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Why Was D-Day So Significant for Poland ?

Mr Grunwald  33 | 2122
8 Jun 2024   #181
The Red Army closed Auschwitz

Then NKVD reopened it. No thank you. American GI's and British Fusiliers would be certainly a better choice since it would then remain closed

But yeah ignore reality
Novichok  4 | 7809
8 Jun 2024   #182
Then NKVD reopened it.

One of the reasons why I hate Poles - I really mean it - is that you, morons, are not capable of expressing yourself directly and literally. It's always some convoluted poetry, metaphors, or anything that needs translating into normal and unambiguous sentences.

No, moron, NKVD never reopened Auschwitz for any reason. It was the Polish government that reopened it to honor the victims and to make the world aware of how they suffered before they died.

Quoting from:

"They rushed toward us shouting, fell on their knees, kissed the flaps of our overcoats, and threw their arms around our legs," remembered Georgii Elisavetskii, one of the first Red Army soldiers to step into Auschwitz. After five years of hell, Auschwitz was liberated at last.

Memo to the Russians: Don't pay any attention to the Polish idiots. They are just sick azholes with a bad case of RDS.

American GI's and British Fusiliers would be certainly a better choice

They could be but were not and had nothing to do with the liberation of Poland.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2122
8 Jun 2024   #183
No, moron, NKVD never reopened Auschwitz

Just proving yourself ignorant and a Biden copy! Auschwitz was indeed reopened and used by NKVD+SB to torture and interrogate.

Not my fault you got a problem with FACTS and unable to think logically
Alien  23 | 5539
8 Jun 2024   #184
Auschwitz was indeed reopened and used by NKVD+SB to torture and interrogate.

Yes, it is a sad and shameful story, but just a few weeks after the liberation, these liberators began to repopulate this camp and an additional 200 others in the new Poland.
Ironside  50 | 12333
8 Jun 2024   #185
the reasons why I hate Poles

You are a Soviet and STD-ridden dementia patient full of toxic crap. Now get lost.
On the other hand, why don't you bond with Pawian he is your fellow Soviet.
pawian  219 | 24792
8 Jun 2024   #186
Just proving yourself ignorant and a Biden copy! Auschwitz was indeed reopened and used by NKVD+SB to torture and interrogate.

Novi read and shut up in this thread.

why don't you bond with Pawian

We had a special bond but he found other partners. :):):)
Novichok  4 | 7809
8 Jun 2024   #187
Not my fault you got a problem with FACTS and unable to think logically

So far I just read bs posted by a Russia-hating Polak. Those are unsupported allegations, not facts, idiot...

Here is your chance to find evidence. I will accept whatever you can find here as such:

In the meantime...Quoting from the above: [too large]

Please notice "liberation" in the above excerpt. Yes, liberation, not occupation. From a source that is not Russian.
pawian  219 | 24792
8 Jun 2024   #188
posted by a Russia-hating Polak

Fortunately we have you as a Russia loving Polak. In result, we are able to achieve a perfect balance in nature here. :):):)
Bobko  27 | 2167
8 Jun 2024   #189
D-Day was the turning point of the war

Do you smoke crack?

For those of you out there that are not history buffs - D Day was a large allied amphibious landing in Northern France. It represented the long awaited opening of a second front against Hitlerite Germany, from the West.

It occurred on June 6, 1944. I will repeat that - June 6, 1944.

We had been begging the allies to open a second front every year since 1941. Every year the operation was delayed under some new and very convenient excuse.

I think the Americans and Brits were happy to watch the Nazis and Bolsheviks slaughter each other.

By the time the Normandy landings happened, Germany was a shadow of itself and retreating in the East as fast as the German soldiers' legs could carry them.

Turning point of the war... This is a spit in the face of millions of Soviet citizens. Ever heard of Stalingrad? There, in an attack on a single tractor plant, Germany lost more men than in the Battle of France.

I repeat, a smaller episode of street fighting in Stalingrad was bigger than the entire collapse of France.
Alien  23 | 5539
8 Jun 2024   #190
I think the Americans and Brits were happy to watch the Nazis and Bolsheviks slaughter each other

OP johnny reb  46 | 7613
8 Jun 2024   #191
Alien, take a break would ya. 😣

Do you smoke crack?

Nope but it sounds like you do now listen and learn, Rusky.
D-Day was the turning point of the war because it was an Allied victory that marked the start of Operation Overlord, which drove the Nazis from northwest Europe in June 1944.

It was one of the largest military operations in history and led to the eventual defeat of Hitler's Third Reich.
Within a year of the landings, Hitler was dead and Germany had surrendered to the Allied forces, ending the Western theatre of the war.
So YES, it was most definitely a turning point of the war.
The American soldiers wanted to keep right on going into Moscow but were called off.
Now you know the true story. 😉
Novichok  4 | 7809
8 Jun 2024   #192
Germany was a shadow of itself and retreating in the East as fast as the German soldiers' legs could carry them.

I am so glad you are back. I mentioned Stalingrad as the turning point just yesterday.
But everybody needs his icons. D-Day, like Monte Casino to Poles, is such an icon because it was so bloody by Western standards.
We cannot comprehend 1.2 million deaths in just one battle...the one at Stalingrad that won WW2.
OP johnny reb  46 | 7613
8 Jun 2024   #193
You Russians are in denial of what D-Day was all about and what happened as a result.
One more reason the American G.I.'s should have kept right on marching East on into and through Russia while they had all the equipment there and manpower to do it.

We wouldn't have this problem today and would have saved us from going back to finish the job.

Hind sight.
Novichok  4 | 7809
8 Jun 2024   #194
Let these numbers speak for themselves...Military deaths:

Western front:
US - 180,000
Germany - 600,000

Eastern front:
USSR - 10,600,000
Germany - 4,300,000

I will leave this sad statistic without a comment as none is needed.

from going back to finish the job.

What job? The job of bringing war to Poland again so that we can have two corrupt parties instead of just one?

I am glad you didn't.
OP johnny reb  46 | 7613
8 Jun 2024   #195
You are totally off topic AGAIN for the mere sake to argue.
Besides, it is impossible to debate someone with dementia
Novichok  4 | 7809
8 Jun 2024   #196
I am very much on topic. It's not my fault that this thread has a stupid title that is preloaded with an assumption that D-Day was "significant" to Poland.

Just like "did you quit beating your wife?"

D-Day was significant to Poland only marginally - just as the battle of Monte Casino. WW2 was won by killing Germans. The numbers in #194 tell the story...

No, I am not talking about individual acts of ultimate heroism.
Novichok  4 | 7809
8 Jun 2024   #197
Besides, it is impossible to debate someone with dementia

Name one person here who writes more and better posts in decent English than I do.
That "dementia" schtick is getting old. You and the other doctors here need new material. Try leukemia or a triple axe murderer...I promise I will not sue...

Hey...I got it...How about a Russian FSB agent ... just like Trump.

I would like to share a cell with him...
Miloslaw  21 | 5027
8 Jun 2024   #198
Name one person here who writes more and better posts in decent English than I do.

That's easy, because you post in American English, not proper English, you guys misspell at least 10% of your words!so here's the list; Fenix,Jon357,Paulina,Lenka,Roz and of course Atch.But there are many more that I have missed!Please note that some of those listed do not have English as their first language,same as you, but their English is still better than yours!
OP johnny reb  46 | 7613
8 Jun 2024   #199
That "dementia" schtick is getting old.

No kidding.
Please stay on topic...😳
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2122
8 Jun 2024   #200
So if I "Liberate your house, and do whatever I please to your family and lil island" You will also call it liberation as I take all your materials as well? "Liberated" of all the weight that you would otherwise carry? Please grow a brain cell or two, you are just being nasuating
Novichok  4 | 7809
9 Jun 2024   #201
Please grow a brain cell or two, you are just being nasuating

Please, don't act like a typical Polak who needs analogies, metaphors, and exaggerations to make a point.

But there are many more that I have missed!

Milo, never bring a used condom to a gunfight...Let me explain...

In the sentence below, I deliberately used "and" rather than "or". But you and others are too stupid or too sloppy to notice.

Name one person here who writes more and better posts in decent English than I do.

That "and" is critical so I stand by my claim.

If my English is noticeably subpar, point to any recent post of mine and highlight the offending text.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2122
9 Jun 2024   #202
Please, don't act like a typical Polak

I have no need to make a "point" out of anything. I am here to practice my english. Preferably not American version and learn in general, you on the other hand seem to ONLY want to rile up people, leading to verbal fights instead of debate and learning. If you have such a "need" to win fights, only proves you are a loser

I rather discuss in a civil manner how D-Day was significant for Poland. Yet we can't cause you are here with your troll brigade
Novichok  4 | 7809
9 Jun 2024   #203
If you have such a "need" to win fights, only proves you are a loser

BS. In so many cases, my enemies can't answer the first question I ask.
Sometimes, I would like to postpone the kill shot but it's not easy with pussyfied leftist woke imbeciles. What I often get is silence or personal insults.

The problem with Poles is that you are full of patriotic or religious pathos that makes a fact-based discussion impossible. Poor Bobko...

Only losers use verbal crap like this to prevent the other guy from responding:

So if I "Liberate your house, and do whatever I please to your family and lil island" You will also call it liberation as I take all your materials as well? "Liberated" of all the weight that you would otherwise carry?

Name one guy here who enjoys losing.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2122
9 Jun 2024   #204

And you call them victories to avoid consciously understand that you lose, cause you cannot handle it like an adult. More like a toddler
Novichok  4 | 7809
9 Jun 2024   #205
This is how I can tell that I am dealing with a mental the number of "you"s and personal disparaging comments.

In your post above, I counted 7. You are now the king of mental scumbags for today.
OP johnny reb  46 | 7613
9 Jun 2024   #206
YOU can't stay on topic because if YOU did you couldn't pick arguments with people.
YOU would have to attack the topic and not the posters.
Therefore YOU would have no one to argue with every day all day and YOU would have no "social life" at all because YOU drive people nuts with your depressing, negative, bias, miserable bigoted bullshit non stop.

NOW can we get back ON TOPIC please.
Novichok  4 | 7809
9 Jun 2024   #207
and not the posters.

You threatened to punch me in the face. Or was it just another metaphor?

YOU can't stay on topic because if YOU did you couldn't pick arguments with people.

Read #155 and 156. Then tell me who started arguing with whom.

To make it easier on you, as the greatest American patriot on PF, I wrote:

Never again...Nothing in Europe was and is worth one American life.
If there is the next time, GFY and fight your own damn wars, Euros...

Your patronizing response:

You wouldn't be enjoying the freedom of living in the greatest country on earth if that were true.

Up to this point, I didn't argue with anyone. I just expressed my opinion that I am against a repeat of D-Day and that Euros can go and make love to themselves if they have another war.

It's on the subject and as patriotic as it ever gets. I don't need any reminders about "the greatest country on earth".

Save it for the morons who would gladly use Americans as tools again...
OP johnny reb  46 | 7613
9 Jun 2024   #208
NOW can we get back ON TOPIC please.

Apparently not. 😣
Mod, would you please go back 15 posts and clean this thread up.
Thank you.
Novichok  4 | 7809
9 Jun 2024   #209
You start shlt. Now eat it.

Besides, it is impossible to debate someone with dementia

Was that "on topic"?
Novichok  4 | 7809
9 Jun 2024   #210
Pearl Harbour?

Pearl Harbour was a crime by the US military. One has to be a moron to assemble a Pacific fleet at one place in time of war and let the sailors sleep like they were on a fun cruise.

It was also a message from the Japs to the US to stay the fvck out of their backyard. That's why they hit the US Navy ships, not Honolulu.

At no point was PH an existential threat to the US.

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