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Poland and Britain started WW2

Bobko  27 | 2074
22 Feb 2023   #271
Now it is time for the Euro-Asian empire of Russia to dissolve

Keep daydreaming, baboon. Our grandchildren will have V.69 of this discussion.
Miloslaw  20 | 5116
22 Feb 2023   #272
Keep daydreaming, baboon

I think,that for once,the baboon is right.
We are witnessing the end of this huge nation.
I can see separate uprisings in far off lands and new states emerging from a break up of Russia.
Just like what happened to the USSR or Soviet Union.
Putin has blown it!
jon357  72 | 23482
23 Feb 2023   #273
We are witnessing the end of this huge nation.

Spot on.

And they've done it themselves. They just can't grasp that the age of empires is dead. They've got a whole federation of other states already. Aren't they satisfied with that?

Putin has blown it!

And he certainly realises this.
call1n  2 | 192
25 Feb 2023   #274
Just like the

As far as Nuremberg codes, even less so. Do you not support measures to improve the environment?

As far as the Nuremberg code of ethic is concerned, it is not legally binding. Most government agencies and correctional officers are unaware. That is a really easy one to break when you are in jail in Miami. The constitution is harder to break but it doesn't matter. Police officers break it too, all the time.

Here is the catch, the lawyer serves the court. If you write an e-mail to your public defendant, it is public information. They will turn that information over to the judge. That is what happened to Alex Jones. If the lawyer represented the constitution, it would mean that the majority of people in jail would be set free with a big fat check for damages. That would be the end of the courthouse so the lawyer won't represent that.
jon357  72 | 23482
25 Feb 2023   #275
the lawyer serves the court.

The lawyer serves their client, and over there you have a lot of lawyers and some very aggressive ones. The Nuremberg code relates to scientific research and nothing else. It is an entirely American thing. It certainly doesn't relate to Poland being invaded in WW2.

That is what happened to Alex Jones.

That oxygen thief did some appalling things and was rightly brought down by that. His victims got justice in the end. Hopefully the world has seen the last of him.
call1n  2 | 192
25 Feb 2023   #276
The Nuremberg code relates to scientific research and nothing else

The lawyer serves their client

The lawyer serves the court first then the client.

The Nuremberg code relates to scientific research and nothing else.

I am talking about diseases being tested on inmates without their knowledge.
This relates to Poland being invaded, these Anglo-Saxon courts in America do not give a rats ass about preventing "another holocaust"
They didn't care about Poland and they don't care now.

Poland = Human shield against Russia = inmate being experimented on
pawian  226 | 27364
25 Feb 2023   #277
Human shield against Russia

That is our vocation to be a human shield. In the past we were the one against the Ottomans. Today Russians took their place. Still, we are beaten by Ukraine by a few laps in terms of shields.
jon357  72 | 23482
25 Feb 2023   #278
The lawyer serves the court first then the client.

No. A defence lawyer acts on their clients' instructions.

I am talking about diseases being tested on inmates without their knowledge.

Is there proof of that?

Poland = Human shield against Russia

Well, if someone does settle on a broad plain between r*SSia and Germany rather than a nice island...
call1n  2 | 192
25 Feb 2023   #279
Is there proof of that?

There is proof. It went down and some lowly person took the fall. They did not admit that the decision to test went straight to the top.

Here is bigger proof:
Alcoholics Anonymous was invented during a period of Eugenics. After WW2 this anti-Polish organization faced no blame. This is because even though the United States government means exactly the same thing as the German government ideologically, they are the winners of the war. They can outwardly insult populations that are not desirable to their dismay.

Just like President Abe of Japan outwardly had neo-nazis in his cabinet. When the press gets a hold of it: he is so sorry for the Holocaust. It does not matter, all he was concerned about is that his emperor faces no apology.

Just ask the United States why there was an outwardly racist immigration policy against Poland, then you are the 'racist' for bringing this up and must go to AA.
jon357  72 | 23482
25 Feb 2023   #280
This just sounds like a combination of one person's side of a difficult story and plain conspiracy theory.

Police and courts pretty well everywhere are imperfect; not least in Poland where they are sometimes a disgrace. racist and xenophobic too. I doubt many foreigners have been found innocent in Polish courts, especially in cases where the complainant is a Pole.

the United States government means exactly the same thing as the German government ideologically,

I'd say they are very different indeed. Like chalk and cheese.

Just ask the United States why there was an outwardly racist immigration policy against Poland,

If that is the case it didn't work well, given the extremely high levels of emigration to there from PL over the years.

You have obviously had to survive a lot in your life and you should feel proud that you have in fact survived it, however it's hard to know how that relates to the start of WWII.
call1n  2 | 192
26 Feb 2023   #281
I'd say they are very different indeed. Like chalk and cheese

I am talking about the end of WW2. Before the United States had to pretend they care about the Nuremberg codes.

If that is the case it didn't work well, given the extremely high levels of emigration to there from PL over the years.

It is nothing compared to the amount of immigrants from Poland coming in before a racist government blocked it.

You feel so sorry for what happened to Poland by Hitler and Stalin?
Boo hoo, why don't you open the doors to more immigrants. Why don't you open the doors to immigration levels as before?
If you don't then you are not sorry, Uncle Sam!

The fact that the immigration levels were never restored, this is evidence that Uncle Sam did not care to defend Poland in WW2.
jon357  72 | 23482
26 Feb 2023   #282
the Nuremberg codes

They relate only to scientific research. They are a post-war thing and are solely an American thing, their creation via their own court rulings and irrelevant to Poland or anywhere else outside their own country. That 'code' is also badly named. Do not confuse them with the Nuremberg trials. There had been even worse experiments conducted by the Japanese in China and it may just as well have been called the Nanking Code.

amount of immigrants from Poland coming in

The age of migratiion. Irrelevant to the events at the start of WW2 which were not Poland or Britain's fault.

Boo hoo, why don't you open the doors to more immigrants.

In Poland?
call1n  2 | 192
26 Feb 2023   #283
Japanese in China and it may just as well have been called the Nanking Code.

They don't care about the Nuremberg Code. Didn't care about the so called rules of war. And when Neo-Nazism is rampant in Japan, they are off the hook because they are "so sorry" for the holocaust. They are not sorry for Japan's imperial policies.

If Uncle Sam was so sorry for Poland, why doesn't he open the doors for immigration from Poland. That is all I am saying didn't care then, doesn't care now.

UK could have interjected and stopped WW2. All these Pinko communist were so "peace not love" Then when Stalin broke off from Hitler, all the communist were pro war..
jon357  72 | 23482
26 Feb 2023   #284
They don't care about the Nuremberg Code.

Why would they care about a court ruling in a foreign country that doesn't affect them? That ruling applies to one country only and that country isn't japan. As mentioned, it's an internal US thing and irrelevant anywhere else. Other countries have their own protocols for ethics in scientific research.

And when Neo-Nazism is rampant in Japan

It isn't 'rampant', and Japan had nothing to do with the Holocaust; they did not share Germany's anti-Semitism and did not take part in it at all.

UK could have interjected and stopped WW2.

call1n  2 | 192
26 Feb 2023   #285
Why would they care about a court ruling in a foreign country that doesn't affect them?

Exactly, no government really cares about the Nuremberg rulings, it is not their government that made it.

Japan had nothing to do with the Holocaust

They have their own version of the Holocaust which they have no shame for. It is to Japan's convenience that if they show recognition for this totally stupid thing(Holocaust), they have no shame for their emperor's imperialism.


When Stalin and Hitler were arguing about who should rule Poland, the UK could have asserted that Poland remain its own territory. That would have stopped the war. They also could have interjected against Stalin, in regards to the Ukrainian genocide.

Instead the UK sided with Stalin, but that was not in defense of Poland, as after the war, Poland became a subject of Stalin with no one defending her.
jon357  72 | 23482
26 Feb 2023   #286
no government really cares about the Nuremberg rulings

Why would they? As mentioned twice already, it relates to one country only. Do you think one country's own laws are applicable in other countries?

They have their own version of the Holocaust

No they don't. And there are no 'versions' of the Holocaust. It was a unique crime. What specifically are you referring to?

When Stalin and Hitler were arguing about who should rule Poland, the UK could have asserted that Poland remain its own territory

The Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact was a secret agreement. No other countries were involved. Did you think they invited the UK (a country hostile to both of them) to their secret meetings?
Miloslaw  20 | 5116
26 Feb 2023   #287
The Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact was a secret agreement. No other countries were involved. Did you think they invited the UK to their secret meetings?

Call1n is obviously a complete idiot.
call1n  2 | 192
27 Feb 2023   #288
It (Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact) was only secret what territory Hitler and Stalin would get. It was no secret that both Hitler and Stalin were both banging their war drums at Poland. And as far as that is concerned the UK did not want Poland to ever be it's own country again. This is self evident at the end of the war, Poland went under Soviet rule.
jon357  72 | 23482
27 Feb 2023   #289
It (Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact) was only secret

It was. Entirely secret.

the UK did not want Poland to ever be it's own country again

We declared war and lost 6% of the adult male population in the army and endured large-scale bombing of our cities in part for that reason. What makes you think didn't?

Your posts come across as odd fantasy, perhaps with alcohol or other substances involved.

So far, you've pretended that American court rulings apply to other countries (they don't), that the UK was somehow party to Soviet/German secret treaties, that Japan has 'rampant' nazis and "their own Holocaust" and that Miami courts are performing medical experiments on convicts.

Call1n is obviously a complete idiot.

At least he's not a Holocaust denier..........
call1n  2 | 192
27 Feb 2023   #290
It was. Entirely secret.

It was not secret. The secret part was just the partition of Poland. It was very obvious that Stalin and Hitler were going to invade.

Your posts come across as odd fantasy, perhaps with alcohol or other substances involved.

Just get sentenced by America's eugenics courts and be forced to attend AA. Then you can see what I am talking about. That America is still racist. Especially catholic populations that like to drink a lot. And Jewish women.

AA = catholic men can pick up Jewish women in a protestant church. The people in AA don't get they are really being insulted.

Neo Nazis in Japan are loyal to their emperor and place no apology to his imperialism. Isn't holocaust propaganda great: a big distraction from the real issue.

Please keep to the topic on these history threads.
Lenka  5 | 3526
27 Feb 2023   #291
Just get sentenced by America's eugenics courts and be forced to attend AA

Omg, what a poor soul!!! Making enough mess while drunk that he/she goes in front of the court and then facing that severe punishment of attending AA...How can one survive!
call1n  2 | 192
27 Feb 2023   #292
I don't have respect for "anglo-saxon christian" courts in America. For one, the lawyer serves the interest of the court before your interest even if you are a paying customer. I think these guys are completely impersonating the anglo-saxon with what they are doing. Why don't you ask your neighbor Lithuania about it?

As far as education is concerned, I would completely not trust it.
If Germany's plan to invade Poland was a well kept secret under the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, how did this song come about in Poland:
jon357  72 | 23482
28 Feb 2023   #293
If Germany's plan to invade Poland was a well kept secret

R*SSia's plan was secret. As was Germany's plan. Germany's sabre-rattling and the content of political speeches and their leader's famous book was nevertheless a good indication of their long-term aims.

"anglo-saxon christian"

Their courts are not 'Anglo-Saxon' nor are they religious. What sort of court would you like them to have?
call1n  2 | 192
28 Feb 2023   #294
R*SSia's plan was secret.

Really? Communist manifesto = world domination = public document

Their courts are not 'Anglo-Saxon' nor are they religious.

Well, America's courthouses began when most people were both Christian and English. Today neither of this is true but we are still under that commonality. This is the court I would have: we would invite more immigrants from Lithuania and Poland who want to leave the EU. (with Germany in mind). A much better court could be made. Get these insults to the Anglo-saxon, and Jews out of our courthouse. Poland used to be the center of European civilization keeping in mind a much better way of doing business.
jon357  72 | 23482
1 Mar 2023   #295
Communist manifesto

Written in 1848 by two Germans. It's not a military strategy paper, y'know...

Well, America's courthouses began when most people were both Christian and English

Is that a problem for you? How would you specifically change that?

Poland used to be the center of European civilization

It didn't.

And why do you mention Jewish people?
call1n  2 | 192
1 Mar 2023   #296
The communist manifesto is enough evidence to know that Stalin was planning to invade Poland. In fact, Hitler was a communist, so he was very familiar with it.It was only after he learned that communist is Jewish Bolshevism, that he wrote Mien Kampf in response to it. Hitler invaded Poland in response to Stalin. I can't believe that 30 years after the Soviets left Poland, the Polish people are still brainwashed.

I might not speak Polish, and I might be a third to forth generation American but I still have Polish blood. I don't like the way the Germans do business. It is in the same style as the English. Just like the Muslims who come into Europe and say we want Islamic courts. I don't like the way Putin does business either. When Poland wrote the Polish Lithuanian common law statute, it was a huge hit. It became Europe center.

I was arrested for asserting my constitutional right to plead the fifth. The cop told me if I don't answer his questions, that loitering. I didn't answer his questions and I spent the night in jail. Take all these faggots, these insults tot he anglo-saxon along with the Jews and all the other people who exploit the south. Get the f-ck out of Dixie.

Stick to the topic please
jon357  72 | 23482
1 Mar 2023   #297
The communist manifesto is enough evidence to know that Stalin was planning to invade Poland

It isn't. It's about economics and the value of labour. How many times have you read it and how does it sit with your theory that Poland and Britain are somehow responsible for WWII?

In fact, Hitler was a communist,

He wasn't. Ever. He was viscerally opposed to Communism and both spoke and wrote extensively about this. As an extreme nationalist, part of the raison d'ĂȘtre for invading Poland was to enrich his own, firmly capitalistic, country at the expense of others.

t was a huge hit. It became Europe center.

It was never Europe's "centre" and nor did it have an especially large population or much infrastructure.

The anti-semitic and homophobic comments that you try to express are simply tasteless and deranged, as are your opinions on WWII's causes.
Bobko  27 | 2074
1 Mar 2023   #298
How many times have you read it

In my experience, the people that spend the most time discussing the Communist Manifesto and Das Kapital, are exactly the people that have no idea about what is contained in those texts.
jon357  72 | 23482
1 Mar 2023   #299
That's my feeling too. And Das Kapital isn't just something you can flick through.

Of those books, I prefer Engels' book about Manchester. Much of its descriptions of poverty and squalor cribbed from the novels of Elizabeth Gaskell. Although they were neighbours there's no record of them meeting however it's likely that they did.

I'm still tickled by some of the odd ideas in this thread about the start of WWII. Just a shame that some of them are so insulting to the memories of the men and women (probably including your family and mine, as well as everyone in Poland) who were caught up in it and suffered in it through no fault of their own.
Bobko  27 | 2074
1 Mar 2023   #300

I think the person is exhibiting some clear symptoms of mental illness.

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