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Poland and Britain started WW2

jon357  72 | 23361
16 Feb 2023   #241
Hitler invaded Poland because Stalin was going to invade.

Why do you think that?

Let me just say that AA has Polish in it

AA exists in almost every developed country, including Saudi Arabia. Alcohol use is less acceptable in some countries than others however this is more to do with social cohesion than anything else. Nothing to do with the start of WW2.

What, in your opinion, does Eugenics mean?
Atch  22 | 4299
16 Feb 2023   #242
The nationalities are particularly catholic and particularly Polish.

Almost one in five Europeans (19 per cent) reported having heavy drinking episodes at least once a month in 2019.

The biggest shares of adults taking part in heavy drinking episodes at least once a month were found in Denmark (38 per cent), Romania (35 per cent), Luxembourg (34 per cent), Germany (30 per cent) and Belgium (28 per cent).
call1n  2 | 192
17 Feb 2023   #243
Why do you think that?

Stalin is a more aggressive dictator than Hitler. He wanted more territory and killed more people.

What, in your opinion, does Eugenics mean?

Eugenics was a movement that took place in the 20s and 30s. It led to the forced sterilization of many women and also led to stricter immigration reform. Alcoholism rates among immigrants were the bread and butter among these kinds of arguments.

My experience with AA: it started during the 30s in America during the height of the Eugenics movement... the largest demographic are the Irish, Polish second to Irish... most people in AA are just not aware of its roots....

I sure Hitler was well aware of what a failure the Polish were in regards to mixing into puritan-Anglo-America and that is why he knew some kind of German-Polish friendship would never happen.
jon357  72 | 23361
17 Feb 2023   #244
more aggressive

Comparisons are pointless at their scale of evil destruction.

Eugenics was a movement that took place in the 20s and 30s. It led to

Much more than that and often benign.

We'll have to address the issues around rising populations some time.
Miloslaw  20 | 5108
17 Feb 2023   #245
Stalin is a more aggressive dictator than Hitler.

In some ways he certainly was.
But that doesn't excuse Hitler for his evil crimes.
call1n  2 | 192
17 Feb 2023   #246
We'll have to address the issues around rising populations some time.

Once this issue has been raised by the criminal "Paris climate accord" there will be a tax put on birth rates.

In some ways he certainly was.
But that doesn't excuse Hitler for his evil crimes.

You excuse Hitler for his factual crimes against the Polish, by buying into the fiction of the sheer magnitude of Jews who died in the holocaust.
Kashub1410  6 | 580
18 Feb 2023   #247
In which half of them lived in Poland throughout centuries under the protection of Poland, I would recommend to think more through your own statements.

Many people think they are good or "real" Christians by being anti-Jewish or antisemitic, just to show or be confident in being anti-Pharaseeic.

But, remember... By doing so one starts to resemble more that of pagan Roman soldiers who nailed Jesus Christ to the cross.

Crimes during holocaust was also an act against Poland in every way, due to it happening against the will of the Polish people, elite and Polish state in most cases on Polish land, despite very problematic relations.

So ye tread likely, even tho a shepherd dog has his owner, sheep and goats to protect and take care of, either he likes goats or not. Will protect them, neglecting that task only shows lack of patriotism or lack of knowledge in Polish matters, which again leads to the thinking of somebody being an imposter.

Living long away from Poland can lead to lack of that perspective due to being connected more with mentality of foreign cultures and their guilt, even tho there are guilty actions done by a minority of Polish speakers, it's far more the shame of the situation happening in the first place by not being able to stop it from happening.
jon357  72 | 23361
18 Feb 2023   #248
criminal "Paris climate accord"

In what way are international agreements on the environment 'criminal' ('criminal under which legal system??) and how does that relate to your opinion that Poland is responsible for WW2?

Jews who died in the holocaust.

This is not 'fiction'.

lived in Poland throughout centuries under the protection of Poland,

Because they were Poles as well as Jews. As many people are today.
Kashub1410  6 | 580
18 Feb 2023   #249
Please don't put modern day perspective of nationalities against me. You should know fairly well that religion was far more important and loyalty to family and royal family then ideologies.

Most commoners, farmers alike couldn't be bothered with "king's and dukes" plays, games and warfare. Except the possibility of getting sacked
call1n  2 | 192
18 Feb 2023   #250
how does that relate to your opinion that Poland is responsible for WW2?

The Paris Climate accord is against the Nuremberg Code of Ethic. Just goes to show this whole Holocaust nonsense is a gag as every nation on the earth has bought into the accord

I would recommend to think more through your own statements.

Why, why do I have to think about making such statements? Why can't you admit by making the Holocaust solely a Jewish disaster, you insult Poland?
Kashub1410  6 | 580
18 Feb 2023   #251
If anybody is insulting, it would be you by speaking Polish
jon357  72 | 23361
18 Feb 2023   #252
Nuremberg Code of Ethic

Either that's not a criminal code, or the accord isn't against it. Governments do have lawyers you know and independent ones would love to win a high profile case against them however no laws are broken here.

Do you not support measures to improve the environment?


The Shoah is sadly very far from nonsense.

How does that fit with your opinion that Poland and the UK together started WW2.
call1n  2 | 192
18 Feb 2023   #253
Either that's not a criminal code, or the accord isn't against it.

I have been places and know the Nuremberg Code of Ethic does not hold. Just go to jail in Miami and you will see what I am talking about.

