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POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country?

Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
3 Nov 2010   #421
There can only one country occupy the central spot and that is Germany, sorry!
Everything east of us is eastern Europe and everything west of us is western Europe.



*runs very quickly*
1jola  14 | 1875
3 Nov 2010   #422
I see you guys moved your capitol closer to the center of your imagined empire.
1jola  14 | 1875
3 Nov 2010   #424
I'll be worried when the Russians move their capitol to Kiev. :) Gotta keep an eye on you guys.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126
4 Nov 2010   #425
There can only one country occupy the central spot and that is Germany, sorry!

Germany is THE Central European country but Poland, Czech Rep, Slovakia, Hungary and Austria are all in Central Europe (Maybe Switzerland too but I am not sure)

*runs very quickly*

Ey! Don't run from our discussion!!!
Nathan  18 | 1349
4 Nov 2010   #426
What are the criteria for "centrality"? GDP, geography, history, prestige to be known to be located there,...? I think we can only answer the question about Poland if we answer the above questions.
convex  20 | 3928
4 Nov 2010   #427
Central Europe has apparently become a very prestigious address on the continent.
guesswho  4 | 1272
4 Nov 2010   #428
Some people say it's a Central European country, while others say Eastern...

It's a matter of interpretation but is it actually a problem to any of view if someone is calling it an Eastern European country?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
4 Nov 2010   #429
Central Europe has apparently become a very prestigious address on the continent.

The best! :)
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126
4 Nov 2010   #430
What are the criteria for "centrality"? GDP, geography, history, prestige to be known to be located there,...?

Mostly Geography, although in Central Europe there are very specific highlanders. With special hats and instruments and etc as either they are near the Carpathian mountains or the Alps.

But mostly it's geographically speaking. It's also very common that those countries citizen's know German or some of it. At least it's not unheard of
Nathan  18 | 1349
9 Nov 2010   #431
But mostly it's geographically speaking.

So, what is Poland's location in relation to this point?

Locations currently vying for the distinction of being the centre of Europe include:
the small town of Rakhiv, or the village of Dilove near Rakhiv, in western Ukraine;
Bernotai, or Purnuškės, near Vilnius, in Lithuania;
a point on the island of Saaremaa in Estonia;
the village of Krahule, near Kremnica, in central Slovakia;
Suchowola, north of Białystok, in northeast Poland; and Toruń, in north-central Poland;
a point near Polotsk in Belarus.


At least 6 countries claim to have a center of Europe within its boundaries. Poland and Ukraine claim they have 2 centers of Europe, which is amazing. But if we consider the majority's geographical location (Estonia, Lithuania, Belorus and Ukraine vs. Poland and Slovakia) than Poland is indeed in Western Europe as the center would be to its east.

Problem solved. Poland is not an Eastern European country :)
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126
9 Nov 2010   #432
d in Western Europe as the


Oh right the globe...
I don't like the globe.. I like flat maps...
THE EARTH IS FLAT! There problem solved
Somerset  2 | 19
12 Sep 2011   #433
Merged: Are Poles annoyed at being refferd to as Eastern Europe?

As far as I see it Poland is in Eastern Europe and is refferd to as such by the media in the UK. But Iv'e heard that some Poles get pissed off at being referd to as Eassern Europe not Central.

I know Hungarians and Czech people do get quite annoyed but Serbs and Bulgarians have no problem with being from Eastern Europe.

Source: My father is a Serb
jwojcie  2 | 762
14 Sep 2011   #434
There were countless internet discussions about it. It all depends on what do you mean by that...
Poles are annoyed when by "Eastern Europe" someone means the "wild east land far far away where white bears eats children for breakfast"...

The problem is that except post-comunist meaning of term "Eastern Europe", Poland is in central Europe (in terms of climate, geoghraphy, culture - yes, strange but mostly true, politics, economy, etc...). So, if someone is using term EE, then one of possible conclusions in the Polish mind is: "hm... it seems that someone is trying to offend me" ;)


Serbs and Bulgarians have no problem with being from Eastern Europe.

If Serbs are from Eastern Europe, then Greeks too ;-)
Teffle  22 | 1318
14 Sep 2011   #435
I can see how they might be annoyed.

Personally, for me it's Eastern Europe and probably always will be.

If an individual Pole I know objects to the term I would accomodate them but in general, since so many Poles talk about "The West" in such a 1950s non-specific way, I couldn't really give a sh1te if Eastern Europe annoys them ; )

It's certainly to the East of centre anyway whatever way you look at it

: )
southern  73 | 7059
14 Sep 2011   #436
If Serbs are from Eastern Europe, then Greeks too ;-)

Look at the map.If we don't belong to southern Europe then who does?
jwojcie  2 | 762
14 Sep 2011   #437
Malta perphaps? ;-) Anyway, I was a bit ironic...
KingAthelstan  9 | 141
14 Sep 2011   #438
everyone here in England sees Poles as Eastern Europeans. Central European is a term only used by the Guardian or left wing papers.
Sidliste_Chodov  1 | 438
14 Sep 2011   #439
You can **** off noimmigration, we're a Central European people, not East European; stop believing what you read in The Sun.
LwowskaKrakow  28 | 431
14 Sep 2011   #440
The Poles are Continental Europeans who have more in common with France ,Germany and Italy than an Englishman has with a Frenchman, A German or an Italian !
Teffle  22 | 1318
14 Sep 2011   #441

OT and don't mean to be rude, but are you actually Polish SC?

I mean born there to Polish parents for example? Only reason I ask is that you seem anglicised and I was surprised to see you use the term "we"

Hope I don't come across as cheeky by asking this, but I'm just curious.
KingAthelstan  9 | 141
14 Sep 2011   #442
I have more in common with a Dutchman or an Irishman than a Pole, I see the Dutch as very culturally similar to us. You have more in common with Russia than with England or even Germany culturally.
Sidliste_Chodov  1 | 438
14 Sep 2011   #443
I mean born there to Polish parents for example?

Born in England to Polish parents.

I believe that the term used on here for people like me is "Plastic Pole", but anyone who says that to my face will "dostanie w mordę" lol ;)
KingAthelstan  9 | 141
14 Sep 2011   #444
sorry my mistake even the guardian refers to Poles as Eastern European:

Poland is now the second highest in this table (behind India) with 503,000 people. In 2004 it wasn't in the top 60.

Russia is neither Europe nor Asia, if you exclude European Russia, then you are still pretty Eastern.

People sometimes talk about 'Russia's relations with Europe'. ie Russia is neither Europe nor Asia. Poland is in the East of Europe. stop getting so damn touchy about it.

Their so fricking laaaazy!! It annoys me like hell!!!!

get over it, we do the same thing in the uk
jwojcie  2 | 762
14 Sep 2011   #445
I suspected it will once again become a flamewar, wait, I will catch some popcorn ;)

Russia is neither Europe nor Asia, if you exclude European Russia, then you are still pretty Eastern.

How come "Third Rome" can be not in Europe?

People sometimes talk about 'Russia's relations with Europe'.

You are aware that "Europe" in this sentence is a mental leap for European Union? You can also in such context say "Switzerland relations with Europe"...
KingAthelstan  9 | 141
14 Sep 2011   #446
You are aware that "Europe" in this sentence is a mental leap for European Union? You can also in such context say "Switzerland relations with Europe"...

Here is zhirinovsky saying 'Russia stands between Europe and Asia'.
Teffle  22 | 1318
14 Sep 2011   #447
"Plastic Pole"

Nah, I'm not completely sure of the rules for this little term but I believe that having ACTUAL Polish parents may exclude you from the club!

And on topic, when Poles stop talking about "The West" I might consider relocating poland to central Europe - deal?

; )
jwojcie  2 | 762
14 Sep 2011   #448
Here is zhirinovsky saying 'Russia stands between Europe and Asia'.

Zhirinovsky as an ultimate guru? You must be joking... If you have cited Dostoyevsky or someone of that kind...
Of course Russia is a country that is on the edge of Europe and Asia (or judging by its size it is rather rest of Europe which is on the edge of Russia), but in most terms - population clusters included - it lies in Europe. On the other hand suppossedly Mao said that Europe is a small peninsula of Asia :-)

And on topic, when Poles stop talking about "The West" I might consider relocating poland to central Europe - deal?

I guess Polish perception is quite logical, as it is in CE then everything west is WE ;-) Ok, it would be if didn't add to that Sweden and sometimes... Australia ;)
KingAthelstan  9 | 141
14 Sep 2011   #449
All these sources refer to Poland as Eastern Europe:,1518,759325,00.html mber-of-eastern-europeans-in-britain-exaggerated-432927.html

You are in Eastern Europe on the borders of Russia. they are your ethnic brethren so embrace your Slavic roots and do not be ashamed of being from Eastern Europe.
teflcat  5 | 1024
14 Sep 2011   #450
You are in Eastern Europe on the borders of Russia.

You're referring to Kaliningrad, right?

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