to learn as a child when you were raised in the sewer system of London. Today you hang around Polish forums but you still refuse to acquire Polish culture and the style of thinking of a decent Pole. Shame on you.

Secondly, your cultural contribution to this forum is close to zero. You come here only to vent your frustrations and abuse other posters - 90% of your posts are insults and slurs. Shame on you again.

That is why I called you a British Polish mongrel - for a good reason. Chopin wasn`t a mongrel coz he spoke both Polish and French, was generally a decent person and his contribution to the world`s artistic heritage will remain great forever.
pawian  226 | 27817
16 Nov 2023   #671
Another case of a decent Russian persecuted by imperialist Russian regime. And another case proving imperial Russia is pure autocracy.

Russia: Anti-war activist Aleksandra Skochilenko sentenced to seven years in prison following sham trial

Artist and musician Aleksandra Skochilenko was charged under the repressive Article 207.3 of Russia's Criminal Code for replacing price tags with anti-war messages about war crimes committed by Russian troops in Ukraine's Mariupol. She is a prisoner of conscience.

Respect to that decent brave woman. Bobko, Velund, Constantine, Crngorac, you are imperialist Russian lowlives in comparison.
DFY and your stalinist grandpas, too. Tfu!

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pawian  226 | 27817
17 Nov 2023   #672
Bobko, Velund, Constantine, Crngorac, you are imperialist Russian lowlives in comparison.

And swine, too!
Novichok  4 | 8677
17 Nov 2023   #673
What should Russia and Poland do to become if not friends, then at least not enemies?
Nothing easier to answer...

Dissolve NATO.
Bring US troops home.
Tell Poles they are on their own.

Guaranteed to work.
pawian  226 | 27817
17 Nov 2023   #674
Guaranteed to work.

No, Novi, it is much more complicated than you imagine in your philosophy....... :):):) Most Russians, except those decent ones, are mental slaves to their regimes. While most Polesess and Poles, except homo sovieticuses who vote for PiS and other bolsheviks, are birds of freedom. Ha!
Novichok  4 | 8677
17 Nov 2023   #675
He had a Polish heart

...and AIDS.
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
17 Nov 2023   #676
Dissolve NATO. Bring US troops home.

I can't disagree. But Americans always work for their self interest and the survival of Europe is paramount for Americans.
Novichok  4 | 8677
17 Nov 2023   #677
I can't disagree.

Is this some kind of Euro mental disorder to use double negatives? Do you realize how many trees you could save if you switched to "I agree"?

But Americans always work for their self-interest

Which Americans? Mob, Wh0res, or Believers - aka useful idiots?

...survival of Europe is paramount for Americans.

If I could press a button and sink Europe to the bottom of the deepest ocean I would. Then the US Mob would be out of excuses to spend trillions it has to steal from good people like me to justify NATO and why we have to defend Europe. Europe is a net US liability with no plus side.

BTW, are you ready to defend the US just in case? If so, how? Did you go to defend Ukraine or did you leave this pleasure to us as a favor? That war is a lot more yours than it is ours.
Paulina  19 | 4556
17 Nov 2023   #678
I can't disagree.

That's strange coming from a Pole... How would dissolving NATO and American troops leaving Poland make RuSSia and Poland friends or at least not enemies? It would just make Poland vulnerable, nothing more.
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
17 Nov 2023   #679
Rich, you are starting to seriously pi$$ me off now.

America will always protect Europe, as it always has done in it's own self interest.
Got it yet?
Novichok  4 | 8677
18 Nov 2023   #680
Got it yet?


In this arrangement, Europe is the primary beneficiary so your attempts to make you into an observer patiently allowing the US to do its schtick in Europe is disgusting.

The US fighting WW2 suffered only losses and after the war was over, it incurred only the expenses. All the benefits, including the Marshal Plan, were exclusively yours, unless, of course, the gift giver should be grateful for the privilege of giving gifts to the beneficiaries. That would be you, Euros.

