If they wouldn't help the Soviets, there wouldn't be a pro Soviet Poland. The Soviets would be forced to officially occupy Poland if they wanted to control it. That occupation would have most likely lead to massive protests in the west and who knows what else would have happened. Maybe we wouldn't have to suffer for so long to become what we are right now, a free country.
Why do Polish people hate to be called Eastern European?
So are you saying that Soviets didn't occupy Poland and regular Soviet NKWD units didn't have regular battles with Polish democratic partisants? The handful of Polish communists and traitors wouldn't stand a chance without Soviet military support.
"massive protest in the west" - good joke :D
They knew exactly what was happening in Poland. They agreed to it, in Yalta.
If Katyn didn't convince Britain and USA to protect Poland from Soviets, then what would?
"massive protest in the west" - good joke :D
They knew exactly what was happening in Poland. They agreed to it, in Yalta.
If Katyn didn't convince Britain and USA to protect Poland from Soviets, then what would?
Of course I said that they occupied Poland. This is exactly what I was saying.
of course they did but Poland became a part of the Warsaw treaty and so called free country, there was absolutely nothing the west could do about it unless they would risk another world war. That's why I said:
"If they wouldn't help the Soviets, there wouldn't be a pro Soviet Poland. The Soviets would be forced to officially occupy Poland if they wanted to control it. That occupation would have most likely lead to massive protests in the west and who knows what else would have happened. Maybe we wouldn't have to suffer for so long to become what we are right now, a free country."
Take your time and read it slowly and maybe we won't have this misunderstanding.
Don't you think that the answers to the question might be different after over 4 years?
Merged: Does Eastern Europe Still Exist?
what's your opinions on this
what's your opinions on this
"Eastern Europe", no matter what Poles and others would like, is the term and will be the term for former Communist Countries of Europe, so Albania in southern Europe is a Eastern European country, but Greece which has land and borders further east than Albania is considered part of Western Europe. I doubt this will last for ever, slowly countries will break off in people's minds, they will become Balkan nations, south European nations, Baltic republics, maybe Black Sea nations and finally Some will become that old term, "Central European" countries and more accurate terms will be used, but for now: East European countries = ex-communist countries.
1 Feb 2019 #37
Calling someone a European (not just Eastern European, but any kind of European) is an insult. I wouldn't want to be called European these days...
That said if Lvov is in Eastern Europe, then what about Chelm?
Poland moved to the West of course, and most is in Eastern Europe.
But if Chelm and Zamosc are NOT Eastern Europe, that means that Sofia (Bulgaria) is also not in Eastern Europe, look at a map, they're at the same meridian. Bialystok is also some parts on the same east/weast point as parts of Sofia. Now Eastern Europe is a brand that most people would like to avoid. But it's not like Central Europe has more positive connotations. Everyone knows Czechs and Slovaks are rude, weird and cold.
That said if Lvov is in Eastern Europe, then what about Chelm?
Poland moved to the West of course, and most is in Eastern Europe.
But if Chelm and Zamosc are NOT Eastern Europe, that means that Sofia (Bulgaria) is also not in Eastern Europe, look at a map, they're at the same meridian. Bialystok is also some parts on the same east/weast point as parts of Sofia. Now Eastern Europe is a brand that most people would like to avoid. But it's not like Central Europe has more positive connotations. Everyone knows Czechs and Slovaks are rude, weird and cold.
Bratwurst Boy 8 | 11912
1 Feb 2019 #38
I wouldn't want to be called European these days...
Proud to be European!
1 Feb 2019 #39
Correction: *Poland moved to the West of course, and most is in Central Europe.
Lol, sorry about that. Anyway, Europe is not a nice place, wether North, South, East or West. The Americas are superior in any way imaginable, ditto for Australia and Asia (except Russia!). Heck, only Africa, the Artic, Antarctica and Russia are worse than Europe. Deal with it. :)
@Bratwurst Boy
Oh yeah, most tech is designed in America or Asia. And produced in Asia. Windows, Apple, Panasonic, LG, Acer, Toshiba, etc.
How many local European PC brands can you name that are still big?
Even most companies in Europe are American-based or bought up by American corporations.
Lol, sorry about that. Anyway, Europe is not a nice place, wether North, South, East or West. The Americas are superior in any way imaginable, ditto for Australia and Asia (except Russia!). Heck, only Africa, the Artic, Antarctica and Russia are worse than Europe. Deal with it. :)
@Bratwurst Boy
Oh yeah, most tech is designed in America or Asia. And produced in Asia. Windows, Apple, Panasonic, LG, Acer, Toshiba, etc.
How many local European PC brands can you name that are still big?
Even most companies in Europe are American-based or bought up by American corporations.
Bratwurst Boy 8 | 11912
1 Feb 2019 #40
Sooooooooooooooooo PROUD!
Everyone knows Czechs and Slovaks are rude, weird and cold.
Not my experience,quite the reverse in fact.
Calling someone a European (not just Eastern European, but any kind of European) is an insult
I think your mind is a little messed up.
Too much medication or not enough?
1 Feb 2019 #42
Europe's overrun by mudslimes. Those countries that are not are not accepting of any foreigners, even White Christian ones. And yes Czechs and Slovaks are xenophobic. Most welcoming are the Greeks and Turks.
