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remember, forget, forgive, blame ... Holocaust Memorial Day in Poland

TIT  5 | 208
28 Jan 2010   #91
picture nr 2
is this guy live peacefully in Gremany now? drive mercedes or bmw and live comfortable life somewhere in Germany?
Sokrates  8 | 3335
28 Jan 2010   #92
Quite possible, Erica Steinbach is leading an organisation that up untill recently was filled with Nazis, former SS and people who directly or indirectly were responsible for these crimes, she herself is a daughter of the Nazi.
TheOther  6 | 3596
28 Jan 2010   #93
up untill recently was filled with Nazis, former SS and people who directly or indirectly were responsible for these crimes

Can you back that up? Just interested.
28 Jan 2010   #94
No he can't: because he knows it is a lie.
Sokrates  8 | 3335
28 Jan 2010   #95
Can you back that up? Just interested.


Since you cant read Polish i'll translate for you (you can ask any Polish or non-Polish but Pl speaking member of the boards to confirm if you wish).

"The Exiled present themselves as an organisation untainted by Nazism, victims of history banished from their homes, Spiegels discoveries however deny that.

From the documents to found by reporters it shows that (among others) Friedrich Wilhlem Schallwig a long time leader of BdV in Baden-Wurtemerg and an accomplished activist of the "Exiled" was a member of Einsantzgruppe A, in effect of actions of Schallwigs unit 17 thousand people died, all in all Einssatzgruppe A liquidated a quarter of a milion people."

Later it describes one of the co-founders of the Exiled Rudolf Wagner as a member of SD and perpetrator of a massacre of Jugoslav Jews, Erica Steinbach lied claiming he was a regular Wehrmacht trooper.

Finally it goes to Herbert Schwarzer a long time secretary of the Exiled who used to be an accomplished member of the NSDAP.

All in all the reporters found 70 such dirty secrets, a total of one third of the seniors of exiled were ardent Nazis, many of them mass murderers in Einsatzgruppen or Camps, other "simply" issuing orders to kill from behind the desk.

When Spiegel revealed its discoveries Steinbach said that they have nothing to blame themselves for and only later altered her tone, in other words Germans who pretend to be victims are either former Nazis or like Steinbach Nazi supporters or like our BratwurstBoy, Nazi apologetists (you should read his opinions on Steinbach).
z_darius  14 | 3960
28 Jan 2010   #96
Can you back that up? Just interested.

Meet the co-founder and the first president of the Federation of Expellees.
convex  20 | 3928
28 Jan 2010   #97
When Spiegel revealed its discoveries Steinbach said that they have nothing to blame themselves for

There is nothing at all more shameful than people who did so much harm pretending to be victims. It only dilutes what the actual victims, regardless of which side of the fence, had to endure.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11960
28 Jan 2010   #98
Poles are so full of lies it's unbelievable:

In February 2009, the Polish paper Polska wrote that over one third of the Federation top officials were former Nazi activists, and based this on an article published by the German magazine Der Spiegel in 2006.[1]
The German paper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung wrote that Der Spiegel said this not in respect to the Federation of Expellees, but in respect to a predecessor organization that was dissolved in 1957.

Liars and cowards!
And in the case of Sokrates also big mouths with nothing else....
(But then, Poles probably need their big mouths to hide their emptiness behind it)
TheOther  6 | 3596
28 Jan 2010   #99

Interesting, I didn't know about the Spiegel research. Thanks for the translation.

in other words Germans who pretend to be victims are either former Nazis or like Steinbach Nazi supporters

That might be true for the top dogs of the BdV you've mentioned, but all its members? The BdV would be an illegal organization by now if that would be the case.

The German paper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung wrote that Der Spiegel said this not in respect to the Federation of Expellees, but in respect to a predecessor organization that was dissolved in 1957.[

Oh, that changes a lot, of course. Sokrates, did the Polish newspaper article mention this as well?
Sokrates  8 | 3335
28 Jan 2010   #100
Liars and cowards!
And in the case of Sokrates also big mouths with nothing else....

Waiiiit so if you change the name of the organisation but keep the members we're liars?:) Some more German logic from you BB? Like how the cities you stole from us for 100 years have always been German?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11960
28 Jan 2010   #101
That might be true for the top dogs of the BdV you've mentioned, but all its members?

There was only one top dog with Nazi past and he resigned 1963....
28 Jan 2010   #102
I see you're now completely confused, trying to talk about multiple threads at once?

I see that you're lying here (claiming that 1964 is "recently"), just as you were lying there (claiming that Jews never faced discrimination at Polish universities).
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11960
28 Jan 2010   #103
Like how the cities you stole from us for 100 years have always been German?

Without german build towns, german industrializtion of Silesia and everything you would still be just some dumb peasant. Probably bullying an Ukrainian for some breadcrumb.

Not to mention that Germany granted your folks for centuries a place to find work and education. Hundred of thousands of Polacks couldn't wait to leave your sorry hole for Germany during the centuries. The biggest Polonia in the world is in mean, bad Germany!

Never the other way around...wonder why?

Killed an ukrainian recently?

Lying cowards!

Prussia was good for you - we should just annex you again and be done with it!
TheOther  6 | 3596
28 Jan 2010   #104
There was only one top dog with Nazi past and he resigned 1963....

Do you have a link to the Spiegel article by any chance? This gets confusing.
28 Jan 2010   #105
you would still be just some dumb peasant. Probably bullying an Ukrainian for some breadcrumb.

Only if he had lots of help from the Russians. And no doubt he'd boast about it for 50 years afterwards. Hell, he boasts about ethnic cleansing!
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11960
28 Jan 2010   #106
This gets confusing.

It's easy:

Poles/Sokrates = lying loud mouth

Bratwurst boy = honest and serious, keeping to facts

Nika  2 | 507
28 Jan 2010   #107
BB is a perfect example of what a German really thinks, but doesn't say out loud, cause if they did, the world would start panicking that they are again in need of additional lebensraum. You are full of hate BB. Scary....
28 Jan 2010   #108
Liars and cowards!

Lying cowards!

Prussia was good for you - we should just annex you again and be done with it!

Polacks couldn't wait to leave your sorry hole

You spend way too much time on that dodgy site.

As for throwing the word "cowards" at us so easily, I wouldn't do it if I were a descendant
of murderers of women and little babies on an industrial scale.

Why were you and your state so afraid of those kids and their mums that you had to
murder them in concentration camps and line up their little children carts neatly in rows
after gassing them? Why were you such cowards to fight women and children?
What was the source of your cowardice - such immense cowardice? Just curious...
TheOther  6 | 3596
28 Jan 2010   #109
of what a German really thinks

C'mon, don't go that way. You know as well as I do that this statement is nonsense and not very helpful.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11960
28 Jan 2010   #110
BB is a perfect example of what a German really thinks, but doesn't say out loud,

Well...more precise would be: MOST GERMANS GIVE A SH'IT!

How many Germans do you know here on PF to discuss things with you???

Oh and lady...just in case the reality flew you by....we are living now in the European Union, no borders anymore....we HAVE our Lebensraum already, more than ever before!

And not one shot the contrary people like Poles said THANK YOU for letting us in!

But I hate cowardice, that much is true..

As for throwing the word "cowards" at us so easily, I wouldn't do it if I were a descendant
of murderers of women and little babies on an industrial scale.

What, if the shoe fits...

You spend way too much time on that dodgy site.

Don't tell me it isn't true that mean, bad Germany always was the preferred country to run to for Poles through the centuries!

(Lot's of 'skis doing the murdering of women and little babies too btw.)
scrappleton  - | 829
28 Jan 2010   #111
Nah, BB just states his case on here. The debates are good. One of the reasons this forum is so interesting compared to watered down, sterile versions. The Holocaust is deeply entrenched European business and I try and keep my American snoot out of it (and if you are an American please try and do the same! - for once!) but it's probably best to start moving on. However, just as I am reminded of killing Indians and slavery, things my great , great grandfathers never delved in, the Holocaust is not going away anytime soon.
Amathyst  19 | 2700
28 Jan 2010   #112
This thread saddens me deeply. 65 years on and such hate and disgusting comments are still rife.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11960
28 Jan 2010   #113
65 years on and such hate and disgusting comments are still rife.

Nah....I hug a Pole regularly! ;)

It's just me and Sokrates having a mud-slinging-party...
Nika  2 | 507
28 Jan 2010   #114
This thread saddens me deeply. 65 years on and such hate and disgusting comments are still rife.

Me as well. Maybe it's 65 years on but some things, and some people, never change.
28 Jan 2010   #115
Don't tell me it isn't true that mean, bad Germany always was the preferred country to run to for Poles through the centuries!

Actually, no - it wasn't. The preferred country for Poles to immigrate to were the United States of America (over 10,5 million Poles). The number of Poles in Germany (about 2 million) is roughly equal to that of Brasilian Polonia (1.8 million Poles in Brasil) - which tells you a lot that an equal number of Poles preferred to go to South American, poorercountry far away from home, than just across the border.

Most of those who went there were probably volksdeutche of some sort anyway, so the number of actual, real Poles living in Germany is most likely much lower.

