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Heil Poland!.....? Poland is a pro-Nazi state?

Sasha  2 | 1083
5 May 2010   #61

Kostushko, aren't you tired yet? This ain't a whit funny...
Seanus  15 | 19666
5 May 2010   #62
He's just trolling but I'll refrain from launching into the stereotype that he is just a vodka swilling drunk.
OP ConstantineK  26 | 1298
5 May 2010   #63
That's rich coming from a citizen of the most treacherous, deceitful, double-crossing, loathsome nation on earth.

So many bitter assertions without any word in prove; I think all these desperate declaratons have to be rejected point by point but by means of sufficient and eloquent reasons. In order to simplify the our conclusions, let's consider Poland (thus comprising all western traits) to be a sole aim of comparison.

1. Since when, my dear man, do you think we are in any need of your sympathy? We don't! Russia is so immense, so unbelievably majestic that don't need your approval or scolding. Angry or not, you have to resign yourself to this disparity. Poland? Where it is?

2. You are loosers. You had ruined everything in the past and I cannot even understand what amends in your character you can make in order to prevent repetition of your fails. You are the same, the same outfashioned hicks.
ShortHairThug  - | 1101
5 May 2010   #64
So many bitter assertions without any word in prove;

Proof? What proof?Hell all those words are practically synonymous with Russia.

We have to make sure we do much better job at keeping the hicks, modern day European barbarians on the other side of Urals; they have the tendency to destroy and plunder everything in sight whenever they get too far to the west. Other than that no, no failures.
OP ConstantineK  26 | 1298
5 May 2010   #65
Who? You? You live in your country only by the grace and generosity of Russia.
ShortHairThug  - | 1101
5 May 2010   #66
Keep dreaming, parasites like you only live off of others, once you drain them you have to change the host for a while otherwise the original host would perish and you with it.
5 May 2010   #67
Russia is so immense, so unbelievably majestic

What a funny way to describe a country with population lower than Bangladesh,
GDP per capita lower than Puerto Rico and life expectancy lower than Guyana :-)
5 May 2010   #69
Population lower than Bangladesh (or Nigeria)...

GDP per capita lower than in Puerto Rico...

Life expectancy lower than in Guyana:

If you don't like the source then use any other reliable one - they will all tell you the
same and enable to give the same diagnosis:

Delusions of grandeur combined with small dick complex :-)
OP ConstantineK  26 | 1298
5 May 2010   #70
Buga-ga... I was right... Do you see that I am not that insane. At least, there is smebody who is more deranged.
5 May 2010   #71
So - you are actually saying that your population is not lower than that of Bangladesh,
your GDP per capita is not lower than Puertorican and life expectancy in Russia is not
shorter than in Guyana?

Well, you have only one option now - show us some credible links to prove that you are
right and the entire world is wrong :-)

*you know what they say about people who say that only they are sane and everyone
else is deranged :-)*

OP ConstantineK  26 | 1298
5 May 2010   #72
For pity's sake, Torque, don't strip me of my self-assurance. Well, perhaps you are right, for, I am not into this figures jugglery, and Russia is not so prosperous as I thought before you have showed me our real and devastated state. However, I am impatiently waiting the result of Greek crisis. It seems to me that your white attire will get some brown spots.
Drac90  1 | 74
5 May 2010   #73
if the EU will get hit by crisis as a whole, Russia will suffer too from it im afraid :( since Russia is EU partner in buisness, but for now i dont see that Greece could damage Poland since we dont have euro currency ;)
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2134
6 May 2010   #74
For pity's sake, Torque, don't strip me of my self-assurance. Well, perhaps you are right,

Don't kill his "livets løgn"!!!!!
It's like killing him :/
Who would make more threads which I could read and get my laugh each morning /cry
Torq your sooo evil!
hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366
6 May 2010   #75
You are the same, the same outfashioned hicks.

So much written to so little effect. You per chance did not realize that he is not Polish did you?
OP ConstantineK  26 | 1298
6 May 2010   #76
if the EU will get hit by crisis as a whole, Russia will suffer too from it im afraid :( since Russia is EU partner in buisness, but for now i dont see that Greece could damage Poland since we dont have euro currency ;)

Oh? Really? Lets try to examin your supposition. Honestly speaking, I think you will be affected by this crisis because your country, for, I think it is Poland, is one of so many ragamuffins which infest now EU. There is only one country in EU who is supporting such parasites like Poland, Greece, Spain, Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania etc., and it is Germany. I bet, you know it perfectly. Now, one begger - Greece swindled money from Germany (I think it was made too impudently and with peculiar dissatisfied look); that means only one thing, just try to are right, there will be less money for anothe begger, whose name is....Poland! I think that here we have direct dependence, without any need to involve here euro issues.

