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Poland is great Mother of all Slavs from Baltic to Balkan

OP Crow  155 | 9695
10 Nov 2010   #121
Why do Ukraine, Russia, Serbia and Montenegro use cyrillic and not Poland?

Serbs using equally both- Latin and Cyrillic alphabet, as i said already

No, sorry - it was already agreed that Poland is the Great Mother of All Slavs.

i agree to it. Poland is Mother

Serbia is grandmother.

Maybe Poland is the mother and Rus the father.

Grandmother sow everything.

You prefer an unstable Europe? With every country out for it's own again? With alliances who gang up on others again?

i want Europe where Slavs and Celts live as Proto Slavs and Germanics are know by their original name- Turks.

Sadly there are a few locations where they have never been - all locations where they mass-murdered Croats and Bosnians. Strange....

we speak of Poland as Mother here not about NATO/EU propaganda.
jonni  16 | 2475
10 Nov 2010   #122
i want Europe where Slavs and Celts live as Proto Slavs and Germanics are know by their original name- Turks.

Fortunately nobody else does.
OP Crow  155 | 9695
10 Nov 2010   #123

this Jonni always upset Mother
Krynski  - | 82
10 Nov 2010   #124
In central Europe we are a mixed bunch :)

Poles and Germans are closer than Poles and Serbs, everything else is artificially created theoretically (on both sides).

That seems to be correct. Some of the greatest Polish patriots have been of German origin, e.g. Wincenty Pol. But we also like and respect Serbs.
jonni  16 | 2475
10 Nov 2010   #125
But we also like and respect Serbs.

"We" is a very broad statement. Most people in Poland have probably met few if any Poles.
Krynski  - | 82
10 Nov 2010   #126
So "we" is a statement and it is "broad"? In what way? ;) Do you mean most people in Poland aren't Poles?

jonni  16 | 2475
10 Nov 2010   #127
Do you mean most people in Poland aren't Poles?

One person can't speak for 40 million individuals. Unless he's met them all and canvassed their opinions.
OP Crow  155 | 9695
10 Nov 2010   #128
That seems to be correct. Some of the greatest Polish patriots have been of German origin, e.g. Wincenty Pol.

Sure but, most of Germans are just germanized Serbs, Poles and other Western/Central European Slavs. Don`t forget that.

Last word for Otto Von Bismarck on his deathbed was `Serbia`. Still, German propaganda call him `father of German nation`.
Krynski  - | 82
10 Nov 2010   #129
One person can't speak for 40 million individuals.

If so, aren't you speaking above for them, including, ahem, myself?

Unless he's met them all and canvassed their opinions

Have you?

... So that's what you meant when you stated: "Most people in Poland have probably met few if any Poles"?
jonni  16 | 2475
10 Nov 2010   #130
If so, aren't you speaking above for them, including, ahem, myself?


Have you?

... So that's what you meant when you stated: "Most people in Poland have probably met few if any Poles"?

"Most", is not "we". A very, very different animal.
joepilsudski  26 | 1387
11 Nov 2010   #131
Poland is much more the cradle of pan-Slavism than Russia. Russians are hybrid with much Mongol blood mixed in there. They are not as pure as Poles.

This is a fascinating point...I had a neighbor, a couple of years ago, he was a new Polish immigrant to US, he and his wife...He was a doctor and he got a grant to do cancer research at University of Pennsylvania...Now, we would have conversations about world & Slavic politics...His father was a business man, and occasionally traveled to Russia...Hid dad said that he often felt uncomfortable in Russia because of the 'pervasive Asiatic influence'...He felt it made business deals a bit tricky.
Cheery  10 | 126
11 Nov 2010   #132
This Crow guy is a hero
A J  4 | 1075
11 Nov 2010   #133
On socks.
peterweg  37 | 2305
11 Nov 2010   #134
This Crow guy is a hero

He's a quarter Turkish, you know?

I wonder what part he's inherited, besides the brain, obviously.
OP Crow  155 | 9695
13 Nov 2010   #135
Me? To put cross on myself i`m not poisoned. No, no. On the other side, we all know for Germanic tendencies to Turks. Judging by your nick name here, you are the one who must be Turkish.
POLENGGGs  2 | 150
26 Nov 2010   #136
Last word for Otto Von Bismarck on his deathbed was `Serbia`. Still, German propaganda call him `father of German nation`.

