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Do Polish people in general dislike Russia or Germany more?

Tacitus  2 | 1255
27 Sep 2018   #211
was one of mildest in Eastern and Central Europe

From 1960 on perhaps. Before that the regime was very brutal, there is no way to sugarcoat it.

Is it one of the richest now?

Poland is like the rest of Eastern Europe still dealing with the legacy of the Warsaw Pact

Russian monarchists and afraid of Mongol invasion?

Mongolia is in no position to threaten anyone. Russia however is. Before 2014 I would have dismissed it as scare-mongering, but Putin has since then proven me wrong. He is not simply talking anymore, he followed his words with actions.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
27 Sep 2018   #212
Mongolia is in no position to threaten anyone.

....and they just have nobody else to erect statues for!
Vlad1234  16 | 883
27 Sep 2018   #213
Mongolia is in no position to threaten anyone. Russia however is.

Does it make a reason to make up the facts to make Russians guilty in all the crimes during the past history? I prefer objectivity over propaganda. I dislike demonization of any nation. Regarding Russian threat. Russian population continues to age and shrink quickly, significance of the hydrocarbons will fall with time. The only territory Russia added during 18 years of Putin rule was Crimea which size is 27,000 km2 (compared to 17 million km2 of Russia total size). If Russia will continue with the same speed it wouldn't be able to double its territory even in 10.000 years.
cms neuf  2 | 1852
27 Sep 2018   #214
No it is not one of the richest now - but it is in the middle and has overtaken wvery other east european nation except Slovenia.

The poorest ? Moldova, Ukraine, Belarus, Armenia, Serbia, Kosovo etc. What they all have in common is Russian intervention and a refusal to reform.
Vlad1234  16 | 883
27 Sep 2018   #215
No it is not one of the richest now - but it is in the middle and has overtaken wvery other east european nation except Slovenia.

And certainly Czech if you included them. Still it depends on how you calculate GDP. How much Polish manufacturing grew in the last 30 years? Here in Canada I purchase alimentary goods "made in Poland" sometimes, such as herbs, chocolate, soar cabbage or similar but never saw any Polish product other than food.

The poorest ? Moldova, Ukraine, Belarus, Armenia, Serbia, Kosovo etc. What they all have in common is Russian intervention and a refusal to reform.

What kind of reform do you think they need?
cms neuf  2 | 1852
27 Sep 2018   #216
Yeah right Canada.

What kind od reforms ? Rule of law, free markets, citizens rights - you know the script
Vlad1234  16 | 883
27 Sep 2018   #217
So now markets in Ukraine aren't free?
cms neuf  2 | 1852
27 Sep 2018   #218
Ever tried to do business there Vlad ?
Vlad1234  16 | 883
27 Sep 2018   #219
Only once as a child I sold apricots on the market. Business was good. A good free money sufficient for icecream. (smile)
But it was during the last year of USSR. I didn't visit Ukraine for a while, so maybe you will tell my what is a problem? A wrong legislation?
G (undercover)
27 Sep 2018   #220
never saw any Polish product other than food.

LOL ! Not sure what point you are trying to make... But Poland's export to Canada is 3 times bigger than Canadian export to Poland. It's largely made of ships, aviation engines & components, furniture and software, while Canadian export to Poland is largely made of natural resources, fish etc. So it's winning with your super duper Canada both in quantity and quality. Not sure what do you expect ? A ship, airplane's parts or friggin wooden doors scream they are from Poland ?

Besides, commie countries had never been economically equel. Commie Poland in 89 was much behind Yugoslavia, Czechia, Hungary, Russia and I think even Bulgaria. After that Poland made the biggest progess (perhaps except Estonia) out of all commies countries. So what's the point ?

BTW Gerries, watch carefully, soon a case of "subsidies" will likely come up, maybe even with "statistics" :)))
Vlad1234  16 | 883
27 Sep 2018   #221
But Poland's export to Canada is 3 times bigger than Canadian export to Poland. It's largely made of ships, aviation engines & components

This is impressive! Could you name some particular companies which export ships, aviation engines & components, furniture and software in Canada? I think if Poland would export only food in Canada they've already did a remarkable success! You can find it in many stores and supermarkets. Probably you have strong trade relations particularly with Canada?

After that Poland made the biggest progress (perhaps except Estonia) out of all commies countries.

I very glad for you (wipes tear). It is good for Ukraine to have such a developed neighbor. I hope Poland and Ukraine will become friends someday.

The poorest ? Moldova, Ukraine, Belarus, Armenia, Serbia, Kosovo etc. What they all have in common is Russian intervention and a refusal to reform.

I think one of the reasons why Eastern Slavic countries have failed in some important aspects can be lack of desire of people in these countries to stand for each other. What includes a lack of an ethnic and basic solidarity. In Poland people are more united probably and tend to help each other more.
G (undercover)
27 Sep 2018   #222
Could you name some particular companies

For example these:

Probably you have strong trade relations particularly with Canada?

