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'Defamation': The Anti-Semism Industry & Poland

Seanus  25 | 27667
20 May 2011 #31
We are talking about a select few Jews that milk it so please stay on topic.
PennBoy  76 | 2429
20 May 2011 #32
True most Jews have assimilated well into the society of the country they live in. They know they're Jewish, many still practice the faith, but also see themselves as something else, like everyone else not different.
Seanus  25 | 27667
20 May 2011 #33
Exactly, I think you are well placed to comment, Penn. There are many like PP in American that try to broaden and divert. I'm not denying that paranoia is widespread as that's just a fact. There are many Israeli Jews (e.g that attended a Roger Waters concert) that deplore what their govt is doing. Businesspeople too. Personally, I couldn't live with myself if every morning I woke up to whimper and whine to win sympathy. That's not earning an honest living.

I recommend Sleepless Gaza Jerusalem to get an on-the-ground understanding of what Palestinians face in the ME. Avoid the newspapers like the plague as they paint false pictures. Watch Ashira tell it as it is. She presents a lot of footage in how SOME Jewish people are corrupt.
sobieski  106 | 2111
20 May 2011 #34
These arguments are uncannily the same to the ones used by the namiotists. Scary.
Seanus  25 | 27667
20 May 2011 #35
What do you mean, sobieski?
20 May 2011 #36
Think about it Seanus - you speak Polish Namiot-y in English Tent. Namiotist is Sobieski's clandestine word for Camp-Campers- Gays.
sobieski  106 | 2111
20 May 2011 #37
I mean that the crossists on KM are somewhere convinced that only they know the truth about Smoleńsk, that everybody else is a traitor or an ignorant. The same goes for the posters here who are conviced the jews are evil & the downfall of Poland as they know it.
Seanus  25 | 27667
20 May 2011 #38
I understand the translation aspect but why the gay references? This is about anti-Semitism.
20 May 2011 #39
Better ask the Francophile.
Seanus  25 | 27667
20 May 2011 #40
If he ever returns ;)

I see very few instances of A-S here as Poles have better things to do with their time.
rybnik  18 | 1444
21 May 2011 #41
A thought-provoking film. I am sad to say, that any hope of a reconciliation between Jews and Gentiles will not happen in my lifetime. Also, it was like a cold slap in the face to see how certain groups are "milking" the tragedy of WW2 for all it's worth :( very sad
PlasticPole  7 | 2641
21 May 2011 #42
We are talking about a select few Jews that milk it so please stay on topic.

But why single them out when the problem is much broader. Aren't they just a small piece of the puzzle? How are these Jews any different from the rest of the media is the question.
Palivec  - | 379
21 May 2011 #43
These arguments are uncannily the same to the ones used by the namiotists. Scary.

Yes. And it's also quite funny that the complexes of Jews are discussed in a forum full of complexes. Just look what the forum offers as similar discussions: "ANTI-POLONISM IN EUROPE", "MORE ANTI-POLISH SENTIMENT IN GERMANY"...

NomadatNet  1 | 457
21 May 2011 #44
A thought-provoking film.

I viewed same and am provoked to say these.
This defamation film is filmed probably to divide the Israel into two different communities that actually already exist as Ashkenazis and Sephardics. Most of Sephardis had not lived catastrophe during those bad days in the history as Sephardis were mostly elsewheres, not in Europe. Time has changed, everybodys are trying to make money from everythings and ideologies, etc are nothing else than money making fields anymore. Not bad. But, this money movement also needs to enter the monarchic ideologies as well - or, I won't take such films etc as cordial.
sascha  1 | 824
21 May 2011 #45
How are these Jews any different from the rest of the media is the question.