Heinrich Himmler said something like... "I love New York"

Vlad the Impaler said "That I ne telle of laxatyves no stoor"

Putin said "Bye bye polish pidoros aeroplan" (as he pushed the button of the China rocket who blew the Presidential Plane out of the Russian air-space )

Every Kosovar says "Umbrella umbrella, eh eh"

Poland is much more the cradle of pan-Slavism than Russia. Russians are hybrid with much Mongol blood mixed in there. They are not as pure as Poles.

Russians in Russia are much more pure Slavic and Proud and Aware of it then the average Polish (even if he lives in Canada, and reads funny publications all winter)
13 Jun 2014   #137
Well, Poles are Catholic Christians, which make "motherhood" of all Slavs almost impossible. I would like to point out Vatican and its anti-slav policies, which was so obvious during WW2, when Catholic Christian Slavic Croats murdered hundreds of thousands Orthodox Christian Slavic Serbs living in former Austro-Hungarian Empire - Croatia, Dalmatia and Slavonia, Baranja (todays Greater Croatia) , Baèka, Srem and Banat (todays Serbia) which were part of Croat Nazi Puppet State NDH (Nezavisna Država Hrvatska) at the time. Catholic Priests took part in murdering Orthodox Serbs by themselves, there are evidence of more than thousand prisets, with names, who actively took part in murders. Croat nazism is closely tied with Catholicism - plan of croat nazis was to convert third of Serbs to Catholicism, murder a third, and expel a third of Serbs...Funny, that was completed in a whole at the end of 20th century.

The problem is Austro-Hungarian Empire, which divided Slavs, religiously, to Catholics and Orhodox, and politically, culturally to the some point. Other problem is Byzantine heritage of Eastern Slavs, and that byzantine spirit differs them also from other, western Slavs, who were germanized over the centuries...
OP Crow  155 | 9695
14 Jun 2014   #138
Well, Poles are Catholic Christians

that`s not the problem

Poland is great Slavic country and, Vatican`s collaboration with Germanics already in history troubled Poland and Polish interests. Poles knows this and, they also know that it is expected from them to issue kind of pressure on Vatican in that sense.

The problem is Austro-Hungarian Empire, which divided Slavs, religiously, to Catholics and Orhodox, and politically, culturally to the some point. Other problem is Byzantine heritage of Eastern Slavs, and that byzantine spirit differs them also from other, western Slavs, who were germanized over the centuries...

Both, Catholicism and Orthodoxy and plus Islam contributed to the divisions among Slavs. All Slavs should found way to, at least partly, turn to the faith of their common Slavic ancestors- rodoverie.
JanIIISobieski  1 | 16
14 Jun 2014   #139
Well, Poles are Catholic Christians, which make "motherhood" of all Slavs almost impossible. I would like to point out Vatican and its anti-slav policies, which was so obvious during WW2, when Catholic Christian Slavic Croats murdered hundreds of thousands Orthodox Christian Slavic Serbs living in former Austro-Hungarian Empire

The Vatican was officially neutral during WW2., and the Vatican actually saved thousands of Jews during WW2.

Catholics were also targets of Nazi Germany.

Don't forget that Catholic Poland was the first to fight Nazi Germany, while Catholic Czech Republic was the first non- German country to be invaded by Nazi Germany.

Nazi Germany killed many Catholic priests, although many were Polish Catholic priests, not all the priests that were killed were Polish, some were even German.

The oldest survivor of Dachau was a Polish Catholic priest Leon Stepniak.

The Catholic church in Germany had stood up to Nazi Germany, due to Nazi Germanys euthanasia policy.
Szalawa  2 | 239
15 Jun 2014   #140
Poland is a great Slavic nation and should develop closer ties to other Slavic states
15 Jun 2014   #141
Poland is a mother of all mothers from shore to shore and beyond.
26 Jun 2014   #142
Balkan is the mother of all slavs. To add we Serbs are the epicenter of slavism and thosly attacked for it. If we were not being killed in all those wars we would be around 50 million today. Furthermore, someone on the post mentioned that Russians had Asian influence. My ex boyfriend was Russian and he was tall as serbian , blond with green eyes. To finish this crap; we didnt mix with from south serbia and am tall with green eyes and light brown with red glow cousins are mainly blond and red haired. So stop tripping about Turks
OP Crow  155 | 9695
26 Jun 2014   #143
listen. i am old member of this forum and believe me, very few people dared to compare Serbs to Turks. Those were on the first place people who wanted simple to provoke but basically didn`t have true information. One just needs to visit EXIT music festival and to see how average Serbian looking like... as any average central European. Yes, Serbians survived and paid gave price in their lives and sufferings, for the freedom. From the back in middle age, most numerous Slavs, they were catastrophically reduced in numbers. God knows, if Poles, Ukrainians and Russians didn`t come on time and help us, who knows how would things develop. If it depended on Britain and Germanics we would today still exist within the borders of Ottoman Empire.

