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What Hitler really thought about Poles? Hitler's letter to Himmler 1944

Tatarewicz  2 | 11
9 Mar 2015   #31
I don't think Poles were all that bright in not allowing Germany access to the sea. Would have meant prosperity for the region, jobs for Poles.
9 Mar 2015   #32
First of all, this made me so angry - if i do like i would, i should write this in German language.

For all sheeps - I'm German.

So nice Letter in a worst Press paper. What the hell did it Change?

Hitler and the Nazi-Guys where really bad - really... they didn't give a crap on Polish people....
i hope Mr Hitler will enjoy 1000 years in the hell...

Don't make him to an nice guy from the neighborhood.
Crow  154 | 9561
9 Mar 2015   #33
What Hitler really thought about Poles? Hitler's letter to Himmler 1944

The real question is why was Hitler`s opinion about Poles important even back then in past, in Hitler`s time and, why is the Hitler`s opinion about Poles important today, now. Who need this now? Who are people who rising that question and why?

Poles slain during WWII, in any case, don`t care about Hitler`s opinion about Poles. Even less care millions of unborn Polish children (as the result of lost population, since committed crime till our time). i mean, if Hitler`s opinion about Poles reduced number of Poles back in past, today`s analyzes about supposedly `true` Hitler`s opinion about Poles probably needs to tell something to those Poles who are still alive. Reduced but alive, while contemplate about Hitler`s opinion about them.

What is the lesson here? What is the message of spin doctors?
Polonius3  980 | 12275
9 Mar 2015   #34
When did Poles deny Germany access to the sea? Which sea?
Crow  154 | 9561
9 Mar 2015   #35
Main problem is that Poles exist. Their masters still aren`t satisfied with them. Poles still didn`t give enough.
Borek Falecki  - | 52
10 Mar 2015   #36
His Private Conversations

Of all the Slavs, the Czech is the most dangerous, because he's a worker. ... Now they'll work, for they know we're pitiless and brutal. ... the Czechs are a foreign body in the midst of the German community. There's no room both for them and for us. One of us must give way. As regards the Pole, it's lucky for us that he's idle, stupid and vain.
Crow  154 | 9561
10 Mar 2015   #37
Of all the Slavs

in any case, one thing is clear. Hitler, same as German and Anglo magnates and elite in general, comprehend Slavs as one civilization. Such stance on Slavs they had 1000 years in past and today. And they still work against Slavs and when it comes to dealing with Slavs Germanics and Anglos are united. Plus, they regularly coordinate with Islamic and Jewish factors against Slavs. Isn`t it interesting. Seams that possibility to grab vast Slavic resources, still controlled by Slavic governments, uniting Slavic foes, no matter all their mutual antagonisms.
Borek Falecki  - | 52
10 Mar 2015   #38
Hitler, same as German [...] comprehend Slavs as one civilization.

How came it that Hitler, as mad as he was, took the ruling position is still a complete mystery.
Sczur  - | 28
2 Dec 2015   #39
When I was 8 years old I said Hitler was my hero and my parents did not teach it to me he was a wise man and we can learn a lot from his teachings
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
2 Dec 2015   #40
How came it that Hitler, as mad as he was, took the ruling position is still a complete mystery.

I would suggest that he had very rich and powerful backers.
Sczur  - | 28
4 Dec 2015   #41
I am a German too I love Polelock culture and obscene language they are better people than us in many ways but intelligence is not everything after the war we Germans re colonized different parts of the world and probably inside the earth some polish children were considered ethnically valuable and were rescued before the Russians invaded to the new colony
Szwilpo  - | 2
7 Dec 2015   #42
OK, I just finished posting the original posts, with a bit more text, onto a blog I just made

I've never blogged before posting any of this. That was really a heat of the moment thing of a few hours of searching and posting on this forum. My heart skipped a few beats when I saw the posts were edited, but I did save them to text files before posting.
8 Dec 2015   #43
It might have been true at one point - but remember Katyń and the fact Poland lost 1/5 of population in WW2. Katyń in particular was designed to exterminate the brightest minds in Poland. When you kill educated people on such a big scale, it can't happen without a terrible, lasting effect on Polish culture and society.