Is it clear to you?
AdamKadmon  2 | 494
6 May 2010   #77
There is only one country in EU who is supporting such parasites like Poland, Greece, Spain, Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania etc., and it is Germany.

Do you believe Pravda? Tusk supports Greece at EU Summit

...Poland will be ready to help as well. Warsaw supports the idea of issuing euro bonds as a form of assistance to Greece as long as they are common for the whole block and not only the euro zone....
OP ConstantineK  26 | 1298
6 May 2010   #78
Poland will be ready to help as well. Warsaw supports the idea

Buga-ga.....Perfect! I support it too, but I am not going to give them even a penny. What Polang can give Greece besides (or in addition) thire support?
AdamKadmon  2 | 494
6 May 2010   #79
I am not going to give them even a penny

Though not yet a member of the euro zone, Poland has voiced readiness to participate in the effort at a level comensurate to its present capabilities.

Not even a penny. Prawdziwy Kacap z ciebie.
OP ConstantineK  26 | 1298
6 May 2010   #80
Sure you have! It's so easy to vote, especially when the money you are so gracefully presenting to Greece come from Germany. Look at you! What can you give except your votes and kind but verbal support? I hope that one perfect day Germany, as Russia did it several years ago, will rid off all of you and only then we shall see true and evident residue of your own labours.
6 May 2010   #81
What Polang can give Greece besides (or in addition) thire support?

Unfortunately, it looks like 1.2 billion euro - only Great Britain, of all the non-euro zone
countries, will give more.,2,ID403150493,n

I hope that one perfect day Germany, as Russia did it several years ago, will rid off all of you and only then we shall see true and evident residue of your own labours.

You better stop wasting time on this forum and start working overtime, Constantine.
If you do, then maybe Russia will catch up with Puerto Rico on GDP per capita one day... still have to obgonit' i pieriegonit' Saint Kitts and Nevis, Libya and Antilles before
you even catch up with Puerto Rico :-)
jeden  - | 226
6 May 2010   #82
greece is in big trouble now, but people live there better than in Russia.

So if in Greece (where is big crisis and catastrophy) people live better than in Russia where there is no crisis, I will asked which of those countries sux????
POLENGGGs  2 | 150
29 May 2010   #83
Russia also lies in Europe... why you hating on russians
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2134
29 May 2010   #84
cause the one starting this thread about Polish "Nazi's" is a Russian imperialist :)
POLENGGGs  2 | 150
29 May 2010   #85
Well, that is who Russians are.
A J  4 | 1075
29 May 2010   #86
No, Nationalism isn't bad, but this party is clearly beyond a healthy nationalism.

Oh really?

It's not like they only like whites. I have heard they also want Poles out of Germany..and Russians.

I'll give you a hint: Nationalism has everything to do with nationality, and not with being white or whatever. That's nationalism. So according to you, nationalism isn't bad, but you don't like it?

Are you a hypocrit, or just plain stupid?

Miguel Colombia  - | 351
29 May 2010   #87
Are you a hypocrit, or just plain stupid?

Both, actually.

Nationalism has everything to do with nationality

What I am pointing at ,is that nationalism is often confused with racism, but as we see in this case, regarding the BNP or the NPD, is that they want only British people to live in England. No Poles, no Pakis, no Russians, no other people.

Both parties are often called racist; they most likely are, but they're more nationalist than anything else. In fact, they are so nationalist, that they don't want other whites in their land.
A J  4 | 1075
29 May 2010   #88
What I am pointing at ,is that nationalism is often confused with racism, but as we see in this case, regarding the BNP or the NPD, is that they want only British people to live in England.

Which is stupid and bad for business in general, especially when you keep in mind that English people also came from all over Europe. I take it Nationalists are also people who shouldn't go on holidays? (Oh wait! They're hypocrits!)

POLENGGGs  2 | 150
29 May 2010   #89
There are different types of nationalism.
You could see the USSR as being nationalist in some cases. Its a creepy kind of thing that can just creep up on you and get you , that nationalism.
Miguel Colombia  - | 351
29 May 2010   #90
Which is stupid and bad for business in general, especially when you keep in mind that English people also came from all over Europe.

It depends. There are immigrants who contribute to the development of a society. Sadly, the majority of immigrants in Europe are doing exactly the contrary and due to this, extreme right-wing political parties are on the rise. In fact, these parties are not really right-wing, or political. They are just racially-motivated and one can recognize this by taking a look at the ideas they preach ,which are solely focused on the migration problem.

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