I think, this is a Wonderful Thread, and Pawian did a great Job!, well done!, very well done!, Now, I am old enough to remember, Pope Paul the 6th and John Paul the 1st, and I have to say, the one person who has not come up so-far is Ronald Wilson Reagan.
without John Paul II, the Solidarity Movement is Crushed sooner or later, and without Reagan, the KGB kill John Paul II in time, without the Friendship between Reagan and the Pope along with their mutually bond of hating the Communist!, how the world would have been a very different place, if on November the 4th, 1980 "Jimmy Carter" (aka President Peanut) beats Reagan.
on November the 4th, 1980;
The Russians are in Afghanistan.
The KGB is planing on killing the Pope (the first attempts was on May 13th, 1981).
52 Americans were held hostage in Iran (from November 4, 1979) for One Full Year!.
Time Magazine Cover Ronald Reagan & Pope John Paul II February the 24th, 1992 Issue Cover:
