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What should Russia and Poland do to become if not friends, then at least not enemies?

pawian  226 | 27817
3 Apr 2023   #391
As soon as we become prosperous and civilized enough we should attack Poland.

Exactly! Attack Poland in order to become even more prosperous and civilised. Ha! Clever Russians.... :):):)
Korvinus  3 | 631
3 Apr 2023   #392
Attack Poland in order to become even more prosperous and civilised. Ha! Clever Russians

Yeah, right. Invasion of Moldova and Georgia right after the dissolution of the Soviet Union and the bloody massacres of Chechnya showed us all that Russia is still warlike and imperialist, only weak. We used this window of opportunity to escape from the range of Russian ambitions - under protection of NATO. F*uck such a neighbor.
pawian  226 | 27817
3 Apr 2023   #393
F*uck such a neighbor.

That is Poland`s fate. Bad luck. Or we are Lady God`s Playground. Why did She do it to us, I wonder??? To punish us for what, exactly?? Because She wasn`t able to say correctly: Chrząszcz brzmi w trzcinie w Szczebrzeszynie???
Korvinus  3 | 631
4 Apr 2023   #394
Answering to the question in this thread's title, it would be enough if Russia stopped trying to be an empire again, fu*cking up everyone in its vicinity. This time has ended, twice even, in 1917 and 1991. Time to become a normal, albeit quite big, European country. But Russians still don't understand. That's why their imperial history has to repeat itself twice, once as a tragedy (Soviet Union), once as a farce (current day Russia).
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
4 Apr 2023   #395
Welcome, Finland! :)
Crnogorac3  3 | 665
4 Apr 2023   #396
Finland Joins NATO as Used Up Slut Voted Out

Isn't it funny how they timed that decision, right before any new government could possibly reverse this vile wh0re´s diktat.
Lenka  5 | 3548
4 Apr 2023   #397
Used Up Slut Voted Out

vile wh0re´s diktat.

You are one sick puppy. Using your language- a used condom is worth more than you
mafketis  38 | 11265
4 Apr 2023   #398
before any new government could possibly reverse this

The presumed next PM is also pro-NATO and ant-russia..... so seethe and cope more, montenegrin....

biggest pro-russia party in finland averaged 0.20 percent in the pollss

hahahahahahaha!!!! Finns want no part of the worthless, loser 'russian world'!
jon357  72 | 23654
4 Apr 2023   #399

So a nazi site ...

As Maf says, the recent change will make no difference.

The leaders of the other two parties are at least as pro-NATO and anti r*SSian.

Most people are.
Crnogorac3  3 | 665
4 Apr 2023   #400
twatter profile of a typical Finnish faggot

mafketis  38 | 11265
4 Apr 2023   #401
cope cope cope-a-hope for the lope-a-dope....

putain's fains are not happy.... tooooo baddddd
pawian  226 | 27817
4 Apr 2023   #402
But Russians still don't understand.

Fortunately, they are being taught a lesson by the united West and heroic Ukraine. The sooner they understand, the better for everybody on this planet.

if Russia stopped trying to be an empire again,

And starting to build a decent civilisation in Russia at last. 30% Russians are deprived of such ancient inventions as a toilet with running water etc....... Taking shyt in your own backyard, especially in winter, is quite troublesome. Russians still believe that they have to attack European countries to acquire toilets they have longed for centuries.
9 Apr 2023   #403
For that to happen either Russia should lose this war and back off from Europe for good or Poland should become German vasal state in the EU.
Miloslaw  22 | 5217
10 Apr 2023   #404
For that to happen Russia should lose this war and back off from Europe for good


Poland should become German vasal state in the EU

Are you mad????
Novichok  4 | 8702
11 Apr 2023   #405
And starting to build a decent civilisation in Russia at last.

...and become militarily stronger? Are you insane?
mafketis  38 | 11265
11 Apr 2023   #406
Big volcano eruption in kamczatka in the russian far east....

If previous natural disasters are anything to go by.... there will be no help whatsoever for citizens affected by the eruption....

What... you think superyachts just somehow appear in Cyprus???
Alien  26 | 6543
19 Apr 2023   #407
Big volcano eruption

Not big enough.
Novichok  4 | 8702
19 Apr 2023   #408
What should Russia and Poland do to become if not friends, then at least not enemies?
Poland should help Russia win in Ukraine and have a monthly party at the Polish-Russian border with Polish tartar and Russian caviar.
pawian  226 | 27817
19 Apr 2023   #409
For that to happen either Russia should lose this war and back off from Europe for good

For what exactly? Building the civilisation?? If so, backing off from Europe is a stupid move by Russia coz they need the West for funds and technology. Without Western money and know-how, Russians are like kids in the foggy forest. They are only able to produce weapons and nothing else. How about other things which are necessary to build a developed country? Currently they steal toilet seats, fridges and washing machines in Ukraine. How about producing them in Russia at last????

Poland should help Russia win in Ukraine

You certainly like provoking people. :):):) And then you cry they treat you like you know what. :):):)
Miloslaw  22 | 5217
19 Apr 2023   #410
backing off from Europe is a stupid move by Russia

Exactly, but that's what Putin wants.....he wants to hold on to his little impoverished
empire.Putin is not interested in ordinary Russian people.
Only in his personal wealth and power.
Miloslaw  22 | 5217
20 Apr 2023   #412
What makes you ask such a dumb question?
johnny reb  49 | 8003
21 Apr 2023   #413
You seem to have a very strong opinion without any facts to base it on.
Perhaps you would like to enlighten us on your embellishment.
pawian  226 | 27817
22 Apr 2023   #414
In 1989 decent Russians established an association officially called International Historical, Educational, Charitable and Human Rights Association "Memorial" which has dealt with historical research and dissemination of knowledge about the victims of Soviet repression, including the Stalinist period, as well as the protection of human rights in the countries of the former USSR . The organization was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for 2022 but a few months ago the Kremlin made it illegal.