$1.4 billion out of $230 billion in export so It depends what you mean by strong.
Miloslaw  20 | 5121
27 Sep 2018   #223

Go and impale someone are wasting your time here..
Report back to Russian Troll HQ that The Poles are not cooperating.... :-)
Crow  154 | 9541
27 Sep 2018   #224
Russian Troll HQ

Beware. Don`t joke with it. This Troll HQ for sure exist. Not only Russian. Numerous HQ`s out there.

Exactly that`s why we need to talk. In hope that they listen.
Ironside  50 | 12947
27 Sep 2018   #225
Why to get scary with "Soviet propaganda"?

Get what? I'm rejecting soviet BS from anyone on a ground of that being BS soviet propaganda. Russia is a legal continuation of the soviet union and has the same historical narrative or almost the same. So for me it is the same difference,.

Not sure there was any strict ethnic selection

There was even before the war. Soviets targeted Polish minority.
Ironside  50 | 12947
28 Sep 2018   #227
You play the same game like on AFP before they banned you. Google it, you can find it if you want.
G (undercover)
28 Sep 2018   #228

Happy now ?
Vlad1234  16 | 883
28 Sep 2018   #229
Thanks. It was interesting to read. Never heard of this before. But it happened more than 80 years ago... How long people can live obsessed with the past?

Here we need to note, however, that Russian empire and USSR were influenced by Asians to a large extent. Neither Lenin or Stalin, for example, were European ethnically. It doesn't mean that Asians are somehow inferior, of course, it is just such happened historically, that they are culturally different quite a bit.
Miloslaw  20 | 5121
28 Sep 2018   #230
But it happened more than 80 years ago.

Yes,but Russian control of Poland only ended less than 30 years ago.......and I don't buy the Asian argument,Russia is only 23% in Europe,the rest is in Asia.
Vlad1234  16 | 883
28 Sep 2018   #231
I do not disagree that modern Russia retains strong Asian ethic and cultural influence. As well as Ukraine and Belarus. But since Kievan Rus was European state originally wouldn't you want to bring them back to European civilization completely?
Miloslaw  20 | 5121
28 Sep 2018   #232
But since Kievan Rus was European state

In your earlier post you complained that those Russian attrocities were commited over 80 years ago and said"How long people can live obsessed with the past?" and now you want to take us even further back!

Your hypocrisy is laughable!
Lyzko  44 | 9713
28 Sep 2018   #233
Russians, even the European Russians, as compared with the Uzbeki, Bukharem or those from Azerbejian, still retain much of the influence from the Old Silk Road, evidenced clearly in their helpless addiction to palm greasing and bribery.

While a negative to my mind, it's clearly not surprising as to its origins. If during the period of the Soviet Union, a "decent" person wanted to survive, one doubtless had to be tricky or they wouldn't, plain and simple:-)
G (undercover)
28 Sep 2018   #234
But it happened more than 80 years ago... How long people can live obsessed with the past?

Who's "obssesed" with the past ? Majority of Poles haven't even heard about that "action". You dudes are like a drunk, smelly psycho whining that "people don't like him". Well, what's to like here ? Make an effort, get yourself some civilization and maybe then you will be liked ? How about that ?
G (undercover)
29 Sep 2018   #235
Even contra they've injected hundreds of billions of USD in Polish economy during 1945-1989 and even sent the first Polish cosmonaut to the space.

Oh my, I almost missed this one :))))
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
29 Sep 2018   #236
Honestly id say that current regime in poland is anti Russia than the russian regime anti polish. Imo poland should pursue a reset kind of like victor obran. But thay wont happen as long as we still have old dudes fron prl running the country. Our so called european allies sold us out imo theyre no better than the Soviets. Atleast with the soviets and nazis you knew those were your enemies. I believe getting ****** over by your so called friends is a lot worse than getting ****** over by your enemies
Ironside  50 | 12947
29 Sep 2018   #237
Honestly id say that current regime in poland is anti Russia than the russian regime anti polish.

Yes, you can but I can reprocitae your honesty and say - what do ya know eh?
Crow  154 | 9541
11 Oct 2018   #238
Ah, f**k, Duda do have backbone after all. He mobilize Polish army to stand against morbid Germany

Or is that just parallel universe? /question is rhetorical/
Vlad1234  16 | 883
12 Oct 2018   #239
Well, in my understanding to threat to Poland Russia needs to occupy whole Ukraine or Belarus first of all. Do you think it is realistic even by itself? Or you expect they are planning their invasion through Baltic sea and small Kaliningrad enclave? Still, I think Poland has try whatever possible to secure their defense and strengthen its army like any other normal country do. I'm just a bit cautious about all this military blocks and possible war hysteria that may lead to unpredictable consequences.
Crow  154 | 9541
12 Oct 2018   #240
Oh, great pierdolze. Poland of that parallel universe penetrate even Russia

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