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Poland must get back Lwow, Wilno and Brest back

theclasscall  2 | -
26 Aug 2013   #1
Do you think Poland would be able to get wilno, Brest and lwow back if Russia convinced Ukraine, Lithuania and Belarus to give it back?
Polson  5 | 1767
26 Aug 2013   #2

And do you think Germany could convince Poland to give them Breslau, Stettin, and Danzig back?
Buddy, it's time to stop living in the past, look at the future instead ;)
Wlodzimierz  4 | 539
16 Dec 2013   #3
If per happenstance Poland DOES manage to seize Brest back from Russian hands and ends up having to provide emergency victuals to its population, wouldn't that technically be considered "brest feeding"??

Sorry, I couldn't resist ^^
Crow  155 | 9699
17 Dec 2013   #4
what i know Ukrainians are proud Slavs. Let Poles and Ukrainians settle down their old antagonisms and negotiate even about territories, if necessary. They don`t need Russia as third party in the process

On the end, new Commonwealth awaits us all in the future

And do you think Germany could convince Poland to give them Breslau, Stettin, and Danzig back?

Germany took (if something that giving itself can be took) Croatia from the Slavic world. It should be enough, don`t you think

Buddy, it's time to stop living in the past, look at the future instead ;)

yes. Let us all smile

like in the circus :)
Ironside  51 | 13083
17 Dec 2013   #5
Do you think Poland would be able to get wilno, Brest and lwow back

Sure it is only right.


What is has to do with anything? Commie arguments nothing more.


Wlodzimierz  4 | 539
17 Dec 2013   #6
I knew it was a transliteration, wiseguy, I was only joking:-)
If you don't understand "groaners", you essentially don't really understand the flavor of American English!
legend  3 | 658
17 Dec 2013   #7
ya lets get back to those cities and **** of our neighbours.
in the mean time keep sucking up to EU and USA. sounds great!

Ironside  51 | 13083
17 Dec 2013   #8
You are not a legend and with such of coppice attitude you will never become a legend. You imposter :D
sobieski  106 | 2111
17 Dec 2013   #9
Sure it is only right.

And give back to Germany Waldenburg, Oppeln, Hirschberg, Breslau, Allenstein......etc?
Ironside  51 | 13083
17 Dec 2013   #10
To be honest I do not see connection. Sure commies were making that propaganda about alleged connection between those two separated issues but they have been doing that for a reason.
jon357  72 | 23654
17 Dec 2013   #11
those two separated issues

They are the same issue.
antheads  13 | 340
17 Dec 2013   #12
maybe if ukraine descend to civil war, west ukraine will come under polish spehere of influence, but .1 chance of this.
Ironside  51 | 13083
17 Dec 2013   #13
They are the same issue.

No they are not.
jon357  72 | 23654
17 Dec 2013   #14
maybe if ukraine descend to civil war, west ukraine will come under polish spehere of influence, but .1 chance of this.

They don't want that either - all they want is self determination without Putin trying to manipulate their country. It's just a shame so many outside commentators ignore the elephant in the room.

We can forget the Homo Sovieticus thing that Poland's chattering classes believe is part of it. Millions of Russian speaking citizens in the industrial regions weren't exactly living in clover before 1990, however capitalism has taken away their jobs and incomes. It's all very well having plenty of choice in the shops provided you've got enough money to afford it, They'd rather have 1 brand of shaving foam they can afford rather than 20 they can't.

No they are not.

Yes they are.
Ironside  51 | 13083
17 Dec 2013   #15
Yes they are.

You can reaped that as long as you want it doesn't make it so.

They don't want that either - all they want is self determination without Putin trying to manipulate their country.

It is more complex than that, there are three distinctive areas with different attitude towards Russia, independence of Ukraine and the EU.
On the territories that should belong to Poland chauvinistic Ukrainian attitude and will to join the EU and stay away from Russia is strong.
In Ukraine per se including Kiev majority of people are pro Independence but their attitude to the EU and Russia vary. If they could say away from Russia without joying the EU that would be their goal.

On territory that east and south east of Kiev the majority of people are for close ties with Russia and they are OK with Ukrainian independence as long she will stay away from the EU and NATO.

Honestly I don't understand that interests in Ukraine. I would think that the EU is not really interested in Ukraine joining the EU. After all realistically speaking they cannot expect to became a part of the EU for at least 20 years.
sobieski  106 | 2111
17 Dec 2013   #16
No they are not.

Yes they are. What is the difference between your daydream of getting Lwów back...and Stettin, Breslau etc. returning to Germany?
17 Dec 2013   #17
Waldenburg, Oppeln, Hirschberg, Breslau, Allenstein......etc?

To say nothing of the places which were so non-Polish that there weren't even Polish names for them and so names such as Ketrzyn had to be made up after the war.

Anyway all of Europe needs to be returned to neanderthal man (apart of course from the few basements were neanderthal man still lives on).
Ironside  51 | 13083
17 Dec 2013   #18
What is the difference between your daydream of getting Lwów back...and Stettin, Breslau etc. returning to Germany?

You are making it personal. It is not personal it is only right for Poland to get back her land. Poland has been by her allies and left on the mercy of Soviet Union which not only stolen her lands but enslaved her for over 50yeras.

