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Communism fell 20 years ago, Poland led the fight since WW2

GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
4 Jun 2023   #241

Half a million people, apparently...

... quite impressive.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
4 Jun 2023   #242
... quite impressive.

Down with communism!!

Down with PiS, the most loyal followers of communist ideology!
Novichok  4 | 8744
4 Jun 2023   #243
Ease off...

If somebody made free and democratic Poland into communist China - warts, "gulags", and all - and gave you a billion bucks, a Bentley or two, a penthouse in Hawaii and another one in Monte Carlo, you would be pi*ssing in your panties from joy.

Many "oppressed" Chinese live like this...
amiga500  5 | 1545
5 Jun 2023   #244
Brainwashed children at the pro russian influence for neo-liberalism SB families march..
They remind me of the poor kids in the Nazi Youth.
jon357  72 | 23668
5 Jun 2023   #245
Half a million people, apparently

This is a serious movement.

Buses jammed with people from all over Poland.
amiga500  5 | 1545
5 Jun 2023   #246
This is a serious movement.

As you well know, protests don't do sh*t.
jon357  72 | 23668
5 Jun 2023   #247
They actually do quite a lot, especially on this scale.
Paulina  19 | 4558
5 Jun 2023   #248
Half a million people, apparently...

..with zero incidents in which the police would have to intervene.

at the pro russian influence for neo-liberalism SB families march..

You are truly an idiot successfully and profoundly brainwashed by PiS :(
Paulina  19 | 4558
5 Jun 2023   #249
As you well know, protests don't do sh*t.

Sometimes they don't, sometimes they do "sh1t".





But even if they don't do sh1t, then elections do:


And this is what this march was celebrating, besides protesting against PiS - celebrating the first partially free elections that took place in post-war Poland in the 4th of June 1989:,nId,6812571

Btw, big protests always do something - they make people realise how many of people who think alike are there in the country.
Paulina  19 | 4558
5 Jun 2023   #250
@amiga500, I didn't follow any march advertisements, but this date was chosen on purpose, because it's the anniversary of those free elections. So, for me it's pretty obvious that people in this way were also celebrating that anniversary - by protesting against destroying democracy in Poland which Poles fought so hard for. If I could go to Warsaw to attend that march, I defenitely would feel that way.
Luke1410  - | 146
5 Jun 2023   #251
When is Donald planning a march against Russia invading Ukraine? I'll sign up to that one.
Paulina  19 | 4558
5 Jun 2023   #252
It was a march of hatred, swearing and fear.

You mean that's how it was portrayed on TVP by reporters and news anchors who are, of course, just like you lol, always full of "love" and "respect" for Poles with other political views than them :D 😂

You and those who are running TVP would do well on "Dziennik Telewizyjny" during PRL times - I'm guessing that this is how they were portraying Solidarity strikes and protests - full of hatred, fear and violence towards the most "wonderful" and "perfect" communist authorities who just wanted what's the best for the country :)))

During our Polish-RuSSian discussions one Pole told us that in the Soviet "Pravda" (ironically, "Pravda" means "Truth", btw lol 😂) newspaper they claimed that the Polish factory workers who took part in Solidarity strikes were moral degenerates who were getting drunk all the time and were indulging in sexual orgies during those strikes at factories lol Can you imagine? :D


So, vilifying protests and protesters, downplaying the importance of a protest and numbers of protesters, denying those protests validity, not showing protests on TV or just cherry-picking scenes that support your narration and agenda - those are old propaganda tricks.

When is Donald planning a march against Russia invading Ukraine?

Now that would be one pointless march lol
jon357  72 | 23668
5 Jun 2023   #253

Premier Tusk? He's not currently in office or engaged in a specific campaign so why would he plan a march?

Enough people attended the Polish pro-democracy rally anyway.

a march against Russia invading Ukraine? I'll sign up to that one.

Not much point in that. But feel free to sign up.

Better still, vote for the opposite of e*SSisn ideology. Choose a party that is democratic, liberal, which opposed authoritarianism, which doesn't fear progress or social change and stays well clear of religious bigotry and alliances with religious denominations.
Paulina  19 | 4558
5 Jun 2023   #254
He's not currently in office

Indeed. But when he was in office - as the president of the European Council - here in 2019 with president Zelensky near Stanytsia Luhanska in the Donbas region, Ukraine:


amiga500  5 | 1545
5 Jun 2023   #255
my parents are against PiS and voting for PO. So how are you going to explain this to yourself?

It's all to do with 1992
If your parents were for nocna zmiana, the dismissal of the Olszewski goverment, the first democratically elected in Poland, because he frustrated Walesa plan to have the former russian bases in Poland run by Russian-Polish joint ventures, and also for Poland to pay for the homes of the withdrawing russian soliders etc.

If they were against Lustrastacja, the ineligibility of people who were SB informers to sit in goverment, then it dosn't really matter if they were part of Solidarity, good people can turn stupid, or maybe your dad had a teczka from the 70s like Bolek?

also i bet they have a trait that you and other PO voters have, as in I have mine so FU, total disregard for the people that did not benefit from the transformacja, and if efforts are made to help them, crocodile tears oh poland can't afford that..
jon357  72 | 23668
5 Jun 2023   #256
here in 2019 with president Zelensky

Pretty good and he's about as far from being a r*SSophile as it gets.

