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Life in communist Poland - personal relations

Alien  25 | 6408
30 Dec 2023   #331
Just because the president vetoes the budget doesn't mean there won't be one. The state will continue to function.
OP pawian  226 | 27510
30 Dec 2023   #332
soon you won't have enough money to buy anything! "Poland's president intends to veto a spending bill which includes money raises for teachers

PiS azhole president vetoes pay rises for teachers! It is a fact!

That is why I never voted for PIS and none of my family or students did! And we are going to keep it like that in the future!! hahahaha

PS., Did you notice I corrected your spelling mistake ????
Ironside  50 | 12947
30 Dec 2023   #333
vetoes pay rises for teachers!

good - most teacher are useless and teach nothing.
Alien  25 | 6408
30 Dec 2023   #334
most teacher are useless and teach nothing.

Well, even Pawian won't help if Iron doesn't want to learn.
Novichok  4 | 8508
30 Dec 2023   #335
most teachers are useless and teach nothing.

Post of the Day.
OP pawian  226 | 27510
30 Dec 2023   #336
good -

Excactly!!! When more teachers leave the job coz they won`t get a rise, I will charge higher rates and demand bigger wages than now and earn twice as much coz I won`t have any competition at all. Win win situation for me. hahahaha
amiga500  5 | 1492
30 Dec 2023   #337
will charge higher rates and demand bigger wages than now

Till the villagers rise up and burn you at the stake :)
OP pawian  226 | 27510
30 Dec 2023   #338
burn you at the stake :

Like a witch....... hahahaha
BTW, before or after hanging me on a street lamp post???? :):):)
amiga500  5 | 1492
30 Dec 2023   #339
Like a witch....... hahahaha

Yes, Yes! Exactly like a witch. Because you are bewitching your students with the blasphemous religion of Wokeism.
Also, You are being a dirty pig capitalist (just like cargo) and taking pleasure in raising prices and ripping off your neighbours and acquaintances.

Burn Witch Burn!! Hhahahaha

Poloniusz  5 | 969
30 Dec 2023   #340
PiS azhole president vetoes pay rises for teachers! It is a fact!

The president believes teachers' pay should correspond to the amount of work being done. That's why you don't deserve a raise! You're already an overpaid clockwatcher! Fact!
OP pawian  226 | 27510
30 Dec 2023   #341
pig capitalist

Capitalist? Yes, I love capitalism. :):):)

Pig? No, just an ordinary ape. hahahaha

That's why you don't deserve

And because he is mistaken, I vow never ever to vote for PiS and will do my best to convince the people I have a contact with not to vote for them, either. Ha!!!!

You can thank your azholing president for that New Year`s resolution!!! hahahahaha

Burn Witch Burn!!

No, I am not as bad as Margaret Thatcher. :):):)
OP pawian  226 | 27510
31 Dec 2023   #342

I am a teacher, not thatcher. Dyslexic guys like Iron, watch out that difference in spelling. It is crucial, believe me.
Poloniusz  5 | 969
6 Jan 2024   #343
PiS azhole president vetoes pay rises for teachers! It is a fact!


Here are the facts!

President Duda Presents Teacher Salary Bill on Wednesday, Excluding Funding for Public Television

"President Andrzej Duda of Poland is set to present a bill on Wednesday, focusing on salary increases for teachers."

Over to you to personally and publicly thank President Duda! :)

"The bill, expected to address the government's commitment to a 30-percent salary hike for teachers, has drawn attention for its exclusion of funds earmarked for the acquisition of public media."

30%! Yikes!

OP pawian  226 | 27510
6 Jan 2024   #344

First he takes and then he gives back? DF him! I don`t need anything from that azhole. Let him gobble down this money until he chokes. hahahaha
OP pawian  226 | 27510
23 Jan 2024   #345
What did people collect at the time?

One of popular home displays was a collection of foreign beer or soda cans. Usually stored on top of wall cabinets. I also had one in early 80s.

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OP pawian  226 | 27510
25 Jan 2024   #346
What did people collect at the time?

Boys collected toy soldiers. I had dozens of them. Still keep them in our basement. My fave were knights coz I have always loved medieval times.

I also liked native Ams and cowboys.

I organised battles of giant hostile armies on my bedroom carpet.

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Joker  2 | 2377
25 Jan 2024   #347
I also liked native Ams and cowboys.

I knew it....Youre nothing but a Man-Child! The same type of dork as Sheldon Cooper. lol Do you watch Star Trek as well?

They didnt have Cowboys and Indians in Poland. You started your fixation with America as a child and now youre a man-child.
OP pawian  226 | 27510
25 Jan 2024   #348
I knew it....Youre nothing but a Man-Child!

Of course!!! I never denied it!!! Even better - I am proud of it. hahahaha buhahahaha

Do you watch Star Trek as well?

Nope, I only watched the British series called Cosmos 1999 and that gave me enough knowledge with such stuff. :):):)
Lenka  5 | 3530
25 Jan 2024   #349
The same type of dork as Sheldon Cooper.

If only. I love Sheldon.
Joker  2 | 2377
25 Jan 2024   #350
Big Bang Theory is hilarious:)
OP pawian  226 | 27510
27 Jan 2024   #351
Big Bang

You never cease thinking about banging. Like johhny. :):):) Thinking about t is the only thing you can enjoy in life. hahahaha

Dental care was available mostly in big cities in communist Poland. Smaller places were deprived of it coz dentists didn`t live there and didn`t want to work there. That is why communists organised mobile dental care clinics.

I still remember fluorisation campaigns in 1970s - we had to bring our toothbrushes on the appointed day and our school dentist made us brush our teeth with that funny fluor paste.

One day several boys from my class, including me, forgot about the day. During the long break we ran out of school to the nearest newsagent`s were we bought new toothbrushes coz we were afraid the teachers would punish us.

Children waiting for a dental examination in front of a traveling dental office located in the bus of the Union Medical and Dental Center early 1970s.

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Novichok  4 | 8508
27 Jan 2024   #352
Life in communist Poland...
The best part of my life in "communist" Poland was that Western warmongers were too tired after WW2 and didn't decide to liberate Poland.

If they did, today, Poland would be debating if to replace white and red with "pride" rainbow. See the US.

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OP pawian  226 | 27510
27 Jan 2024   #353

What `s your problem??? Rainbow is beautiful! And a pious thing to display!!! God`s Mother loves rainbow coz it is so optimistic!

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jon357  72 | 23483
27 Jan 2024   #354
It doesn't work Richie, we all know your secret.
OP pawian  226 | 27510
30 Mar 2024   #355
God`s Mother loves rainbow coz it is so optimistic!

The Supreme Court has just ruled that rainbow Mary isn`t an insult or offence.


Kremówka ala cream cake was extremely popular in communist times of 1970s and 1980s. Today it is much less. That is why I was positively shocked seeing it on the table. Amasing how tastes can change over years. ):):)

I have always liked it. Crispy covering and base with soft inside.

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Novichok  4 | 8508
30 Mar 2024   #356
It doesn't work Richie, we all know your secret.

Let me in on it. I am writing my eulogy.
Novichok  4 | 8508
31 Mar 2024   #357
I liked my life in "communist" Poland. The only flag I ever saw was the Polish red and white. The US Embassy had that beautiful American flag, not the LGBT fake rainbow crap. Use Google Maps if you want to see that embassy today. Make sure your barf bag is close...

We were not indoctrinated. If they tried, it didn't work.

Nobody was celebrating mental disorders with parades. We knew how to define "a woman". There were only two genders. Girls were not having their breasts removed because they liked to play with their brothers' toy trucks.

The Red Army was protecting us from the US kind of freedom, democracy, and a million deaths like in Korea. We were not afraid to say things the way American students are today.

We were not afraid to go for a walk at night. Justice was swift and being on drugs was not a mitigating condition. My tuition from K to MSEE was zero. And so were the hospital bills.

Nobody in my family belonged to PZPR. Yet, we lived in the best part of Warsaw on Nowy Swiat 47. My father used to attend conferences in France. In 1975, I met my parents in Paris. I left in 1966 at high noon. On a train. Nobody was shooting...

I was able to buy the New York Herald Tribune without any difficulties. I would visit the US Embassy regularly and nobody from the Polish KGB asked me why. Today, that embassy is less inviting than American prisons with their waiting rooms and restrooms.

For your convenience, here is the US Embassy in Warsaw:,21.0240022,3a,17y,251.87h,104.96t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sbPEfNF59QpRTKxoUJYGNIg!2e0!!7i16384!8i8192?hl=en&entry=ttu

And the Embassy of the Russian Federation:,21.0274719,3a,15y,243.61h,110.37t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sAGkwOTmtcf9UInzHR4ELLw!2e0!!7i16384!8i8192?hl=en&entry=ttu

Fvcking unbelievable...
OP pawian  226 | 27510
31 Mar 2024   #358
The US Embassy had that beautiful American flag,

nothing changed in this mater..... :):):)

We were not indoctrinated

You were. It got imprinted in you for ever and can be seen when you try to sell those Russian ass licking opinions.
Novichok  4 | 8508
31 Mar 2024   #359
I forgot to mention that I received my first communion and confirmation without any problems. No, there were no bears trying to have us for lunch...

To my great disappointment, I never saw any Soviet soldiers or tanks. The only Russian I met was a guy who asked me for directions.
Korvinus  3 | 608
31 Mar 2024   #360
The Red Army was protecting us from the US kind of freedom

I'm sure it made a hell lot of difference for people who got the bullet in the back of their head or were sent to the concentration camps in Siberia or Kazakhstan.

B!tch, a moment ago you claimed Soviets saved Poles from the Germans, when in reality they ganged up on our asses and partnered in genocide.

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