Also are asking a wrong qestion. The only thing that those two issues have in common is Poland and commie propaganda presenting it as a compensation for land stolen by the Soviets.

As nobody is asking for return of Alsace to Germany why should they asking for Breslau?
a.Poland have been a part of the victorious coalition and won the WWII. Germany have been belligerent power who lost and capitulated unconditionally, meaning that all consequences faced by Germany after the war they have no right to complain about. What more given atrocities Germans have been gulity of in Poland renders any complains as a brazen insolence.

b. Polish land has been taken by traitorous Soviet union which cased to exist, all those new states are brand new and not a continuity of some political entity. On those territories there were only two states Poles and Russians, Poles defending and Russian grabbing. So likes of Ukrainian or Belorussian have no real right to those lands bar right of possession at the moment. No Polish government accepted and agreed to cease those lands to those new countries. Whereas Germans did in case of their lands.

c. Germans lost the land that belonged mostly to Prussia, it is substantial lost but it is not fatal, main cities and major cultural areas vital for German identity are mostly left intact in Germans hands.

Whereas Poland has been hacked in half and half of their territory with major Polish cities and areas vital for Polish cultural identity have been stolen. After all the borders from 1921 has been already a compromise.
Marek11111  9 | 807
17 Dec 2013   #19
yes Poland was raped during and after ww2 but what would Poland had to gain with territorial demands?. I would like Poland to create union with neighbors riving the E.U.
jon357  72 | 23654
17 Dec 2013   #20
On the territories that should belong

It is very simple. The current borders have been agree for decades.

If they could say away from Russia without joying the EU that would be their goal.

Not 'would be'. That is their goal already.

After WW2, Poland got a very good deal.
sobieski  106 | 2111
17 Dec 2013   #21
After WW2, Poland got a very good deal.

Exactly. They lost their colony - poor and back warded - and got in return rich Silesia,
Marek11111  9 | 807
17 Dec 2013   #22
in your twisted mind, Poland was occupied and Polish people ware exterminated by Soviets and lost territory and majority of towns lay in ruins, what a great deal that was.
17 Dec 2013   #23
what a great deal that was.

He said "After", not 'During'.
Ironside  51 | 13083
17 Dec 2013   #24
Exactly. They lost their colony - poor and back warded - and got in return rich Silesia,

What colony? What kind of BS is that?
Poland lost their lands, in 1939 Poland has no colonies. Rich?Poland lost coal, oil, natural gas, potassium salts, rock salt, iron ore with those territories.Plus cities haven't been destroyed.In Silesia many cities have to be rebuild from scratch. Sure there are some natural riches but as I said sobiski and you do not listen. It wasn't exchange it was robbery. Getting Silesia has nothing to do with Losing Lwow.
17 Dec 2013   #25
After WW2, Poland got a very good deal.

Indeed , 40 year long attempt to force absolutely alien system on Poland can be regarded as something very valuable provided that there is a very vivid imagination on the verge of....

... I hope it is clear what I'm talking about

And give back to Germany Waldenburg, Oppeln, Hirschberg, Breslau, Allenstein......etc

And Germany gives back to Austria Waldenburg, Oppeln, Hirschberg, Breslau,

And Austria gives back to Czechia Waldenburg, Oppeln, Hirschberg, Breslau,

And Czechia gives back to POLAND Wałbrzych , Opole, Wroclaw, eyc

OK, clever boy ?
jon357  72 | 23654
18 Dec 2013   #26
... I hope it is clear what I'm talking about

No, it isn't. You seem to be talking about the PRL. The thread is about the border changes.

Do pay attention.
Palivec  - | 379
18 Dec 2013   #27
In Silesia many cities have to be rebuild from scratch.

No, almost all cities to the left of the Odra survived WW2 without damages. Nysa, Legnica, Kłodzko or Jelenia Gora were destroyed in the 60s and 70s. Even Wrocław was further destroyed after the war before parts of the city were reconstructed.

Thankfully Ukrainians cared much better for Polish cities.

And Germany gives back to Austria Waldenburg, Oppeln, Hirschberg, Breslau, OK, clever boy ?

And medieval Poland took Silesia from Bohemia. Who's clever now?
Ironside  51 | 13083
18 Dec 2013   #28
No, almost all cities to the left of the Odra survived WW2 without damages.

Some survived but many were destroyed and needed to be rebuild. Not to mention cities in central Poland which were destroyed for the most part. When it comes to the cities on the stolen territories majority of historical building and cities have been left almost intact. So don't lie here Pavilec as you are know to post here just to spread your vile lies and anti-polish bias.

As for Ukrnian taking good care you must be talking out of your ass. It was taken care/or not by Soviet Union and we can all see in what state is Lwow after 20 years of Ukrainian rule, those historical building are about to crumble.

And medieval Poland took Silesia from Bohemia. Who's clever now?

Not you as you are confusing stuff.
sobieski  106 | 2111
18 Dec 2013   #29
Some survived but many were destroyed and needed to be rebuild.

Because their bricks were stolen to rebuild Warsaw.

the stolen territories

I suppose you mean Schlesien?
jon357  72 | 23654
18 Dec 2013   #30
those historical building are about to crumble.

When were you last there? In the summer of this year it didn't look any worse than Lublin starówka. Much larger though.

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