They run the show. Without them o cannot f.e. take a leak. ;)

how certain groups are "milking" the tragedy of WW2

That's an evergreen for them, not only them...
OP joepilsudski  26 | 1387
21 May 2011 #46
A thought-provoking film. I am sad to say, that any hope of a reconciliation between Jews and Gentiles will not happen in my lifetime. Also, it was like a cold slap in the face to see how certain groups are "milking" the tragedy of WW2 for all it's worth :( very sad

I think there is hope, because the 'average' Israeli or American or Pole, whatever, just want to live their lives, and not have the fear mongers or profiteers keep dredging up events from the past.

Why I say this?

I saw an excellent video from some independent web service done in Israel while the Egyptian unrest was going on...It was about 20 minutes in length, and they interviewed various Israelis: office workers, students, shop keepers about their feelings about what was happening in Egypt...About 85% of the Israelis in the video expressed admiration for the Egyptian people and expressed the opinion that a 'revolution' or demonstrations of this type were needed in Israel, because their government was so corrupt; run by a handful of control freaks who thrived on causing conflict.

I also liked the comments in the film by the Brooklyn rabbi who, in reference to Foxman & the ADL, said he didn't trust anyone who made their living by looking under every rug for 'hate'...He then commented that he was certain he would be placed on an ADL 'blacklist' for expressing these views...He was joking, but he was serious, too.

If a non-Jew made this film, he would automatically be labeled a 'Jew hater', when, in fact all the film tried to do was be reasonable about the matter, and show the irony involved.
sascha  1 | 824
21 May 2011 #47
I think there is hope, because the 'average' Israeli or American or Pole, whatever, just want to live their lives, and not have the fear mongers or profiteers keep dredging up events from the past.

On the individual level maybe, but that is not what is heard so far and not what is official and imo i don't think in the nearer future will be fundamental changes. Too much for that small group is on the line.
OP joepilsudski  26 | 1387
21 May 2011 #48
Sure, and the 'officials' have the biggest megaphone, which is the controlled media...But probably the best thing about the Internet is that it has given a voice to those of us who are 'un-official' and seek a more truthful and better world.

Nothing happens overnight, it takes time to develop and emerge.
Seanus  25 | 27667
21 May 2011 #49
Because, PP, those select few Jews wield quite considerable forceps. Their reach is far and wide. Just look at the power of certain individuals within groups, e.g OBL.

The problem is broad because certain people can make it so.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641
21 May 2011 #50
Oh, that's BS pure and simple. Yeah they have some influence, Seanus, but they certainly ARE NOT on the top ten list of most influential people in the world.

Didn't you hear President Obama's speech about setting Israeli borders to 1967 boundaries? It's because we realize the Arabs are going to cause many more problems if something is not done to appease them. You cannot use a tin can to stop a tidal wave in the ocean! NATO simply cannot invade every middle eastern country to save Israel. It's not ethical or possible. Compromise seems inevitable.

So, there goes your theory that Jews control the world. They are just a tiny country relying on aide from the US and Europe to exist. Why do you want to give them so much power? Maybe it is your paranoia that's the real problem?
sascha  1 | 824
21 May 2011 #51
Oh, that's BS pure and simple. Yeah they have some influence, Seanus, but they certainly ARE NOT on the top ten list of most influential people in the world.

Tell me/us seanus who is rolling the dice and giving the most of money for each of the us presidental campaign? ;) They ARE the top 10 people in money...and that's what counts...

Didn't you hear President Obama's speech about setting Israeli borders to 1967 boundaries? It's because we realize the Arabs are going to cause many more problems if something is not done to appease them.

O ha lost the contact with reality. His actions are not countable at all anymore. He is in his own space and time continuum. ;) Why btw you talk in plural?

So, there goes your theory that Jews control the world.

Not the world but a big slice of it and that's common knowledge.

They are just a tiny country relying on aide from the US and Europe to exist. Why do you want to give them so much power? Maybe it is your paranoia that's the real problem?

They have for a short time their country that means that in the past for achieving their goals wasn't it necessary and NO it's not paranoia. That small group HAS the power and stick to it.
Seanus  25 | 27667
21 May 2011 #52
PP is still reading her local papers. Let her have her delusions and we'll stick with the truth, Sascha :)
PlasticPole  7 | 2641
21 May 2011 #53

Why btw you talk in plural?

Democracy, maybe?

Not the world but a big slice of it and that's common knowledge.

Do you honestly believe that they control most of the world? It's not possible. Think of all the people in the world. How on earth could a few Jews control even a fraction of them. They certainly don't control the US, I can tell you that.
Seanus  25 | 27667
21 May 2011 #54
Ariel Sharon put it so well, PP. Check what he had to say about the US. They have you by the kahoonas.
sascha  1 | 824
21 May 2011 #55
Do you honestly believe that they control most of the world? It's not possible. Think of all the people in the world. How on earth could a few Jews control even a fraction of them.

From the financial standpoint you are absolutely wrong. They control very much enough of the monitarty wealth, direct or indirect. Believe me. Try google a little... ;)

They certainly don't control the US, I can tell you that

Oh yes, they do to a certain degree.

Democracy, maybe?

PP, it's for me strange that you say 'we=usa'...that doesn't have anything to do with democracy btw. You overidentify probably yourself with that country.
rybnik  18 | 1444
21 May 2011 #56
demonstrations of this type were needed in Israel, because their government was so corrupt; run by a handful of control freaks who thrived on causing conflict.

definitely the right and hard right- not sure about the Israeli left.

If a non-Jew made this film, he would automatically be labeled a 'Jew hater', when, in fact all the film tried to do was be reasonable about the matter, and show the irony involved.

look what they did to one of their own the professor Dr Finklestein(sp)! He's out of a job!!

Yeah they have some influence, Seanus, but they certainly ARE NOT on the top ten list of most influential people in the world.

All I know is "he who pays the piper calls the tune". They control Finance. That's enough to control the world.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641
21 May 2011 #57
From the financial standpoint you are absolutely wrong.

Give me some credible links. The whole world, not just certain parts of it. How, exactly, do they control all the money? What about the US and Japan, two of the world's biggest economies? What about Germany? Do they control all our money. No way! And look at up and comers China and India. You are going to tell me those countries will let Jews dictate wealth to them. Absolutely NOT!

Yeah sure, Sascha, there are influential Jews just like there are influential people in every society and culture and they might have some influence, but Donald Trump and President Obama have even more influence than they do. So does the guy ruling China and the one ruling Japan and Merkel over in Germany. The British Monarchy has more influence than these Jews. Really! How can you believe, Sascha, for one minute these Jews have more power than the people I just listed. How can a country like Israel who isn't even one of the biggest economies control a country like Japan who is? It't not logical, Sascha.

You got the Saudi Royal family, too. Tremendously rich and powerful. These are the people with the means, Sascha, who can actually influence. Jews don't have enough wealth to do it. You only have to look at Israeli GDP to know for sure. There just isn't enough economy there to denote power and influence.
rybnik  18 | 1444
21 May 2011 #58
PlasticPole: They certainly don't control the US, I can tell you that

they control it enough with regards to supporting bad Israeli policy.
Seanus  25 | 27667
21 May 2011 #59
Oh dear, PP. You really need to read up on how they exercise their power. Mossad agents even admitted they were in NYC to document the falling of the towers but the American govt cowered off with their tails between their legs. Netanyahu will walk along over Obama. Obama talks a good game but he is an inept twat. Nettie just needs to squeeze him a little and Obama will cave in.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641
21 May 2011 #60
they control it enough with regards to supporting bad Israeli policy.

We support bad policy in many other countries. Pakistan and Egypt to name two. Pakistan and Egypt are just as influential as Israel in this case.

Seanus, Obama cannot force Netenyahu to change those borders. He can only suggest. If Netenyahu does otherwise, he will have to deal with the outcome which looks like it's getting worse by the day.

I admit, Jews do have the ultimate authority in Israel.

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