Anyway, as for Balkan as the cradle and original home of Slavs (with it of the entire Western world), i agree. That is old core. In that old core even original universal name of ancient Slavs survived. Serbian ethnic name is nothing but native and local version of the foreign form- Sarmatian name. From there, from Balkan, ancients slowly migrated along the Danube (and other net of rivers) and populated Europe. With time, they moved old core from Balkan and Adriatic to the central Europe and Baltic see on Rujan island. There, on that line another form of local native Sarmatian name survived in the form of the Sorbs.

With the collapse of the Northern Serbs/Sarmatians (Sorbs), core of the Slavic civilization ultimately moved to the Poland and Polish-Lithuanian Commonwleath, where as you know Balkan Serbs played role of the military elite. You know, its not just accidental that Poles do have legends about their Sarmatian (Serbian) origin. Name of Polani tribe is young in comparison to the name of Serbians (Sarmatians). Polani tribe was just part of the conglomerate of vast Sarmatian (Proto Slavic) world. By the meta ethnicity Poles are Sarmatians and, they knows that. They knows it very well.

PIERSI - Bałkanica (Official Video) [HD]
sobieski  106 | 2111
27 Jun 2014   #144
God knows, if Poles, Ukrainians and Russians didn`t come on time and help us

Polish tanks, as part of IFOR and SFOR are everyday defending Bosnian and Kosovo citizens against you Serbs.
OP Crow  155 | 9695
27 Jun 2014   #145
you are mistaking. First of all, there are no Polish troops in Bosnia. As for Kosovo, we Serbians and our government have perception that Polish troops on Kosovo protects Serbs and, my people is grateful for presents of brotherly Slavic Polish soldiers there.

Polish PM Tusk and Serbian PM Dacic, Belgrade, 2013

Prime minister meets with visiting Polish counterpart
27 Jun 2014   #146
First of all, there are no Polish troops in Bosnia.

Yes there are, they are part of EUFOR Althea which continues to protect Bosnian civilians from the kind of genocidal rapist scum who made up units such as the Serbian Volunteer Guard.

As for Kosovo, we Serbians and our government have perception that Polish troops on Kosovo protects Serbs

They protect both Serbs and Kosovans, but mainly they protect the side which was recently the victim of ethnic cleansing, i.e. the Kosovans.
OP Crow  155 | 9695
27 Jun 2014   #147

spreading anti-Serbian propaganda, ha? Deluding people here? Real genocide and ethnic cleansing was committed on Serbs. Islamic league, EU and NATO leading powers sponsored it
27 Jun 2014   #148
Real genocide and ethnic cleansing was committed on Serbs.

The world knows you are lying.
The problem Serbia has is that she will never be accepted into the civilised world while a good number of her people continue to tell the lies which you yourself tell.
Szalawa  2 | 239
27 Jun 2014   #149
Serbia is a shining star lighting the way to slavdom, Poland must cradle it and defend it at all costs.
OP Crow  155 | 9695
27 Jun 2014   #150
The world knows you are lying.

Actually, you are wrong. Most of the Slavs in the world, not only in the Slavic countries and not only Russians, would tell you that destruction of Yugoslavia represent something more then that what was presented in the most powerful mass-media of the leading Islamic, EU and NATO countries.

Then, there are countries of non-aligned movement that in great majority support Serbian stance. Then, China, Brazil, India. Even, Australia, Canada and many other European and other countries who spoke against Serbs, even back then when they spoke against Serbs, just followed dictate of the magnates from the leading EU and NATO countries.

Serbia is a shining star lighting the way to slavdom, Poland must cradle it and defend it at all costs.

yes. Whenever was possible, whenever Poland had enough strength, whenever Poland was capable to do something for Herself, Poland came to help us. Complete history of Poland shows us that true Polish elite quite well understand what existence and vitality of Serbians on Balkan means for Poland. Anything different performed by Poland is just daily politics, while in reality Poland knows that any attack on Serbs means direct attack on Poland.

What is interesting same meaning Serbia has for Russia. Seams that both Poland and Russia, needs Serbia and Serbs for their strategic actions in their relations with hostile non-Slavs. But, not only that. Both, Poland and Russia, also needs Serbia and Serbs as the kind of point of balance in the intersection of their interests in Europe. Serbians preventing hostility between Poles and Russians. In that sense, yes, Serbs leads Slavdom.

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