In 1989 decent Russians established an association officially called International Historical, Educational, Charitable and Human Rights Association "Memorial" which has dealt with historical research and dissemination of knowledge about the victims of Soviet repression, including the Stalinist period, as well as the protection of human rights in the countries of the former USSR . The organization was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for 2022 but a few months ago the Kremlin made it illegal.
They also did their best to discover the truth about Polish victims of the Soviet regime.
Today they have just reported that a monument to Polish and Lithuanian victims of Stalinist gulag system was destroyed in provincial Russia by Mongol barbarians.,nId,6733516#parametr=polecamy
"I have just received information about the liquidation of the monument to Polish and Lithuanian exiles who died in the settlement of Galaszor in the north of the Perm Land. The demolition vehicles drove off-road, avoiding towns, so that the residents who take care of the cemetery would not raise the alarm," Kamieński reported, quoted by Memorial.
He added that the monument was erected in 2016 at the cemetery of the former settlement of Galaszor, which functioned in 1939-70.
Memorial, an organization banned by the Russian authorities, stated on its website that about 60 Lithuanian and Polish families from Lithuania were deported to Galaszor in 1945 and in the following years.It looked like that:
