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Where did the power of Poland vanish to, since... let`s say, some 300 years ago?

Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
7 May 2011   #31
...maybe Poland needs just a german "Kurwa" too to get abit more powerfull??? :):):)

PS: Wasn't Lenin half jewish too??? :O
PolskiMoc  4 | 323
7 May 2011   #32
Yes Poland was one of the most powerful in the middle ages while Germany was one of the most worthless places in Europe at this time.

German power only comes from Poland.

Germans are worms. Germany NEVER Once took on Poland by it's self & was able to Conquere Poland. You disgusting worms always needed help from Austria & Russia.

You should change the name to Wormany or perhaps just ManyGerms WormGermMany the land of the Virus & the Worm
Antek_Stalich  5 | 997
7 May 2011   #33
Can't read your nationalist gibberish, PolskiMoc.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
7 May 2011   #34
Yes Poland was one of the most powerful in the middle ages while Germany was one of the most worthless places in Europe at this time.
German power only comes from Poland.

How did that happen??? How could worthless little Germany "steal" mighty Polands power and wealth???

You should change the name to Wormany or perhaps just ManyGerms WormGermMany the land of the Virus & the Worm

Bratwurst worm??? Wormwurst??? Bratworm?
PolskiMoc  4 | 323
7 May 2011   #35
How did that happen??? How could worthless little Germany "steal" Polands power and wealth???

While Poland was already fighting Russia & Sweden & other wars.

The Germ Worm Many Douchelanders along with Austria also Attacked Poland.

Funny that Friedrich the UNGreat was becoming friends with Turks while Slaughtering & Stealing Polish land.

Even more funny that Germans in the 1600's thought Ottoman Turks were going to take over Europe & cause the end of the World in the Apocolypse.

So Germans cried for Polish Jan Sobieski to save them from Turks in 1683 in the Battle of Vienna.

Germ Worms by the 1700's were already repaying Poland with slaughter & already becoming friends with Turks

Then Germ Worms side with Turks in WW1 while killing Whites'

Then Germ Worm Hitler loved turks & Killed Whites in WW2

Now Turks destroy Germany

IDIOTS. Germ Worms are sick. Germans don't deserve the right to breathe. Germans only deserve the right to be killed.
Daisy  3 | 1211
7 May 2011   #36
the land of the Virus & the Worm

Careful with that one, worms have a habit of turning
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
7 May 2011   #37
IDIOTS. Germ Worms are sick. Germans don't deserve the right to breathe. Germans only deserve the right to be killed.


Mighty Poles have problems with worms?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
7 May 2011   #38
IDIOTS. Germ Worms are sick. Germans don't deserve the right to breathe. Germans only deserve the right to be killed.

Thankfully, Germans also showed what they thought of racist Poles - they got rid of them ;)

What's the odds that "PolskiMoc" is just yet another Polack from America who has never been to Poland?
OP Crow  154 | 9535
7 May 2011   #39
i would love to see powerful Polish state in Europe and how influence of Poland spread from Baltic to Balkan, from Central Europe to the East of Europe.

We Serbians would be eager to fight for revival of Polish influence. Very very
PolskiMoc  4 | 323
7 May 2011   #40
Thankfully, Germans also showed what they thought of racist Poles - they got rid of them ;)

Most of the Poles killed weren't racist.

It was the German swine who were Racist talking about a Blonde haired race. While they worship muslims, Turks, Albanians ect. LOL Even did business deals with Zionists.

While killing Poles & Russians who are more Blonde than Germans

Something is wrong with Germans.

Germans are not human or white. Humans & Whites have more Sexual dimorphism differences than non whites. While Poles & Slavs have exessive Sexual dimorphism.

German men like Bill Kaulitz are typically more Feminine than Ugly Manly German women like Claudia Schiffer

Germans are not Humans. Humans have a strong sexual dimorphism compared to Apes
Wroclaw  44 | 5359
7 May 2011   #41
Germans are not Humans. Humans have a strong sexual dimorphism compared to Apes

are u serious or just flaming and trolling ?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
7 May 2011   #42
Germans are not Humans. Humans have a strong sexual dimorphism compared to Apes

...that makes Poles pussies to non-white not human ape-worms? ;)
PolskiMoc  4 | 323
7 May 2011   #43
are u serious or just flaming and trolling ?

It is a fact that Humans have strong sexual differences.

It is a fact that Apes have a lack of sexual differences.

Germans have a strong lack of sexual differences.

Which I think questions if Germans really are Human. Sure Germans are mixed with human. But, You can tell Germans are not fully human.
Antek_Stalich  5 | 997
7 May 2011   #45
No need to quarrel with PolskiMoc, BratwurstBoy. PolskiMoc knows BETTER. PolskiMoc has BELIEF. It's pointless to discuss at such level, with "argumenty z dupy wzięte", as I would say.

The reasons of the fall of The Commonwealth of Both Nations are so simple if we look at the Poland of today:
1. Quarrel, quarrel, quarrel. "Where are two Poles, there are three opinions";
2. Abuse of democracy (yes, Poland was a democracy) in favour of anarchy;
3. Consumerism, not being able to sacrifice a bit of own welfare for the common good;
4. Narrow-mindedness, parochalism.

At the same time, neighbouring countries were building strong states with powerful armies...
I'm also very surprised reading different posts of Crow, especially related to Silesia (which I found elsewhere on this forum).
OP Crow  154 | 9535
7 May 2011   #46

Germans are mix of native Proto Slavs (read- Sarmatians) with new arrived semitinized population of what was antic Rome. That`s how Germans were created as ethos
Wroclaw  44 | 5359
7 May 2011   #47
Which I think questions if Germans really are Human. Sure Germans are mixed with human. But, You can tell Germans are not fully human.

ok, so u are just a troll. anymore of this rubbish and it goes in the bin.
PolskiMoc  4 | 323
7 May 2011   #48
Germans are mix of native Proto Slavs (read- Sarmatians) with new arrived semitinized population of what was antic Rome. That`s how Germans were created as ethos

It is more that Germans are a mix of Celtic with Slavic & slightly Germanic.

But, Slavic types are the original Inhabitants of Germany!

Sorbs are indigenous to East Germany they are 63 percent R1a Genetic Haplogroup vs 56 percent R1a Haplogroup for Poles & 46 percent R1a Haplogroup for Ukrainians

East Germans are 24 percent R1a while West Germans are 9 percent R1a haplogroups

Burial Remains from Saxony 4,600 yrs ago were all R1a

So It seems Sorbs are untouched Original East Germans. The Genetic evidence suggests people from France, Spain / Italy ect R1b people moved North into Germany & Over took the Original R1a Sorb types

So to me I think the most vile & disgusting Western Europeans moved East into Slavic lands. That is why Germans are so vile.

Poland fell because we were fighting everyone else in the East
It is Amazing Poland even did exist fighting off Turks, Tatars, Mongols, Germans, Swedes, Cossacks, Vikings, Austrians ect ect
OP Crow  154 | 9535
7 May 2011   #49
I'm also very surprised reading different posts of Crow, especially related to Silesia (which I found elsewhere on this forum).

listen, dobri pane brate. If Germany continue to weakening Poland over Silesia, we Serbians would be very useful to Poland. in 24 hours of eventual hostility and classical German mistake, there would be at least 10.000,00 Serbian veteran fighters. i suggest, use them for night operations behind enemy lines (as i already said once- let them just work with knives). While they enjoy, Germans would be terrified altogether with their mujaheedine fiends that always goes side by side with them.

It is more that Germans are a mix of Celtic with Slavic & slightly Germanic.

no, no. Celts were Proto Slavs (Sarmats/Scythians). Every Serbian can confirm you this
Ironside  50 | 12946
7 May 2011   #50
quote=Bratwurst Boy]Wiki has no word on any polish invention of military units...[/quote]
In the West, the first general to think of organising an army into smaller combined-arms units was Maurice de Saxe (d. 1750), Marshal General of France, in his book Mes Réveries.

And who was Maurice de Saxe ? An illegitimate son of king of Poland, so was it his original idea or he familiarised himself with division system while in Poland?

..she isn't called "Great" for nothing! ;)

sure, And Russia freed her serfs in 1861.
Serfdom is the status of peasants under feudalism, specifically relating to Manorialism. It was a condition of bondage or modified slavery which developed primarily during the High Middle Ages in Europe and lasted to the mid-19th century

And your point was?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
7 May 2011   #51
Maurice de Saxe (d. 1750), Marshal General of France, in his book Mes Réveries.

Hmmm...sounds french....lived in France....fighted for France...hmmm...just a guess here! :)

And who was Maurice de Saxe ? An illegitimate son of king of Poland, so was it his original idea or he familiarised himself with division system while in Poland?

Maurice de Saxe (German: Moritz Graf von Sachsen) (28 October 1696 - 20 November 1750) was a German in French service who was Marshal and later also Marshal General of France.

That "de Saxe" is a clear hint actually.

...Maurice was born at Goslar, an illegitimate son of August the Strong, King of Poland and Elector of Saxony, and the Countess Maria Aurora of Königsmarck.
He was the first of eight extramarital children whom August acknowledged, although as many as 354 are claimed by sources, including Wilhelmine of Bayreuth, to have existed.[1]

August der Starke was a German too...
Ironside  50 | 12946
7 May 2011   #52
August der Starke was a German too...

Exactly, being kind of Poland and having his illegitimate son with him in Poland for a time being. Son who showed aptitude for military carrier.

Well, I don't know BB, you tell me, Poland is using division organization for x years, then a guy Maurice, who spend a few years in Poland,as a youngster interested in all things military, then he starts his carrier in France, become Marshal, and then write a book where he introduce a divisions system.

Well, was it his original idea or was he influenced by Polish practise? Well BB ?
Antek_Stalich  5 | 997
7 May 2011   #53
listen, dobri pane brate. If Germany continue to weakening Poland over Silesia, we Serbians would be very useful to Poland.

Słuchaj, bracie. The Serbian population of Kosovo is 7%. The declared Silesian population in Upper Silesia is even smaller figure. If you were seriously concerned about the fate of the Serbian population of Kosovo, you'd fight for recognition of the Silesian nationality, as the principle of protecting minority rights. Your sole postulate is the Polish and the Serbian are Slavs, so they should stick together, regardless the actual situation is.

You know nothing about Silesia and the Silesians. Your claim about German interests in the Silesians is unanimous with the notorious opinion of J. Kaczyński on "crypto-Germans". Go to Silesia and say the same at a local pub... It would be roughly same as going to Edinburgh and saying that the Scottish are indeed English, and anybody opting for Scotland is the enemy of the UK.

You could also say that the British monarchs are crypto-Germans...

Yes, once Poland was large & powerful. My mother was born near to the former Romanian border. Do you think I would go and fight with the Ukrainians for Great Poland? Then you are very, very wrong.

Have you got my point?
Sokrates  8 | 3335
7 May 2011   #54
Since military history is my forte i'd like to post pictures from 1480-1600 when Poland was setting military standards for entire Europe.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
7 May 2011   #55
Exactly, being kind of Poland and having his illegitimate son with him in Poland for a time being. Son who showed aptitude for military carrier.

At the age of twelve, Maurice served in the army of Prince Eugene of Savoy, at the sieges of Tournai and Mons and at the Battle of Malplaquet.

What and from whom did he learn till the age of 12? ;)

Well, I don't know BB, you tell me, Poland is using division organization for x years, then a guy Maurice, who spend a few years in Poland,as a youngster interested in all things military, then he starts his carrier in France, become Marshal, and then write a book where he introduce a divisions system.

When it is really all polish why are there no common polish names for the inventions. Normally the naming says alot about the origin.
Why are the polish inventors nowhere mentioned?

Since military history is my forte i'd like to post pictures from 1480-1600 when Poland was setting military standards for entire Europe.

Links for reading would be the most helpful! :)
Sokrates  8 | 3335
7 May 2011   #56
Links for reading would be the most helpful! :)

Right now im trying to upload pics and the forum is f*cking with me (i'll dig you up something in english but theres not much) after the partitions most pre-partition Poland history has been wiped from european historiography and our own historians aint doing enugh to promote it.

Aha! The problem is solved!

  • 3_plk_stray_przedni.jpg
Ironside  50 | 12946
7 May 2011   #57
Have you got my point?

No! What is your point?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
7 May 2011   #58
Right now im trying to upload pics and the forum is f*cking with me

A link to photobucket? Try's easier than to upload all here, I think...
Sokrates  8 | 3335
7 May 2011   #59
Hmmm...sounds french....lived in France....fighted for France...hmmm...just a guess here! :)

Thats 1750, in Poland you have divisions as early as 1650 so either he coincidentally thought about the same concept with the same details and same name know:))

Anyway here's the pics, they're from 1480 to 1570/1600 the period when Poland was naming the game.

Forum still ******* with me...

A link to photobucket? Try's easier than to upload all here, I think...

I Sir will not be conquered by a f*cking internet forum! Lets try again!

  • Polish light lancers.

  • Polish heavy lancers.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
7 May 2011   #60
Cool pics! :)

I Sir will not be conquered by a f*cking internet forum! Lets try again!

A real Pole!

Home / History / Where did the power of Poland vanish to, since... let`s say, some 300 years ago?

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