A number of PiS figures have gone (been told to go) silent. I suspect a few are quaking in their boots at the thought of r*SSian intelligence agency files being made public. Several notable figures within the RCC as well.
amiga500  5 | 1545
5 Jun 2023   #257
were moral degenerates who were getting drunk all the time

You mean just like Tusk talks about PiS voters, instead of sexual orgies it's beating their wife and kids along with the chlanie..
Paulina  19 | 4558
5 Jun 2023   #258
If your parents were for nocna zmiana, the dismissal of the Olszewski goverment (...) If they were against Lustrastacja

I don't know what they were against or pro-what at that time - I haven't discussed it with them. I'm not even sure how much they knew about it - they were pretty busy with surviving the transformation.

But FYI - my father, for example, when the PiS party started and they were giving out the flyers with their political programme in our city before their first elections - he said that he likes their programme, but he doubts they'll be able/will fulfill it.

So, as you can see, he didn't hate them or anything. Only later, when he saw what they're capable of, he started to be against them.

also i bet they have a trait that you and other PO voters have

What "trait"?

FU, total disregard for the people that did not benefit from the transformacja

What on Earth are you talking about? Transformation happened quite some years ago already. Do you think that my family somehow "benefited" from it more than other Poles who got to live in free, democratic, non-communist Poland? No. They're completely ordinary people. I grew up in a block of flats that was built for factory workers during PRL times. I spent my childhood and youth in one room flat with my parents and my brother. So what "disregard for the people that did not benefit from the transformacja" do we have? What bullsh1t are you talking about?
amiga500  5 | 1545
5 Jun 2023   #259
I'm not even sure how much they knew about it

That is when the communist opposition/solidarity movement split into two/three. 1992 is why PiS and PO, Tusk and Kaczynski hate each other.
amiga500  5 | 1545
5 Jun 2023   #260
when he saw what they're capable of

What they are capable of, and what they have actually done are two different matters. And if they have done things that were incredibly stupid, they have learnt their mistakes.
Luke1410  - | 146
5 Jun 2023   #261
Hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian people dying and a march showing solidarity with them is considered to be pointless by posters here.
Paulina  19 | 4558
5 Jun 2023   #262
@Luke1410, are you a troll? o_O

Yes, considering how much Poland and Poles did for Ukraine and Ukrainians so far, organising a march "against Russia invading Ukraine" now would be "a joke" in comparison. Poles have already shown a lot of solidarity with Ukrainian people and they did it in very practical (and generous) terms and not just by symbolic gestures (like hanging Ukrainian flags, for example).

What they are capable of, and what they have actually done are two different matters.

Oh, I'm sure they're capable of worse, but what they've done so far and what they're attempting to do is bad enough already.

And if they have done things atthat were incredibly stupid, they have learnt their mistakes.

No, they haven't learnt anything. They keep making stupid mistakes and they have authoritarian tendencies. If you know Polish well enough then listen to this guy:

jon357  72 | 23668
5 Jun 2023   #263
considered to be pointless

It's certainly pointless since a. people actively support Ukraine anyway in various different ways and b. the strength of support is so obviously such that people do not need to gather to show it.

The Polish pro-democracy rallies, attended by huge crowds, do however demonstrate strength of feeling about the attacks on civil society, authoritarian posturing and aggressive support for a declining religious denomination by the current regime.
Luke1410  - | 146
5 Jun 2023   #264
I just think the march at the weekend was bad judgement from Tusk. The energy could have been better spent supporting Ukraine, rather than attacking PiS which will just play into Putin's hands.
jon357  72 | 23668
5 Jun 2023   #265
from Tusk

The latest Polish or-democracy rally was the 'judgement' of the many many thousands who attended. It is not the first rally to reflect the current threat, nor can we expect it to be the last.

The energy could have been better spent supporting Ukraine

Busy people always have time for more, and great energy and effort are spent supporting Ukraine anyway.

rather than attacking PiS

Fairly and justifiably criticising their more egregious bad decisions. Any 'attack' will come at the ballot box.
Paulina  19 | 4558
5 Jun 2023   #266
I just think the march at the weekend was bad judgement from Tusk.

Clearly not, considering how many people participated.

The energy could have been better spent supporting Ukraine

Dude... What kind of nonsense is that? On what planet are you living? lol There's a lot of energy being put into helping Ukraine and Ukrainians by Poland and Poles since day one of the invasion.

rather than attacking PiS which will just play into Putin's hands.

Sorry, but we have to care about Poland too and not only about Ukraine. The government has support of the opposition in terms of helping Ukraine, but that's as far as it goes. We won't "suspend" democracy in Poland, because there's a war over our border. There are elections coming and there's a political campaign taking place in Poland, so the opposition will be criticising the government for their failures and wrongdoing and they will organise marches if they feel like it and no amount of your demagogy and guilt-tripping Poles for exercising their political rights will change that. Get it?
Luke1410  - | 146
5 Jun 2023   #267
The help provided to Ukraine is under PiS's leadership. This march organised by Tusk sends the message to Ukraine that Poland are more interested in squabbling amongst themselves than helping Ukraine and given the upcoming counter offensive I think it was exceptionally bad timing from Tusk. I just think it was a genuinely bad decision, it makes him look like he lives in la la land, completely unaware of seismic events happening across the border.
Novichok  4 | 8744
5 Jun 2023   #268
Busy people always have time for more, and great energy and effort are spent supporting Ukraine anyway.

Name three things you are doing to "support" Ukraine. Posting here or anywhere else does not count. Or keeping Ukrainians in your heart.
Luke1410  - | 146
5 Jun 2023   #269
@Paulina, you are underestimating this 'war over your border'.
Novichok  4 | 8744
5 Jun 2023   #270
The help provided to Ukraine is under PiS's leadership.

Hey, Luke, your problem is the Islamic and black floods, not the Russians in Ukraine.

Home / History / Communism fell 20 years ago, Poland led the fight since WW2

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