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Churchill and Poland

citizen67  6 | 187
11 Feb 2013   #1
Don't you think that you been indoctrinated by the Communists? That they done a right number on you? You are just repeating their propaganda and calling it history.

How was Churchill made into a Hate figure in Poland and Stalin not?
smurf  38 | 1940
11 Feb 2013   #2
Don't you think that you been indoctrinated by the Communists?

No, I don't.

That they done a right number on you?

Again, no.

You are just repeating their propaganda and calling it history.

If propaganda was an integral part of history and I am repeating it to illustrate that point, then yes, squire, I'm repeating it. But only so I can show that it was, in fact, propaganda.

How was Churchill made into a Hate figure in Poland and Stalin not?

Stalin is widely hated here, maybe you don't live here, if you did you would know it.
Churchill isn't really hated, but most people know that the he, Uncle Joe and Roosevelt at Yalta fúcked over Poland.
But you know, most people also realise that it happened in 1945, so it's along time ago and for the most part, people are over it.

People like you need to get over the past. (^_^)
OP citizen67  6 | 187
11 Feb 2013   #3
Churchill and Roosevelt didn't fúck over Poland, Stalin did.

But you know, most people also realise that it happened in 1945, so it's along time ago and for the most part, people are over it.People like you need to get over the past. (^_^)

Seeing as it is an obsession with every Pole, which they drag up all the time even though it is inaccurate, I think it is Poles that "need to get over it".

How did Churchill and Roosevelt "Fúck over Poland"?
smurf  38 | 1940
11 Feb 2013   #4
How did Churchill and Roosevelt "Fúck over Poland"?

+ Stalin...... but not only Poland, half of Europe really. Churchill & FDR sold out Europe to the Communists to bring the way to an end.

I mean, that's primary school history, how did you not know that?

You may have heard of something call the Yalta Conference, I'd suggest you read up on it. :P
Churchill & FDR knew exactly what they were allowing when they agreed to let Stalin have half of Europe once the war was won.

It's also already been widely covered in this forum elsewhere.

OP citizen67  6 | 187
11 Feb 2013   #5
See, that's communist non-sense trying to deflect hate/attention from themselves! trying to get you hate someone else, blame someone else for your problems, not them.

You are just repeating rubbish you was taught at school, history lessons in Communist countries wer more about propaganda, than facts, did you that North Koreans are taught that America started the Korean War and not their Great "Dear Leader"?
smurf  38 | 1940
11 Feb 2013   #6
See, that's communist non-sense trying to deflect hate/attention from themselves!

Yea, yea, blah, blah. I'm not from Poland, duh, so how exactly would I have learned the Polish angle when I was in school?


Ah yea, sure it's obvious the Koreans started the war, they were the ones who invaded 'Merika and sure the Yanks were just out for revenge, Obvious.

Anyone who has ever read into the Korean war knows that

209 years

"Merika has been at war for 209 years of it's 235 years of it existence, that says quite a lot about them as a country.
OP citizen67  6 | 187
11 Feb 2013   #7
Are you a man or woman?

Ah yea, sure it's obvious the Koreans started the war, they were the ones who invaded 'Merika and sure the Yanks were just out for revenge, Obvious. Anyone who has ever read into the Korean war knows that South Korea began military actions, the North retaliated and then the Yanks barged in

a 2 second search disproves that:

"Merika has been at war for 209 years of it's 235 years of it existence, that says quite a lot about them as a country.

Most countries hav been at War for most of their History.
smurf  38 | 1940
11 Feb 2013   #8
Are you a man or woman?

I fail to see what my gender has got to do with anything.

a 2 second search disproves that

Ah yes, Wikipedia, that bastion of truth.
And even with your BS wikipedia link...would you dare hand up an assignment to a history professor by link to a Wikipedia article?
Here's a quote from it.
This sequence of events has led some scholars to argue that the war was started by an Southern attack in this area. One such scholar included the respected American historian Bruce Cumings who wrote about this in his book, Korea's Place in the Sun: A Modern History.

Most countries hav been at War for most of their History.

Excellent point. Fantastic argument.
For example, Switzerland, Ireland, Panama, Mexico, Japan, Malta, Ukraine, Laos, Sweden.
Yes, these countries have been at constant war (with anyone unlucky enough to píss them off) since they became countries and have not ever been neutral at any time. Ever.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138
11 Feb 2013   #9
Right, commies taught us to hate others for making us to live under communism... dude read it again and think again If it makes sense really...

Seeing as it is an obsession with every Pole, which they drag up all the time even though it is inaccurate, I think it is Poles that "need to get over it".

Triple anal yawn.
OP citizen67  6 | 187
11 Feb 2013   #10
I fail to see what my gender has got to do with anything.

You sound like a stroppy teenage girl.

Ah yes, Wikipedia, that bastion of truth.

Wikipedia is Great!! Much better as a source of information than any communist rag.

For example, Switzerland, Ireland, Panama, Mexico, Japan, Malta, Ukraine, Laos, Sweden.

Eh? most of those countries hav had Wars.
smurf  38 | 1940
11 Feb 2013   #11
You sound like a stroppy teenage girl.

You can hear the Internet?
Wow, you could be like an X-Men with power like that :P

Great counter point.

Wikipedia is Great!

No university in the world worth it's salt will allow you to reference WIki, it is too unreliable.

Eh? most of those countries hav had Wars.

Oh really? Both Switzerland & Sweden has been neutral for 100s of years. Ireland has never been in a war, other than it's own Civil War. It's long struggle against Britain was never classed as a war, since they were mostly rebellions and such. Ukraine, being such a young country has never been to war, same with Laos.

Keep reading Wiki there chap, it's obviously doing a great job of educating you :P
ShawnH  8 | 1488
11 Feb 2013   #13
Don't you think that you been indoctrinated by the Communists? That they done a right number on you? You are just repeating their propaganda and calling it history.

No, No and No.

How was Churchill made into a Hate figure in Poland and Stalin not?

Stalin is widely hated here, maybe you don't live here, if you did you would know it.

Well that pretty much ends the need to debate.


What Internet Troll Acadamy did you graduate from?
APF  4 | 106
11 Feb 2013   #14
I saw an interesting image a week or two ago.

Ridicolous, European propaganda ..
smurf  38 | 1940
11 Feb 2013   #15
Ridicolous, European propaganda

Err, read it again and look up the 'Operations'

European propaganda that says "we" when talking about 'Merika
How's your English reading lessons coming on APF? Not great by the looks of things :P
OP citizen67  6 | 187
11 Feb 2013   #16
America is a fantastic country and has done far more for the World than Russia ever.
pawian  226 | 27817
11 Feb 2013   #17
How was Churchill made into a Hate figure in Poland and Stalin not?

Excuse me, but you shouldn`t formulate such categorical statements without studying Polish history and culture a bit longer than a few weeks in the forum. It is sad but I have to tell you (and don`t treat it as a lack of respect or something) that all what you wrote in your initial post is nonsense. I hope you don`t mind.

Main counter points.
1. Churchill was handled quite neutrally or even with certain dose of appreciation by communist propaganda. Communist historians didn`t want to go too deeply into the delicate matter of Yalta Conference where Poland was sold to Stalin by Churchill and Roosevelt. Apart from that, Churchill`s role in defeating Nazis was important and even communists admitted it. Why not?

2. Churchill isn`t hated in Poland. He is simply not revered here like American President Woodrow Wilson who contributed in some way to the resurrection of the Polish state in 1918. I hope there are no Churchill Streets here.
smurf  38 | 1940
11 Feb 2013   #18
America is a fantastic country and has done far more for the World than Russia ever.

Cool story bro.
OP citizen67  6 | 187
11 Feb 2013   #19
America is a really great country, much better than Poland.
Lenka  5 | 3549
11 Feb 2013   #20
much better than Poland.

I prefer Poland but you can think what you choose.
pawian  226 | 27817
11 Feb 2013   #21
America is a really great country, much better than Poland.

Sorry, don`t treat it as a lack of respect, but you are wrong.
OP citizen67  6 | 187
11 Feb 2013   #22
Poland wasn't "sold" to Stalin, Stalin just took it. He was all about expanding his Empire.

hope there are no Churchill Streets here.

Churchill seems to be blamed for everything, and he certainly didn't "sell" Poland to Stalin (what did he get in return?), or do any dirty tricks, he hated Communism and the Soviet Union. There should be streets named after Churchill in Poland.

we came to within 6 days of losing the War, it is only because the Luftwaffe changed tactics and bomb our cities rather than our RAF bases, that saved Britain. otherwise we would all be ruled either by Communist Russia or the Nazis.
pawian  226 | 27817
11 Feb 2013   #23
Certainly, the knowledge of your country`s history and its historical leaders` actions, let alone the history of Poland, is your very conspicuous Achilles` heel. Unfortunately, I don`t have time to educate you.
OP citizen67  6 | 187
11 Feb 2013   #24
I prefer Poland but you can think what you choose.

Do you wear jeans, hav you ever eaten a Hot Dog, hav you ever played Basketball, do you like listening to R'n'B, hip-Hop, Funk Jazz, Rock, Rock'n'Roll, or Soul, worn a Bikini? you do a lot of American things.
Lenka  5 | 3549
11 Feb 2013   #25
But that doesn't change the fact that I prefer Poland.
OP citizen67  6 | 187
11 Feb 2013   #26
Certainly, the knowledge of your country`s history and its historical leaders` actions, let alone the history of Poland, is your very conspicuous Achilles` heel. Unfortunately, I don`t have time to educate you.

Really? please try.
pawian  226 | 27817
11 Feb 2013   #27
Only because you ask me and I appreciate your interest in history although it is still so naive.

he certainly didn't "sell" Poland to Stalin (what did he get in return?), or do any dirty tricks

Yes, he did because Poland meant nothing to him, so when Katyn Massacre surfaced, he told Poles who made fuss about it to shut up and swallow the bitter pill. :(:(:(:

Because he wanted to win the war against Hitler and to achieve that main aim, he fully cooperated with Stalin and rejected any Polish obtrusion. Read about British and US aid for USSR during WW2.

he hated Communism and the Soviet Union.

Yes, but it was him who made a pact with Lucifer to defeat Satan. Or vice versa. :):):):)

(what did he get in return?),

Greece, for example. :)

Let me remind you the topic of this thread is Churchill and Poland. :):):):)
OP citizen67  6 | 187
11 Feb 2013   #28
You haven't told me anything, just made the same accusations.
pawian  226 | 27817
11 Feb 2013   #29
Does it mean it is high time to change my opinion about you? :):):) Was smurf right but I didn`t believe him because I tend to see goodness in people and I am wrong sometimes? :):):):):):)
OP citizen67  6 | 187
11 Feb 2013   #30
Greece, for example.

? We didn't "get" Greece.?

There was only one crook at Yalta and that was Stalin.

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