Only because they are desperate for your money.......
Geographically of course, the Poles are clearly Eastern European, albeit more Western in their outlook compared with the Russians or the Ukrainians.
Geographically of course, the Poles are clearly Eastern European
I disagree.
I have met many Poles that object to being labeled "East European" and not just for cultural reasons.
Their most common response is "Look at a map" and they have a good point.
If European Russia is in Europe then it is clearly the most easterly point in Europe.
Then look at the map.
Poland is clearly Central European if you count European Russia as Europe's most eastern point.
Rich Mazur 4 | 2894
2 Feb 2019 #46
Soon, "Eastern Europe" will be a major destination for those seeking sanity. The more I know, the greater my pride in Poland - Eastern European or not.
I will never live there again but it feels good to know that there is a place like this somewhere and that I was, however small, a part of it.
I will never live there again but it feels good to know that there is a place like this somewhere and that I was, however small, a part of it.
dolnoslask 5 | 2805
2 Feb 2019 #47
Wow your opinion as changed for the Better, It will always be here if things get too insane where you are, let me know if are coming and I will make sure you don't get any medical insurance problems in the future.
Central aka "Middle" Europe is in fact considered Austria, Hungary, Czech Republic, Switzerland, Slovenia and the former Yugoslavia. Eastern Europe would therefore be Poland, Russia, Ukraine, Romania, and Bulgaria:-)
Geographically, Ukraine and Belarus are Central European too. I don't see a reason to regard them more Eastern European than Central European according to their geographical position. Therefore the term "Eastern Europe" (which is a Cold War relic) has to pass into obliviation.
Geographically, Ukraine and Belarus are Central European too
You need to get a better map......they,along with European Russia are Eastern Europe.
Dirk diggler 10 | 4452
6 Feb 2019 #51
Most poles don't like when Poland is called eastern Europe and instead argue it's central Europe. I think it's bc poles have a sort of aversion to anything resembling the east bc it's tied with Russia, Ukraine, etc.
Personally IDC if it's eastern or central but some poles will get mad you called it eastern Europe and list off a bunch of reasons why it's not
Personally IDC if it's eastern or central but some poles will get mad you called it eastern Europe and list off a bunch of reasons why it's not
Just look at a map?
You need to get a better map......they,along with European Russia are Eastern Europe.
Where is proves of that on the map?
Dirk diggler 10 | 4452
6 Feb 2019 #54
In Europe if were scaling the size of Russia since it occupies basically half of the map of Europe than yes it's more eastern especially out of the eu states since Poland is the easternmost border. But if just look at a map as is Poland is definitely central Europe bc of how large Russia is
If we will draw a line from Lisbon to Ural mountains and divide this line into three equal parts which conditionally stand for the Western, Central and Eastern Europe, then Kiev and Minsk will be in the "Central Europe". And what is actually an utmost need to divide Europe into so many parts? Europe is not even a continent, but part of Eurasia and thus is a product of Eurasia conditional partition already. And such imaginable "territories" as "Western Europe", "Central Europe"... are miniscule by World scale. All this seem to be a result of political games mostly and especially the Cold War relic. Europe is Europe, it doesn't need any partitions. It is simply not huge enough. Even culturally, ethnically and religiously it is homogenous enough. No - to partitions!
Europe is not even a continent, but part of Eurasia
There is no such thing as a continent of Eurasia.
It is two continents,Europe and Asia.
Geographically it's one land mass and Europe is a sub-continent (like the Indian sub-continent), it's just that people think of Europe as a continent because of its disproportionate cultural and intellectual and technical influence.
In terms of intellectual and technical achievements Europe has produced more than the rest of Eurasia combined...
In terms of intellectual and technical achievements Europe has produced more than the rest of Eurasia combined...
no such thing as a continent of Eurasia
Isn't there? The border between Europe and Asia is only a matter of convention. Geografically speaking, this is one continent: Euroasia.
There is no such thing as a continent of Eurasia.
It is two continents,Europe and Asia.
It is two continents,Europe and Asia.
From what I studied in the school a continent suppose to be completely or almost completely surrounded by the oceans and sees. There exist a parallel and more archaic division of the World into the "parts of the World". According to this division both Americas (Northern and Southern) are united in the same part of the World - " A New World". And Eurasia is conditionally separated into Europe and Asia. So, Europe is not scientifically a continent. Rather traditionally ("a part of the World"),
Rich Mazur 4 | 2894
7 Feb 2019 #60
Poles should be ecstatic to be known as Eastern Europeans. Western European, just like liberal, is now an insult and stands for everything men should not be.
Who would you rather have to defend your town from barbarians, the French or the Americans? How about Swedes?
Midway through the breakfast I realized that my post above is very offensive. Hence, I want to apologize to the hooligans, skinheads and the neo-nazis. You, guys, don't deserve to be lumped with the gutless, all-is-fine, o la la, "pencil necks".
Who would you rather have to defend your town from barbarians, the French or the Americans? How about Swedes?
Midway through the breakfast I realized that my post above is very offensive. Hence, I want to apologize to the hooligans, skinheads and the neo-nazis. You, guys, don't deserve to be lumped with the gutless, all-is-fine, o la la, "pencil necks".