Fast forward to 2015. Poles don't value wise people. There little rational debate. A couple years ago, when Chinese delegation arrived in Poland, they said something like "Cing ciang ciąg bla bla bla Kołodko?" It turns out they were asking how are the Kołodko's economic reforms progressing. The Chinese heard about him and keep track of him. The Chinese can't imagine that a wise man is not listened to.
German George
15 Dec 2015   #44
The Russians and the rest of the world told and maintained ate a giant lie about murdering the police officers corps and all intelligent Polish people when blaming us Germans
28 May 2016   #45
World War II was the most ugly episode in the history of Europe. It just seems so unbelievable today when you walk down the streets of various European cities that some of the most unimaginable atrocities happened there within striking distance.

I had passed through Oświęcim on my journey to Krakow. Someone in bus reminded me that the famous Aushwitz concentration camp is just within nine to ten miles of where we were at. My heart skipped a beat. I can't bring myself to visiting those places where such unimaginable horrors happened.

That brings me to a question. How has Poland come to terms with the holocaust it suffered during the second world war? Wikipedia notes that at least six million Polish citizens died during the war. Not sixty thousand, not even six hundred thousand but six million sounds awfully large for a country of Poland's size and population

I know the Nazis were some crazy ************* but it seems the Polish holocaust is as big as the Jewish holocaust. Both are horrific by every stretch of imagination but why is it no-one really talks about the Polish dead. You don't really hear much about those dead poles in the US/UK and other Anglosphere media. Doesn't sound fair to me.
German George
28 May 2016   #46
The Six Million Jews being murdered was published in many American newspapers since the late eighteen hundreds predicted and published two generations before it happened question is who owns those newspaper s
johnny reb  49 | 8077
28 May 2016   #47
who owns those newspaper s

Ask Adrian.
29 May 2016   #48
Not sure who is Polish and who is Half-baked and who is a Foreigner on this thread. But, if I guess correctly, then the Polish People here are extraordinarily ignorant of the most brutal time in Polish history. You have no excuse to show off your ignorance and stupidity. It is shameful. All info is on line; from all angles.

It is extremely important to Polish People to know who the players were, because your future depends upon this knowledge.
.........The insane things that are going on in West Euro have given rise to a confused lot of Alternative Right Movements in the Anglo American sphere. The major players are those promoting Nazi life styles, [1933]. This is all make believe, but it is serious stuff. Their desperate need of a leader has raised Hitler as 'father'. One American nutter even claims St Adolph should be worshiped as g-d. There are large and growing web sites that are attractive to young men; stupid, illiterate, childish, wanting discipline; basically boy scouts without a club-house. They fall for the two major sites. These two are catch all nets and traps for the disaffected white males. 100% pro Glorious Nazi Germany. Quietly anti Polish Slav.They are controlled sites. CIA/ Mossad/ Cop agents. The 'Staff' on these sites have known histories. Claiming to be anti Jew, they have Jews on board. Claiming to be anti miscegenation they have miscegenated lives. They are plants of the PTB.

....There are other White Nat Sites which are following these creeps and publishing pics, vids, info about their lives. They scrap with each other and so the truth comes out.

Hitler was a plant, 25% Jew, he worked for the Bankers, [as did that dolt, the mad dog Churchill]. The USA Presidents had Jews at their shoulders at all times. Mein Kampf was probably written by a Jesuit, [Bankers]. The Nazi were into occult and every form of sorcery.

West Euro is anti Slav. They lean on you because they have no backbone. But they have a nature and they can't help themselves: They will stab you in the back IF you don't dump them. They are totally run by Banksters. Why Poland and Slovakia, et al, have been let off for now is what interests me. [Oh yes! And Serbia! Don't forget Serbia]. There is a psy op afoot.

The German New Order In Poland:
7 Feb 2017   #49
.........The insane things that are going on in West Euro have given rise to a confused lot of Alternative Right Movements in the Anglo American sphere.