What do the globalist leaders come up with to suit this? It sounds cute like you are protecting the environment. It really is legislature that controls everything you do, starting with how many kids you can have. It violates the Nuremberg trials. It does not matter, all the world governments are on board with it.

How does that fit with your opinion that Poland and the UK together started WW2

It was the UK that started the war. They sided with Stalin even though they knew about the Ukrainian genocide. War being declared on Germany for fighting Stalin in Poland was not in defense of Polish sovereignty it was in defense of Stalin. Now all this holocaust propaganda is used to deface Poland, as these eugenics policies from the 20s and 30s USA are still in effect.
Novichok  4 | 8748
18 Feb 2023   #254
Because they were Poles as well as Jews.

So Jews were not Poles. Finally...
Lenka  5 | 3531
18 Feb 2023   #255
War being declared on Germany for fighting Stalin in Poland

Hmm, problem with that is that the war was declared before Soviets entered Poland.
call1n  2 | 192
18 Feb 2023   #256
Stalin and Hitler were both going to invade. It is in the book The Roosevelt Myth. All the world leaders knew about the Ukrainian genocide. They knew what was in store for Poland. No one came to Poland's aid before the war and after the war. The reason is because of the eugenics and genocidal policies against Poland. Even years after Poland is free from Soviet rule... Polish are still silent under the guise of the "holocaust shoah business"
Alien  25 | 6353
18 Feb 2023   #258
Polish- Jewish Holocaust

Holocaust actually means "caƂopalenie". This is only true for Jews.
pawian  224 | 27236
18 Feb 2023   #259
This is only true for Jews.

Don`t be holier than a holy cow in India.:):)
Holocaust - definition from Cambridge dict:
the killing of millions of Jews and others by the Nazis before and during the Second World War

Jews use Shoah instead.
Alien  25 | 6353
18 Feb 2023   #260
In the case of Poles it was extermination. The word holocaust does not fit.
jon357  72 | 23361
18 Feb 2023   #261
Just go to jail in Miami

No thanks. Are you against globalism.

It was the UK that started the war

No. Hitler started it by invading Poland

If only we'd acted when he invaded the Rheinland then Sudetenland.

Stalin was not the reason. The Western capitalist countries did not like him.
call1n  2 | 192
19 Feb 2023   #262
No thanks

I insist. The next time you belly ache, "we can never let the holocaust happen again". Just spend the night in Miami jail. it breaks every law in the book including Nuremberg and the constitution

No. Hitler started it by invading Poland

Stalin was getting ready to invade as well. Hitler just beat him to it.
jon357  72 | 23361
19 Feb 2023   #263
it breaks every law in the book including Nuremberg and the constitution

I don't doubt your experience, however it seems strange in a country with thousands of very litigious lawyers and an assertive democratic structure that such a situation can occur.

Stalin was getting ready to invade as well. Hitler just beat him to it.

In cahoots, however Hitler got there first.

And of course, wars start slowly. The invasion of Poland was the straw that broke the camel's back. Military action started before that If anything, the war started with the invasion of the Sudetenland if not the Rheinland.

Different countries date things differently. In Poland, it was September 1939 to May 1945. For Brits, September 1939 to August 1945. For Yanks and Japs, 1940 to August 45. A Russian would say their own dates, from Barbarossa to Berlin and the Chinese would say the war started when Japan invaded in the 30s.
22 Feb 2023   #265
Without the awful Treaty of Versailles and the forced dissolution of the German, Austrian and Ottoman Empires, none of the nightmares that followed would have ever happened. No Hitler, no WW2, no Holocaust, and no chaos in the Middle East after the war. It's all on the Brits and French and their imperial arrogance. These countries were never the knights in the shining armour fighting for freedom and democracy as they like to see themselves. They were always vultures.
Novichok  4 | 8748
22 Feb 2023   #266
Without the awful Treaty of Versailles

They were always vultures.

...or just plain stupid. It happens.
Great post, btw.
jon357  72 | 23361
22 Feb 2023   #267
It's all on the Brits and French and their imperial arrogance

More on Woodrow Wilson and the Americans with France sniffing after them.

The UK wanted to restore the German monarch with Wilhelm's grandson as Kaiser. He was massively popular and would have been a figure they as a nation could rally around

The r*SSian and Austrian Empires were however (as any Pole will tell you) unsustainable.
pawian  224 | 27236
22 Feb 2023   #268
Without the awful Treaty of Versailles and the forced dissolution of the German, Austrian and Ottoman Empires

The dissolution of the Austrian Empire and the defeat of Germany and Russia led to the resurrection of Poland in 1918 after 123 years of partitions.
So, to Poles they were joyful events. Nobody thought of WW2 yet. Today the Polish Independence Day is celebrated on 11 Nov.

They were always vultures.

Every country was a vulture when they had an opportunity. Poland was also a vulture towards Ukraine. But today we are friends, united against our common enemy.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898
22 Feb 2023   #269
Every country was a vulture when they had an opportunity.


No Empire would had gotten big without being a vulture, right?
pawian  224 | 27236
22 Feb 2023   #270
No Empire would had gotten big without being a vulture

And all European empires have ceased to exist and their people have dealt with it. Now it is time for the Euro-Asian empire of Russia to dissolve and begin taking care of the welfare of its ordinary citizens instead of invading and occupying new lands.

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