Yes, I know, allowing the US army to be in Europe is for our benefit and good for our economy - with Europe playing a gracious host. My bet, without proof, is that the US Army is paying rent to the UK and Germany but I could be wrong. That was pure sarcasm so don't quote it.
pawian  226 | 27817
18 Nov 2023   #681
America will always protect Europe,

Mongrel, you are always so adamant in your opinions which later prove nonsensical. You do it regularly - e.g, you claimed that Russia would never attack Ukraine.

Why are you such a stupid mongrel ? How many books have you read in life??? Do you know what a book it at all??? hahaha
pawian  226 | 27817
24 Nov 2023   #682
This is Russia:

A convicted Russian serial killer - and cannibal - has been pardoned in exchange for fighting in Ukraine, just days after it was revealed that President Vladimir Putin had freed a notorious Satanist murderer.

Denis Gorin, 44, from the town of Aniva in the Sakhalin region, was sentenced in 2018 to 22 years in a penal colony for savagely stabbing a man to death and eating his flesh.

In total, Gorin killed at least four people and partially ate two of them - but his body count could be as high as 13, according to his neighbor.

When Polish presidents start pardoning our cannibals, too, there will be true friendship between Poles and Russians.

Novi, kneel down before your cannibal masters. They will consume you with fava beans. hahahaha buhahahaha

Take this mug as a nice birthday present:

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mafketis  38 | 11260
25 Nov 2023   #683
When Polish presidents start pardoning our cannibals

At least there's a law prohibiting the media from covering what Gorin and those like him get up to once they're free among a bunch of new potential victims....
Paulina  19 | 4556
26 Nov 2023   #684
Do Poles hate Russians? Can you speak Russian while in Poland or are you going to get murdered, beat up, etc? lol Russians living in Poland talk about these issues in this video - I recommend both the video and the comments :) (unfortunately, it's in Russian without translation, but I'm posting it for RuSSians like ConstantineK anyway, so... :)):

Btw, this video was posted only two months ago.
mafketis  38 | 11260
26 Nov 2023   #685
Andromeda shows russian life in the raw.... this time in the middle of St Peter .....

A massive komunalka.... do those really exist anymore in Poland? I remember knowing a person or two who lived in such in the 1990s but now?

Rather than try to improve living standards for russians... russia invades other countries... and russians.... just take it and accept living in garbage.... disgusting....
mafketis  38 | 11260
26 Nov 2023   #686
Rather than try to improve living standards for russians... russia invades other countries

Just to be clear, the video says that after the building (where people continue to live) was declared unfit for human habitation a few families were moved out... and the russia invaded Crimea and the money dried up so people are left there....

So... those are russian priorities... invade other countries and live in garbage (rather than not invade other countries and live like human beings).
Bobko  27 | 2215
27 Nov 2023   #687
rather than not invade other countries and live like human beings

If not invading countries, led to ever rising living standards - then Bhutan and Lesotho would be quite developed.

Spending on war, can be economically stimulating - as I'm sure you must know.

After all, your country emerged from WW2 as a superpower, though it entered it whilst still in recovery from the Great Depression.

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Alien  26 | 6527
27 Nov 2023   #688
Unemployment in Russia is falling because men of working age are dying on the front or fleeing the country.
Bobko  27 | 2215
27 Nov 2023   #689

Russia has a labor force of 73M people. If you count war casualties at 250K, that results in a minuscule reduction in the size of the labor pool, which cannot account for the statistics provided.

The Russians that fled the war, are still Russians and are still counted.

What accounts for much of the reduction is massive hiring by MIC companies, and competition of the private sector with the army for labor.

So you are partially correct, the army does account for a large part of this reduction, just not so much through the dead.

A good article on the subject:
pawian  226 | 27817
27 Nov 2023   #690
Unemployment in Russia is falling because men of working age are dying on the front or fleeing the country.

Or they are eaten by domestic cannibals pardoned by the Russian President. hahahaha buhahahahaha
Ale wic! :):):)

Home / History / What should Russia and Poland do to become if not friends, then at least not enemies?
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