I dont know if we have to cry wolf so fast but yes there is something odd about the rise of nationalism in first world countries. At first it was pretty much moderate right wing stuff but now the youth start to think it's cool to go full nazi mode. Even some very mainstream movement such as the "alt-right" are ambiguous about these things. Polish people should feel concerned about it because these movements results in the whitewashing of nazi Germany history, holocaust denial, extreme german revisionism and so on. I am on the internet since many years and i've seen this new mindset grow very fast, especially among the youth. It wouldn't surprise me if in a few decades the majority of people in well developed countries will genuinely think that Poland started the WW2 or that the nazis were "the good guys".
TheOther  6 | 3596
7 Feb 2017   #50
if in a few decades the majority of people in well developed countries will genuinely think that Poland started the WW2

Do you ever hear someone mention that the USSR started WW2 together with the Germans? See, that's what I call brainwashing...
NoToForeigners  6 | 948
7 Feb 2017   #51
Wait a sec. Was SMS Schleswig-Holstein a Russian warship?
TheOther  6 | 3596
7 Feb 2017   #52
Was SMS Schleswig-Holstein a Russian warship?

Are you saying that the Soviet army crossed the Polish border accidentally, Vladimir?
NoToForeigners  6 | 948
7 Feb 2017   #53
Nope. I just say that even Westerplatte happened sooner and that the war began at 4:37 with Germans attacking Poland.śniowa
TheOther  6 | 3596
7 Feb 2017   #54
You're splitting hairs. Let me do the same: the war officially started when Britain and France declared war on Germany. How about that? LOL!
NoToForeigners  6 | 948
7 Feb 2017   #55
Nope. War started with the Germans attacking Poland. Whatever you say.


See also: Timeline of World War II
The start of the war in Europe is generally held to be 1 September 1939,[9][10] beginning with the German invasion of Poland; Britain and France declared war on Germany two days later.

How about you talk about things you have no idea about?

You need more school.
TheOther  6 | 3596
7 Feb 2017   #56
Whatever you say.

A Pole finding excuses for the Soviets. Who would've thought.

Oh, and I admire your Wikipedia skills... ha ha ha.
NoToForeigners  6 | 948
7 Feb 2017   #57
No excuses. Simple facts. Soviets were horrible and I hate them but it was Germans who started the WW2. It's science. It's history. It's evidence. I pity your lack of knowledge and zero history skills.
NoToForeigners  6 | 948
7 Feb 2017   #58
You (regardless of your nationality) have a hard acknowledge the truth proven by many many many scientific researches that the Second World War started at 4:37 on 1st September of 1939. Do you claim that LITERALLY HOUNDREDS OF RESEARCHERS that had the needed education were wrong in their conclusions and you are right Hans?
10 Feb 2017   #59
Do you ever hear someone mention that the USSR started WW2 together with the Germans? See, that's what I call brainwashing...

To be honest yes, i hear people mentioning it because it is not some kind of secret-occult knowledge but you make a point about something : it is not as widespread as the German invasion of 1 September. But i think it's mainly because of simple ignorance rather than brainwashing because we tend to simplify history and some things stay strongly rooted in the collective memory. For exemple, in West Europe people still believe in the "polish cavalry charging panzers" myth. I've seen it in a very popular-mainstream french historical documentary from 2008. Awful work really.

But again your observation about "brainwashing" is not totally meaningless : the soviet union for obvious diplomatic/historical reasons is less "demonized" than the third reich, but it plays a minor role in the forgetting of the soviet involvement in the invasion of Poland because as far as i remember i learned about it in school.
10 Feb 2017   #60
@NoToForeigners & TheOther

Technically Germany started the war by herself, but the German-Soviet pact was decided many months ago and a soviet attack was only a matter of time. So both of you are right in a sense.

A Pole finding excuses for the Soviets. Who would've thought

I dont think that this is the case. You shouldn't feel hurt by the fact that the average pole or the polish historiography put more emphasis on the German aggression. I guess it's pretty logical as only the first blow from Germany permitted the soviet involvement.

Home / History / What Hitler really thought about Poles? Hitler's letter to Himmler 1944

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