They also did their best to discover the truth about Polish victims of the Soviet regime.

Today they have just reported that a monument to Polish and Lithuanian victims of Stalinist gulag system was destroyed in provincial Russia by Mongol barbarians.,nId,6733516#parametr=polecamy

"I have just received information about the liquidation of the monument to Polish and Lithuanian exiles who died in the settlement of Galaszor in the north of the Perm Land. The demolition vehicles drove off-road, avoiding towns, so that the residents who take care of the cemetery would not raise the alarm," Kamieński reported, quoted by Memorial.

He added that the monument was erected in 2016 at the cemetery of the former settlement of Galaszor, which functioned in 1939-70.
Memorial, an organization banned by the Russian authorities, stated on its website that about 60 Lithuanian and Polish families from Lithuania were deported to Galaszor in 1945 and in the following years.

It looked like that:

  • 000H28IV966C99HMC12.jpg
pawian  226 | 27817
9 Aug 2023   #415
Niemcov Prizes for decent Russians who dared to express their disapproval of the putinist regime`s dirty war in Ukraine.
Boris Nemcov was a Russian anti putin opposition activist, assassinated in Moscow.

This year's winners of the Boris Nemtsov Prize, awarded by the foundation named after him, are Russian citizens: Maksim Lypkań, Maria Ponomarienko, Vladimir Rumyantsev, Mikhail Simonov and Nikita Tushkanov. They were tried or sentenced to prison for critical comments about the invasion of Ukraine.


She reminded that in Russia critical statements about the war against Ukraine are punishable by imprisonment. "Mass protest is always visible, individual protest is not noticed. Nevertheless, it exists" - said Zhanna Nemtsova, quoted by the independent Mediazona portal.

Of the five winners of the award, four people have been sentenced to prison terms, and one is awaiting a verdict, in trials concerning the so-called fake news (false information) about the activities of the Russian army. Laws allowing prison sentences for statements deemed false - that is, contrary to official propaganda - were introduced in Russia in 2022, shortly after the invasion of Ukraine.

pawian  226 | 27817
9 Aug 2023   #416
This year's winners of the Boris Nemtsov Prize,

Maria Ponomarenko is a journalist of the RusNews online channel from Barnaul, the capital of Altai Krai in the Siberian part of Russia. She was sentenced in February this year. to six years in prison for a critical comment on social media about the bombing of a theater in Mariupol, Ukraine, by a Russian military plane. The sentence also provides for a five-year ban on journalistic activities.

Vladimir Rumyantsev, 61, a resident of Vologda, was sentenced to three years in prison in December 2022. The reason was his statements about the war in Ukraine in amateur radio broadcasts

Mikhail Simonov, a 62-year-old pensioner from Moscow, was sentenced to seven years in prison for his words of protest on social media after the bombing of a theater in Mariupol. "Russian pilots bomb children," Simonov wrote about the bombing of the building theater that served as a shelter for civilians. "We Russia have become godless. God forgive us!" - wrote Simonov. The verdict was passed in March this year.

Nikita Tushkanov, a 29-year-old history teacher from the Komi Republic in Russia, was sentenced to 5.5 years in a penitentiary colony for commenting on the internet about the damage to the Russian bridge to the annexed Crimea. Tushkanov called the explosion to which took place in the fall of 2022, a gift "for Putler's birthday". The term "Putler" - a combination of the names "Putin" and "Hitler" - became popular after Russia invaded Ukraine.

The Nemtsov Prize is awarded for courage in spreading ideas related to the pro-democratic views of the murdered Russian politician. One of the foundation's goals is to "include Russia and its citizens in the European agenda and promote European values." A year ago, the foundation awarded its prize to the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky.

Bobko, when you come and say what those decent Russians said and got sentenced for, I will respect you. Right now I can only say tfu coz you are an imperialist putinist s...., you know what.
pawian  226 | 27817
10 Aug 2023   #417
She was sentenced in February this year. to six years in prison for a critical comment on social media about the bombing of a theater in Mariupol, Ukraine, by a Russian military plane.

Guys, can you imagine? 6 years for critical comments?? This is pure North Korea standard. How low did the Russian nation fall if they allow the gangster putinist regime to do such things to brave decent people? Unbelievable.
pawian  226 | 27817
12 Aug 2023   #418
Novi, do you remember how you bragged about Soviets designing the fastest plane in the world and other record breaking stuff? I replied they did it either exploiting German scientists who they had captured during WW2 or stealing Western technology by their spies and agents.

However, I must admit they did design some beautiful planes. E.g. MiG-29 fighter plane. It looks and flies as gracefully as a dancer in a Russian ballet. These planes have been in Polish Air Force until this year - we offered them to Ukraine.

  • SamolotMikoyanMiG.jpg
mafketis  38 | 11265
12 Aug 2023   #419
some beautiful planes

...they don't always work though....
Novichok  4 | 8702
12 Aug 2023   #420
I replied they did it either exploiting German scientists

The US did, too. They even made a movie about it.
That video is breathtaking...Thanks.

Home / History / What should Russia and Poland do to become if not friends, then at least not enemies?

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