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POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country?

southern  73 | 7059
30 Apr 2008   #331
You can pick a slav a mile away.

Try only to find out the attractive.
osiol  55 | 3921
30 Apr 2008   #332
Like some of the dentally-deficient, gnarled old individuals I have worked with in my time. Do you like moustaches, Mr. Southern?
wildrover  98 | 4430
30 Apr 2008   #333
I have to travel west to get back to my origins in the UK, my guess is that Poland is eastern Europe....then again..its kinda in the middle of that big lump of land...oh who cares , as long as you know where it is........
janekb  - | 57
1 May 2008   #334
Regardless where Poland is, I am not moving and Poland is not going anywhere.
I would like it to move south somewhere near Greece, I like the weather there. Better still move Poland there for winter and back home for summer.

Fellows this is serious: I will move Russia to Australia, Germany to New Zealand, Israel to New Guinea, and Americans to Siberia. Think how to do it and let me know.

Once you get these lot going rest would be easy (I have more candidates for relocation).
Kaylyn  - | 14
1 May 2008   #335
I think this question is a matter of context, are you dividing Europe in halfs or thirds?

Geographically, Poland is central obviously, it is above Hungary which is considered the very center of Europe. I usually refer to Poland as eastern europe though since Americans usually aren't aware that there is more to Europe than France, England, Germany and Italy.
vlk  - | 19
14 May 2008   #336
Very interesting question indeed. If we consider Europe Eastern and Western, then Poland is definitely Eastern. When it comes to Central, it's quite an unclear term (I'm Czech with a geography grade :-)). The physical midpoint of Europe lies somewhere in Kaliningrad region which would make Poland central, to me, though, calling it central once it has access to the Baltic sea is somewhat odd. So it can be called Eastern (because east of the iron curtain), Central (because west of Russia) or even Northern (Baltic). The only fact is clear, it's not Western :-)
14 May 2008   #337
I think polish woman are very good looking, I dont know about the men because I dont swing that way. But it is definate that the poles look differant from germans, british, scandanavian etc. There is definatly a certain eastern look about them (and I am not talking about camoflouge trousers or bomber jackets). Most people I have taled to agree.

And no poland is not a western nation, geographically germany is central but it is considered a western power. As I have said umpteen times the united nations and nato consider poland eastern europe (the cia consider it central geographically).

united nations distinction -

"eastern europe is a concept that lacks one precise definition. It refers to a geopolitical region recently influenced by the Cold War. In some definitions its borders are defined more by culture than by clear and precise geography[citation needed]. Throughout history and to a lesser extent today Eastern Europe has been distinguishable from Western Europe and other regions due to cultural, religious, economic, and historical reasons[citation needed]. "

East Central and South-East Europe Division[14]:Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic,Greece, Hungary, Poland, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Republic of Macedonia, Turkey, Ukraine.
OP Polson  5 | 1767
14 May 2008   #338
But it is definate that the poles look differant from germans, british, scandanavian etc.

Do the Skandis look like the Brits ?...
Do the Italians look like the Irish ?
Unless your definition of Western Europe is all north-west European countries...

And no poland is not a western nation

No, that's true.

Throughout history and to a lesser extent today Eastern Europe has been distinguishable from Western Europe and other regions due to cultural, religious, economic, and historical reasons

Cultures of Poland and France are quite close.
Religion is catholicism, like Ireland, Italy, France, Portugal, etc. Where's the difference ?
Poland's economy is more and more comparable to Spain's. It's a very healthy economy.
Historically, Poland was either Polish (wow), German, Austro-Hungarian, Russian, Prussian... That makes a perfect definition for Central Europe ;)

But i understand your point of view, and it's really cool to discuss without being insulted (for once) ;)
14 May 2008   #339
why would you consider poland a western nation ?. it has only even been in the eu for 3 - 4 years. and less than two decades ago it was behind the iron curtain. It seems to me that the only people in the world that consider it a western nation are the poles themselves. it seems that the poles are embarressed that they are considered by the whole world and global bodies, to be eastern european.
OP Polson  5 | 1767
14 May 2008   #340
why would you consider poland a western nation ?.

Read again :

And no poland is not a western nation

No, that's true

To sum up, i agree.

and less than two decades ago it was behind the iron curtain.

Like was Eastern Germany.

It seems to me that the only people in the world that consider it a western nation are the poles themselves

They don't consider themselves westerners, where did you get that ?
14 May 2008   #341
Like was Eastern Germany.

eastern europe has been fully assimilated into western germany,

They don't consider themselves westerners, where did you get that ?

so you agree they are eastern europeans, and for the record central europe is a geographical term and It cannot be used in the context of historical value, politics, ideology, culture etc.
OP Polson  5 | 1767
14 May 2008   #342
eastern europe has been fully assimilated into western germany

You mean "Eastern Germany" right ?... You should go there and ask the people...

so you agree they are eastern europeans

If you're talking about the country that was behind that fµck!n Iron Curtain, yeah it may be considered as a (former) Eastern European country. Today, Poland is a Central Eur. country because its economy is the same as westerners economies, the Poles share the same culture as the Brits (for example), they eat in McDonald's, they go to the cinema, they listen to the same music...

What ideology ? I dare hope you're not refering to communism... the Poles were forced to live on the other side of the Iron Curtain, as were Eastern Germans. I think, today, differences between Germany and Poland are smaller than differences between -let's say- Bulgaria and Germany.

For me Eastern countries are Ukraine, Belarus, Russia, Romania, Bulgaria...
Poland, the Czech Rep, Slovakia, etc. are Central countries.
14 May 2008   #343
listen I really dont know how simple I can explain this . I AM NOT TALKING ABOUT GEOGRAPHICS. There is a western/eastern divide NOT western/central/eastern. And the only reason that polands economy has improved is the amount of money and foreign investment that has been poured in from western nations like britian.
OP Polson  5 | 1767
14 May 2008   #344

I am not either. I'm talking about culture, religion...

There is a western/eastern divide NOT western/central/eastern.

Why not ? Why don't you accept a Central Europe, does it hurt ??
There is also a North/South divide. Do you want to to talk about ? ;)

And the only reason that polands economy has improved is the amount of money and foreign investment that has been poured in from western nations like britian

This is how it works, there are also foreign investments in the UK. And why do you think there are investments ? Because westerners are nice and lovely people ? No, because the Polish market is attractive and they know they'd make money investing there.

And pleaase..."the only reason" ?... tss...
IronsE11  2 | 441
14 May 2008   #345
Today, Poland is a Central Eur. country because its economy is the same as westerners economies

The Berlin Wall is best used to define Eastern/Western Europe. The politics are no longer relevant

This central European term seems to be applied to countries with developing economies that don't wish to be associated with the old East for some reason.

And pleaase..."the only reason" ?... tss...

You're right Polson, he should have said 'the most important reason by far' rather than the only reason...
OP Polson  5 | 1767
14 May 2008   #346
The Berlin Wall is best used to define Eastern/Western Europe

That Iron Curtain...that's old story... Germany is considered western, even though its eastern part was on the other side of the Iron Curtain.

The politics are no longer relevant

I agree.

don't wish to be associated with the old East for some reason

Bad memories maybe :P

You're right Polson, he should have said 'the most important reason by far' rather than the only reason..

Haha, shµt up, will you ? ^^
Madzia22  - | 72
16 Jun 2008   #347
polish and other eastern europeans

Poland is in central europe not eastern...
isthatu2  4 | 2692
16 Jun 2008   #348
For a start it shows a certain double standard. I dont here any Poles saying,"no,eastern europeans arnt like that.." all I hear is,"Poland is not in eastern europe..." sorta like they are saying "well,your probably right about those pesky east europeans but were a better class of finacial emigrants coz were from central europe..."
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138
16 Jun 2008   #349
"Poland is not in eastern europe..."

Because It isn't... The rest is just your Polonophobic imagination... Besides, If any of yours say "eastern europeans" there's 99.99% he thinks Poles, not Russians or Uks.
Piorun  - | 655
16 Jun 2008   #350
" sorta like they are saying "well,your probably right about those pesky east europeans but were a better class of finacial emigrants coz were from central europe..."

Now you’re talking out of you Arse.
BTW I love my "Mizeria" so that bit is true.
isthatu2  4 | 2692
16 Jun 2008   #351
Because It isn't...

yes it is,its eastern to this place.....

Besides, If any of yours say "eastern europeans" there's 99.99% he thinks Poles, not Russians or Uks.

dont get your knickers in a twist,before you guys the "eastern europeans" were bosnians or years eastern europeans will be romanians and bulgars...

But,yourself and the wannabe Pole are missing the point,you carp on about negativity towards eastern europeans yet your only retort is ..we arnt from eastern but central europe....why not stick up for your neighbours a bit instead of giving the impresion its OK to slag off eastern europeans just as long as central europeans arnt involved?
Seanus  15 | 19666
16 Jun 2008   #352
Geographically, central Europe. Politically, eastern Europe
shopgirl  6 | 928
16 Jun 2008   #353

Did you get you question answered, or should we go for another 300 posts to get it sorted out? :)

I would say central europe....hey right now Poland is on Central European Time, if this is wrong, then the whole country should should move to another time zone! hehe ;)

I call the movers and set up an appointment.
16 Jun 2008   #354
poland is;

geographically - central europe

historically, politically, culturally, linguistically, racially - eastern europe
Seanus  15 | 19666
16 Jun 2008   #355
I agree with that
SeanBM  34 | 5781
16 Jun 2008   #356
Jeezz lads do youz not know where youz are? ha ha ha.
isn't the centre of Europe in Lithuania, they have a monument and all, that'd make Poland western.

Even at best Wikipedia is saying it is Suchowola, north of Białystok, in north-eastern Poland; and Toruń in the northern part of central Poland, that makes most of Poland south west.

Jeezz where am I???
Seanus  15 | 19666
16 Jun 2008   #357
Some would say the centre of Europe is Prague
SeanBM  34 | 5781
16 Jun 2008   #358
I want a list of names
Lukasz K  - | 103
17 Jun 2008   #359
I don't want to argue but...

For me eastern Europe means the cultural ancestrors of Bizantine Empire with orthodox church, Greek (then changed) alphabet, Julian calendar etc..., and wide tracks...

For me regarding a caountry to be eastern European just becouse it was under Russian influence for 50 years is too simple conclusion....

I my opinion there is no straight line and even inside Poland when we consider for example Podlasie and Silesia there are big differences...

Skoy  2 | 7
17 Jun 2008   #360
NEW Europe!

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