Btw - I can understand (or at least I can try to understand) how uncomfortable the knowledge of what your ancestors did must be to you. I can imagine that it would be difficult to cope with for any sane, decent man and, in a way, I feel for you, Bratwurst Boy. However, you should find some different way of dealing with the almost unbearable load of the sins of your fathers than by looking for other nations to blame and point fingers at. I feel sorry for Germans - I really do (there's no malice intended at all). How hard it must be for them...
z_darius  14 | 3960
28 Jan 2010   #116
Building a modern factory to kill people is a german thing to do, smart engineers that we are...

I'm not sure how to break this to you but smart engineers achieve things. Nazi engineers destroyed what others created and eventually left Germany smaller then she was before WW2? Some engineers, huh?
Nika  2 | 507
28 Jan 2010   #117
However, you should find some different way of dealing with the almost unbearable load of the sins of your fathers than by looking for other nations to blame and point fingers at. I feel sorry for Germans - I really do (there's no malice intended at all). How hard it must be for them...

Amen. May God forgive them (no malice intended either).
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11960
28 Jan 2010   #118
Btw - I can understand (or at least I can try to understand) how uncomfortable
the knowledge of what your ancestors did must be to you.

Well, I'm a German - meaning I can face up to it.
You as a Pole prove to be to weak and to cowardly...

Torq, an interesting list about non-German holocaust helpers:
FACTBOX-Wiesenthal Center's top 10 WW2 war criminals

FACTBOX-Wiesenthal Center's top 10 WW2 war criminals

Nov 30 (Reuters) - Accused Nazi death camp guard John Demjanjuk goes on trial in Munich on Monday to face charges he participated in the killing of 27,900 Jews in 1943.

Demjanjuk is number one on a list of 10 most-wanted war criminals compiled by the Simon Wiesenthal Center, according to a statement issued in April 2

Start to accept the reality Torqi, it was a European project!
Without your peoples enthusiastic help it wouldn't had been possible!!!
Just take for example your beloved friends, the Hungarians:

....A few days later, Ruthenia, Upper Hungary, and Northern Transylvania were placed under military command; these territories contained an additional 320,000 Jews. On April 9, Prime Minister Döme Sztójay and the Germans obligated Hungary to place at the disposal of the Reich 300,000 Jewish laborers. Five days later, on April 14, Endre, Baky, and Eichmann decided to deport all the Jews of Hungary.

The devotion to the cause of the "final solution" of the Hungarian gendarmes surprised even Eichmann himself, who supervised the operation with only twenty officers and a staff of 100, which included drivers, cooks, etc.[13]


That was the reality...Germans ordering, supervising but the dirty ground work done by the Eastern Europeans themselves, no force needed whatsoever.
Germany could never had achieved much without your help!

However, you should find some different way of dealing with
the almost unbearable load of the sins of your fathers than by looking for other
nations to blame and point fingers at. ROFL
28 Jan 2010   #119
You as a Pole prove to be to weak and to cowardly...

Oh, please - you cannot possibly insult me and there's very little you know of me so such remarks are unnecessary. But if it makes you feel better - whatever.

Start to accept the reality Torqi, it was a European project!

The project was German and you found some sickf*cks throughout Europe to help you execute it under your close supervision.

Without your peoples enthusiastic help it wouldn't had been possible!!!

My people are Poles. So basically you are saying that without Poles' enthusiastic help (while they were being murdered by millions at the same time) the Holocaust of Jews wouldn't be possible. That statement is so ridiculous that I can't believe that it comes from your honest conviction, BB. I think you read it on this weird (or whatever it's called) site, which apparently has a very bad influence over you.

You are actually saying that the entire might of the German Reich, German army, German industry, German administrative authorities, German Police etc. etc. - could never have done it without the help of Szmalcowniks and some Polish peasants in a couple of villages. Come on now!

Just take for example your beloved friends, the Hungarians

There are some things that neither Poles nor Hungarians can be proud of. However, using those things (which are completely and utterly dwarfed by
the bestiality of your compatriots) to somehow shift the responsibility for the Holocaust from Germans is a pathetic thing to do.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11960
28 Jan 2010   #120
But if it makes you feel better - whatever.

I'm full in my "mud-slinging"-mood...yeah it makes me feel better.

The project was German and you found some sickf*cks throughout Europe to help
you execute it under your close supervision.

Man, that was a heavy fight to come to that...*rolls eyes*

10 to 1 sick fucks....makes 11 sick fucks with my math...

Home / History / remember, forget, forgive, blame ... Holocaust Memorial Day in Poland

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