Vey hard to know what that has to do with someone's odd idea that Poland and the UK started WW2 which of course they didn't..
When I said the Polish in the UK is a failed social experiment you kept very silent because you agree...
All the UK had to do to stop WW2 is interject Stalin and Hitlers dispute over Poland... Neville Chamberlain could have just said Poland should remain Polish, but he was a avid supporter of Hitler at a time when Hitler was aligned with Stalin
Just go to an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting. They get all the Polish and Irish and whoever else, and the first thing they make them say is that they were powerless over drugs and alcohol.... that they have a genetic disposition... and that this is a trans-generational issue...
Look at the data in the 1930s... that this is an argument that, yes, Poland should not remain Polish ... Anglo America and Anglo UK, just invited the Polish into their country to insult